The Captive Waters - Arctic home of the Vedas

Folks , this may sound gross , but I believe this crude analogy could give us clues for resolving the mystery of the whirlpool at the Abyss of the North Polar opening(s) - the point from where the rivers of Hollow Earth pump downwards (or upwards from our perspective) their fresh water into the Arctic Ocean on the outer surface of Earth .

Of course , the unique interplay of gravity must be different at the rim of the Polar opening(s) , as compared to the conventional view , for something like this to occur...we have often contemplated that on this forum :))

**Just think how water spirals down a narrow chute when you flush the toilet ? That too is a whirlpool...this may be an oversimplified comparison , but I feel it has some similarity at least , to what we're discussing here !


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The sides of the orifice may not be symetrical, either; they may not be like at the top of an apple. This could result in different flow rates and deviated currents that induce swirling.


Yes @deandddd , it might be like that...I am actually trying to find more specific scriptural references to the structural aspects and water flow dynamics of the North Polar Opening .



From what I remember of that Tibetan painting with a whirpool on the Arctic Ocean has been on my mind, although I haven't seen it in a while. I might want to put it up on my site. Do you have it?

What time frame is it from?

And how did the Tibetans even know about the Arctic Ocean when it was painted? I mean, the Arctic Ocean was beyond the "known world" of the Greeks. Herodotus did not have it on his map.

Was the whirlpool to one side of the Ocean or the other?


@deandddd , enclosed below few other related articles , is a video that refers to that Buddhist image of a whirlpool beneath the North Pole .



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Someone, while I was explaining the concept of ABYSS to them etymologically (from the previous post), said that the Hebrew language could have CHANGED the meaning to "white" or "to bleach" because of the SNOW and/or MIST (fog) at the North Pole.

I found this very interesting and PLAUSIBLE.

@Soretna , I think over the last one week , we as a group have made tremendous progress - we've really pushed the envelope in our understanding of how water passes through the North Polar opening and what the ABYSS actually signified to the ancients...!

The reason for so much confusion over the concept of the Abyss is because of the following mind boggling factors , that are a complete shocker to anyone who is unfamiliar with this subject :

  1. Totally different climate existing on either side of the North Polar opening

  2. Completely different flora and fauna exist on either side

  3. Geography differs a lot on either side

  4. Alternative civilisations exist on either side

***5. A whirlpool that discharges water "upwards" (from our point of view on the outer surface) through the bottomless pit/Abyss , that is the North Polar Opening !!



List members , now take a look at this amazing time lapse video of the Arctic sunrise (or sunset) , that occurs over several days . Just notice how the sun seems to move "horizontally" , while barely rising above the horizon...the Vedic poets too had most eloquently described such a seemingly "revolving dawn" , wherein it took the Sun 30 days (!!) to rise above the horizon after a LONG winter night .

**It takes precisely 30 minutes for the Sun to pop up over the horizon at dawn , almost anywhere over the Indian subcontinent , on any day of the year...I am observing the sunrise here in India right now as I write this...this video makes it very obvious though , what the Vedic seers were observing and where they were observing it from.

These Vedic verses were most likely composed near the North Pole - either prior to the ice age or during the ice age , when the Vedic people were forced to migrate Southwards towards the warmth of the Indian subcontinent (before 10,000 B.C.) :-


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Thanks @Echo_on .

Folks , now here are some mind blowing facts about the Kola peninsula of the far North , in the Russian Arctic - remember that region where the world's deepest borehole EVER , was drilled & then abandoned ?


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Sidhartha, Echo_on,

About the pyramids on the Kola penninsula ...

I imagine that the pyramids could have been constructions of the hollow earthers because the Vishnu Purana, and other Puranas, tell that a total of 21 warrior caste "clans" were exiled from the hollow earth by the celestial incarnation Parasurama. And Vedic artifacts have been found along the northern tier of Russia, suggesting that they settled along the Arctic coast at a time when the climate was still temperate. The downward Aryan invasion ensued as a result. All of this took place a long, long time ago; much longer ago thtan the 9,000 year figure that the archaeologists give for the age of the pyramids. And I don't see what their basis is to even begin to assign an age to those pyramids.

The Japanese speak a language which is akin to the Dravidian languages of South India. David Hatcher Childress says he was shown a pamphlet dictionary with about 400 words in the Basque language which were the same as Japanese vocabulary. For example, Yokohama in Basque means "city by the sea". I believe that the Dravidian language was once spoken around the girth of the planet, and certainly out in the Pacific. I imagine that the Japanese were of Dravidian stock and that they once spoke that language, but that there was Aryan migration from the hollow earth/Hyperborea over to Japan, and that they mixed and the Japanese incorporated some of their language andracial stock and skin tone; something like that. So the pyramids could have just been a part of that Aryan migration. And notice that the Japanese royalty claimed to be descended from the solar dynasty, which was active in northern Russia; hollow earth origin, of course.

Yes, the exploration of those pyramids could rewrite western history.


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You mentioned " ***5. A whirlpool that discharges water "upwards" (from our point of view on the outer surface) through the bottomless pit/Abyss , that is the North Polar Opening !!"

Well, Olaf Jansen told that heand his father were caught up in a current as they entered the orifice, coming in a line northwards from the New Siberian Islands, and that this current did flow downwards and into the hollow world. Yet, there are warmer currents that flow across the Arctic Ocean towards Greenland on the other side. (Rod M. Cluff is an expert on Arctic currents) Perhaps the water flows "down into" on the Siberian side, but "up out of" from the Greenland side.

If we continue this discussion we really should get Rod M. Cluff in on it.


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@deandddd , your comments are spot on...I now believe that both the whirlpool and the "magnetic mountain (Rupes Nigra)" actually do exist at the North Pole , just that they are on the "other side" of the North Polar opening !

As for the whirlpool , even the Beaufort Gyre in the Arctic Ocean on the outer surface can be interpreted as a sort of vortex .

Regarding the Sanskrit Shlokas (verses) from the Rig Veda , cryptic statements like the "Sun rising from the South" only make sense for an observer near the North Pole...besides the descriptions of Aurora Borealis and certain constellations that are visible only from the Arctic , are strong evidence for the "Arctic home of the Vedas" .

The pyramids of the Kola peninsula provide excellent validation for the above hypothesis about the Vedic Hyperborean civilisation !


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As far as the "magnetic mountain (Rupes Nigra)" is concerned, once the cloud mantle fell, 40 days and 40 nights of rain, the oceans might have swelled and covered it. It might be in the Arctic, topside, but under the surface of the ocean.


@deandddd , regardless of where this 33 mile wide black magnetic rock - Rupes Nigra , is actually located (and hopefully , found someday) , it is an enduring mystery of the ages - in it's own right !


List members , the Zorastrian Avesta of ancient Persia (which complements Vedic texts) , documents the actual migration , the EXODUS of the Aryans from the Arctic towards Southern Asia i.e. Indian Subcontinent and Persia etc. , at the height of the ice age...strangely Vedic texts seem to be silent about the migration . However , the simpler explanation for this omission in Vedic texts could be that NOT all of Vedic literature has been preserved/retained...some of it has been lost to posterity - maybe those "missing" Vedic texts are the ones that described the migration itself ! Secondly , migrations that happened long before 10,000 B.C. , can't really be called an invasion , like mainstream Academia does - that would be ABSURD :))

**Humans as a species , were right at the brink of extinction during the ice age , so any humans that migrated from one place to another , were pretty much the only inhabitants of the places they migrated to as well . The Global human population at the height of the ice age may have dropped to just a few hundred thousand...

Mythos 54 – Arctic Airyana Vaejo

Tilak believed that the mythical struggle between light and dark was based on the long nights and long days found north of the Arctic Circle, were the Sun would only rise once a year, and set many months later. He placed this earliest phase of Aryan civilization, in the Inter-Glacial period, before the last Glacial period of the current ice-age:

A people, who had come to worship the powers of Nature as manifestations of divine will and energy, who had a well-developed language of their own, and who had already evolved a legendary literature out of the Arctic conditions of the year in their congenial home near the North Pole, may well be expected to have made a good advance in civilization. But we have at present very few means by which we can ascertain the exact degree of civilization attained by the undivided Aryans in their primitive home. Comparative Philology tells us that primitive Aryans were familiar with the art of spinning and weaving, knew and worked in metals, constructed boats and chariots, founded and lived in cities, carried on buying and selling, and had made considerable progress in agriculture. We also know that important social or political institutions or organizations, as, for instance marriage or the laws of property, prevailed amongst the forefathers of our race in those early days; and linguistic paleontology furnishes us with a long list of the fauna and the flora known to the undivided Aryans. These are important linguistic discoveries, and taking them as they are, they evidently disclose a state of civilization higher than that of the savages of the Neolithic age. But in the light of the Arctic theory we are naturally led to inquire if the culture of the primitive Aryans was confined only to the level disclosed by Comparative Philology, or whether it was of a higher type than the one we can predicate of them simply on linguistic grounds.- Bâl Gangâdhar Tilak (1)

In the reconstructed history Tilak found in the Ṛigveda and Avesta, the Aryan people had migrated south from Arctic Eurasia to escape the ice of the last glacial period, and subsequently settled in new lands in Europe and Central Asia, were the Vedic and Gathic religions changed to deal with the new conditions:

…the Avestic tradition regarding the original home in the far north and its destruction by snow and ice stands by itself, though in the light of the Vedic evidence discussed in the previous chapters, we can now clearly show that it has historical basis and that it preserves for us a distinct reminiscence, howsoever fragmentary, of the ancient Aryan home.- Bâl Gangâdhar Tilak (2)

Tilak believed as some earlier Zend scholars had, that the land listed in the Vendidad were a record of their migration from the Airyana Vaejo to their ultimate home in Central and South Asia. Zend is a Zoroastrian term for the study of the Avesta, which scholars have also used for the past couple centuries.

…with regard to the land mentioned first in the list, there has been a difference of opinion amongst Zend scholars. The Airyana Vaejo is the first created happy land, and the name signifies that it was the birth-land (Vaejo = seed, sans, bija) of the Aryans (Iranians), or the Paradise of the Iranian race. Was this a mythical region or a real country representing the original home of the Aryans, and if it was a real country where was it situated? This is the first question which we have to answer from the evidence contained in the first two Fargards of the Vendidad; and secondly, we have to decide whether the sixteen lands mentioned above were the successive countries occupied by the ancestors of the Iranian race in their migrations from the original home in the north. The Fargard says nothing about migration. It simply mentions that so many lands were created by Ahura Mazda and that in opposition thereto Angra Mainyu, the evil Spirit of the Avesta, created so many different evils and plagues which rendered the lands unfit for human residence. It is inferred from this that the Fargard does not contain an account of successive migrations, but merely gives us a description of the countries known to the ancestors of the Iranians at the time when the Fargards were composed.- Bâl Gangâdhar Tilak (3)

Bunsen and Haug,(4) on the other hand, maintain that the Airyana Vaejo represents the original home of the Iranians in the far north, and the countries mentioned in the Fargard must, therefore, be taken to represent the lands through which the Aryans passed after leaving their ancient home.- Bâl Gangâdhar Tilak (5)

Thus at the beginning of the first Fargard, we are told that the Airyana Vaejo was the first good and happy creation of Ahura Mazda, but Angra Mainyu converted it into a land of ten months winter and two months summer, evidently meaning that at the time when the Fargard was composed it was an icebound land. The winter often months’ duration, therefore, naturally points to a position in the far north, at a great distance beyond the Jaxartes; and it would be unreasonable to ignore this description which is characteristic only of the Arctic regions…- Bâl Gangâdhar Tilak (6)


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The Zorastrian Avesta interests me, I have heard of it before. I don't understand how it is that, given the existence of the documentation, the HHindu anthropologists insist on denial of the Aryan Migration Theory.

And there are other sources of evidence, even simply observation and simple analysis. For example, Russian, Lithuainian, Swedish, German and other northernEuropean languages have so much in common with Sanskrit. Were India the origin, how could they have taken their language to Scandanavia and installed it there, in acneint times? Long occupation by a number of Hindus would have been necessary in order to do that. But there is no evidence in favor of such.

There is negative evidence, for example, if the darker Hindus had spent so much time in Scandanavia, that their language became installed there, why are the Scandanavians blond haired, blue eyed and white? Obviously, the racial mix went to India, it didn't go from India to Scandanavia. And the origin is a common source from the Arctic, because Aryan culture didn't go from Scandanavia to India, either. But from the Arctic straight down through Central Asia is possible. They must completely ignore the Avesta in this regard.

And the Avest tells of when the cloud mantle fell and the stars first became visible in the sky, right? And how it became too cold for survival and they migrated southwards, right? Apparently, the archaeologists and the anthropologists don't pay much attention to it, neither from the West, or from India. But they dig up lost towns and structures, filter the evidence and then arrive at their conclusions. I think that the hollow earthers help us a bit, but they don't want us to know either, we are cut off behind enemy lines, so to speak. Maneuver warfare is like that; you sacrific some soldiers in order to save the homeland.

Alas Babylon! And WE live in babylon!


I agree @deandddd , very true . The Academic world is extremely rigid & deeply BIASED in their theories...actually not very different from religious fanaticism , in it's own way...I doubt our views as such , will be accepted as an "official" version of human history , anytime soon :))


I understand that western academics could have such biased attitudes, but the Hindus are so chauvinistic that they won’t give weight and proportion to to other Indo European literature.

If the Aryans descended from above Central Asia, then they would have had to pass through Persia, a civilized culture that knew how to write and which had a developed calendar system.

But they are ignored.

@deandddd , I am not a fan of the chauvinists either...the Vedic and Persian cultures clearly had a common origin , probably from the Arctic . Indeed , the 4th Veda - Atharva Veda , is common to both Vedic and Zorastrian religions . The Eastern fringe of Persia was under the influence of Indic culture . Till today , Iranians call the South-Eastern corner of their country , as "Hind-e-Koochak" , or little India...

In later times , both nations had to suffer the overwhelming force of the Islamic
onslaught...Zorastrianism of Persia did not survive that assault , Hinduism of India did , maybe because it was at a greater distance . Today the remnants of the Zorastrians (the Magi community of the Bible) , numbering less than 100,000 are settled in Western part of India where they had sought refuge in medieval times . In India they are called "Parsi" (meaning from Persia) , a well respected community that is highly educated and runs some of the iconic business conglomerates of India , eg. the Tata Group .
