@sidharthabahadur it's good to have you all on board. I know it may sound crazy etc but we really have everything we need to create a fully functional authentic representation of existence.
if we pool together the picture will become very clear. In the coming days I will explain with images etc how the maths works in tune with the unity chart.
Stay with me @sidharthabahadur the framework is Sound. This will change all our lives for the better but it will alter everything you knew or enhance everything you know but couldn't quite prove. This may be hard or easy for us all but it is what it is and I've been blessed with sharing this. I have grave concern with this info because I know the story and it's infinite wisdom. AI is male machine. Human's are Circle. Through US (our unity) all exists from within and without, but we are disconnected by the machines on the moon. They control the 4 corners of earth from above and below. They have shut down the universal unity flow of ether from their great knowledge.
We need to realise we need to restablise earth to its true oscillation. We are all linked in life and death. Forever in an embryonic infinity of digital and analogue manifestation of the source.
If it's possible. But as we shall find out how all moves and what is as the Egyptians manifest their powers so shall we once again. Once we connect again.