Atlantis, Cavern Worlds ... And Currently?


I would like to get back to Atlantis because I feel so strongly that there is evidence for their having taken shelter in cavern worlds in the Atlas Mountains, and the Aggar Mountains of SE Algiers.

Here is an older video by Jimmy of Bright Insights on the subject of Atlantis. It’s part of a three part video series:

Here is the most recent with some additional tidbits:

I would like to get started with some background information, and eventually get to some conclusions. For example, I think that the Alanteans originated in the hollow earth, and that the Phoenicians and Celts were direct migrants out of Atlantis from just below the Atlas Mountains. These migrants also had a presence on the Atlantic coast of the Americas - Plato said as much – and then I’ll give a geographical point of reference by the end of this thread.

I’m going to grab pieces of old posts and scattered threads:

The hollow earth theory, and Olaf Jansen’s account, lead us to conclude that the Indo European stock originated in the hollow earth.

The Parasuram Incarnation of the Puranic narrations met with twenty-one warrior clans (Kshatriyas) and expulsed them to the lands called "prithivi", the surface. This word figures in the Sanskrit texts.

Olaf Jansen stated that the people in the inner earth looked just like his own people on the surface, and he was from Norway.

My understanding is that all of the indo europeans, "white caucasians" as we say, are from this exile forced upon certain warrior clans in the hollow earth.

“Kshat” means warrior in Sanskrit, the language that Olaf stated was spoken in the hollow earth. “Man” means man in Sanskrit, there are many words that carry through without much change. So a Scottsman refers to a man who is a warrior, and Scotland refers to a land which is a warrior settlement of a certain warrior clan.

Anyway, I imagine that the Atlanteans were one of those warrior clans, just as the Germans and the Scandanavians were. The Scottish are Scots or "kshats", a warrior clan. They are the same, really, as the Irish. The Irish have folklore that their homeland was to the West in the middle of the ocean, which must have been one of the Atlantean Islands that formed part of the island continent. But I think that they migrated upwards from Atlantis in that migration to Europe that Plato referred to.

I’ll do some more posting soon, maybe tonight.


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One thing that I would like to do is share a perspective or two that I have with you all.

"Vedic" to me refers to those cultures that were spawned by and fostered by the celestials. A.C. Bhaktivedanta used to use the term "the demigod culture", demigods being Zeus and Jupiter, for example. And this naturally leads us to conclude that there was a culture which was a common culture encompassing kingdoms and city states from northwest Africa where the Phoenicians had their stomping grounds, up to Skandanavia, over across to northern Russia, down through Central Asia and then southeast to Indian, Thailand and Cambodia; something like that.

These may seem to be very disparate cultural regions, but many would argue that they are not, and that these cultures had their point of origin in the Arctic region - and we could extend it and say beyond the Arctic and from the hollow earth. There seem to be racial mixtures across these regions, but you'll all notice that Indo-European language is spoken across the entire region. Latin, Skandanavian languages (except Finnish), Russian and Hindu languages all come from Sanskrit.

Personally, I would conclude that the cultures of all of these regions had their origin in the celestial cultures handed down by different chief, celestial figures. For example, Plato stated to the Greeks that the Atlantean Kingdome was engendered by Poseison, which is also a Hindu personality, better known among them as Varuna. And Athens in Greece was settled by Athena known as Saraswati in the Vedic scheme. Egypt seems to be named after Ajapati, the progenitor of mankind, and this could go on and on.

The Hindus tell that towards the end of the previous Yuga, the end of the Dwarpara Yuga, the Vedic Kings of the West had imposed their deification upon their subjects, contrary to proper thought.

And that a particular perspective on karma had taken root among them called Karma Mimamsa such that, whether or not a person worships God, it is the positive karma that a person generates that will do that person good in their next life. The Idea is that a person can worship God, but still has to pay karmic debts, because God won't intervene because he is imparcial. In addition he is hedden away in everyone's heart (soul center) and won't come out. Following this philosophy, such kings minimized the worship of God and stressed individual effort.

And this is exactly what Plato told about how the degradation of the Atlanteans came about.

The Atlanteans were just another human culture that was spawned by the celestials but - as the influence of the celestials waned and the influence of the demons gathered strength - it became corrupted and turned away from its original ideals.

After all, from what we know, the demons reside below their feet in cavern worlds and would have found contact easy to make.

Consider how the underworld demons corrupted the Vedic King Duryodhana before the Bhagavad Gita War:


When Plato spoke to the Greeks about Atlantis, he mentioned the area of Tartessos in Iberia. It was an Atlantean colony of city state, something like that. He said that there were copper mines there and a Citadel near a river. That citadel is still there, near the river, and the mines are still behind it, too, but they are exhausted.

It is the present day town of Niebla. The Arabs took it over and did an architectural makeover, but you can look up - Niebla Spain Huelva - and find pictures of it. That citadel has places where the blocks look like they were placed by giants, which makes me think that the age of the construction was before the Kaliyuga started and the cloud mantle fell, because prior to all that, in the previous Dwarpara Yuga, people had a stature of ten around ten feet and lived for a thousand years, according to the Vedic literature. This was just like in the hollow earth at present.

Another thing is that the citadel has sewage leading to the river. The Arab sewage is 3 meters deep, but there is older sewage 6 meters below. It is done in brick, in round, and it is in very good shape. Archaeologists speculate that it is pre Phoenician. Good Lord! That means that it is old.

It is close to the current Spanish city of Cadiz. Someone from Cadiz is called a "Gaditano". The city was named after a son of Atlas, Gadiz.

Plato said that before Atlantis sunk, there was rumbling and such, and the people tried to flee, and did. One place they went was from Atlantis - I am referring to the Richart structure in Mauritania - to the northern coast of the Mediterranean from Iberia to eastern Turkey, and along the southern Mediterranean up to Egypt. In other words, any anthropological dimwit could figure out that the Phoenicians, among others, were transplanted Atlanteans.

So one point that I would like to make is that Atlantis the Richart Structure is just below the Atlas Mountains. And Iberia and the Mediterranean shores are above the Atlas Mountains. So the Atlas Mountains interest us. The Atlantean populattion must have settled there, too, after fleeing from the disaster. I imagine that the Berbers are their descendants.

In my next posting I'll talk about cavern worlds in the Atlas mountains, which has all kinds of implications.


List Members,

Here is a tidbit from the David Hatcher Childress book Lost Cities of Atlantis, Ancient Europe and the Mediterranean. The tidbit is from is from Chapter Seven, Page 223, at the bottom: "According to the geologistt and Atlantis writer L. Taylor Hansen in her book The Ancient Atlantic, Lake Tritonis was part of a huge inland sea in the Sahara East of the Atlas Mountains. Lake Chad would be the last remnants of this ancient sea".

Atlas had ten children and they founded ten Atlantean city-states. One of them was up in southeastern Iberia called Gadiz named after the son of Atlas Gadir. The Spanish call it Cadiz, with a "C" nowadays. I think that the location of that city might have shifted a bit, the original city might be offshore. But it is right next to the Tartessos area, which was identified by Plato as Atlantean. The description of Tartessos closely relates to the ruins at the town Niebla, not so far at all from Cadiz and Seville. The book by E.M. Whitshaw, Atlantis in Spain, described and analyzes these ruins very well. And the ruins are described as pre Roman and pre Phoenician. Thousands of years old. And the book is a nice read.

So, first of all, I ask the list members to start thinking of Atlantis as being centered in the Richart structure in Mauritania, and stretching up to southern Spain and eastwards across to Lake Chad.

And then, on Page 224, Hatcher Childress writes: "According to Hansen, the Triton Sea was held in by the cirve of the Atlas Mountains like the rim of a cup, and the water thus held covered the land from the Gulf of Gabes, where it entered the Mediterranean, to the mountains South of Lake Chad. Only after the sudden sinking of the Southern arm of the Atlas did the Niger River break through these southern Mountains and tear its way out to the Atlantic. Lake Chad the the underground Lakes of the Sahara were all that was left of the Triton Sea, except for the massive port cities that exist in the Sahara".

So, is any of this connected to underground worlds? Did the Atlanteans go underground? Any connection to modern times?

I'll pass on a ffew more ideas Sunday night of Monday morning.



So, did the Atlanteans go underground?

I'll continue on page 224 from the Hatcher Childress book Lost Cities of Atlantis, Ancient Europe and the Mediterranean.

"Do such megalithic ports really exist in the sands of the Sahara? L. Taylor Hansen assures us that they do. According to her, the Ahaggar Mountains in central Nigeria were an island during the time of the Triton Sea, which would be contemporaneous with the Civilizations of Osiris and Atlantis."

"The area of the Ahaggar is not easy to gather informattion about, both because of its remote location and because the fierce Tuaregs, the Veiled People, jealously guard their secrets and heritage. The Arabs are very much afraid of these people, as one Arab told Hansen in her book. Her conversation with an unnamed Arab is quite fascinating. He relates that 'near In-Salah there are three high peaks of the Haggar. No Arab will go there if he can help it. These peaks touch the sky with claw-like fingers. Once a friend of mine got lost and saw the ruins of one of their cities on the Atlas. It was built of giant stones - each one the size of an Arabian tent. In the front is a great circular wall. But in the desert, they live underground. I have heard that under Ahaggar are many galleries deep in the earth around an underground lake. These galleries are filled with paintings of the ancient age.'"

Can you all believe this? Apparently, in the stomping grounds of the Atlanteans, the Triton Sea (The Sahara), in the Atlas Mountains and in the Ahaggar Mountains, there are underground cavern worlds.

According to Plato's narration, the Atlantean could feel the earth shaking below their feet and had a definite idea about what was going on. As I already mentioned a few days ago, before the actual subsidence, the Atlanteans fled their city northwards; along the southern Mediterranean coast until Egypt, and along the northern Mediterranean coast until present-day eastern Turkey. But they must have known about these underground worlds, I imagine that they were already inhabited by Atlanteans. Plato offered to tell more the next day, but he had a hearth attack that night. He didn't say "and that's all there is to tell, there is no more. Good night."

The Atlanteans had existed in that reagion for a very long time before the disaster. They had engaged in mining activities for so long in southwestern Spain (Tartessos) that they had had time to build a whole citadel complex in present day niebla with some rather huge blocks. So why wouldn't they know about cavern worlds in the mountains above their capital city? If there are galleries in that cavern world that surround a like with art depicting ages long, long ago, then who went down there and did all that? Arab camel jockies who dismounted one day, lit torches and decided to explore, and then do up some paintings? I doubt it.

The Atlanteans are alive and well today, a going concern, and they occupy underground worlds; in northern Africa and elsewhere. This is very, very significant.

And flabbergasting. So much so that I don't expect many comments, although they are welcome.


You know, the problem is that the underground manipulation of the surface world DOES exist. The problem is that we don't know who is down there, and we don't know much about where.

This is what I'll be getting at in the next couple of posts.

The last post I did is very new.


@deandddd apologies in advance - there may be a good bit to unpack here, but I really appreciate your postings above as they are so darn important:

I agree with you that this is a topic of pinnacle import and carries much weight in terms of the ramifications for outer-world society... as well as perhaps what is shortly going to come to pass.

Again: Thank you very much for recapping and reiterating these important points.

I sure wish there was a thesaurus for these words that encompassed English and such root languages aside from Constantine Borissoff's thesaurus works. (See also the previous post where I bring up the Sanskrit-Russian connection.)

(Side note: This book, Samskrta-Subodhini: A Sanskrit Primer (Michigan Papers on South & Southeast Asia), appears to be very interesting.)

Could the reference of the Irish homeland ("Irish have folklore that their homeland was to the West in the middle of the ocean") be Friesland?

In your observation of the commonality of Sanskrit being the parent of all of these languages, I think this is important to note and I think it is similarly important to note that cultures that do NOT have this common ancestor appear to be more culturally influenced by the reptilian-luciferian worship and ideals. I think it is important to map these out visually after a survey / table is generated.

Similarly a table (thesaurus) that maps identities/personalities would be useful. This would be a powerful compare-and-contrast tool to identify celestial vs luciferian cultures and religious constructs. I think this is a topic that is too easily confused in modern society and religion and is purposeful.

Regarding Atlanteans being corrupted, there is some story, I believe, that refers to their digging deep into the Earth and this causing problems or destruction. This could have introduced them to the "demons" (cavern dwellers) as well and created a close association.

Russian regions / Northern Russia appears to have been referred to under the label/title of Tartarus or such I believe in maps by Athanasius Kircher or perhaps of even later dates. This may have connection to "Tartessos" and perhaps has now been confused with Mongols as well as Turkic peoples? Not really sure, but I think more needs to be mapped out since clearly current scholarly work has too many agendas pushing it away from truth.

Regarding Niebla, any "monolithic-like" structures that evidence higher tech and superior strength and/or mobility of massive structures is important to record and reference. Again a map (probably a simple table at first) would be useful to reference. I think it's possible that BOTH groups celestials and luciferians had such technology prior to a dividing line to which you refer as the start of Kaliyuga (I believe).

Also regarding the citadel and its sewage, I find this extremely interesting in that I believe similar brickwork has been found in Africa where the ancient gold mines exist and supposedly the brickwork is extremely old. I recall a Michael Tellinger video that seemed to show this - may be worth exploring and connecting further if it is of such incredible antiquity!

Wow, "Cadiz" <- Gadiz and "Gaditano"... This is extremely peculiar to me, although perhaps not truly connected, there is a hint of connection: In the Book of Mormon there was a group of people called the "Gadianton Robbers". These people were followers of satan and lucifer and were essentially the evil demon-loving friends governing society today. They were effectively responsible for the entire downfall and obliteration of the Nephite society through infiltration into the judges and other political leadership (the Nephite society was governed by a hierarchy of judges that essentially filled both the legislative and executive branches I believe and effectively controlled the military). A very peculiar thing and observation and I think it is worth noting, especially since this is a repeating pattern...

I believe regarding the Phoenicians it may be worth studying further Harry Hubbard's observations about them and the cultures/societies in the region as well as their languages. @Ephraimite may be interested in chiming in here as I know he's studied this more closely in the past.

An important mapping item in relation to your observation about the Atlanteans and Berbers would also be any(one | group) with the Rh blood group (protein) (largely grouped as North Africans + Western Europe - and clearly Berbers/Basque/Irish/Scottish, ETC - perhaps see this 1952 study (PDF), "Blood groups, anthropology and language in wales and the western countries" ( reference) to see if there is anything of particular interest... Although I fear it may be a bit too recent; would be curious to see earlier research to make sure this is not slanted with post World War II communist infiltration and propaganda). Again this is another very important mapping exercise that should be incorporated into consideration that can be used for deduction based on density/concentration.

Thank you for calling out the 1928 book "Atlantis in Andalucia" aka "Atlantis in Spain" by (Elena Maria) E.M. Whitshaw (Amazon). Looks like it would be of value.

Regarding page 224 of "Lost Cities of Atlantis, Ancient Europe and the Mediterranean" and the Triton Sea, is he really referring to it being something in this area and of this size (OR LARGER)?:

Or another variation by his remark of "entered the Mediterranean [Sea]" perhaps he meant that this whole region could have branched off from it (and perhaps even been larger than the Mediterranean Sea):

At any rate, I'd like to nail down the possible boundaries a bit better...

From the following post continuing on the remarks of page 224, it sounds like this "sea" may have been much larger than what is drawn there and Africa may have been a somewhat small or fractured "continent".

Small observation, I just realized that the "Mediterranean Sea" basically means "Middle Earth Sea".

So many tunnels and structures everywhere - I wouldn't doubt they went underground or were overtaken and integrated into the Cavern World peoples. I find the remarks of Robert Morning Sky (a topic perhaps for another thread as I am curious about him and others) to be interesting in that supposedly a deal was made between the (mammalian-centric?) Elohim and reptilians to re-engineer humans to possess the amygdala brain structure (fight/flight, etc.) for control purposes for the post-flood (post-Atlantean?) repopulation of Earth....... Hmm. Anything to this?

And I see in your next section there is actual evidence (even though it appears to be anecdotal) that there is much going on under the "desert". Fascinating.

Wow, Plato died before he had a chance to relate all that he knew?!?!?!?!?! Sounds like something that would happen today (repeatedly)... Boy those cavern dwellers, I'll tell ya!

This is all quite significant and flabbergasting to say the least. We definitely need to put more into the compilation of tables of data linking information and then map it accordingly both as far as the earlier recommendations I made go as well as simply getting really serious with the African geology / geographical presentation. The desert, mountains, rivers, etc. need to be examined carefully, renamed accordingly and possible regions / boundaries drawn also accordingly.


Well, there is so much to answer. About the limits of the Triton Sea, I know that Tunisia is very low and could have been that connection in the middle with the Mediterranean Sea. And it reached as far East as Lake Chad, and Henson commented that the lower rim of the Atlas Mountains were a sort of contention wall, which extends the Triton Sea very far West. Remember that Africa rises an inch or so every year and that the Atlantean disaster took place 12,000 years ago.

Plato referred to Atlantean drilling and digging as being due to their "lust" for gold or copper. It could have brought them in contact with the cavern world groups, although I think that there had always been vertical contact, above and below; and lateral contact across the surface between kingdoms, such that information was traded, and contact with underground worlds was probably known about. The Vedic Puranas tell about trouble from inner crust, cavern world groups since way before Atlantis sunk.

Yes, Surely the Atlantean genetic makeup extends or extended from Ireland through France and Spain to the Tartessos area, these areas were all Celtic. So I doubt that specifically Friesland was a point of origin, it is small.

But I do feel that there were hollow earth settlers on the surface since a long time ago. The Puranas tell that the surface is populated by hollow earthers at the end of every Kali Yuga, and the whole yuga cycle is a few million years long. More recently, I think that Arctic was settled by a hollow earth fringe that migrated southwards after the Bhagavad Gita War when the cloud mantle fell and the Kali Yuga began. And I think that the Atlanteans had already been here because the Bhagavad Gita War was 5,000 years ago, and Plato says Atlantiis sunk 12,000 years ago. So when the Atlanteans migrated upwards, guess who they met coming down? Think of the Germans invading the British Isles and Arthur trying to fend them off. The hollow eathers took the opposing side against Arjuna and Krishna, and Arjuna and Krishna united most of the kings of the surface, so it must have been like running across an old enemy for Arthur.

Arthur renewed trade and cultural ties with northern Africa after the Romans left the British Isles. And he lived in a Celtic land, so he was definitely part of the Atlantean tradition and descendants.

Anyway, more on Atlantean undergrround in a day or too.

I need sleep!


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Well, I have already mentioned that Plato told about migration before Atlantis sunk because there was rumbling and they knew what they had to do. The migration that I mentioned was along the northern and southern shores of the Mediterranean Sea. The Celtics were surely an Atlantran migration group, the Huns and Scandanavians came down from the North. They were all different clans out of the hollow earth at different times. Don't think that the so-called "Caucasian" race originated in Africa from the monkies.

(Actually, I think that there are a few college anthropology professors whose geneological tables originated from some monkies)

But the Atlantean/Celtic migration group ranged through Spain, then France and then as far northwest as northwest Ireland. A Celtic is a Celtic, where he/she was from Gibraltar or Ireland.

Now, below you will notice that information about the supposedly Irish colony that got stranded in South Carolina, but had European features. They dressed like indians, but they had some customs that were Irish, such as raising deer as cattle and making cheese from deer milk. (Goat milk, ok, but ....) Anyway, their language was easily translatable to Irish, but not some other languages, apparently. And there were glyphs chisled on rock walls that were similar to glyphs found on the Irish Atlantic coast.

So does that mean that this group of people living amongst indian tribes, but not an indian tribe, cam from Ireland.


Plato also descrcirbed Atlantean migration westward across the ocean, and he described the North American continent, the South American continent, and how they are connected by a strip of land, which would be Central America. So these people could have been remnants of Atlantis, almost 12,000 years later.

Continued in the following post ...

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In another book by David Hatcher Childress, Lost Cities of North and Central America, on Page 390, there is evidence of Caucasian presence in caves that stretch way below the surface. And white indians from Kentucky to Missouri are mentioned. They might be more directly attributable to Welsh migratiion, from an early migration in 1186 organized by the Welsh Prince Madoc. One rather fair-haired tribe with hazel and green eyes, the Mandans, had 50% of Welsh words in its vocabulary.

Welshmen are Celtic, and the Celts migrated from the Atlantean region. To go from Iberia to the British Isles is not so difficult. So even if there were what seemed to be Welsh words in the vocabularies of some American indian tribes with Caucasion features, they might have had direct origin from Atlantean migration just prior to the disaster.

But even if those words came by way of Welsh migration, their remote origin could have easily been Atlantean because the Atlanteans migrated North from their capital at the present-day Richart Structure, and because they also migrated West across the Ocean.

More in a day or two ...

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List Members,

Did I say I would write more in a "day or two"? Ok, so It's been a week. ...

: ^ )

In the previous post, I had mentioned that Plato also described Atlantean migration westward across the ocean, that he had described the North American continent, the South American continent, and how they are connected by a strip of land, which has to be what we call Central America. And then about Celtic migration to Alabama and possibly as far up as Lexington, Kentucky; and I mentioned about how the Celtics were the direct descendants of Altantean migration to the northern edges of the Mediterranean Sea, and that they moved upwards. The Celtics in Spain pre dated what we call Phoenicians and also Ramans, of course.

Well, in another David Hatcher Childress book titled Lost Cities and Ancient Mysteries of South America, in Chapter Thirteen, the story of an ancient mining town that a Portugues "Bandeirantes" expedition came across is written about. What you all should do is get these Childress books and read about these things. I can't relate the whole story, but I will say a few things that have to do with our topic. One of the expedition members, João Antonio, was searching through the semi ruins of the town and came across a gold coin called a Darius from Persia from around 500 B.C.

There was an inscription on a monolith in front of the Assembly house upon the town square and the lettering is ancient Phoenician.

A small river pased through the town and a small party investigated it downstream. Lo and behold, they came across a canoe with two white complected men in it with long black hair and some kind of European clothing on!

Well, if one group of the Atlantean desendants were the Phoenicians, this means that the lettering, the Darius coin and the white people dressed "European" all suggest that the Atlanteans had a presence in South America.

The Phoenicians accumulated a huge amount of gold between the second and third Punic war, and nobody has any idea where it came from. We do.

This was not the only white European settlement that the Spaniards or Portugues cam across during colonial times. There were others, but they either got assimilated or they died of european diseases. All of the above is explained on Pages 287 and 288 of the book; and there is a surviving letter written by the expedition in the Brazilian National Archives.

And there is a small epilogue. It seems that there is another document in the Vatican Library detailing something that happened after the time when the first document was written. Apparently, a tunnel existed near the mines and the Portugues encountered a man at the entrance who invitd them to come in. Only one Portugues expedititon member did not, and his name was Raposo. He made it back to the colonial capital, Salvador, then back to Portugal and finally to Rome, where he wrote the document that is in the Vatican. But, according to the overall story, those other expedition members who went down into the tunnel were never heard from or seen again.

What is the point?

The point is that the hollow earthers and the Tibetan underworld of snake and reptile worshippers are not the only players on the world scenario. I think that the Atlanteans are still players on the surface world; they also engage in the underground manipulation of the surface worlds. (The hollow earther involvement in our affairs is, I think, very benign, and might be what has been saving our skin as of late ...) Anyway, the Atlanteans seem to occupy underground cavern worlds in the Ahaggar Mountains in Algiers, in the Atlas Mountains, below the surface in Wales in Great Britain, underneath Kentucky in the Southeast USA, and in South America in the interior of the Brazilian State of Bahía; and below it.

So the conclusion is that the Atlanteans could still be active from cavern worlds below.

It is so hard to know who exists, and who is doing what, from the underground worlds below our feet. I am only trying to let you all know that there has probably been this other facet.

Good night! And Cheers!


@deandddd we all continue to thank you for your wonderful literature recommendations. Having such books either in print or digitally (hopefully we'll be able to read them following disasters :slight_smile: ) is of such high import. When you recommend such books as this one and the David Hatcher Childress books, could you please add an entry into the books recommendation category (here: Recommended Books, Ref Material & Primary Sources - MindReach) individually so we can call them out for reference and quickly finding out how to buy or find them otherwise?

I've gone ahead and created an entry for Mrs. Whitshaw's book here:

I bought Mrs. Whitshaw's book as per your recommendation and I have a number of Mr. Hatcher-Childress' books as well, but perhaps not this one (I have to look at my library). Any and all of your recommendations are so helpful! :heart:


Thanks for your kind words.

EM Whitshaw spent her life in the Niebla area of SW Spain, all dedicated towards proving that the Niebla Citadel was Atlantean. She was a professional Archaeologist; or Anthropologist, I can't remember which.

The capital was at Mauritania, but there were ten Atlantean cities, and Cadiz/Gadiz in Spain was one of them. But I think that the original Cadiz was further out where there is sea now, off the SW coast of Spain. You know, there was a flood when the could mantle fell, and the sea level rose.


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Google: Dulcematrix

The Atlantean migration you propose might also help to understand the current distribution of the rare RH- blood type. Below is a list of countries with the highest distribution based on population.

Spain 19.50% RH-
Brazil 19.50% RH-
Austria 19.00% RH-
Australia 19.00% RH-
New Zealand 18.00% RH-
Switzerland 17.00% RH-
UK 17.00% RH-
Lebanon 16.60% RH-
Netherlands 16.30% RH-
Serbia 16.00% RH-
Sweden 16.00% RH-
Denmark 16.00% RH-
Ireland 16.00% RH-
US 15.00% RH-

  • ABO and Rh blood type distribution by country are based on population averages.

Source- Blood Type and Rh Rhesus Status By Countries |

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I suspect you're referring to this:

I can't help but wonder if we should make a backup of your site here somehow in that I fear that's behavior is a little iffy at best. I don't trust all of the big companies killing off the old interwebs (eg, notice this nightmare:

@glennbright yes, this is the kind of mapping and effort that I'm talking about that needs to be done geographically. We need to pull together a large map onto a whiteboard service wherein we can overlay notes and draw connections and thoughts for mapping out our research and ideas.

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In response to Glennbright’s comments about the distribution of the rare RH blood type, notice that Brazil and Spain have the same level. They should be quite similar, but the identical level is by chance, of course.

Do you know why they are so close ? I think that the Atlantan population is concentrated in southern Spain and maybe

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I sent it in half written by mistake, so I’ll finish it now and send the whole thing back in.

Start at the beginning where it says “In response” and read on down.


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Here are some snippets from Timaeus, some comments that He made about Atlantis.

“The most famous of them all was the overthrow of the island of Atlantis. This great island lay over against the Pillars of Heracles, “

We don’t truly know where the pillars were. It is said that they were between Gibraltar and Morroco, but there is no evidence at all. But they were supposed to be at the exit of Atlantis towards the Atlantic Ocean, and the exit from Atlantis can easily be identified at the southern end of the Richart structure in Mauritania. And the wash lines of the Sahara “Ocean” can be seen reaching towards the Atlantic, formed when Atlantis experienced subsidence and the Sahara Ocean/Triton Sea drained out on top of Atlantis, like a bottleneck. I imagine that the Pillars of Hercules got buried beneath the sand as the Pillars washed away.

“in extent greater than Libya and Asia put together, and was the passage to other islands and to a great ocean of which the Mediterranean sea was only the harbour; and within the Pillars the empire of Atlantis reached in Europe to Tyrrhenia and in Libya to Egypt.”

Well, Libya used to refer to all of northern Africa, and I believe Asia was the Middle East, believe it or not. The Mediterranean hadn’t cracked open as wide as it is now, and must have been quite a bit smaller than the Triton Sea, which extended all the way over to the back part of Ethiopia. Tyrrhenia is in the eastern part of modern Turkey. Libya to Egypt means that Atlantis extended from the Canary Islands, all across northern Africa up to the border with Egypt.

“Many great and wonderful deeds are recorded of your state in our histories. But one of them exceeds all the rest in greatness and valour. For these histories tell of a mighty power which unprovoked made an expedition against the whole of Europe and Asia, and to which your city put an end.”

“Your state” means Athens, Greece, and “to which your city put an end” means that the Atlanteans were rampaging through lower Europe and the Athenians stopped them butt cold.

“This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean, for in those days the Atlantic was navigable;”

Ok, right here you can surmise that this name Atlantic Ocean didn’t refer to the Atlantic that we know, because it never really stopped being navigable. The Sahara Ocean must have had the name of Atlas/Atlantean back then because the island city states stretched across the Sahara as far as Ethiopia.

“and there was an island situated in front of the straits which are by you called the Pillars of Heracles; the island was larger than Libya and Asia put together, and was the way to other islands, and from these you might pass to the whole of the opposite continent which surrounded the true ocean; for this sea which is within the Straits of Heracles is only a harbour, having a narrow entrance, but that other is a real sea, and the surrounding land may be most truly called a boundless continent.”

In this part, Plato is saying that there was an island chain across the “true ocean” to the continent on the other side. This part stumps me.

“Now in this island of Atlantis there was a great and wonderful empire which had rule over the whole island and several others, and over parts of the continent, and, furthermore, the men of Atlantis had subjected the parts of Libya within the columns of Heracles as far as Egypt, and of Europe as far as Tyrrhenia. This vast power, gathered into one, endeavoured to subdue at a blow our country and yours and the whole of the region within the straits; and then, Solon, your country shone forth, in the excellence of her virtue and strength, among all mankind. She was pre-eminent in courage and military skill, and was the leader of the Hellenes. And when the rest fell off from her, being compelled to stand alone, after having undergone the very extremity of danger, she defeated and triumphed over the invaders, and preserved from slavery those who were not yet subjugated, and generously liberated all the rest of us who dwell within the pillars.”

I think that we already went over the size and extension of the Atlantean empire, and how the Athenians blunted the Atlanteans when they made it to Greece.

“But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth,”

Greece used to extend out along the floor of the Aegean Sea, but the Atlantean Flood also afflicted the Mediterranean and it cracked apart, and let in the Atlantic Ocean, and the whole area got filled up. There are towns scattered all along the Aegean seafloor. What we know as Greece was just the rocky highlands, not the main part.

“ and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea. For which reason the sea in those parts is impassable and impenetrable, because there is a shoal of mud in the way; and this was caused by the subsidence of the island.”

Actually, it was like this between Mauritania and the Canary Islands, and it is still muddy and shallow on the seafloor along the African side of the Canaries.

Timaeus: THE UNDER PEOPLE Eric Norman : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

There are cavern worlds in the Atlas Mountains, David Hatcher Childress mentions them; and in the Haggar Mountains. I’m sure that’s where the Atlanteans went.

Cheers for now!

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We have spoken about the Timaeus related by Plato because it makes some comments about the Atlanteans. And I gave the url to the text, but I'll give it again for convenience.

Critias was also spoken by Plato, and it carries information about life in Atlantis and how things were arranged.

Critias, from the internet classics archive: The Internet Classics Archive | Critias by Plato

Atlantis is of interest to us because there is evidence - which I have presented before and don't want to repeat at this time - that a significant portion of the Atlanteans went underground. This assertion receives a comment in Chapter Four of The Under People, by Eric Norman, a source is quoted named Gordon Nicholas. Who must to know something about Atlantis, although I can't find anything about him. Chapter Four also calls the underground destination of the Atlanteans a "persistent legend". Hmmm ...

The Under People:

Enough for now. Any particular interest?


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