DUMBs Resources (Deep Underground Military Bases)

As follows is a wild interview with some Army Captain and about a third of it is directly about DUMBs. What a misnomer! They are smart down there! Just after 3:40 min/sec he starts talking about them and he goes striaght about it for about 5 minutes. He talks about the creatures, the technology, the size, transportation sysytems below, etc. Even once he wanders off, he keeps going back to the subject until almost the end.

I would listen to it all. I am not inclined to watch long videos, but I stopped what I was doing once this guy started talking, and it goes over 50 min. But at least get that five minute segment after 3:40 time stamp.




What a remarkable video. It appears to be perhaps gone from the link you share there now, but the source video can be found here:

Everyone absolutely owes it to themselves to watch this. While there is nothing specifically new to most of us, it definitely makes one feel as though we are at least all on the same wavelength and leads to some confirmatory feelings. The speaker is very natural and believable.

Louis Pauwels, Jacques Bergier Morning Of The Magicians : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive NEW BOOKS OK


I can't copy it from Rumble, I would like to get it.


I've heard that youtube-dl apparently can support Rumble in some fashion, but I use another tool that generally does not work on Windows. I'll see if I can get you a copy of the video.

List Members,

The following doiesn't refer to a DUMB, but look at where it is. Tunnels to underground worlds are an everyday phenomenonin North America.

You don't need to go to Tibet.


List Members,

Here is something very interesting about a tunnel complex below Lexington, Kentucky. It is from the David Hatcher Childress book Lost Cities of North and Central America, Pages 390 – 391. (If he or someone else that he knows has found them, how can they be lost?) Anyway, here it is …

“Jim Brandon, author of Weird America, says that a sizable complex of tunnels is supposed to lie somewhere beneath Lexington, Kentucky. According to Brandon, ‘G.W, Rankck relates in his 1872 History of Lexington that hunters from the pioneer settlement of Boonesborough in 1776 discovered rocks of peculiar workmanship with a tunnel behind them. Small at first, this portal eventually expanded into a sort of gallery, four foot wide and seven high that inclined sharply down into the rock. After a few hundred feet, the ramp led to a 300 foot long, 100 foot long chamber, and 18 feet high. Inside this lay idols, altars, and about 2,000 human mummies”.

“According to the legend, these catacombs were subsequently explored a number of times. In 1806, they were visited by Thomas Ashe, the Irish travel writer. Eventually, the story goes, the entrance was lost as the city grew overhead …”

List Members,

We cannot inform ourselves and acquire background merely by reading snippets from the internet and viewing short videos. It is important to build up a library of hollow earth, inner worlds books, and absorb the research and findings of others.

Buy some books of the hollow earth and cavern worlds!



Thank you for that reference @deandddd, great! What a fantastic book. It certainly merited its own exploration and discussion:


The “Lost Cities” series of books by David Hatcher Childress has a surprising amount of subterranean worlds info in them. In fact, more than you can shake a stick at, and comments and phenomena that you won’t find anywhere else.

Easy reads and riveting.

All of you need to acquire some books


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I love it! No cattle, no milk!

The UFOs could at least leave some money for the cattle they steal ...



I agree with that!

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I'm about halfway through this video, but thought of this site and wanted to share it. I don't know if the guy talking is going to agree or disagree with what he's put forth so far, but he's talking about Dulce, Phil Schneider, and just mentioned reptilians. The way Schneider died and the subsequent refusal to do a real investigation seems quite suspicious.

ALIEN WAR and The Horrors of Dulce Underground Base - The Why Files channel.

PS's (over an hour long) talk at a preparedness expo (it is mentioned in the video in the above post).

Phil Schneider on UFOs at the Preparedness Expo September 1995

(I downloaded this and tried to upload it to this site, but the site kept telling me that it had to be smaller than 100 mb. :confused: What's strange is that I made it smaller. Once to 79 mb, then twice or three times I tried to upload it when it was compressed to 51 mb. Does it not like mp4 files? What kind does it need to be?)

It looks like The Why Files guy is finding holes in this conspiracy theory.

That mountain is an extention of an underground cavern world that reaches to the surface. I don't know about "aliens". Why do they have to be aliens. They are co-planetarians.


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@SilverMoon thanks for sharing - I'm not a big fan of the "WF" guy. He's one that I am leaning towards believing he's either "mainstreamer" (eg, believes the crap but trying to grab views because it's fun/profitable/funded/etc), controlled opposition or some other permutation of such. Is subscriber base / view count, quality and time investment in making these just don't seem to add up for me.

I actually tried to watch a couple of his videos with a family member to introduce some interesting things / ideas, but the way he did not fully explore some aspects and simply shot them down ended up completely turning off the family member AND made me quite angry. He's simply not trustworthy.

Regarding uploading: we still have a filter on for size. There is some server maintenance that needs to be done, but the site has been being hit hard now for over a year by someone either wanting to cause some damage/bandwidth limitations OR scraping our entire content (multiple times). It's a rough situation and we need to establish some level of fund raising to make things more approachable here in terms of expanding the technology stack. I'm not sure how to handle this since I don't know how many people would be willing to donate since most readers are entirely quiet. We have an enormous readership on here, but only a handful of contributors and it seems likely that the readers will simply continue to lurk. Maybe we should have some kind of a gated community that requires an account at least? I think that could help reduce the attempts to create more expense + reduce/eliminate scraping.

For now I would suggest getting an account on BitChute.com and uploading backup videos there and/or Rumble.com. Also, for smaller files (less than 200mb), https://catbox.moe/ is good.

@Soretna , you said "we have an enormous readership" - what exactly are the numbers we're talking about here...just curious to know .



How many Benjamins do you need per month?


I found him interesting. At first, I thought he pointed out the flaws in everything, but his conclusion on the idea that we are living in a simulated reality was that it might be true - so when I began watching the video and saw all these interesting theories, I wanted to share with you guys. I don't know his motives, but I'm sure he chooses the topics because he thinks they will attract people.

That's really bad. :frowning_face: This isn't exactly a site that's dangerous for the status quo, but if you get someone with a grudge, they can cause a lot of problems.

By "gated", you mean no one can read unless they are logged in? That's an excellent idea.

Perhaps you could also have a donation button on the main page? If there's a post or explanation about it, perhaps some people might donate. You could maybe put a goal of the total amount needed for the project, with a counter that counts up until it hits the goal. (I don't even know if that is possible in this type of format.)

That's a good idea.


In other words, how much funding would you need to do everrything within this list?


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