What happened to Friesland?

I've always been intrigued by the missing "Friesland" (aka Frisland, Frischlant, Friesland, Frislanda, Frislandia, or Fixland) island as found in ancient maps such as Mercator's 1623 Arctic Map.

Ephraimite's remarks about how "selling an explorer a bad map could cost your reputation, your career, and maybe even your life" has weighed heavily on my thoughts over the last few weeks. It lends much more significance and credence to these old maps that so many gloss over or seem to just think they were in error.

Mercator was a pretty darn good map maker. If you ignore the textual information and simply look at his maps, he did a pretty amazing job for the time: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerardus_Mercator

Just check out the Northern Europe + North Atlantic aspects of this oft referenced map:

Zoom into Friesland:

Look at The 1558 Zeno Map showing Frisland at lower left ( A reproduction of the Zeno map (original by Nicolo Zeno 1558) published by Henrich Peter von Eggers in the 1793 book Priisskrift om Grønlands Østerbygds sande Beliggenhed)

And then this December 1691 / January 692 map:

Jimmy's recent video (Bright Insight) with remarks about water level differences of around -400 and even perhaps close to -750 or lower levels got me thinking.

What They Found Hidden Beneath the Waves…Lost Ancient Underwater Ruins, Cities & Civilizations

Fortunately the developer from FloodMap.net implemented NEGATIVE value lookup and it allows us to play around with these lower sea levels: https://www.floodmap.net/ - I found punching some of these lower sea levels to give some interesting observations:

Ultimately, though, I started having thoughts about the earthquakes from yesterday:

Especially the map that reveals the juncture of 3 fault lines in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean:

Both the Book of Mormon passages about the tremendous destruction in the Americas AND this topic of Friesland were brought to the front of my mind when I watched Jimmy's video. Notice how, in 3 Nephi 8-9, there is so much discussion about how so many cities were destroyed by low places / valleys being raised up to become mountains and mountains being swallowed up to become low places!

It appears that all of this happened around fault lines that might also be connected to this Atlantic Ocean region.

Did something happen where Friesland was swallowed up or obliterated in some unknown catastrophic event? Any thoughts?

I have a feeling that a lot of our geological / seismic hypotheses and modeling are basically garbage since we do not have a long enough of a proper timeline to really view and understand things in proper context and this becomes even more poignant since the glacial hypothesis is garbage.


@Ephraimite shared some interesting insight with me off-forum from someone who is pretty up to speed on this area of thought and research. I don't want to speak for him or mention any names in case any of that may be considered private, so I'd like to ask if he's interested in sharing any of this here.

@Soretna , I found this weird article on the net about Friesland...not sure what to make of this :-


Elayna of Hollow Earth

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z UK – A day of perception in Friesland

On Saturday 10th of June we are going to experience different energies from elves, dragons, trolls, giants as well as the Middle Earth energy in the primeval forest of ‘Oranjewoud’.

Oranjewoud is one of the few forests where all these energies are intertwined and work together!

Furthermore we will be realizing a heart meditation on a beautiful portal of Middle Earth; explaining about ‘aardlijnen’ (earth lines); and much more!


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Saturday 10th of June from 10:30 to 16:00 hrs


Golden Tulip Tjaarda Oranjewoud
Kon. Julianaweg 98
8453 WH Oranjewoud
Go to the website

Frislant 1580 map:

Full Size (Archive):

Larger view of Firsland from the 1380 map:

And the full map:

This video on the White Slave Trade of Africa and mention of Lundy Island got me thinking about Frisland again:

It also made me recall this fascinating work of Marie Tharp:

Hmmm....@Soretna , it's on people like us to revive the much reviled "Crustal Displacement Theory". It really does happen ! The outer skin of our planet isn't quite as RIGID as geologists think it to be .

The outer skin of our planet (Crust) probably does shift due to eccentricity in Earth's orbit around the Sun . It might even get triggered due to occasional (relatively) close "encounters" or "flybys" with the gas giants - Jupiter/Saturn .

This leads to "Polar Shifts" - that's not to say that Pole shifts occur overnight , NO most certainly not ! But a Pole shift could occur over say , a few hundred or more likely , a few thousand years . In geological terms , that's merely the blink of an eye .

What would humans experience at the time a Geographic Pole shift is occuring ?? Well , it would be a period of great turmoil in nature , wherein mega earthquakes would occur frequently , the oceans may slosh around (triggering giant tsunamis) , an ice age getting triggered , massive volcanic eruptions might occur as well . Basically , a BAD time for any civilisation existing during such a phase - almost certainly that civilisation wouldn't survive and mankind would get pushed "back to the stone age" AGAIN - probably a cyclical phenomena that's been repeated a number of times in the story of mankind on Earth :))

The impact on mega fauna would be severe - there is hard evidenc of this . In Northern Canada , Alaska and Norther Siberia , a layer of "MUCK" , about hundred meters thick has been found starting just a few meters underground . This muck consists almost entirely of animal remains , skeletons etc. It implies that mega fauna in their millions had perished whenever Polar shifts occurred .


This is likely true, yes. Geological theory and processes most certainly need to be dramatically reworked. I believe we should take a survey of existing non-mainstream work in this regard such as Crustal Displacement Theory - which I believe is also known as the expanding Earth/crust theory, right? Additionally there are other works that incorporate or base themselves off of hollow planet theory such as those that have been hidden from public knowledge that are mentioned in Jan Lamprecht's book...

Velikovsky and understanding concepts that were out there prior to the glacial theory bull crap are also of critical importance.

Yes sure @Soretna , the relatively recent extinction of mega fauna (mostly mammals) eg. Mastodons , woolly rhinos, Mammoths etc. (at least from the Earth's outer surface) is one of the enduring mysteries of our times , it has NEVER been properly explained .

Science textbooks just gloss over this mystery . The evidence is still available , buried in the Arctic Tundra - Northern Canada , Alaska , Siberia , even Greenland . Some of these creatures clearly died abruptly , while chewing grass , undigested food still in their gut , as though something SUDDEN happened .

The bones of these animals , buried under the Arctic Tundra , in such unbelievable magnitude , have a story to tell - a story about the dynamic nature of our planet and it's outer crust , that mankind can ill afford to ignore .

As per Mario Buildreps' path breaking new mathematical theory "Antiquity Reborn" , we are now due for the next "shift" of the North Pole , in the direction of Siberia (moving further away from Greenland) .

I can feel it in my bones , that the "OFFER" made by the US govt. last year , to "buy" Greenland from Denmark , at the price of US$ 1 TRILLION DOLLARS wasn't made just for the heck of it :)) There is something precious , something of UNIMAGINABLE VALUE , hidden beneath the mile thick ice sheet of Greenland ! Go figure it out :))


@Soretna , thanks for sharing....at about 36 minutes into this video , David talks about how "crystal clear" , NEW (fresh , not salty) water comes up from within the Earth , in the seas around Iceland...hmmm ! Very interesting indeed - will comment in detail once I've been able to watch the entire video .


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Could Thule have been also known as Friesland? Screenshot from a video below:

Or was this another island? Probably not Iceland (since we hear that Iceland was settled in the Middle Ages). Here's a full image of the map that you will see excerpted from in the video, the Carta Marina ( Carta marina et descriptio septentrionalium terrarum or Latin for Marine map and description of the Northern lands – published circa 1539 AD):

I find the contextual location of Thule / Tile within the framework of this map to be interesting in relation to other maps shown above in older posts.

The map of Claudius Clavus of the Northern countries in 1427 is also slightly interesting:

This thought process was encouraged by this interesting video in German (turn on closed caption (CC) with auto-generated translation to your language of preference to understand it better). It discusses the Greek explorer Pytheas and his exploration of the northern European region and on up/out to Thule:

Deepl Translator is useful for textual translation. Here's the autogenerated Youtube/Google German Transcript with translation:

in einem uralten reisebericht aus dem          in an ancient travelogue from the
antiken griechenland ist die rede von          ancient greece talks about
dem unbekannten land thule dem atlantis        the unknown land of thule the atlantis
des nordens hallo welt den weg am mein         of the north hello world the way at my
name ist tobias tun und heute wollen wir       name is tobias do and today we want to
mal eine entdeckungsreise machen               make a voyage of discovery
in ferne geografische regionen und             to distant geographical regions and
entferne zeiten genauer gesagt ins alte        distant times more precisely to the old
griechenland ungefähr ins jahr 325 vor         greece about the year 325 before
christus                                       christ
das ist die zeit von alexander dem             this is the time of alexander the
großen wo er an der grenze des indischen       great where he stood on the border of india
subkontinents steht und mit alexander          subcontinent and with alexander
richtet sich die aufmerksamkeit der            the attention of the
griechisch zivilisierten welt nach osten       greek civilized world to the east
nach asien ins reich der perser und noch       to asia into the empire of the persians and still
darüber hinaus aber davon darf man sich        beyond that but of this one may
nicht täuschen lassen auch westlich von        not be deceived also west of
griechenland sind die griechen aktiv           greece the greeks are active
schon seit ungefähr dem jahre 600 vor          since about the year 600 before
christus hatten die griechen ausgehend         christ the greeks had outgoing
vom kern griechenland und auch                 from the core of greece and also
kleinasien also der küste der heutigen         small asia so the coast of today
türkei                                         turkey
expeditionen kolonial kolonialisierung         expeditions colonial colonization
expeditionen in den ganzen mittel              expeditions throughout the middle
mehreren bereichen unternommen und eine        several areas undertaken and one
dieser frühen kolonien weil die stadt          of these early colonies because the city
massa auf lateinisch basilia und auf           massa in latin basilia and on
französisch können wir sie heute noch          french we can still see it today
auf als marseille und in dieser stadt          on as marseille and in this city
marsaglia marseille lebte ein mann             marsaglia marseille lived a man
namens peters peters war wahrscheinlich        named peters peters was probably
ein händler ein kaufmann ganz genau            a trader a merchant exactly
wissen es nicht wir müssen eigentlich          do not know we must actually
kaum etwas über ihn als person aber er         hardly anything about him as a person but he
sollte berühmtheit erlangen                    should gain fame
denn er war der grieche der in der             because he was the greek who was
antike wahrscheinlich die ausgedehnte          antiquity probably the extended
reise in den in richtung norden in die         journey to the north in the
weiten des nord märz nach skandinavien         far north march to scandinavia
hin unternommen hat und davon auch in          and from there also in
einem buch berichtet hat das buch hieß         a book the book was called
wahrscheinlich über den ozean ist uns          probably across the ocean is us
aber leider nicht mehr erhalten obwohl         but unfortunately no longer preserved although
es in der antike sehr verbreitet gewesen       it was very common in antiquity
sein muss denn viele antike autoren            must have been because many ancient authors
beziehen sich auf peters zitieren aus          refer to peters quoting from
seinem buch und daher haben wir auch           his book and therefore we also have
noch ein paar vereinzelte informationen        some more isolated information
über seine reise nach norden                   about his journey to the north
die er in seinem buch beschrieben hat          which he described in his book
freilich die späteren autoren die sich         admittedly the later authors who
auf peters beziehen seien ihnen oftmals        refer to peters are often indebted to them
kritisch vor allem polybius und star           critical especially of polybius and star
bonn waren gar nicht nett gegenüber            bonn were not at all nice towards
peters eingestellt astragon bezeichnet         peters hired astragon called
ihn als ein lügner und das hatte               him as a liar and that had
vielleicht auch damit zu tun dass die          perhaps also to do with the fact that
sachverhalte die peters beschrieben hat        facts that peters described
so unglaublich klangen dass man sich in        sounded so unbelievable that
der mittelmeerregion das gar nicht             the mediterranean region
vorstellen konnte leider wissen wir            unfortunately we know
nicht genau wann tut ja seine reise            not exactly when does his journey
unternahm wahrscheinlich irgendwann            probably undertook at some point
zwischen 330 und 320 vor christus noch         between 330 and 320 before christ
über welche route noch wie manche              via which route nor how some
vermuten dass er über den seeweg durch         suppose that he passed by sea through
die straße von gibraltar die säulen des        the strait of gibraltar the columns of the
herakles gefahren ist und dann richtung        heracles and then headed towards
britannien andere vermuten dass er über        britain others suspect that he crossed
den landweg frankreich durchquert hat          crossed france by land
vielleicht weil seine ursprungs                perhaps because his origins
motivation gewesen herauszufinden woher        motivation has been to find out where
die handelsgüter die die griechen in           the trade goods that the greeks in
massa ankauften her kamen vor allem sind       massa came from are mainly
das man für die herstellung von bronze         that for the production of bronze
gebrauchte aber auch bernd stange und          used but also bernd stange and
das ja aus dem norden europas kam waren        which yes came from the north of europe were
antiken griechenland sagenumwoben und          ancient greece fabled and
vielleicht wollte er auch lieber dessen        perhaps he also preferred to be
ursprünge etwas herausfinden aber im           origins something but in the
laufe seiner reise muss man wohl doch          course of his journey one must probably nevertheless
eingestehen dass es sich zu einer reinen       admit that it turns out to be a pure
entdeckungsreise entwickelte es besteht        voyage of discovery it consists
noch einigermaßen sicherheit darüber           still some certainty about it
dass peters britannien durchquerte ob          that peters crossed britain whether or not
nun zu fuß wie einige quellen berichten        now on foot as some sources report
oder ob er es mit dem schiff vorbei dran       or whether he passed it by ship
gefahren ist das weiß man nicht genau          one does not know exactly
aber dann am nordende von britannien           but then at the north end of britain
angelangt gibt es einen rätselhafte            there is a mysterious
bemerkung bei strato der piazza zitiert        remark at strato quoting piazza
nämlich sechs tagesreisen nördlich von         namely six days' journey north of
britannien soll ein land namens tula           britain is said to be a country called tula
existieren das nördlichste land der erde       exist the northernmost country on earth
einer insel mitten im nordischen ozean         an island in the middle of the nordic ocean
die noch nie ein grieche betreten hatte        which no greek had ever set foot on
peters berichtet dass noch eine                peters reports that another
tagesreise weiter von kohle aus dass           day trip further from coal from that
gewonnen                                       won
er beginnt das ist wohl als                    he begins that is probably as
metaphorische umschreibung für das             metaphorical euphemism for the
eismeer zu verstehen                           sea of ice
und das berichtet auch von anderen             and this also reported by others
seltsamen naturerscheinungen so                strange natural phenomena like this
berichtet er beispielsweise von der            he reports for example of the
mitternachtssonne von polarlichtern oder       midnight sun from polar lights or
von einer rätselhaften meeres lunge das        of a mysterious sea lung the
war in der heimat des budgets der name         was in the home of the budget the name
einer quallenart und man weiß nicht            of a jellyfish species and one does not know
genau was er damit nun genau in bezug          exactly what he now exactly in relation
auf diesen nördlichen regionen                 to these northern regions
bezeichnete wahrscheinlich meinte pythia       probably meant pythia
ist einfach das gebet wo wasser eis            is simply the prayer where water ice
nebel                                          mist
alle diese elemente sollen einander            all these elements are to each other
übergehen dass man weder weiß wo man           that you neither know where you are
hingeht noch wo man sich eigentlich            where you are going nor where you
gerade befindet leider leider da das           just is unfortunately unfortunately there the
werk von peters nur so bruchstellen haft       work of peters only so fractures liable
überliefert ist wissen wir nicht welches       is handed down we do not know which
land wirklich mit thule gemeint war            country was really meant by thule
die vermutungen gehen entdecken                the conjectures go discover
eigentlich den ganzen leuten ozean ab          actually the whole people ocean off
von island im westen bis zu den lofoten        from iceland in the west to the lofoten islands
und norwegen im osten dazwischen werden        and norway in the east in between
auch beispielsweise die färöer-inseln          also for example the faroe islands
genannt man kann es nicht wirklich sagen       called one can not really say
an einer stelle wird berichtet dass es         at one point it is reported that there are
dort im norden auch einwohner auf einer        there in the north also residents on a
insel gegeben habe allerdings ist nicht        island, however, is not
ganz klar ob damit auch mit dieser insel       quite clear whether with it also with this island
thule gemeint ist das würde dann               thule is meant that would then
allerdings die zumindest gegen island          however, the at least against Iceland
sprechen denn wirklich besiedelt wurde         because was really settled
island soweit wir heute wissen                 Iceland as far as we know today
eigentlich erst im mittelalter                 actually only in the middle ages
nachdem er von thule zurückgekehrt war         after he returned from thule
segelte peters noch weiter in die nord-        peters sailed even further into the north
und ostsee hinein angeblich erreichte er       and east sea supposedly he reached
zb schon die insel helgoland bevor er          e.g. already the island helgoland before he reached
dann wieder in seiner heimat an der            then back to his home on the
mittelmeerküste aufbrach und dort sein         mediterranean coast and there his
reisebericht über den ozean schrieb ich        travel report about the ocean I wrote
persönlich finde es sehr spannend dass         personally find it very exciting that
schon im vierten jahrhundert vor               already in the fourth century before
christus ein grieche sich so weit              christus a greek so far
vorgewagt hatte in die nördlichsten            had ventured into the northernmost
gebiete europas zu schnee eis und nebel        regions of europe to snow ice and fog
und ein bericht darüber verfasst hat           and has written a report about it
genau so schade finde ich es aber dass         just as unfortunate I find it however that
der bericht nur sehr bruchstückhaft            the report only very fragmentary
überliefert ist brings die antiken             has been handed down brings the antiquities
griechen aber auch die römer die waren         greeks but also the romans who were
alle sehr an geografie interessiert und        all very interested in geography and
ein anderes gebiet mit dem sie sich            another area with which they were
näher beschäftigt                              more closely
waren die alpen ich habe hier mal ein          were the alps I have here times a
video gemacht zu den halmen der antike         video made to the straws of the antiquity
wenn du dich für die antike biografie          if you are interested in the ancient biography
interessiert solltest du dir das               you should watch the
unbedingt anschauen dann sage ich danke        then I say thank you
fürs zuschauen und bis gleich                  for watching and see you soon
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@Soretna , it's an excellent idea - I feel there is a very high possibility that Thule and Friesland were one and the same...they have far too many similarities , for such a possibility to be ignored !


It is interesting if you compare them:

Notice particularly how there is an interesting feature that could be called out that they all share (even though Tile aka Thule could be turned or distorted a little differently than the others:

Now, the thing that really convinces me is the relationship of Iceland with Tile / Friesland and Fare / Estland / etc:

Note as above:

Apparently there was some discussion from some time ago about a "Vinland Map" (2002, 2004).

It has been claimed that this may have been a hoax:

Newer discussions and such suggest it was real:

"Thule Ultima" (perhaps there was a Thule (Tile) and an Ultimate Thule? Notice it at the top of the Russian region.

Notice any Friesland potentials?

@Soretna , I think the implication of all these esoteric maps is that the other side of the North Polar opening (on the Hollow Earth side) is bang in the center of a large continent...a bit like how the South Polar opening is land locked within the continent of Antarctica .


Except that the Jansens had a different experience wherein they were still free to move about the inner ocean. I suspect, again, going back to the many-holes in the thin crust helps elucidate this.

@Soretna , or the Jansens were lucky to navigate "upstream" , through the estuary of some of the massive rivers of Hollow Earth (25 to 30 km wide) , described in the Smoky God .



Actually , when the Jansens were "picked up" by that ship of the (giant) Hollow Earthers , they weren't really in an ocean at that point in time...by the description given , it seemed more like a vast , inland riverine channel...


They sailed for a while inside first and after landing on the shore saw the ship and were picked up (along with their ship). I was under the impression that it was along the sea shore of an ocean, but I suppose it would not be clear one way or the other for someone without additional aerial telemetry.

Yes, Sidhartha,

I also had the impression that they were quite a ways upriver, but that it was wide, like the Chesapeake Bay, and separated the continents.

Olaf and his father were very, very lucky.
