Greetings fellow list members,

Today I would like to share a book with you that I recently finished reading. I am also going to share some other thoughts that have been flying through my mind for a while now, which may be highly controversial to some people. Both of these topics are interrelated, so please stay tuned till the end of the message (unless this kind of topic offends you, in which case please kindly close this message).

So, you may have heard of this book before; it is called Vril, The Power of the Coming Race or just The Coming Race by Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton (actually, he just published the book under his name and is not the true author; more on this later).

Here is an Amazon page where you can obtain a physical copy or you can just read it online.

This book is extremely fascinating for a number of reasons. In fact, it is very similar to Etidorhpa in many ways. To wit:

  1. It is considered one of the first "science fictions." This alone is a red flag since Etidorhpa is characterized by the very same label. Actually, this book was published 24 years before Etidorhpa, so it may be deemed the first "science fiction" ever. Yet, bear in mind that science fiction did not exist before books like Etidorhpa and The Coming Race so perhaps these books were not fictitious after all since the idea of "science fiction" was entirely unconceived-of theretofore.
  2. It is about a man's journey into the bowels of the earth, after which he returns with knowledge that could alter the course of humanity.
  3. It deals very much with the subject of aether (which is called "vril")
  4. And it is just an all-around unputdownable book for anyone even remotely interested in the hollow earth!
    Now, sadly this book has gotten a bad reputation because, first of all, hardly anyone bothers to actually read it and secondly because it is often discussed in tandem with Nazis. It is true that the Nazis were very interested in this book and other related subjects (and rightfully so!) but this book can hardly be called political. Rather, it is highly scientific, philosophical, religious, linguistic, historical, and very mind-expanding! The topics of race and politics are only the subject of certain parts in several chapters.

So that is a brief synopsis of the book and why I think you should absolutely read it cover-to-cover. I will refrain from giving more information on this book partly because I don't want to spoil it and partly because the book is so drenched with information that this message would be enormous if I did so. Now that's out of the way, I would like to get to the real meat & potatoes.

Firstly, I absolutely believe this book is true beyond any shadow of any doubt. In fact, to use the word "believe" is too weak; I know this book is true and any attempt to convince me otherwise is utterly futile. Therefore, I also believe that the race detailed in this book truly is coming very soon and they will wipe us out if we do not master control over aether (i.e., vril) very soon. We must either be prepared to defend ourselves against these people or at least show them that we have the capacity to better ourselves as they have by demonstrating control of aetheric forces. If we cannot do this, they will destroy us and will be justified in doing so. If you find this a hard pill to swallow, then please read this book because it will make it crystal-clear to you.

Before I continue discussion of related topics to this book, I would like to ask a question to any and all members of the list:

Who is the actual, mysterious American author of this book?

Yes, the book is published under the name of Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, who was a real English lord in the 1800s. He was an author of other books, which makes people believe that this book is just another fiction he penned. But it clearly is not. Furthermore, at the very beginning of the book, the author states clearly that he is from America and gives details about his lineage and there are other details about him throughout the book. Unfortunately, his identity nor whereabouts are never clearly stated in the book which is done to keep the location of the mineshaft that he fell in a secret. If he did not do so, it is certain that the powers that be would have destroyed this place by now.

I cannot be the first person to wonder who this mysterious author is, **so I ask anyone on the mailing list who has the faintest clue of this man's identity to please respond to this message or at least contact me privately at my email address. **

So, continuing on the subject of this race called the "Vril-ya," I also believe that other races will come out along with them, perhaps including reptiles and also including the benevolent inhabitants of the hollow interior. As Soretna has quoted in the past, I would like to reference a prophecy of Joseph Smith, Jr. regarding the coming of such inhabitants. From Doctrine & Covenants section 133 verses 19-35 (emphasis added) :

19 Wherefore, prepare ye for the coming of the Bridegroom; go ye, go ye out to meet him.

20 For behold, he shall stand upon the mount of Olivet, and upon the mighty ocean, even the great deep, and upon the islands of the sea, and upon the land of Zion.

21 And he shall utter his voice out of Zion, and he shall speak from Jerusalem, and his voice shall be heard among all people;

22 And it shall be a voice as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder, which shall break down the mountains, and the valleys shall not be found.

23 He shall command the great deep, and it shall be driven back into the north countries, and the islands shall become one land;

24 And the land of Jerusalem and the land of Zion shall be turned back into their own place, and the earth shall be like as it was in the days before it was divided.

25 And the Lord, even the Savior, shall stand in the midst of his people, and shall reign over all flesh.

26 And they who are in the north countries shall come in remembrance before the Lord; and their prophets shall hear his voice, and shall no longer stay themselves; and they shall smite the rocks, and the ice shall flow down at their presence.

27 And an highway shall be cast up in the midst of the great deep.

28 Their enemies shall become a prey unto them,

29 And in the barren deserts there shall come forth pools of living water; and the parched ground shall no longer be a thirsty land.

30 And they shall bring forth their rich treasures unto the children of Ephraim, my servants.

31 And the boundaries of the everlasting hills shall tremble at their presence.

32 And there shall they fall down and be crowned with glory, even in Zion, by the hands of the servants of the Lord, even the children of Ephraim.

33 And they shall be filled with songs of everlasting joy.

34 Behold, this is the blessing of the everlasting God upon the tribes of Israel, and the richer blessing upon the head of Ephraim and his fellows.

35 And they also of the tribe of Judah, after their pain, shall be sanctified in holiness before the Lord, to dwell in his presence day and night, forever and ever.

Now, there are many extremely interesting predictions given here, but there are a few key among them as pertaining to our present discussion. First, the obvious references to the north countries. These are obvious references to those who dwell within the earth which are perceived as dwelling in "north" countries since traveling northwards indefinitely leads you to the interior of the earth inevitably. They are going to come out, as prophesied here.

Secondly, there are references to the tribe of Ephraim. Well, who exactly is the tribe of Ephraim? As detailed by Rodney M. Cluff, the author of World Top Secret: Our Earth IS Hollow! (which I highly recommend), they are the white Aryan race, or the Indo-European peoples. They are related to the other tribes of Israel and also have other heritage connected to the interior world. This theory is similar to the theories of so-called British Israelism or Christian Identity, but it makes much more sense than either. The reason that this tribe is mentioned so much is because they are the ones who will lead the good forces of humanity in the coming struggle which is likely to arise as political strife on nearly all continents. This is related to the current left-right struggle that is seen currently in the various political spheres. This tribe will likely be the ones who bring forth an understanding of aether and who are currently the predominant possessors of the Holy Priesthood, after the Order of the Son of God. Both of these things together will likely constitute the blessings given to the lost tribes by Ephraim.

Furthermore, the last verse mentions the tribe of Judah, i.e., the Jews. This is a topic of much controversy lately, but I can highly recommend Jan Lamprecht's website, History Reviewed, in which he details and discusses the many gross crimes of the Jews in the past many centuries. Jan Lamprecht is also another great writer on the hollow earth and I can highly recommend his book, Hollow Planets: A Feasibility Study of Possible Hollow Worlds.

Eventually, after the coming struggle, the Jews will be sanctified because the wicked elements among them will be removed (which are an awful lot). Afterwards, they will become an exalted people once again, just like their brethren of Ephraim. Unfortunately, this will constitute an immense struggle and will be directly prior to the literal and actual Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

I realize that all of this seems rather off-topic from my initial subject matter, but please let me tie it all together now. The point of this wild tangent which may sound like run-of-the-mill millennialism and adventism is because these things are going to happen and are directly related to the coming races. We are going to have to confront these realities in the imminent future. If we do not attain mastery over aetheric forces right away, we have no chance of surviving the coming calamities. The Nazis were probably humanity's best shot in the past 100 years of actually mastering aetheric forces and trying to emulate the Vril-ya society by eliminating many destructive forces that were sickening their society and replacing them with healthy practices and ideologies. Unfortunately, they have been completely destroyed now and are viciously slandered. Perhaps some of them are still inside the earth with these other races (by way of Antarctica). Either way, we're on our own for the time being and we need to get our act together as human beings or we will be annihilated.

Even if these races were not coming in the imminent future, we would destroy ourselves pretty soon anyway. Robert Distinti (who's developing an alternate theory of physics based on vortexes) has some pretty good videos on this:

Thank you.


Excellent read and my thoughts almost exactly!

You have done your "homework" well - and I salute you!

Greetings fellow list members,

Today I would like to share a book with you that I recently finished reading. I am also going to share some other thoughts that have been flying through my mind for a while now, which may be highly controversial to some people. Both of these topics are interrelated, so please stay tuned till the end of the message (unless this kind of topic offends you, in which case please kindly close this message).

So, you may have heard of this book before; it is called Vril, The Power of the Coming Race or just The Coming Race by Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton (actually, he just published the book under his name and is not the true author; more on this later).

Here is an Amazon page where you can obtain a physical copy or you can just read it online.

This book is extremely fascinating for a number of reasons. In fact, it is very similar to Etidorhpa in many ways. To wit:

  1. It is considered one of the first "science fictions." This alone is a red flag since Etidorhpa is characterized by the very same label. Actually, this book was published 24 years before Etidorhpa, so it may be deemed the first "science fiction" ever. Yet, bear in mind that science fiction did not exist before books like Etidorhpa and The Coming Race so perhaps these books were not fictitious after all since the idea of "science fiction" was entirely unconceived-of theretofore.
  2. It is about a man's journey into the bowels of the earth, after which he returns with knowledge that could alter the course of humanity.
  3. It deals very much with the subject of aether (which is called "vril")
  4. And it is just an all-around unputdownable book for anyone even remotely interested in the hollow earth!
    Now, sadly this book has gotten a bad reputation because, first of all, hardly anyone bothers to actually read it and secondly because it is often discussed in tandem with Nazis. It is true that the Nazis were very interested in this book and other related subjects (and rightfully so!) but this book can hardly be called political. Rather, it is highly scientific, philosophical, religious, linguistic, historical, and very mind-expanding! The topics of race and politics are only the subject of certain parts in several chapters.

So that is a brief synopsis of the book and why I think you should absolutely read it cover-to-cover. I will refrain from giving more information on this book partly because I don't want to spoil it and partly because the book is so drenched with information that this message would be enormous if I did so. Now that's out of the way, I would like to get to the real meat & potatoes.

Firstly, I absolutely believe this book is true beyond any shadow of any doubt. In fact, to use the word "believe" is too weak; I know this book is true and any attempt to convince me otherwise is utterly futile. Therefore, I also believe that the race detailed in this book truly is coming very soon and they will wipe us out if we do not master control over aether (i.e., vril) very soon. We must either be prepared to defend ourselves against these people or at least show them that we have the capacity to better ourselves as they have by demonstrating control of aetheric forces. If we cannot do this, they will destroy us and will be justified in doing so. If you find this a hard pill to swallow, then please read this book because it will make it crystal-clear to you.

Before I continue discussion of related topics to this book, I would like to ask a question to any and all members of the list:

Who is the actual, mysterious American author of this book?

Yes, the book is published under the name of Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, who was a real English lord in the 1800s. He was an author of other books, which makes people believe that this book is just another fiction he penned. But it clearly is not. Furthermore, at the very beginning of the book, the author states clearly that he is from America and gives details about his lineage and there are other details about him throughout the book. Unfortunately, his identity nor whereabouts are never clearly stated in the book which is done to keep the location of the mineshaft that he fell in a secret. If he did not do so, it is certain that the powers that be would have destroyed this place by now.

I cannot be the first person to wonder who this mysterious author is, **so I ask anyone on the mailing list who has the faintest clue of this man's identity to please respond to this message or at least contact me privately at my email address. **

So, continuing on the subject of this race called the "Vril-ya," I also believe that other races will come out along with them, perhaps including reptiles and also including the benevolent inhabitants of the hollow interior. As Soretna has quoted in the past, I would like to reference a prophecy of Joseph Smith, Jr. regarding the coming of such inhabitants. From Doctrine & Covenants section 133 verses 19-35 (emphasis added) :

19 Wherefore, prepare ye for the coming of the Bridegroom; go ye, go ye out to meet him.

20 For behold, he shall stand upon the mount of Olivet, and upon the mighty ocean, even the great deep, and upon the islands of the sea, and upon the land of Zion.

21 And he shall utter his voice out of Zion, and he shall speak from Jerusalem, and his voice shall be heard among all people;

22 And it shall be a voice as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder, which shall break down the mountains, and the valleys shall not be found.

23 He shall command the great deep, and it shall be driven back into the north countries, and the islands shall become one land;

24 And the land of Jerusalem and the land of Zion shall be turned back into their own place, and the earth shall be like as it was in the days before it was divided.

25 And the Lord, even the Savior, shall stand in the midst of his people, and shall reign over all flesh.

26 And they who are in the north countries shall come in remembrance before the Lord; and their prophets shall hear his voice, and shall no longer stay themselves; and they shall smite the rocks, and the ice shall flow down at their presence.

27 And an highway shall be cast up in the midst of the great deep.

28 Their enemies shall become a prey unto them,

29 And in the barren deserts there shall come forth pools of living water; and the parched ground shall no longer be a thirsty land.

30 And they shall bring forth their rich treasures unto the children of Ephraim, my servants.

31 And the boundaries of the everlasting hills shall tremble at their presence.

32 And there shall they fall down and be crowned with glory, even in Zion, by the hands of the servants of the Lord, even the children of Ephraim.

33 And they shall be filled with songs of everlasting joy.

34 Behold, this is the blessing of the everlasting God upon the tribes of Israel, and the richer blessing upon the head of Ephraim and his fellows.

35 And they also of the tribe of Judah, after their pain, shall be sanctified in holiness before the Lord, to dwell in his presence day and night, forever and ever.

Now, there are many extremely interesting predictions given here, but there are a few key among them as pertaining to our present discussion. First, the obvious references to the north countries. These are obvious references to those who dwell within the earth which are perceived as dwelling in "north" countries since traveling northwards indefinitely leads you to the interior of the earth inevitably. They are going to come out, as prophesied here.

Secondly, there are references to the tribe of Ephraim. Well, who exactly is the tribe of Ephraim? As detailed by Rodney M. Cluff, the author of World Top Secret: Our Earth IS Hollow! (which I highly recommend), they are the white Aryan race, or the Indo-European peoples. They are related to the other tribes of Israel and also have other heritage connected to the interior world. This theory is similar to the theories of so-called British Israelism or Christian Identity, but it makes much more sense than either. The reason that this tribe is mentioned so much is because they are the ones who will lead the good forces of humanity in the coming struggle which is likely to arise as political strife on nearly all continents. This is related to the current left-right struggle that is seen currently in the various political spheres. This tribe will likely be the ones who bring forth an understanding of aether and who are currently the predominant possessors of the Holy Priesthood, after the Order of the Son of God. Both of these things together will likely constitute the blessings given to the lost tribes by Ephraim.

Furthermore, the last verse mentions the tribe of Judah, i.e., the Jews. This is a topic of much controversy lately, but I can highly recommend Jan Lamprecht's website, History Reviewed, in which he details and discusses the many gross crimes of the Jews in the past many centuries. Jan Lamprecht is also another great writer on the hollow earth and I can highly recommend his book, Hollow Planets: A Feasibility Study of Possible Hollow Worlds.

Eventually, after the coming struggle, the Jews will be sanctified because the wicked elements among them will be removed (which are an awful lot). Afterwards, they will become an exalted people once again, just like their brethren of Ephraim. Unfortunately, this will constitute an immense struggle and will be directly prior to the literal and actual Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

I realize that all of this seems rather off-topic from my initial subject matter, but please let me tie it all together now. The point of this wild tangent which may sound like run-of-the-mill millennialism and adventism is because these things are going to happen and are directly related to the coming races. We are going to have to confront these realities in the imminent future. If we do not attain mastery over aetheric forces right away, we have no chance of surviving the coming calamities. The Nazis were probably humanity's best shot in the past 100 years of actually mastering aetheric forces and trying to emulate the Vril-ya society by eliminating many destructive forces that were sickening their society and replacing them with healthy practices and ideologies. Unfortunately, they have been completely destroyed now and are viciously slandered. Perhaps some of them are still inside the earth with these other races (by way of Antarctica). Either way, we're on our own for the time being and we need to get our act together as human beings or we will be annihilated.

Even if these races were not coming in the imminent future, we would destroy ourselves pretty soon anyway. Robert Distinti (who's developing an alternate theory of physics based on vortexes) has some pretty good videos on this:

Thank you.


On Wednesday, October 31, 2018, 9:51:48 AM AKDT, Ephraimite [email protected] [ALLPLANETS-HOLLOW] [email protected] wrote:

1 Like

Wow, that's quite the thread starter there...

I'm tremendously impressed with your thoughts and observations. This book has long been on my "to read" list.

This is some seriously scary stuff here Ephraimite. I guess the way this fits together with other things we've discussed both recently and in the past here and the pattern that's present makes this hard to ignore in terms of the Vril-ya et al purging the dross, so to speak. Tell me if I'm wrong, but don't they consider their technology as "burning" the targets (of their devastating stick or rod shaped devices)? And can't it be employed to levels of extreme devastation? (Say, for example, they could obliterate cities or regions quickly and easily with "vril" - which vril seems to maybe be [a]ether in an activated or pressurized fashion, maybe akin to a firehose of [a]ether being turned on and sprayed out? And said destruction exceeds even the devastating levels of nuclear explosions as far as melting or burning goes?)

Regarding the author, I wonder if there are any clues as to the history of the region or people involved... Is there not something about a politician involved and if so, perhaps there are records of this time frame that could help in the identification effort?

Quite the compelling case you make for those who are both intrigued by a good mystery AND who worry about our human species' survival!


On Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 1:51 PM Ephraimite [email protected] [ALLPLANETS-HOLLOW] [email protected] wrote:

Greetings fellow list members,

Today I would like to share a book with you that I recently finished reading. I am also going to share some other thoughts that have been flying through my mind for a while now, which may be highly controversial to some people. Both of these topics are interrelated, so please stay tuned till the end of the message (unless this kind of topic offends you, in which case please kindly close this message).

So, you may have heard of this book before; it is called Vril, The Power of the Coming Race or just The Coming Race by Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton (actually, he just published the book under his name and is not the true author; more on this later).

Here is an Amazon page where you can obtain a physical copy or you can just read it online.

This book is extremely fascinating for a number of reasons. In fact, it is very similar to Etidorhpa in many ways. To wit:

  1. It is considered one of the first "science fictions." This alone is a red flag since Etidorhpa is characterized by the very same label. Actually, this book was published 24 years before Etidorhpa, so it may be deemed the first "science fiction" ever. Yet, bear in mind that science fiction did not exist before books like Etidorhpa and The Coming Race so perhaps these books were not fictitious after all since the idea of "science fiction" was entirely unconceived-of theretofore.
  2. It is about a man's journey into the bowels of the earth, after which he returns with knowledge that could alter the course of humanity.
  3. It deals very much with the subject of aether (which is called "vril")
  4. And it is just an all-around unputdownable book for anyone even remotely interested in the hollow earth!
    Now, sadly this book has gotten a bad reputation because, first of all, hardly anyone bothers to actually read it and secondly because it is often discussed in tandem with Nazis. It is true that the Nazis were very interested in this book and other related subjects (and rightfully so!) but this book can hardly be called political. Rather, it is highly scientific, philosophical, religious, linguistic, historical, and very mind-expanding! The topics of race and politics are only the subject of certain parts in several chapters.

So that is a brief synopsis of the book and why I think you should absolutely read it cover-to-cover. I will refrain from giving more information on this book partly because I don't want to spoil it and partly because the book is so drenched with information that this message would be enormous if I did so. Now that's out of the way, I would like to get to the real meat & potatoes.

Firstly, I absolutely believe this book is true beyond any shadow of any doubt. In fact, to use the word "believe" is too weak; I know this book is true and any attempt to convince me otherwise is utterly futile. Therefore, I also believe that the race detailed in this book truly is coming very soon and they will wipe us out if we do not master control over aether (i.e., vril) very soon. We must either be prepared to defend ourselves against these people or at least show them that we have the capacity to better ourselves as they have by demonstrating control of aetheric forces. If we cannot do this, they will destroy us and will be justified in doing so. If you find this a hard pill to swallow, then please read this book because it will make it crystal-clear to you.

Before I continue discussion of related topics to this book, I would like to ask a question to any and all members of the list:

Who is the actual, mysterious American author of this book?

Yes, the book is published under the name of Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, who was a real English lord in the 1800s. He was an author of other books, which makes people believe that this book is just another fiction he penned. But it clearly is not. Furthermore, at the very beginning of the book, the author states clearly that he is from America and gives details about his lineage and there are other details about him throughout the book. Unfortunately, his identity nor whereabouts are never clearly stated in the book which is done to keep the location of the mineshaft that he fell in a secret. If he did not do so, it is certain that the powers that be would have destroyed this place by now.

I cannot be the first person to wonder who this mysterious author is, **so I ask anyone on the mailing list who has the faintest clue of this man's identity to please respond to this message or at least contact me privately at my email address. **

So, continuing on the subject of this race called the "Vril-ya," I also believe that other races will come out along with them, perhaps including reptiles and also including the benevolent inhabitants of the hollow interior. As Soretna has quoted in the past, I would like to reference a prophecy of Joseph Smith, Jr. regarding the coming of such inhabitants. From Doctrine & Covenants section 133 verses 19-35 (emphasis added) :

19 Wherefore, prepare ye for the coming of the Bridegroom; go ye, go ye out to meet him.

20 For behold, he shall stand upon the mount of Olivet, and upon the mighty ocean, even the great deep, and upon the islands of the sea, and upon the land of Zion.

21 And he shall utter his voice out of Zion, and he shall speak from Jerusalem, and his voice shall be heard among all people;

22 And it shall be a voice as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder, which shall break down the mountains, and the valleys shall not be found.

23 He shall command the great deep, and it shall be driven back into the north countries, and the islands shall become one land;

24 And the land of Jerusalem and the land of Zion shall be turned back into their own place, and the earth shall be like as it was in the days before it was divided.

25 And the Lord, even the Savior, shall stand in the midst of his people, and shall reign over all flesh.

26 And they who are in the north countries shall come in remembrance before the Lord; and their prophets shall hear his voice, and shall no longer stay themselves; and they shall smite the rocks, and the ice shall flow down at their presence.

27 And an highway shall be cast up in the midst of the great deep.

28 Their enemies shall become a prey unto them,

29 And in the barren deserts there shall come forth pools of living water; and the parched ground shall no longer be a thirsty land.

30 And they shall bring forth their rich treasures unto the children of Ephraim, my servants.

31 And the boundaries of the everlasting hills shall tremble at their presence.

32 And there shall they fall down and be crowned with glory, even in Zion, by the hands of the servants of the Lord, even the children of Ephraim.

33 And they shall be filled with songs of everlasting joy.

34 Behold, this is the blessing of the everlasting God upon the tribes of Israel, and the richer blessing upon the head of Ephraim and his fellows.

35 And they also of the tribe of Judah, after their pain, shall be sanctified in holiness before the Lord, to dwell in his presence day and night, forever and ever.

Now, there are many extremely interesting predictions given here, but there are a few key among them as pertaining to our present discussion. First, the obvious references to the north countries. These are obvious references to those who dwell within the earth which are perceived as dwelling in "north" countries since traveling northwards indefinitely leads you to the interior of the earth inevitably. They are going to come out, as prophesied here.

Secondly, there are references to the tribe of Ephraim. Well, who exactly is the tribe of Ephraim? As detailed by Rodney M. Cluff, the author of World Top Secret: Our Earth IS Hollow! (which I highly recommend), they are the white Aryan race, or the Indo-European peoples. They are related to the other tribes of Israel and also have other heritage connected to the interior world. This theory is similar to the theories of so-called British Israelism or Christian Identity, but it makes much more sense than either. The reason that this tribe is mentioned so much is because they are the ones who will lead the good forces of humanity in the coming struggle which is likely to arise as political strife on nearly all continents. This is related to the current left-right struggle that is seen currently in the various political spheres. This tribe will likely be the ones who bring forth an understanding of aether and who are currently the predominant possessors of the Holy Priesthood, after the Order of the Son of God. Both of these things together will likely constitute the blessings given to the lost tribes by Ephraim.

Furthermore, the last verse mentions the tribe of Judah, i.e., the Jews. This is a topic of much controversy lately, but I can highly recommend Jan Lamprecht's website, History Reviewed, in which he details and discusses the many gross crimes of the Jews in the past many centuries. Jan Lamprecht is also another great writer on the hollow earth and I can highly recommend his book, Hollow Planets: A Feasibility Study of Possible Hollow Worlds.

Eventually, after the coming struggle, the Jews will be sanctified because the wicked elements among them will be removed (which are an awful lot). Afterwards, they will become an exalted people once again, just like their brethren of Ephraim. Unfortunately, this will constitute an immense struggle and will be directly prior to the literal and actual Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

I realize that all of this seems rather off-topic from my initial subject matter, but please let me tie it all together now. The point of this wild tangent which may sound like run-of-the-mill millennialism and adventism is because these things are going to happen and are directly related to the coming races. We are going to have to confront these realities in the imminent future. If we do not attain mastery over aetheric forces right away, we have no chance of surviving the coming calamities. The Nazis were probably humanity's best shot in the past 100 years of actually mastering aetheric forces and trying to emulate the Vril-ya society by eliminating many destructive forces that were sickening their society and replacing them with healthy practices and ideologies. Unfortunately, they have been completely destroyed now and are viciously slandered. Perhaps some of them are still inside the earth with these other races (by way of Antarctica). Either way, we're on our own for the time being and we need to get our act together as human beings or we will be annihilated.

Even if these races were not coming in the imminent future, we would destroy ourselves pretty soon anyway. Robert Distinti (who's developing an alternate theory of physics based on vortexes) has some pretty good videos on this:

Thank you.

1 Like

Thanks a lot, Sheridan! That means a lot coming from you so I appreciate it!

Also, I'm glad someone else shares these thoughts with me... makes me feel a little less crazy!

โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€ Original Message โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€


Excellent read and my thoughts almost exactly!

You have done your "homework" well - and I salute you!

On Wednesday, October 31, 2018, 9:51:48 AM AKDT, Ephraimite [email protected] [ALLPLANETS-HOLLOW] [email protected] wrote:

Greetings fellow list members,

Today I would like to share a book with you that I recently finished reading. I am also going to share some other thoughts that have been flying through my mind for a while now, which may be highly controversial to some people. Both of these topics are interrelated, so please stay tuned till the end of the message (unless this kind of topic offends you, in which case please kindly close this message).

So, you may have heard of this book before; it is called Vril, The Power of the Coming Race or just The Coming Race by Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton (actually, he just published the book under his name and is not the true author; more on this later).

Here is an Amazon page where you can obtain a physical copy or you can just read it online.

This book is extremely fascinating for a number of reasons. In fact, it is very similar to Etidorhpa in many ways. To wit:

  1. It is considered one of the first "science fictions." This alone is a red flag since Etidorhpa is characterized by the very same label. Actually, this book was published 24 years before Etidorhpa, so it may be deemed the first "science fiction" ever. Yet, bear in mind that science fiction did not exist before books like Etidorhpa and The Coming Race so perhaps these books were not fictitious after all since the idea of "science fiction" was entirely unconceived-of theretofore.
  2. It is about a man's journey into the bowels of the earth, after which he returns with knowledge that could alter the course of humanity.
  3. It deals very much with the subject of aether (which is called "vril")
  4. And it is just an all-around unputdownable book for anyone even remotely interested in the hollow earth!
    Now, sadly this book has gotten a bad reputation because, first of all, hardly anyone bothers to actually read it and secondly because it is often discussed in tandem with Nazis. It is true that the Nazis were very interested in this book and other related subjects (and rightfully so!) but this book can hardly be called political. Rather, it is highly scientific, philosophical, religious, linguistic, historical, and very mind-expanding! The topics of race and politics are only the subject of certain parts in several chapters.

So that is a brief synopsis of the book and why I think you should absolutely read it cover-to-cover. I will refrain from giving more information on this book partly because I don't want to spoil it and partly because the book is so drenched with information that this message would be enormous if I did so. Now that's out of the way, I would like to get to the real meat & potatoes.

Firstly, I absolutely believe this book is true beyond any shadow of any doubt. In fact, to use the word "believe" is too weak; I know this book is true and any attempt to convince me otherwise is utterly futile. Therefore, I also believe that the race detailed in this book truly is coming very soon and they will wipe us out if we do not master control over aether (i.e., vril) very soon. We must either be prepared to defend ourselves against these people or at least show them that we have the capacity to better ourselves as they have by demonstrating control of aetheric forces. If we cannot do this, they will destroy us and will be justified in doing so. If you find this a hard pill to swallow, then please read this book because it will make it crystal-clear to you.

Before I continue discussion of related topics to this book, I would like to ask a question to any and all members of the list:

Who is the actual, mysterious American author of this book?

Yes, the book is published under the name of Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, who was a real English lord in the 1800s. He was an author of other books, which makes people believe that this book is just another fiction he penned. But it clearly is not. Furthermore, at the very beginning of the book, the author states clearly that he is from America and gives details about his lineage and there are other details about him throughout the book. Unfortunately, his identity nor whereabouts are never clearly stated in the book which is done to keep the location of the mineshaft that he fell in a secret. If he did not do so, it is certain that the powers that be would have destroyed this place by now.

I cannot be the first person to wonder who this mysterious author is, **so I ask anyone on the mailing list who has the faintest clue of this man's identity to please respond to this message or at least contact me privately at my email address. **

So, continuing on the subject of this race called the "Vril-ya," I also believe that other races will come out along with them, perhaps including reptiles and also including the benevolent inhabitants of the hollow interior. As Soretna has quoted in the past, I would like to reference a prophecy of Joseph Smith, Jr. regarding the coming of such inhabitants. From Doctrine & Covenants section 133 verses 19-35 (emphasis added) :

19 Wherefore, prepare ye for the coming of the Bridegroom; go ye, go ye out to meet him.

20 For behold, he shall stand upon the mount of Olivet, and upon the mighty ocean, even the great deep, and upon the islands of the sea, and upon the land of Zion.

21 And he shall utter his voice out of Zion, and he shall speak from Jerusalem, and his voice shall be heard among all people;

22 And it shall be a voice as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder, which shall break down the mountains, and the valleys shall not be found.

23 He shall command the great deep, and it shall be driven back into the north countries, and the islands shall become one land;

24 And the land of Jerusalem and the land of Zion shall be turned back into their own place, and the earth shall be like as it was in the days before it was divided.

25 And the Lord, even the Savior, shall stand in the midst of his people, and shall reign over all flesh.

26 And they who are in the north countries shall come in remembrance before the Lord; and their prophets shall hear his voice, and shall no longer stay themselves; and they shall smite the rocks, and the ice shall flow down at their presence.

27 And an highway shall be cast up in the midst of the great deep.

28 Their enemies shall become a prey unto them,

29 And in the barren deserts there shall come forth pools of living water; and the parched ground shall no longer be a thirsty land.

30 And they shall bring forth their rich treasures unto the children of Ephraim, my servants.

31 And the boundaries of the everlasting hills shall tremble at their presence.

32 And there shall they fall down and be crowned with glory, even in Zion, by the hands of the servants of the Lord, even the children of Ephraim.

33 And they shall be filled with songs of everlasting joy.

34 Behold, this is the blessing of the everlasting God upon the tribes of Israel, and the richer blessing upon the head of Ephraim and his fellows.

35 And they also of the tribe of Judah, after their pain, shall be sanctified in holiness before the Lord, to dwell in his presence day and night, forever and ever.

Now, there are many extremely interesting predictions given here, but there are a few key among them as pertaining to our present discussion. First, the obvious references to the north countries. These are obvious references to those who dwell within the earth which are perceived as dwelling in "north" countries since traveling northwards indefinitely leads you to the interior of the earth inevitably. They are going to come out, as prophesied here.

Secondly, there are references to the tribe of Ephraim. Well, who exactly is the tribe of Ephraim? As detailed by Rodney M. Cluff, the author of World Top Secret: Our Earth IS Hollow! (which I highly recommend), they are the white Aryan race, or the Indo-European peoples. They are related to the other tribes of Israel and also have other heritage connected to the interior world. This theory is similar to the theories of so-called British Israelism or Christian Identity, but it makes much more sense than either. The reason that this tribe is mentioned so much is because they are the ones who will lead the good forces of humanity in the coming struggle which is likely to arise as political strife on nearly all continents. This is related to the current left-right struggle that is seen currently in the various political spheres. This tribe will likely be the ones who bring forth an understanding of aether and who are currently the predominant possessors of the Holy Priesthood, after the Order of the Son of God. Both of these things together will likely constitute the blessings given to the lost tribes by Ephraim.

Furthermore, the last verse mentions the tribe of Judah, i.e., the Jews. This is a topic of much controversy lately, but I can highly recommend Jan Lamprecht's website, History Reviewed, in which he details and discusses the many gross crimes of the Jews in the past many centuries. Jan Lamprecht is also another great writer on the hollow earth and I can highly recommend his book, Hollow Planets: A Feasibility Study of Possible Hollow Worlds.

Eventually, after the coming struggle, the Jews will be sanctified because the wicked elements among them will be removed (which are an awful lot). Afterwards, they will become an exalted people once again, just like their brethren of Ephraim. Unfortunately, this will constitute an immense struggle and will be directly prior to the literal and actual Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

I realize that all of this seems rather off-topic from my initial subject matter, but please let me tie it all together now. The point of this wild tangent which may sound like run-of-the-mill millennialism and adventism is because these things are going to happen and are directly related to the coming races. We are going to have to confront these realities in the imminent future. If we do not attain mastery over aetheric forces right away, we have no chance of surviving the coming calamities. The Nazis were probably humanity's best shot in the past 100 years of actually mastering aetheric forces and trying to emulate the Vril-ya society by eliminating many destructive forces that were sickening their society and replacing them with healthy practices and ideologies. Unfortunately, they have been completely destroyed now and are viciously slandered. Perhaps some of them are still inside the earth with these other races (by way of Antarctica). Either way, we're on our own for the time being and we need to get our act together as human beings or we will be annihilated.

Even if these races were not coming in the imminent future, we would destroy ourselves pretty soon anyway. Robert Distinti (who's developing an alternate theory of physics based on vortexes) has some pretty good videos on this:

Thank you.


Thanks for sharing some thoughts on this subject. I'd really like to have all brains on deck here, since I know we've got some great minds on this mailing list and we can use all the brainpower we can get.

Yes, I can highly recommend reading this book to anyone who has it on their bucket list. It is not a long book, but it will give you more insight than most other books out there. It's well worth the read; descriptions and summaries really don't do it justice, unfortunately.

I agree completely; this is scary stuff. And it is highly relevant to a lot of things we've been discussing of late and in past discussions, too. I think it brings these discussions to a head and ties it all into something tangible. Well, it feels that way to me anyway.

Yes, their technology consists of weaponry among many other things. As you say, the destructive capabilities thereof are simply staggering and make nukes look like large, inconvenient playthings. No, that's not an exaggeration. As far as whether these things work as pressurized firehoses of aether, so to speak, I cannot say for certain. The author himself was not well-versed in the workings of vril and described its effects more than its internal workings.

To address some of your more specific questions, I would like to summarize some of their achievements which can relate to their destructive capabilities. As you read the following list, keep in mind that this was published over 100 years ago, so their advances may be even more mind-boggling now. Furthermore, almost all of these scientific achievements were utilized solely for peaceful purposes and "war" doesn't really exist among them. When they commence in the work of death, resistance is truly futile for any non-vril-wielder. Without further ado, here is a brief summary of some of their "wartime" capabilities (which would not be war as much as annihilation):

  • As you mention, they have weapons which turn the target into ash at a moment's notice. Yes, effectively "burning" the target, but this burning happens instantaneously; it is not "burning" in the sense of a flamethrower or whatnot. There is no melting nor time between the moment of impact and the moment of immolation.
  • As you also mention, these weapons are in the form of rods or staves of which a rather detailed description is given in one chapter. These weapons are standard equipment for many Vril-ya, including (and especially) children. This is purely for defensive purposes and they rarely actively seek anything's destruction.
  • As you further mention, by amplifying the destructive power of these staves, they can annihilate entire cities or whole civilizations, which number even in the millions, within a matter of days or less.
  • They have mastery over robotics. They have replaced the entire class of manual labor with robots.
  • They can heal mortal wounds and diseases at miraculous speed, which of course could be inflicted by our weapons.
  • They have flying vehicles, ground vehicles, and personal wings on which any individual Vril-ya can fly.
  • They can hypnotize or put to sleep other living creatures with a mere touch.
  • Their longevity, physical strength, and size exceed our own considerably (although they are not giants several times larger than us).
    Since almost all of these advancements were used exclusively for peaceful purposes, it is very likely that they have made many of these advancements even more specialized for the purpose of destruction upon ascending from the nether realms. That is a frightening thought alone.

Back to the topic of the author, there are definite clues regarding his lineage and thus potentially which state he lived in. Nonetheless, it is vague enough to have stumped me. I am certain it is out there somewhere, but it is no easy mystery that one could just solve immediately.

Yes, there is mention of a politician: he mentions his father who ran for Congress and lost. There are other significant details in the first chapter alone, yet it has been hard for me to pinpoint these details to a real person. I'll post some such details inline here:

I AM a native of ----, in the United States of America. My ancestors migrated from England in the reign of Charles II., and my grandfather was not undistinguished in the War of Independence. My family, therefore, enjoyed a somewhat high social position in right of birth; and being also opulent, they were considered disqualified for the public service. My father once ran for Congress, but was signally defeated by his tailor. After that event he interfered little in politics, and lived much in his library. I was the eldest of three sons, and sent at the age of sixteen to the old country, partly to complete my literary education, partly to commence my commercial training in a mercantile firm at Liverpool. My father died shortly after I was twenty-one; and being left well off, and having a taste for travel and adventure, I resigned, for a time, all pursuit of the almighty dollar, and became a desultory wanderer over the face of the earth.

In the year 18--, happening to be in ----, I was invited by a professional engineer, with whom I had made acquaintance, to visit the recesses of the ---- mine, upon which he was employed.

The reader will understand, ere he close this narrative, my reason for concealing all clue to the district of which I write, and will perhaps thank me for refraining from any description that may tend to its discovery.

There are other details about him in other places of the book, but these are some of the most important ones. If anyone would like to shed some light on these details, please feel free.

Yes, Soretna: this book has vast appeal for anyone interested in hollow earth, humanity's survival, or even a good mystery as pertaining to the author's identity. It is thus surprising that it's such an obscure book and has so many wrong perceptions about it!

โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€ Original Message โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€


Wow, that's quite the thread starter there...

I'm tremendously impressed with your thoughts and observations. This book has long been on my "to read" list.

This is some seriously scary stuff here Ephraimite.. I guess the way this fits together with other things we've discussed both recently and in the past here and the pattern that's present makes this hard to ignore in terms of the Vril-ya et al purging the dross, so to speak. Tell me if I'm wrong, but don't they consider their technology as "burning" the targets (of their devastating stick or rod shaped devices)? And can't it be employed to levels of extreme devastation? (Say, for example, they could obliterate cities or regions quickly and easily with "vril" - which vril seems to maybe be [a]ether in an activated or pressurized fashion, maybe akin to a firehose of [a]ether being turned on and sprayed out? And said destruction exceeds even the devastating levels of nuclear explosions as far as melting or burning goes?)

Regarding the author, I wonder if there are any clues as to the history of the region or people involved... Is there not something about a politician involved and if so, perhaps there are records of this time frame that could help in the identification effort?

Quite the compelling case you make for those who are both intrigued by a good mystery AND who worry about our human species' survival!

On Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 1:51 PM Ephraimite [email protected] [ALLPLANETS-HOLLOW] [email protected] wrote:

Greetings fellow list members,

Today I would like to share a book with you that I recently finished reading.. I am also going to share some other thoughts that have been flying through my mind for a while now, which may be highly controversial to some people.. Both of these topics are interrelated, so please stay tuned till the end of the message (unless this kind of topic offends you, in which case please kindly close this message).

So, you may have heard of this book before; it is called Vril, The Power of the Coming Race or just The Coming Race by Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton (actually, he just published the book under his name and is not the true author; more on this later).

Here is an Amazon page where you can obtain a physical copy or you can just read it online.

This book is extremely fascinating for a number of reasons. In fact, it is very similar to Etidorhpa in many ways. To wit:

  1. It is considered one of the first "science fictions." This alone is a red flag since Etidorhpa is characterized by the very same label. Actually, this book was published 24 years before Etidorhpa, so it may be deemed the first "science fiction" ever. Yet, bear in mind that science fiction did not exist before books like Etidorhpa and The Coming Race so perhaps these books were not fictitious after all since the idea of "science fiction" was entirely unconceived-of theretofore.
  2. It is about a man's journey into the bowels of the earth, after which he returns with knowledge that could alter the course of humanity.
  3. It deals very much with the subject of aether (which is called "vril")
  4. And it is just an all-around unputdownable book for anyone even remotely interested in the hollow earth!
    Now, sadly this book has gotten a bad reputation because, first of all, hardly anyone bothers to actually read it and secondly because it is often discussed in tandem with Nazis. It is true that the Nazis were very interested in this book and other related subjects (and rightfully so!) but this book can hardly be called political. Rather, it is highly scientific, philosophical, religious, linguistic, historical, and very mind-expanding! The topics of race and politics are only the subject of certain parts in several chapters.

So that is a brief synopsis of the book and why I think you should absolutely read it cover-to-cover. I will refrain from giving more information on this book partly because I don't want to spoil it and partly because the book is so drenched with information that this message would be enormous if I did so. Now that's out of the way, I would like to get to the real meat & potatoes.

Firstly, I absolutely believe this book is true beyond any shadow of any doubt. In fact, to use the word "believe" is too weak; I know this book is true and any attempt to convince me otherwise is utterly futile. Therefore, I also believe that the race detailed in this book truly is coming very soon and they will wipe us out if we do not master control over aether (i.e., vril) very soon. We must either be prepared to defend ourselves against these people or at least show them that we have the capacity to better ourselves as they have by demonstrating control of aetheric forces. If we cannot do this, they will destroy us and will be justified in doing so. If you find this a hard pill to swallow, then please read this book because it will make it crystal-clear to you.

Before I continue discussion of related topics to this book, I would like to ask a question to any and all members of the list:

Who is the actual, mysterious American author of this book?

Yes, the book is published under the name of Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, who was a real English lord in the 1800s. He was an author of other books, which makes people believe that this book is just another fiction he penned. But it clearly is not. Furthermore, at the very beginning of the book, the author states clearly that he is from America and gives details about his lineage and there are other details about him throughout the book. Unfortunately, his identity nor whereabouts are never clearly stated in the book which is done to keep the location of the mineshaft that he fell in a secret. If he did not do so, it is certain that the powers that be would have destroyed this place by now.

I cannot be the first person to wonder who this mysterious author is, **so I ask anyone on the mailing list who has the faintest clue of this man's identity to please respond to this message or at least contact me privately at my email address. **

So, continuing on the subject of this race called the "Vril-ya," I also believe that other races will come out along with them, perhaps including reptiles and also including the benevolent inhabitants of the hollow interior. As Soretna has quoted in the past, I would like to reference a prophecy of Joseph Smith, Jr. regarding the coming of such inhabitants. From Doctrine & Covenants section 133 verses 19-35 (emphasis added) :

19 Wherefore, prepare ye for the coming of the Bridegroom; go ye, go ye out to meet him.

20 For behold, he shall stand upon the mount of Olivet, and upon the mighty ocean, even the great deep, and upon the islands of the sea, and upon the land of Zion.

21 And he shall utter his voice out of Zion, and he shall speak from Jerusalem, and his voice shall be heard among all people;

22 And it shall be a voice as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder, which shall break down the mountains, and the valleys shall not be found.

23 He shall command the great deep, and it shall be driven back into the north countries, and the islands shall become one land;

24 And the land of Jerusalem and the land of Zion shall be turned back into their own place, and the earth shall be like as it was in the days before it was divided.

25 And the Lord, even the Savior, shall stand in the midst of his people, and shall reign over all flesh.

26 And they who are in the north countries shall come in remembrance before the Lord; and their prophets shall hear his voice, and shall no longer stay themselves; and they shall smite the rocks, and the ice shall flow down at their presence.

27 And an highway shall be cast up in the midst of the great deep.

28 Their enemies shall become a prey unto them,

29 And in the barren deserts there shall come forth pools of living water; and the parched ground shall no longer be a thirsty land.

30 And they shall bring forth their rich treasures unto the children of Ephraim, my servants..

31 And the boundaries of the everlasting hills shall tremble at their presence..

32 And there shall they fall down and be crowned with glory, even in Zion, by the hands of the servants of the Lord, even the children of Ephraim.

33 And they shall be filled with songs of everlasting joy.

34 Behold, this is the blessing of the everlasting God upon the tribes of Israel, and the richer blessing upon the head of Ephraim and his fellows.

35 And they also of the tribe of Judah, after their pain, shall be sanctified in holiness before the Lord, to dwell in his presence day and night, forever and ever.

Now, there are many extremely interesting predictions given here, but there are a few key among them as pertaining to our present discussion. First, the obvious references to the north countries. These are obvious references to those who dwell within the earth which are perceived as dwelling in "north" countries since traveling northwards indefinitely leads you to the interior of the earth inevitably. They are going to come out, as prophesied here.

Secondly, there are references to the tribe of Ephraim. Well, who exactly is the tribe of Ephraim? As detailed by Rodney M. Cluff, the author of World Top Secret: Our Earth IS Hollow! (which I highly recommend), they are the white Aryan race, or the Indo-European peoples. They are related to the other tribes of Israel and also have other heritage connected to the interior world. This theory is similar to the theories of so-called British Israelism or Christian Identity, but it makes much more sense than either. The reason that this tribe is mentioned so much is because they are the ones who will lead the good forces of humanity in the coming struggle which is likely to arise as political strife on nearly all continents. This is related to the current left-right struggle that is seen currently in the various political spheres. This tribe will likely be the ones who bring forth an understanding of aether and who are currently the predominant possessors of the Holy Priesthood, after the Order of the Son of God. Both of these things together will likely constitute the blessings given to the lost tribes by Ephraim.

Furthermore, the last verse mentions the tribe of Judah, i.e., the Jews. This is a topic of much controversy lately, but I can highly recommend Jan Lamprecht's website, History Reviewed, in which he details and discusses the many gross crimes of the Jews in the past many centuries. Jan Lamprecht is also another great writer on the hollow earth and I can highly recommend his book, Hollow Planets: A Feasibility Study of Possible Hollow Worlds.

Eventually, after the coming struggle, the Jews will be sanctified because the wicked elements among them will be removed (which are an awful lot). Afterwards, they will become an exalted people once again, just like their brethren of Ephraim. Unfortunately, this will constitute an immense struggle and will be directly prior to the literal and actual Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

I realize that all of this seems rather off-topic from my initial subject matter, but please let me tie it all together now. The point of this wild tangent which may sound like run-of-the-mill millennialism and adventism is because these things are going to happen and are directly related to the coming races. We are going to have to confront these realities in the imminent future. If we do not attain mastery over aetheric forces right away, we have no chance of surviving the coming calamities. The Nazis were probably humanity's best shot in the past 100 years of actually mastering aetheric forces and trying to emulate the Vril-ya society by eliminating many destructive forces that were sickening their society and replacing them with healthy practices and ideologies. Unfortunately, they have been completely destroyed now and are viciously slandered. Perhaps some of them are still inside the earth with these other races (by way of Antarctica). Either way, we're on our own for the time being and we need to get our act together as human beings or we will be annihilated.

Even if these races were not coming in the imminent future, we would destroy ourselves pretty soon anyway. Robert Distinti (who's developing an alternate theory of physics based on vortexes) has some pretty good videos on this:

Thank you.

1 Like

Ephraimite , thanks for your brilliant post ! In order to do justice to your post , I did some extra research and have found out that vril-ya is exactly same as scalar waves or zero point energy (ZPE) . It is evident that the advanced Hollow Earth civilisation uses this concept , though I strongly believe , they are benevolent and do not intend to hurt mankind , living on the outer surface of Earth .

About a 100 years ago , Nikola Tesla had done lot of research in this area .

The ancient Vedic sages had mastered this form of energy by intense meditation , due to which they were able to trigger scalar waves using just the pineal gland in their brains . The pineal gland is a tiny , mysterious organ hidden away at the core of our brain (at it's center) , whose function is not understood well by contemporary science .

In ancient times , Indians and Egyptians believed that this pineal gland itself is the so called "third eye" , which could be awakened through deep meditation . All of spirituality is linked to activation of this pineal gland , that consists of cells similar to those that exist in the retina of our eyes...probably this striking similarity is the reason , pineal gland is referred to as the "Third eye" . It is also believed that our soul resides in the pineal gland and at the time of death , the soul departs from via the skull from the pineal gland itself .

Third Eye Pineal Gland: The Biggest Cover Up in Human History

Third Eye Pineal Gland: The Biggest Cover Up in Human History

The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis or the โ€œthird eyeโ€) is a small endoc...

***Sadly , in our times , pineal gland of almost everyone is calcified & shrivelled up , due to the high flouride content , deliberately added to the water supply . There are several conspiracy theories about this , as to why governments do this to their people...

As for the weaponisation of scalar waves , it is scary how powerful these can be . In the Ramayan and Mahabharat epics , it is described how the greatest warriors , used to invoke celestial weapons , based on scalar waves , through their pineal gland , Once their target had been destroyed , they would "withdraw" their weapons . This is similar to the way we invoke applications on our computer and then shut them down !! This is a very different concept of weaponry than what we see in 21st Century .

Missiles of modern technology , need to be fired physically and they need to physically reach their target , withdrawal is also not possible , once fired . Not just that , this kind of weapon system is much inferior to that based on scalar waves (scalar howitzer) , since it causes lot of collateral damage , sometimes even missing it's target .

Scalar wave weapons are so precise , they target only that which is needed , with almost no collateral/unintended damage . It is actually such that scalar energy manifests at the exact coordinates in the universe , where it is intended and then withdrawn , else ZPE would keep leakind out , causing total annihilation .


** Over a hundred years ago Nikola Tesla called the powerful non-Hertzian energy (without frequencies) Scalar. A new era in Science was born. In the 1920โ€™s Einstein referenced
to these scalar energies and yet nearly a hundred years later their application is still undervalued and underused.**

Scalar Waves are embedded in all our products.

So what are Scalar Waves?

** Scalar
waves also referred to as Tesla Waves or Longitudinal Waves are capable
of penetrating any solid object including Faraday Cages**. A transmitter can be placed in a box of thick metal and a receiver outside of the box will still receive the scalar wave. Scalar waves are capable of passing through the earth from one side to another with no loss of field strength as Tesla showed in one of his experiments.


**Traveling faster than the speed of light (superluminal), Scalar Waves are not electromagnetic but composed of pure zero point energy. They also have the potential to be used as a power source. **

**So Scalar Waves can be used for communication, energy, and other applications. Scalar Waves (longitudinal waves) do what Transverse waves cannot .
They are fast, penetrating, connected, and can broadcast magnified power. Their potential is almost limitless. It is even said that it is the technology that Extra Terrestrials use! **

Konstantin Meyl compares superluminal scalar waves to the neutrino ,
which it is also thought travels faster than light. Neutrinos bombard the Earth in all directions, but the majority of them arrive from the central star of our solar system. Because almost half of the neutrinos are absorbed as they pass through the Earth, it is thought they may interact with the core and inner layers of our planet.

researchers believe that solar phenomenon can produce variations in neutron emissions which may trigger earth changes on our planet, causing
crust disruptions from the mantle heat-up of increased solar activity. Research and study of scalar waves will possibly increase our chance of survival during chaotic periods in the future .
By understanding them we could learn how to constructively utilize them to stabilize our planet during periods of solar fluctuations, sun spots, flares, etc.

**The possibilities with, and uses of Scalar waves are endless and exciting. **


On Thursday, November 1, 2018, 10:36:01 AM GMT+5:30, Ephraimite [email protected] [ALLPLANETS-HOLLOW] [email protected] wrote:


Thanks for sharing some thoughts on this subject. I'd really like to have all brains on deck here, since I know we've got some great minds on this mailing list and we can use all the brainpower we can get.

Yes, I can highly recommend reading this book to anyone who has it on their bucket list. It is not a long book, but it will give you more insight than most other books out there. It's well worth the read; descriptions and summaries really don't do it justice, unfortunately.

I agree completely; this is scary stuff. And it is highly relevant to a lot of things we've been discussing of late and in past discussions, too. I think it brings these discussions to a head and ties it all into something tangible. Well, it feels that way to me anyway.

Yes, their technology consists of weaponry among many other things. As you say, the destructive capabilities thereof are simply staggering and make nukes look like large, inconvenient playthings. No, that's not an exaggeration. As far as whether these things work as pressurized firehoses of aether, so to speak, I cannot say for certain. The author himself was not well-versed in the workings of vril and described its effects more than its internal workings.

To address some of your more specific questions, I would like to summarize some of their achievements which can relate to their destructive capabilities. As you read the following list, keep in mind that this was published over 100 years ago, so their advances may be even more mind-boggling now. Furthermore, almost all of these scientific achievements were utilized solely for peaceful purposes and "war" doesn't really exist among them. When they commence in the work of death, resistance is truly futile for any non-vril-wielder. Without further ado, here is a brief summary of some of their "wartime" capabilities (which would not be war as much as annihilation):

  • As you mention, they have weapons which turn the target into ash at a moment's notice. Yes, effectively "burning" the target, but this burning happens instantaneously; it is not "burning" in the sense of a flamethrower or whatnot. There is no melting nor time between the moment of impact and the moment of immolation.
  • As you also mention, these weapons are in the form of rods or staves of which a rather detailed description is given in one chapter. These weapons are standard equipment for many Vril-ya, including (and especially) children. This is purely for defensive purposes and they rarely actively seek anything's destruction.
  • As you further mention, by amplifying the destructive power of these staves, they can annihilate entire cities or whole civilizations, which number even in the millions, within a matter of days or less.
  • They have mastery over robotics. They have replaced the entire class of manual labor with robots.
  • They can heal mortal wounds and diseases at miraculous speed, which of course could be inflicted by our weapons.
  • They have flying vehicles, ground vehicles, and personal wings on which any individual Vril-ya can fly.
  • They can hypnotize or put to sleep other living creatures with a mere touch.
  • Their longevity, physical strength, and size exceed our own considerably (although they are not giants several times larger than us).
    Since almost all of these advancements were used exclusively for peaceful purposes, it is very likely that they have made many of these advancements even more specialized for the purpose of destruction upon ascending from the nether realms. That is a frightening thought alone.

Back to the topic of the author, there are definite clues regarding his lineage and thus potentially which state he lived in. Nonetheless, it is vague enough to have stumped me. I am certain it is out there somewhere, but it is no easy mystery that one could just solve immediately.

Yes, there is mention of a politician: he mentions his father who ran for Congress and lost. There are other significant details in the first chapter alone, yet it has been hard for me to pinpoint these details to a real person. I'll post some such details inline here:

I AM a native of ----, in the United States of America. My ancestors migrated from England in the reign of Charles II., and my grandfather was not undistinguished in the War of Independence. My family, therefore, enjoyed a somewhat high social position in right of birth; and being also opulent, they were considered disqualified for the public service. My father once ran for Congress, but was signally defeated by his tailor. After that event he interfered little in politics, and lived much in his library. I was the eldest of three sons, and sent at the age of sixteen to the old country, partly to complete my literary education, partly to commence my commercial training in a mercantile firm at Liverpool. My father died shortly after I was twenty-one; and being left well off, and having a taste for travel and adventure, I resigned, for a time, all pursuit of the almighty dollar, and became a desultory wanderer over the face of the earth.

In the year 18--, happening to be in ----, I was invited by a professional engineer, with whom I had made acquaintance, to visit the recesses of the ---- mine, upon which he was employed.

The reader will understand, ere he close this narrative, my reason for concealing all clue to the district of which I write, and will perhaps thank me for refraining from any description that may tend to its discovery.

There are other details about him in other places of the book, but these are some of the most important ones. If anyone would like to shed some light on these details, please feel free.

Yes, Soretna: this book has vast appeal for anyone interested in hollow earth, humanity's survival, or even a good mystery as pertaining to the author's identity. It is thus surprising that it's such an obscure book and has so many wrong perceptions about it!

โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€ Original Message โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€

On Wednesday, October 31, 2018 5:19 PM, Soretna [email protected] [ALLPLANETS-HOLLOW] [email protected] wrote:

Wow, that's quite the thread starter there...

I'm tremendously impressed with your thoughts and observations. This book has long been on my "to read" list.

This is some seriously scary stuff here Ephraimite.. I guess the way this fits together with other things we've discussed both recently and in the past here and the pattern that's present makes this hard to ignore in terms of the Vril-ya et al purging the dross, so to speak. Tell me if I'm wrong, but don't they consider their technology as "burning" the targets (of their devastating stick or rod shaped devices)? And can't it be employed to levels of extreme devastation? (Say, for example, they could obliterate cities or regions quickly and easily with "vril" - which vril seems to maybe be [a]ether in an activated or pressurized fashion, maybe akin to a firehose of [a]ether being turned on and sprayed out? And said destruction exceeds even the devastating levels of nuclear explosions as far as melting or burning goes?)

Regarding the author, I wonder if there are any clues as to the history of the region or people involved... Is there not something about a politician involved and if so, perhaps there are records of this time frame that could help in the identification effort?

Quite the compelling case you make for those who are both intrigued by a good mystery AND who worry about our human species' survival!

On Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 1:51 PM Ephraimite [email protected] [ALLPLANETS-HOLLOW] [email protected] wrote:

Greetings fellow list members,

Today I would like to share a book with you that I recently finished reading.. I am also going to share some other thoughts that have been flying through my mind for a while now, which may be highly controversial to some people.. Both of these topics are interrelated, so please stay tuned till the end of the message (unless this kind of topic offends you, in which case please kindly close this message).

So, you may have heard of this book before; it is called Vril, The Power of the Coming Race or just The Coming Race by Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton (actually, he just published the book under his name and is not the true author; more on this later).

Here is an Amazon page where you can obtain a physical copy or you can just read it online.

This book is extremely fascinating for a number of reasons. In fact, it is very similar to Etidorhpa in many ways. To wit:

  1. It is considered one of the first "science fictions." This alone is a red flag since Etidorhpa is characterized by the very same label. Actually, this book was published 24 years before Etidorhpa, so it may be deemed the first "science fiction" ever. Yet, bear in mind that science fiction did not exist before books like Etidorhpa and The Coming Race so perhaps these books were not fictitious after all since the idea of "science fiction" was entirely unconceived-of theretofore.
  2. It is about a man's journey into the bowels of the earth, after which he returns with knowledge that could alter the course of humanity.
  3. It deals very much with the subject of aether (which is called "vril")
  4. And it is just an all-around unputdownable book for anyone even remotely interested in the hollow earth!
    Now, sadly this book has gotten a bad reputation because, first of all, hardly anyone bothers to actually read it and secondly because it is often discussed in tandem with Nazis. It is true that the Nazis were very interested in this book and other related subjects (and rightfully so!) but this book can hardly be called political. Rather, it is highly scientific, philosophical, religious, linguistic, historical, and very mind-expanding! The topics of race and politics are only the subject of certain parts in several chapters.

So that is a brief synopsis of the book and why I think you should absolutely read it cover-to-cover. I will refrain from giving more information on this book partly because I don't want to spoil it and partly because the book is so drenched with information that this message would be enormous if I did so. Now that's out of the way, I would like to get to the real meat & potatoes.

Firstly, I absolutely believe this book is true beyond any shadow of any doubt. In fact, to use the word "believe" is too weak; I know this book is true and any attempt to convince me otherwise is utterly futile. Therefore, I also believe that the race detailed in this book truly is coming very soon and they will wipe us out if we do not master control over aether (i.e., vril) very soon. We must either be prepared to defend ourselves against these people or at least show them that we have the capacity to better ourselves as they have by demonstrating control of aetheric forces. If we cannot do this, they will destroy us and will be justified in doing so. If you find this a hard pill to swallow, then please read this book because it will make it crystal-clear to you.

Before I continue discussion of related topics to this book, I would like to ask a question to any and all members of the list:

Who is the actual, mysterious American author of this book?

Yes, the book is published under the name of Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, who was a real English lord in the 1800s. He was an author of other books, which makes people believe that this book is just another fiction he penned. But it clearly is not. Furthermore, at the very beginning of the book, the author states clearly that he is from America and gives details about his lineage and there are other details about him throughout the book. Unfortunately, his identity nor whereabouts are never clearly stated in the book which is done to keep the location of the mineshaft that he fell in a secret. If he did not do so, it is certain that the powers that be would have destroyed this place by now.

I cannot be the first person to wonder who this mysterious author is, **so I ask anyone on the mailing list who has the faintest clue of this man's identity to please respond to this message or at least contact me privately at my email address. **

So, continuing on the subject of this race called the "Vril-ya," I also believe that other races will come out along with them, perhaps including reptiles and also including the benevolent inhabitants of the hollow interior. As Soretna has quoted in the past, I would like to reference a prophecy of Joseph Smith, Jr. regarding the coming of such inhabitants. From Doctrine & Covenants section 133 verses 19-35 (emphasis added) :

19 Wherefore, prepare ye for the coming of the Bridegroom; go ye, go ye out to meet him.

20 For behold, he shall stand upon the mount of Olivet, and upon the mighty ocean, even the great deep, and upon the islands of the sea, and upon the land of Zion.

21 And he shall utter his voice out of Zion, and he shall speak from Jerusalem, and his voice shall be heard among all people;

22 And it shall be a voice as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder, which shall break down the mountains, and the valleys shall not be found.

23 He shall command the great deep, and it shall be driven back into the north countries, and the islands shall become one land;

24 And the land of Jerusalem and the land of Zion shall be turned back into their own place, and the earth shall be like as it was in the days before it was divided.

25 And the Lord, even the Savior, shall stand in the midst of his people, and shall reign over all flesh.

26 And they who are in the north countries shall come in remembrance before the Lord; and their prophets shall hear his voice, and shall no longer stay themselves; and they shall smite the rocks, and the ice shall flow down at their presence.

27 And an highway shall be cast up in the midst of the great deep.

28 Their enemies shall become a prey unto them,

29 And in the barren deserts there shall come forth pools of living water; and the parched ground shall no longer be a thirsty land.

30 And they shall bring forth their rich treasures unto the children of Ephraim, my servants..

31 And the boundaries of the everlasting hills shall tremble at their presence..

32 And there shall they fall down and be crowned with glory, even in Zion, by the hands of the servants of the Lord, even the children of Ephraim.

33 And they shall be filled with songs of everlasting joy.

34 Behold, this is the blessing of the everlasting God upon the tribes of Israel, and the richer blessing upon the head of Ephraim and his fellows.

35 And they also of the tribe of Judah, after their pain, shall be sanctified in holiness before the Lord, to dwell in his presence day and night, forever and ever.

Now, there are many extremely interesting predictions given here, but there are a few key among them as pertaining to our present discussion. First, the obvious references to the north countries. These are obvious references to those who dwell within the earth which are perceived as dwelling in "north" countries since traveling northwards indefinitely leads you to the interior of the earth inevitably. They are going to come out, as prophesied here.

Secondly, there are references to the tribe of Ephraim. Well, who exactly is the tribe of Ephraim? As detailed by Rodney M. Cluff, the author of World Top Secret: Our Earth IS Hollow! (which I highly recommend), they are the white Aryan race, or the Indo-European peoples. They are related to the other tribes of Israel and also have other heritage connected to the interior world. This theory is similar to the theories of so-called British Israelism or Christian Identity, but it makes much more sense than either. The reason that this tribe is mentioned so much is because they are the ones who will lead the good forces of humanity in the coming struggle which is likely to arise as political strife on nearly all continents. This is related to the current left-right struggle that is seen currently in the various political spheres. This tribe will likely be the ones who bring forth an understanding of aether and who are currently the predominant possessors of the Holy Priesthood, after the Order of the Son of God. Both of these things together will likely constitute the blessings given to the lost tribes by Ephraim.

Furthermore, the last verse mentions the tribe of Judah, i.e., the Jews. This is a topic of much controversy lately, but I can highly recommend Jan Lamprecht's website, History Reviewed, in which he details and discusses the many gross crimes of the Jews in the past many centuries. Jan Lamprecht is also another great writer on the hollow earth and I can highly recommend his book, Hollow Planets: A Feasibility Study of Possible Hollow Worlds.

Eventually, after the coming struggle, the Jews will be sanctified because the wicked elements among them will be removed (which are an awful lot). Afterwards, they will become an exalted people once again, just like their brethren of Ephraim. Unfortunately, this will constitute an immense struggle and will be directly prior to the literal and actual Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

I realize that all of this seems rather off-topic from my initial subject matter, but please let me tie it all together now. The point of this wild tangent which may sound like run-of-the-mill millennialism and adventism is because these things are going to happen and are directly related to the coming races. We are going to have to confront these realities in the imminent future. If we do not attain mastery over aetheric forces right away, we have no chance of surviving the coming calamities. The Nazis were probably humanity's best shot in the past 100 years of actually mastering aetheric forces and trying to emulate the Vril-ya society by eliminating many destructive forces that were sickening their society and replacing them with healthy practices and ideologies. Unfortunately, they have been completely destroyed now and are viciously slandered. Perhaps some of them are still inside the earth with these other races (by way of Antarctica). Either way, we're on our own for the time being and we need to get our act together as human beings or we will be annihilated.

Even if these races were not coming in the imminent future, we would destroy ourselves pretty soon anyway. Robert Distinti (who's developing an alternate theory of physics based on vortexes) has some pretty good videos on this:

Thank you.

1 Like


Thanks for your reply. I would first like to correct an error you made in your first paragraph: I think you meant to say "vril" instead of "vril-ya." Vril-ya is the name of the people who wield the vril. Vril is the substance that they wield, which is essentially the same as aether.

Yes, I too believe that the inhabitants of the hollow interior have no intention of harming the topside denizens, but they are not the same as the crustal inhabitants. Definitely, the Vril-ya believe that this outer world is theirs to claim and will continue in this belief unless we can obtain mastery over vril (aether). To say nothing of the malevolent reptiles, who believe that this entire planet is rightfully theirs and was theirs first.

Regarding your remarks about scalar waves: I think scalar waves are an effect of aether. As aether moves and things happen in the universe, waves ripple through the aether which are unlike the typical, lower-level waves that we usually think of. That is what makes scalar waves special, although they are a singular facet of aether and are not the whole picture of what's going on. I think Soretna may have some thoughts on this; I think I recall him talking about this sort of thing in the past.

Regarding your remarks about the pineal gland: sadly, you're right about the sorry condition that our brains are in. We definitely are having our bodies manipulated so that spiritual experiences are hindered. I think this is the real reason of why DMT is illegal in the US; I think the government actually wants to keep people from having spiritual experiences. It's something naturally produced by our brains, so it's certainly not more dangerous than tobacco or alcohol. However, the pineal gland can be strengthened by engaging in healthier habits of both body and mind. The connection to one's spirit is never severed until death, so the pineal gland can always be strengthened but it requires seeking out new truths. Nonetheless, I find that focusing the pineal gland too much leads people to unproductive pessimism since they start to think, "well, my brain's already screwed up by fluoride; nothing can be done now..." This is not a helpful line of thinking, so I tend to focus on more down-to-earth subjects than the pineal gland, which as you say, we know little about.

Regarding your mention of missiles vs. scalar waves: yes, our current weaponry is primitive compared to aether-based technology, of which the effects are often instantaneous and dramatic. I think one of the reasons that aether-based technology is so precise is because it must be controlled via your spirit. This is something mentioned in The Coming Race; willpower is a large part of how vril is controlled.

Regarding Tesla: Tesla was an interesting guy who did some interesting things, but I think a phenomenon which I have internally dubbed "Tesla worship" is becoming a little too prevalent. I do not think Tesla discovered "free energy" as it is frequently supposed. There is nothing to substantiate that he directly tapped into powers of the aether, even though he may have gotten close. Honestly, I think that someone of his personality and inclinations would have done something truly revolutionary and bizarre if he had actually tapped into the unfettered powers of aether. He certainly wouldn't have died quietly like he did, with most of his work being a total secret. Tesla can certainly be learned from, but there are other geniuses and lines of thought which must be followed in order to obtain the full picture.

โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€ Original Message โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€


Ephraimite , thanks for your brilliant post ! In order to do justice to your post , I did some extra research and have found out that vril-ya is exactly same as scalar waves or zero point energy (ZPE) . It is evident that the advanced Hollow Earth civilisation uses this concept , though I strongly believe , they are benevolent and do not intend to hurt mankind , living on the outer surface of Earth .

About a 100 years ago , Nikola Tesla had done lot of research in this area .

The ancient Vedic sages had mastered this form of energy by intense meditation , due to which they were able to trigger scalar waves using just the pineal gland in their brains . The pineal gland is a tiny , mysterious organ hidden away at the core of our brain (at it's center) , whose function is not understood well by contemporary science .

In ancient times , Indians and Egyptians believed that this pineal gland itself is the so called "third eye" , which could be awakened through deep meditation . All of spirituality is linked to activation of this pineal gland , that consists of cells similar to those that exist in the retina of our eyes...probably this striking similarity is the reason , pineal gland is referred to as the "Third eye" . It is also believed that our soul resides in the pineal gland and at the time of death , the soul departs from via the skull from the pineal gland itself .

Third Eye Pineal Gland: The Biggest Cover Up in Human History

Third Eye Pineal Gland: The Biggest Cover Up in Human History

The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis or the โ€œthird eyeโ€) is a small endoc...

***Sadly , in our times , pineal gland of almost everyone is calcified & shrivelled up , due to the high flouride content , deliberately added to the water supply . There are several conspiracy theories about this , as to why governments do this to their people...

As for the weaponisation of scalar waves , it is scary how powerful these can be . In the Ramayan and Mahabharat epics , it is described how the greatest warriors , used to invoke celestial weapons , based on scalar waves , through their pineal gland , Once their target had been destroyed , they would "withdraw" their weapons . This is similar to the way we invoke applications on our computer and then shut them down !! This is a very different concept of weaponry than what we see in 21st Century .

Missiles of modern technology , need to be fired physically and they need to physically reach their target , withdrawal is also not possible , once fired . Not just that , this kind of weapon system is much inferior to that based on scalar waves (scalar howitzer) , since it causes lot of collateral damage , sometimes even missing it's target .

Scalar wave weapons are so precise , they target only that which is needed , with almost no collateral/unintended damage . It is actually such that scalar energy manifests at the exact coordinates in the universe , where it is intended and then withdrawn , else ZPE would keep leakind out , causing total annihilation .


** Over a hundred years ago Nikola
Tesla called the powerful non-Hertzian energy (without frequencies)
Scalar. A new era in Science was born. In the 1920โ€™s Einstein referenced
to these scalar energies and yet nearly a hundred years later their
application is still undervalued and underused.**

Scalar Waves are embedded in all our products.

So what are Scalar Waves?

** Scalar
waves also referred to as Tesla Waves or Longitudinal Waves are capable
of penetrating any solid object including Faraday Cages**. A transmitter can be placed in a box of thick metal and a receiver outside of the box will still receive the scalar wave. Scalar waves are capable of passing through the earth from one side to another with no loss of field strength as Tesla showed in one of his experiments.

**Traveling faster than the speed of light (superluminal), Scalar Waves are not electromagnetic but composed of pure zero point energy. They also have the potential to be used as a power source. **

**So Scalar Waves can be used for communication, energy, and other applications. Scalar Waves (longitudinal waves) do what Transverse waves cannot .
They are fast, penetrating, connected, and can broadcast magnified
power. Their potential is almost limitless. It is even said that it is
the technology that Extra Terrestrials use! **

Konstantin Meyl compares superluminal scalar waves to the neutrino ,
which it is also thought travels faster than light. Neutrinos bombard
the Earth in all directions, but the majority of them arrive from the
central star of our solar system. Because almost half of the neutrinos
are absorbed as they pass through the Earth, it is thought they may
interact with the core and inner layers of our planet.

researchers believe that solar phenomenon can produce variations in
neutron emissions which may trigger earth changes on our planet, causing
crust disruptions from the mantle heat-up of increased solar activity. Research and study of scalar waves will possibly increase our chance of survival during chaotic periods in the future .
By understanding them we could learn how to constructively utilize
them to stabilize our planet during periods of solar fluctuations, sun
spots, flares, etc.

**The possibilities with, and uses of Scalar waves are endless and exciting. **


On Thursday, November 1, 2018, 10:36:01 AM GMT+5:30, Ephraimite [email protected] [ALLPLANETS-HOLLOW] [email protected] wrote:


Thanks for sharing some thoughts on this subject. I'd really like to have all brains on deck here, since I know we've got some great minds on this mailing list and we can use all the brainpower we can get.

Yes, I can highly recommend reading this book to anyone who has it on their bucket list. It is not a long book, but it will give you more insight than most other books out there. It's well worth the read; descriptions and summaries really don't do it justice, unfortunately.

I agree completely; this is scary stuff. And it is highly relevant to a lot of things we've been discussing of late and in past discussions, too. I think it brings these discussions to a head and ties it all into something tangible. Well, it feels that way to me anyway.

Yes, their technology consists of weaponry among many other things. As you say, the destructive capabilities thereof are simply staggering and make nukes look like large, inconvenient playthings. No, that's not an exaggeration. As far as whether these things work as pressurized firehoses of aether, so to speak, I cannot say for certain. The author himself was not well-versed in the workings of vril and described its effects more than its internal workings.

To address some of your more specific questions, I would like to summarize some of their achievements which can relate to their destructive capabilities. As you read the following list, keep in mind that this was published over 100 years ago, so their advances may be even more mind-boggling now. Furthermore, almost all of these scientific achievements were utilized solely for peaceful purposes and "war" doesn't really exist among them. When they commence in the work of death, resistance is truly futile for any non-vril-wielder. Without further ado, here is a brief summary of some of their "wartime" capabilities (which would not be war as much as annihilation):

  • As you mention, they have weapons which turn the target into ash at a moment's notice. Yes, effectively "burning" the target, but this burning happens instantaneously; it is not "burning" in the sense of a flamethrower or whatnot. There is no melting nor time between the moment of impact and the moment of immolation.
  • As you also mention, these weapons are in the form of rods or staves of which a rather detailed description is given in one chapter. These weapons are standard equipment for many Vril-ya, including (and especially) children. This is purely for defensive purposes and they rarely actively seek anything's destruction.
  • As you further mention, by amplifying the destructive power of these staves, they can annihilate entire cities or whole civilizations, which number even in the millions, within a matter of days or less.
  • They have mastery over robotics. They have replaced the entire class of manual labor with robots.
  • They can heal mortal wounds and diseases at miraculous speed, which of course could be inflicted by our weapons.
  • They have flying vehicles, ground vehicles, and personal wings on which any individual Vril-ya can fly.
  • They can hypnotize or put to sleep other living creatures with a mere touch.
  • Their longevity, physical strength, and size exceed our own considerably (although they are not giants several times larger than us).
    Since almost all of these advancements were used exclusively for peaceful purposes, it is very likely that they have made many of these advancements even more specialized for the purpose of destruction upon ascending from the nether realms. That is a frightening thought alone.

Back to the topic of the author, there are definite clues regarding his lineage and thus potentially which state he lived in. Nonetheless, it is vague enough to have stumped me. I am certain it is out there somewhere, but it is no easy mystery that one could just solve immediately.

Yes, there is mention of a politician: he mentions his father who ran for Congress and lost. There are other significant details in the first chapter alone, yet it has been hard for me to pinpoint these details to a real person. I'll post some such details inline here:

I AM a native of ----, in the United States of America. My ancestors migrated from England in the reign of Charles II., and my grandfather was not undistinguished in the War of Independence. My family, therefore, enjoyed a somewhat high social position in right of birth; and being also opulent, they were considered disqualified for the public service. My father once ran for Congress, but was signally defeated by his tailor. After that event he interfered little in politics, and lived much in his library. I was the eldest of three sons, and sent at the age of sixteen to the old country, partly to complete my literary education, partly to commence my commercial training in a mercantile firm at Liverpool. My father died shortly after I was twenty-one; and being left well off, and having a taste for travel and adventure, I resigned, for a time, all pursuit of the almighty dollar, and became a desultory wanderer over the face of the earth.

In the year 18--, happening to be in ----, I was invited by a professional engineer, with whom I had made acquaintance, to visit the recesses of the ---- mine, upon which he was employed.

The reader will understand, ere he close this narrative, my reason for concealing all clue to the district of which I write, and will perhaps thank me for refraining from any description that may tend to its discovery.

There are other details about him in other places of the book, but these are some of the most important ones. If anyone would like to shed some light on these details, please feel free.

Yes, Soretna: this book has vast appeal for anyone interested in hollow earth, humanity's survival, or even a good mystery as pertaining to the author's identity. It is thus surprising that it's such an obscure book and has so many wrong perceptions about it!

โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€ Original Message โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€

On Wednesday, October 31, 2018 5:19 PM, Soretna [email protected] [ALLPLANETS-HOLLOW] [email protected] wrote:

Wow, that's quite the thread starter there...

I'm tremendously impressed with your thoughts and observations. This book has long been on my "to read" list.

This is some seriously scary stuff here Ephraimite.. I guess the way this fits together with other things we've discussed both recently and in the past here and the pattern that's present makes this hard to ignore in terms of the Vril-ya et al purging the dross, so to speak. Tell me if I'm wrong, but don't they consider their technology as "burning" the targets (of their devastating stick or rod shaped devices)? And can't it be employed to levels of extreme devastation? (Say, for example, they could obliterate cities or regions quickly and easily with "vril" - which vril seems to maybe be [a]ether in an activated or pressurized fashion, maybe akin to a firehose of [a]ether being turned on and sprayed out? And said destruction exceeds even the devastating levels of nuclear explosions as far as melting or burning goes?)

Regarding the author, I wonder if there are any clues as to the history of the region or people involved... Is there not something about a politician involved and if so, perhaps there are records of this time frame that could help in the identification effort?

Quite the compelling case you make for those who are both intrigued by a good mystery AND who worry about our human species' survival!

On Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 1:51 PM Ephraimite [email protected] [ALLPLANETS-HOLLOW] [email protected] wrote:

Greetings fellow list members,

Today I would like to share a book with you that I recently finished reading.. I am also going to share some other thoughts that have been flying through my mind for a while now, which may be highly controversial to some people.. Both of these topics are interrelated, so please stay tuned till the end of the message (unless this kind of topic offends you, in which case please kindly close this message).

So, you may have heard of this book before; it is called Vril, The Power of the Coming Race or just The Coming Race by Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton (actually, he just published the book under his name and is not the true author; more on this later).

Here is an Amazon page where you can obtain a physical copy or you can just read it online.

This book is extremely fascinating for a number of reasons. In fact, it is very similar to Etidorhpa in many ways.. To wit:

  1. It is considered one of the first "science fictions." This alone is a red flag since Etidorhpa is characterized by the very same label. Actually, this book was published 24 years before Etidorhpa, so it may be deemed the first "science fiction" ever. Yet, bear in mind that science fiction did not exist before books like Etidorhpa and The Coming Race so perhaps these books were not fictitious after all since the idea of "science fiction" was entirely unconceived-of theretofore.
  2. It is about a man's journey into the bowels of the earth, after which he returns with knowledge that could alter the course of humanity.
  3. It deals very much with the subject of aether (which is called "vril")
  4. And it is just an all-around unputdownable book for anyone even remotely interested in the hollow earth!
    Now, sadly this book has gotten a bad reputation because, first of all, hardly anyone bothers to actually read it and secondly because it is often discussed in tandem with Nazis. It is true that the Nazis were very interested in this book and other related subjects (and rightfully so!) but this book can hardly be called political. Rather, it is highly scientific, philosophical, religious, linguistic, historical, and very mind-expanding! The topics of race and politics are only the subject of certain parts in several chapters.

So that is a brief synopsis of the book and why I think you should absolutely read it cover-to-cover. I will refrain from giving more information on this book partly because I don't want to spoil it and partly because the book is so drenched with information that this message would be enormous if I did so. Now that's out of the way, I would like to get to the real meat & potatoes.

Firstly, I absolutely believe this book is true beyond any shadow of any doubt. In fact, to use the word "believe" is too weak; I know this book is true and any attempt to convince me otherwise is utterly futile. Therefore, I also believe that the race detailed in this book truly is coming very soon and they will wipe us out if we do not master control over aether (i.e., vril) very soon. We must either be prepared to defend ourselves against these people or at least show them that we have the capacity to better ourselves as they have by demonstrating control of aetheric forces. If we cannot do this, they will destroy us and will be justified in doing so. If you find this a hard pill to swallow, then please read this book because it will make it crystal-clear to you.

Before I continue discussion of related topics to this book, I would like to ask a question to any and all members of the list:

Who is the actual, mysterious American author of this book?

Yes, the book is published under the name of Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, who was a real English lord in the 1800s. He was an author of other books, which makes people believe that this book is just another fiction he penned. But it clearly is not. Furthermore, at the very beginning of the book, the author states clearly that he is from America and gives details about his lineage and there are other details about him throughout the book. Unfortunately, his identity nor whereabouts are never clearly stated in the book which is done to keep the location of the mineshaft that he fell in a secret. If he did not do so, it is certain that the powers that be would have destroyed this place by now.

I cannot be the first person to wonder who this mysterious author is, **so I ask anyone on the mailing list who has the faintest clue of this man's identity to please respond to this message or at least contact me privately at my email address. **

So, continuing on the subject of this race called the "Vril-ya," I also believe that other races will come out along with them, perhaps including reptiles and also including the benevolent inhabitants of the hollow interior. As Soretna has quoted in the past, I would like to reference a prophecy of Joseph Smith, Jr. regarding the coming of such inhabitants. From Doctrine & Covenants section 133 verses 19-35 (emphasis added) :

19 Wherefore, prepare ye for the coming of the Bridegroom; go ye, go ye out to meet him.

20 For behold, he shall stand upon the mount of Olivet, and upon the mighty ocean, even the great deep, and upon the islands of the sea, and upon the land of Zion.

21 And he shall utter his voice out of Zion, and he shall speak from Jerusalem, and his voice shall be heard among all people;

22 And it shall be a voice as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder, which shall break down the mountains, and the valleys shall not be found.

23 He shall command the great deep, and it shall be driven back into the north countries, and the islands shall become one land;

24 And the land of Jerusalem and the land of Zion shall be turned back into their own place, and the earth shall be like as it was in the days before it was divided.

25 And the Lord, even the Savior, shall stand in the midst of his people, and shall reign over all flesh.

26 And they who are in the north countries shall come in remembrance before the Lord; and their prophets shall hear his voice, and shall no longer stay themselves; and they shall smite the rocks, and the ice shall flow down at their presence.

27 And an highway shall be cast up in the midst of the great deep.

28 Their enemies shall become a prey unto them,

29 And in the barren deserts there shall come forth pools of living water; and the parched ground shall no longer be a thirsty land.

30 And they shall bring forth their rich treasures unto the children of Ephraim, my servants..

31 And the boundaries of the everlasting hills shall tremble at their presence..

32 And there shall they fall down and be crowned with glory, even in Zion, by the hands of the servants of the Lord, even the children of Ephraim.

33 And they shall be filled with songs of everlasting joy.

34 Behold, this is the blessing of the everlasting God upon the tribes of Israel, and the richer blessing upon the head of Ephraim and his fellows.

35 And they also of the tribe of Judah, after their pain, shall be sanctified in holiness before the Lord, to dwell in his presence day and night, forever and ever.

Now, there are many extremely interesting predictions given here, but there are a few key among them as pertaining to our present discussion. First, the obvious references to the north countries. These are obvious references to those who dwell within the earth which are perceived as dwelling in "north" countries since traveling northwards indefinitely leads you to the interior of the earth inevitably. They are going to come out, as prophesied here.

Secondly, there are references to the tribe of Ephraim. Well, who exactly is the tribe of Ephraim? As detailed by Rodney M. Cluff, the author of World Top Secret: Our Earth IS Hollow! (which I highly recommend), they are the white Aryan race, or the Indo-European peoples. They are related to the other tribes of Israel and also have other heritage connected to the interior world. This theory is similar to the theories of so-called British Israelism or Christian Identity, but it makes much more sense than either. The reason that this tribe is mentioned so much is because they are the ones who will lead the good forces of humanity in the coming struggle which is likely to arise as political strife on nearly all continents. This is related to the current left-right struggle that is seen currently in the various political spheres. This tribe will likely be the ones who bring forth an understanding of aether and who are currently the predominant possessors of the Holy Priesthood, after the Order of the Son of God. Both of these things together will likely constitute the blessings given to the lost tribes by Ephraim.

Furthermore, the last verse mentions the tribe of Judah, i.e., the Jews. This is a topic of much controversy lately, but I can highly recommend Jan Lamprecht's website, History Reviewed, in which he details and discusses the many gross crimes of the Jews in the past many centuries. Jan Lamprecht is also another great writer on the hollow earth and I can highly recommend his book, Hollow Planets: A Feasibility Study of Possible Hollow Worlds.

Eventually, after the coming struggle, the Jews will be sanctified because the wicked elements among them will be removed (which are an awful lot). Afterwards, they will become an exalted people once again, just like their brethren of Ephraim. Unfortunately, this will constitute an immense struggle and will be directly prior to the literal and actual Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

I realize that all of this seems rather off-topic from my initial subject matter, but please let me tie it all together now. The point of this wild tangent which may sound like run-of-the-mill millennialism and adventism is because these things are going to happen and are directly related to the coming races. We are going to have to confront these realities in the imminent future. If we do not attain mastery over aetheric forces right away, we have no chance of surviving the coming calamities. The Nazis were probably humanity's best shot in the past 100 years of actually mastering aetheric forces and trying to emulate the Vril-ya society by eliminating many destructive forces that were sickening their society and replacing them with healthy practices and ideologies. Unfortunately, they have been completely destroyed now and are viciously slandered. Perhaps some of them are still inside the earth with these other races (by way of Antarctica). Either way, we're on our own for the time being and we need to get our act together as human beings or we will be annihilated.

Even if these races were not coming in the imminent future, we would destroy ourselves pretty soon anyway. Robert Distinti (who's developing an alternate theory of physics based on vortexes) has some pretty good videos on this:

Thank you.

1 Like


You said:

"Yes, I too believe that the inhabitants of the hollow interior have no intention of harming the topside denizens, but they are not the same as the crustal inhabitants. Definitely, the Vril-ya believe that this outer world is theirs to claim and will continue in this belief unless we can obtain mastery over vril (aether). To say nothing of the malevolent reptiles, who believe that this entire planet is rightfully theirs and was theirs first."

You have got it, my friend! So many people get confused about who, what and where, you know? Thety think that the demons live in the hollow earth, or that Shamballa is within the crust; people get it wrong every which way.

It is just refreshing to see someone tell it like it is.



The topic of scalar waves is a big one... but I think this is primarily due to our inability to lock into a universal vocabulary. Scalar MAY also be called longitudinal waves, but it seems that this confuses folks. Meyl is interesting, but not the end all.

The big problem here is we don't have anything truly actionable yet as far as a cohesive core theory that gives us a platform upon which to really place all of our experiential knowledge. Distinti might be giving us that "breadboard" so to speak (to use EE terminology).

I'm glad you talk of practicality there Ephraimite. It's not like we can dissect sleeping or near-death people while they're hooked up to an array of monitoring sensors that range from chemical to all manner of EM devices! It seems that while we can "live good" that's about the best we can do... LEGALLY. Direct DMT usage would be a step in the right direction actually, but we have to get folks to get their heads out of their rectums first to get this in motion. Ayahuasca is not sufficient enough for this application.

At any rate, back to the ether situation... This holds the keys to gravity, energy, and all manner of things that would take our society to the proper next level. There's so much to say here, but I don't have much time to pontificate on these points presently. I also am concerned about this being the right platform to really discuss and collaborate on them. The more and more I use email, the more and more I realize that we're chasing our tails and unable to really keep things organized properly on such topics. I'm really thrilled this list is allowing us to all connect, but it's a double edged sword as far as actual research and collaboration go.

In terms of research, Dean has been right all along about Joseph Cater being an excellent starting point. His material is kind of the who's who of science for the last 100 years in terms of which research has really been something of note and in tying together some thought processes. I think there are others as well that have done excellent work.

I just stumbled upon another work about gravity today that may or may not hold any merit:

Mind BOGGLING Gravitation TFG November 2018

Hmmm. Where to go with this topic... where to go...

BTW, I still think we need to seriously consider the authorship of the original writer of this book and hope this serves as a reminder that that would still serve a grand purpose.


On Thu, Nov 1, 2018 at 9:15 PM Ephraimite [email protected] [ALLPLANETS-HOLLOW] [email protected] wrote:


Thanks for your reply. I would first like to correct an error you made in your first paragraph: I think you meant to say "vril" instead of "vril-ya." Vril-ya is the name of the people who wield the vril. Vril is the substance that they wield, which is essentially the same as aether.

Yes, I too believe that the inhabitants of the hollow interior have no intention of harming the topside denizens, but they are not the same as the crustal inhabitants. Definitely, the Vril-ya believe that this outer world is theirs to claim and will continue in this belief unless we can obtain mastery over vril (aether). To say nothing of the malevolent reptiles, who believe that this entire planet is rightfully theirs and was theirs first.

Regarding your remarks about scalar waves: I think scalar waves are an effect of aether. As aether moves and things happen in the universe, waves ripple through the aether which are unlike the typical, lower-level waves that we usually think of. That is what makes scalar waves special, although they are a singular facet of aether and are not the whole picture of what's going on. I think Soretna may have some thoughts on this; I think I recall him talking about this sort of thing in the past.

Regarding your remarks about the pineal gland: sadly, you're right about the sorry condition that our brains are in. We definitely are having our bodies manipulated so that spiritual experiences are hindered. I think this is the real reason of why DMT is illegal in the US; I think the government actually wants to keep people from having spiritual experiences. It's something naturally produced by our brains, so it's certainly not more dangerous than tobacco or alcohol. However, the pineal gland can be strengthened by engaging in healthier habits of both body and mind. The connection to one's spirit is never severed until death, so the pineal gland can always be strengthened but it requires seeking out new truths. Nonetheless, I find that focusing the pineal gland too much leads people to unproductive pessimism since they start to think, "well, my brain's already screwed up by fluoride; nothing can be done now..." This is not a helpful line of thinking, so I tend to focus on more down-to-earth subjects than the pineal gland, which as you say, we know little about.

Regarding your mention of missiles vs. scalar waves: yes, our current weaponry is primitive compared to aether-based technology, of which the effects are often instantaneous and dramatic. I think one of the reasons that aether-based technology is so precise is because it must be controlled via your spirit. This is something mentioned in The Coming Race; willpower is a large part of how vril is controlled.

Regarding Tesla: Tesla was an interesting guy who did some interesting things, but I think a phenomenon which I have internally dubbed "Tesla worship" is becoming a little too prevalent. I do not think Tesla discovered "free energy" as it is frequently supposed. There is nothing to substantiate that he directly tapped into powers of the aether, even though he may have gotten close. Honestly, I think that someone of his personality and inclinations would have done something truly revolutionary and bizarre if he had actually tapped into the unfettered powers of aether. He certainly wouldn't have died quietly like he did, with most of his work being a total secret. Tesla can certainly be learned from, but there are other geniuses and lines of thought which must be followed in order to obtain the full picture.

โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€ Original Message โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€

On Thursday, November 1, 2018 1:23 PM, sidhartha bahadur [email protected] [ALLPLANETS-HOLLOW] [email protected] wrote:

Ephraimite , thanks for your brilliant post ! In order to do justice to your post , I did some extra research and have found out that vril-ya is exactly same as scalar waves or zero point energy (ZPE) . It is evident that the advanced Hollow Earth civilisation uses this concept , though I strongly believe , they are benevolent and do not intend to hurt mankind , living on the outer surface of Earth .

About a 100 years ago , Nikola Tesla had done lot of research in this area .

The ancient Vedic sages had mastered this form of energy by intense meditation , due to which they were able to trigger scalar waves using just the pineal gland in their brains . The pineal gland is a tiny , mysterious organ hidden away at the core of our brain (at it's center) , whose function is not understood well by contemporary science .

In ancient times , Indians and Egyptians believed that this pineal gland itself is the so called "third eye" , which could be awakened through deep meditation . All of spirituality is linked to activation of this pineal gland , that consists of cells similar to those that exist in the retina of our eyes...probably this striking similarity is the reason , pineal gland is referred to as the "Third eye" . It is also believed that our soul resides in the pineal gland and at the time of death , the soul departs from via the skull from the pineal gland itself .

Third Eye Pineal Gland: The Biggest Cover Up in Human History

Third Eye Pineal Gland: The Biggest Cover Up in Human History

The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis or the โ€œthird eyeโ€) is a small endoc...

***Sadly , in our times , pineal gland of almost everyone is calcified & shrivelled up , due to the high flouride content , deliberately added to the water supply . There are several conspiracy theories about this , as to why governments do this to their people...

As for the weaponisation of scalar waves , it is scary how powerful these can be . In the Ramayan and Mahabharat epics , it is described how the greatest warriors , used to invoke celestial weapons , based on scalar waves , through their pineal gland , Once their target had been destroyed , they would "withdraw" their weapons . This is similar to the way we invoke applications on our computer and then shut them down !! This is a very different concept of weaponry than what we see in 21st Century .

Missiles of modern technology , need to be fired physically and they need to physically reach their target , withdrawal is also not possible , once fired . Not just that , this kind of weapon system is much inferior to that based on scalar waves (scalar howitzer) , since it causes lot of collateral damage , sometimes even missing it's target .

Scalar wave weapons are so precise , they target only that which is needed , with almost no collateral/unintended damage . It is actually such that scalar energy manifests at the exact coordinates in the universe , where it is intended and then withdrawn , else ZPE would keep leakind out , causing total annihilation .


** Over a hundred years ago Nikola
Tesla called the powerful non-Hertzian energy (without frequencies)
Scalar. A new era in Science was born. In the 1920โ€™s Einstein referenced
to these scalar energies and yet nearly a hundred years later their
application is still undervalued and underused.**

Scalar Waves are embedded in all our products.

So what are Scalar Waves?

** Scalar
waves also referred to as Tesla Waves or Longitudinal Waves are capable
of penetrating any solid object including Faraday Cages**. A transmitter can be placed in a box of thick metal and a receiver outside of the box will still receive the scalar wave. Scalar waves are capable of passing through the earth from one side to another with no loss of field strength as Tesla showed in one of his experiments.

**Traveling faster than the speed of light (superluminal), Scalar Waves are not electromagnetic but composed of pure zero point energy. They also have the potential to be used as a power source. **

**So Scalar Waves can be used for communication, energy, and other applications. Scalar Waves (longitudinal waves) do what Transverse waves cannot .
They are fast, penetrating, connected, and can broadcast magnified
power. Their potential is almost limitless. It is even said that it is
the technology that Extra Terrestrials use! **

Konstantin Meyl compares superluminal scalar waves to the neutrino ,
which it is also thought travels faster than light. Neutrinos bombard
the Earth in all directions, but the majority of them arrive from the
central star of our solar system. Because almost half of the neutrinos
are absorbed as they pass through the Earth, it is thought they may
interact with the core and inner layers of our planet.

researchers believe that solar phenomenon can produce variations in
neutron emissions which may trigger earth changes on our planet, causing
crust disruptions from the mantle heat-up of increased solar activity. Research and study of scalar waves will possibly increase our chance of survival during chaotic periods in the future .
By understanding them we could learn how to constructively utilize
them to stabilize our planet during periods of solar fluctuations, sun
spots, flares, etc.

**The possibilities with, and uses of Scalar waves are endless and exciting. **


On Thursday, November 1, 2018, 10:36:01 AM GMT+5:30, Ephraimite [email protected] [ALLPLANETS-HOLLOW] [email protected] wrote:


Thanks for sharing some thoughts on this subject. I'd really like to have all brains on deck here, since I know we've got some great minds on this mailing list and we can use all the brainpower we can get.

Yes, I can highly recommend reading this book to anyone who has it on their bucket list. It is not a long book, but it will give you more insight than most other books out there. It's well worth the read; descriptions and summaries really don't do it justice, unfortunately.

I agree completely; this is scary stuff. And it is highly relevant to a lot of things we've been discussing of late and in past discussions, too. I think it brings these discussions to a head and ties it all into something tangible. Well, it feels that way to me anyway.

Yes, their technology consists of weaponry among many other things. As you say, the destructive capabilities thereof are simply staggering and make nukes look like large, inconvenient playthings. No, that's not an exaggeration. As far as whether these things work as pressurized firehoses of aether, so to speak, I cannot say for certain. The author himself was not well-versed in the workings of vril and described its effects more than its internal workings.

To address some of your more specific questions, I would like to summarize some of their achievements which can relate to their destructive capabilities. As you read the following list, keep in mind that this was published over 100 years ago, so their advances may be even more mind-boggling now. Furthermore, almost all of these scientific achievements were utilized solely for peaceful purposes and "war" doesn't really exist among them. When they commence in the work of death, resistance is truly futile for any non-vril-wielder. Without further ado, here is a brief summary of some of their "wartime" capabilities (which would not be war as much as annihilation):

  • As you mention, they have weapons which turn the target into ash at a moment's notice. Yes, effectively "burning" the target, but this burning happens instantaneously; it is not "burning" in the sense of a flamethrower or whatnot. There is no melting nor time between the moment of impact and the moment of immolation.
  • As you also mention, these weapons are in the form of rods or staves of which a rather detailed description is given in one chapter. These weapons are standard equipment for many Vril-ya, including (and especially) children. This is purely for defensive purposes and they rarely actively seek anything's destruction.
  • As you further mention, by amplifying the destructive power of these staves, they can annihilate entire cities or whole civilizations, which number even in the millions, within a matter of days or less.
  • They have mastery over robotics. They have replaced the entire class of manual labor with robots.
  • They can heal mortal wounds and diseases at miraculous speed, which of course could be inflicted by our weapons.
  • They have flying vehicles, ground vehicles, and personal wings on which any individual Vril-ya can fly.
  • They can hypnotize or put to sleep other living creatures with a mere touch.
  • Their longevity, physical strength, and size exceed our own considerably (although they are not giants several times larger than us).
    Since almost all of these advancements were used exclusively for peaceful purposes, it is very likely that they have made many of these advancements even more specialized for the purpose of destruction upon ascending from the nether realms. That is a frightening thought alone.

Back to the topic of the author, there are definite clues regarding his lineage and thus potentially which state he lived in. Nonetheless, it is vague enough to have stumped me. I am certain it is out there somewhere, but it is no easy mystery that one could just solve immediately.

Yes, there is mention of a politician: he mentions his father who ran for Congress and lost. There are other significant details in the first chapter alone, yet it has been hard for me to pinpoint these details to a real person. I'll post some such details inline here:

I AM a native of ----, in the United States of America. My ancestors migrated from England in the reign of Charles II., and my grandfather was not undistinguished in the War of Independence. My family, therefore, enjoyed a somewhat high social position in right of birth; and being also opulent, they were considered disqualified for the public service. My father once ran for Congress, but was signally defeated by his tailor. After that event he interfered little in politics, and lived much in his library. I was the eldest of three sons, and sent at the age of sixteen to the old country, partly to complete my literary education, partly to commence my commercial training in a mercantile firm at Liverpool. My father died shortly after I was twenty-one; and being left well off, and having a taste for travel and adventure, I resigned, for a time, all pursuit of the almighty dollar, and became a desultory wanderer over the face of the earth.

In the year 18--, happening to be in ----, I was invited by a professional engineer, with whom I had made acquaintance, to visit the recesses of the ---- mine, upon which he was employed.

The reader will understand, ere he close this narrative, my reason for concealing all clue to the district of which I write, and will perhaps thank me for refraining from any description that may tend to its discovery.

There are other details about him in other places of the book, but these are some of the most important ones. If anyone would like to shed some light on these details, please feel free.

Yes, Soretna: this book has vast appeal for anyone interested in hollow earth, humanity's survival, or even a good mystery as pertaining to the author's identity. It is thus surprising that it's such an obscure book and has so many wrong perceptions about it!

โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€ Original Message โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€

On Wednesday, October 31, 2018 5:19 PM, Soretna [email protected] [ALLPLANETS-HOLLOW] [email protected] wrote:

Wow, that's quite the thread starter there...

I'm tremendously impressed with your thoughts and observations. This book has long been on my "to read" list.

This is some seriously scary stuff here Ephraimite.. I guess the way this fits together with other things we've discussed both recently and in the past here and the pattern that's present makes this hard to ignore in terms of the Vril-ya et al purging the dross, so to speak. Tell me if I'm wrong, but don't they consider their technology as "burning" the targets (of their devastating stick or rod shaped devices)? And can't it be employed to levels of extreme devastation? (Say, for example, they could obliterate cities or regions quickly and easily with "vril" - which vril seems to maybe be [a]ether in an activated or pressurized fashion, maybe akin to a firehose of [a]ether being turned on and sprayed out? And said destruction exceeds even the devastating levels of nuclear explosions as far as melting or burning goes?)

Regarding the author, I wonder if there are any clues as to the history of the region or people involved... Is there not something about a politician involved and if so, perhaps there are records of this time frame that could help in the identification effort?

Quite the compelling case you make for those who are both intrigued by a good mystery AND who worry about our human species' survival!

On Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 1:51 PM Ephraimite [email protected] [ALLPLANETS-HOLLOW] [email protected] wrote:

Greetings fellow list members,

Today I would like to share a book with you that I recently finished reading.. I am also going to share some other thoughts that have been flying through my mind for a while now, which may be highly controversial to some people.. Both of these topics are interrelated, so please stay tuned till the end of the message (unless this kind of topic offends you, in which case please kindly close this message).

So, you may have heard of this book before; it is called Vril, The Power of the Coming Race or just The Coming Race by Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton (actually, he just published the book under his name and is not the true author; more on this later).

Here is an Amazon page where you can obtain a physical copy or you can just read it online.

This book is extremely fascinating for a number of reasons. In fact, it is very similar to Etidorhpa in many ways.. To wit:

  1. It is considered one of the first "science fictions." This alone is a red flag since Etidorhpa is characterized by the very same label. Actually, this book was published 24 years before Etidorhpa, so it may be deemed the first "science fiction" ever. Yet, bear in mind that science fiction did not exist before books like Etidorhpa and The Coming Race so perhaps these books were not fictitious after all since the idea of "science fiction" was entirely unconceived-of theretofore.
  2. It is about a man's journey into the bowels of the earth, after which he returns with knowledge that could alter the course of humanity.
  3. It deals very much with the subject of aether (which is called "vril")
  4. And it is just an all-around unputdownable book for anyone even remotely interested in the hollow earth!
    Now, sadly this book has gotten a bad reputation because, first of all, hardly anyone bothers to actually read it and secondly because it is often discussed in tandem with Nazis. It is true that the Nazis were very interested in this book and other related subjects (and rightfully so!) but this book can hardly be called political. Rather, it is highly scientific, philosophical, religious, linguistic, historical, and very mind-expanding! The topics of race and politics are only the subject of certain parts in several chapters.

So that is a brief synopsis of the book and why I think you should absolutely read it cover-to-cover. I will refrain from giving more information on this book partly because I don't want to spoil it and partly because the book is so drenched with information that this message would be enormous if I did so. Now that's out of the way, I would like to get to the real meat & potatoes.

Firstly, I absolutely believe this book is true beyond any shadow of any doubt. In fact, to use the word "believe" is too weak; I know this book is true and any attempt to convince me otherwise is utterly futile. Therefore, I also believe that the race detailed in this book truly is coming very soon and they will wipe us out if we do not master control over aether (i.e., vril) very soon. We must either be prepared to defend ourselves against these people or at least show them that we have the capacity to better ourselves as they have by demonstrating control of aetheric forces. If we cannot do this, they will destroy us and will be justified in doing so. If you find this a hard pill to swallow, then please read this book because it will make it crystal-clear to you.

Before I continue discussion of related topics to this book, I would like to ask a question to any and all members of the list:

Who is the actual, mysterious American author of this book?

Yes, the book is published under the name of Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, who was a real English lord in the 1800s. He was an author of other books, which makes people believe that this book is just another fiction he penned. But it clearly is not. Furthermore, at the very beginning of the book, the author states clearly that he is from America and gives details about his lineage and there are other details about him throughout the book. Unfortunately, his identity nor whereabouts are never clearly stated in the book which is done to keep the location of the mineshaft that he fell in a secret. If he did not do so, it is certain that the powers that be would have destroyed this place by now.

I cannot be the first person to wonder who this mysterious author is, **so I ask anyone on the mailing list who has the faintest clue of this man's identity to please respond to this message or at least contact me privately at my email address. **

So, continuing on the subject of this race called the "Vril-ya," I also believe that other races will come out along with them, perhaps including reptiles and also including the benevolent inhabitants of the hollow interior. As Soretna has quoted in the past, I would like to reference a prophecy of Joseph Smith, Jr. regarding the coming of such inhabitants. From Doctrine & Covenants section 133 verses 19-35 (emphasis added) :

19 Wherefore, prepare ye for the coming of the Bridegroom; go ye, go ye out to meet him.

20 For behold, he shall stand upon the mount of Olivet, and upon the mighty ocean, even the great deep, and upon the islands of the sea, and upon the land of Zion.

21 And he shall utter his voice out of Zion, and he shall speak from Jerusalem, and his voice shall be heard among all people;

22 And it shall be a voice as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder, which shall break down the mountains, and the valleys shall not be found.

23 He shall command the great deep, and it shall be driven back into the north countries, and the islands shall become one land;

24 And the land of Jerusalem and the land of Zion shall be turned back into their own place, and the earth shall be like as it was in the days before it was divided.

25 And the Lord, even the Savior, shall stand in the midst of his people, and shall reign over all flesh.

26 And they who are in the north countries shall come in remembrance before the Lord; and their prophets shall hear his voice, and shall no longer stay themselves; and they shall smite the rocks, and the ice shall flow down at their presence.

27 And an highway shall be cast up in the midst of the great deep.

28 Their enemies shall become a prey unto them,

29 And in the barren deserts there shall come forth pools of living water; and the parched ground shall no longer be a thirsty land.

30 And they shall bring forth their rich treasures unto the children of Ephraim, my servants..

31 And the boundaries of the everlasting hills shall tremble at their presence..

32 And there shall they fall down and be crowned with glory, even in Zion, by the hands of the servants of the Lord, even the children of Ephraim.

33 And they shall be filled with songs of everlasting joy.

34 Behold, this is the blessing of the everlasting God upon the tribes of Israel, and the richer blessing upon the head of Ephraim and his fellows.

35 And they also of the tribe of Judah, after their pain, shall be sanctified in holiness before the Lord, to dwell in his presence day and night, forever and ever.

Now, there are many extremely interesting predictions given here, but there are a few key among them as pertaining to our present discussion. First, the obvious references to the north countries. These are obvious references to those who dwell within the earth which are perceived as dwelling in "north" countries since traveling northwards indefinitely leads you to the interior of the earth inevitably. They are going to come out, as prophesied here.

Secondly, there are references to the tribe of Ephraim. Well, who exactly is the tribe of Ephraim? As detailed by Rodney M. Cluff, the author of World Top Secret: Our Earth IS Hollow! (which I highly recommend), they are the white Aryan race, or the Indo-European peoples. They are related to the other tribes of Israel and also have other heritage connected to the interior world. This theory is similar to the theories of so-called British Israelism or Christian Identity, but it makes much more sense than either. The reason that this tribe is mentioned so much is because they are the ones who will lead the good forces of humanity in the coming struggle which is likely to arise as political strife on nearly all continents. This is related to the current left-right struggle that is seen currently in the various political spheres. This tribe will likely be the ones who bring forth an understanding of aether and who are currently the predominant possessors of the Holy Priesthood, after the Order of the Son of God. Both of these things together will likely constitute the blessings given to the lost tribes by Ephraim.

Furthermore, the last verse mentions the tribe of Judah, i.e., the Jews. This is a topic of much controversy lately, but I can highly recommend Jan Lamprecht's website, History Reviewed, in which he details and discusses the many gross crimes of the Jews in the past many centuries. Jan Lamprecht is also another great writer on the hollow earth and I can highly recommend his book, Hollow Planets: A Feasibility Study of Possible Hollow Worlds.

Eventually, after the coming struggle, the Jews will be sanctified because the wicked elements among them will be removed (which are an awful lot). Afterwards, they will become an exalted people once again, just like their brethren of Ephraim. Unfortunately, this will constitute an immense struggle and will be directly prior to the literal and actual Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

I realize that all of this seems rather off-topic from my initial subject matter, but please let me tie it all together now. The point of this wild tangent which may sound like run-of-the-mill millennialism and adventism is because these things are going to happen and are directly related to the coming races. We are going to have to confront these realities in the imminent future. If we do not attain mastery over aetheric forces right away, we have no chance of surviving the coming calamities. The Nazis were probably humanity's best shot in the past 100 years of actually mastering aetheric forces and trying to emulate the Vril-ya society by eliminating many destructive forces that were sickening their society and replacing them with healthy practices and ideologies. Unfortunately, they have been completely destroyed now and are viciously slandered. Perhaps some of them are still inside the earth with these other races (by way of Antarctica). Either way, we're on our own for the time being and we need to get our act together as human beings or we will be annihilated.

Even if these races were not coming in the imminent future, we would destroy ourselves pretty soon anyway. Robert Distinti (who's developing an alternate theory of physics based on vortexes) has some pretty good videos on this:

Thank you.

Soretna , I wish to respond to your specific comment , where you expressed your concern :

** "I also am concerned about this being the right platform to really discuss and collaborate on them. The more and more I use email, the more
and more I realize that we're chasing our tails and unable to really keep things organized properly on such topics. I'm really thrilled this list is allowing us to all connect, but it's a double edged sword as far
as actual research and collaboration go."**

Well , I feel at this stage , let us not worry too much about form , substance/content is way more important . We as a group are in the brainstorming phase , so let the ideas flow freely . I may be repeating myself here , but once we have an investor on board , who is willing to provide funding and back our Hollow Earth project , the rest , including use of collaboration tool etc, will fall in place , in no time .

**In terms of quality of ideas , we have already made a whole LOT of progress , the information which this group now has , is an order of magnitude better than the trash propagated by many of the other online discussion forums . It is much better than a lot of rubbish that gets regurgitated in mainstream science forums as well .

A collaboration tool is not what is holding us back here (that can be selected and sort itself out in no time) . What we are really missing here is someone who can put money on the table and also help us take these ideas to the right people in positions of authority . Collaboration tools also bring with themselves some different kind of issues as well , such as when creative differences crop up within a group , or the relative value of contributions made by individual members...so , if anyone in this group has any better ideas about potential investors who might be willing invest in a Hollow Earth Study project , please do share with the group.

I am really sorry and apologise in advance , if anyone feels offended by such a direct message on this aspect , but in the spirit of straight talk and in the best interests of this group , I would rather call a spade a spade .

A less "tech savvy" way of achieving this same objective could be if we could get a well known publisher to agree for a "tell all' book on this unique subject of Hollow Earth .



On Friday, November 2, 2018, 10:33:01 AM GMT+5:30, [email protected] [ALLPLANETS-HOLLOW] [email protected] wrote:


You said:

"Yes, I too believe that the inhabitants of the hollow interior have no intention of harming the topside denizens, but they are not the same as the crustal inhabitants. Definitely, the Vril-ya believe that this outer world is theirs to claim and will continue in this belief unless we can obtain mastery over vril (aether). To say nothing of the malevolent reptiles, who believe that this entire planet is rightfully theirs and was theirs first."

You have got it, my friend! So many people get confused about who, what and where, you know? Thety think that the demons live in the hollow earth, or that Shamballa is within the crust; people get it wrong every which way.

It is just refreshing to see someone tell it like it is.


receiving the Vril is not out of humanity's reach, indeed this is the key of realizing our position now and that into the near future

those living deep below are so exalted that our human minds will become immensely enriched by visitation

1 Like

We have great minds on deck here at yahoo? That is an interesting opinion. Of course the earth is hollow but that is about as much of the right track that can be found and you should be congratulated for making it that far but


Thanks! I'm glad to be on the right track. It's certainly thanks to good books and this mailing list, otherwise I might be as confused as everyone else in this regard.

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You said:

"Yes, I too believe that the inhabitants of the hollow interior have no intention of harming the topside denizens, but they are not the same as the crustal inhabitants. Definitely, the Vril-ya believe that this outer world is theirs to claim and will continue in this belief unless we can obtain mastery over vril (aether). To say nothing of the malevolent reptiles, who believe that this entire planet is rightfully theirs and was theirs first."

You have got it, my friend! So many people get confused about who, what and where, you know? Thety think that the demons live in the hollow earth, or that Shamballa is within the crust; people get it wrong every which way.

It is just refreshing to see someone tell it like it is.



Thanks for your insights and comments here regarding physics. I can't add much else to what you've already said; I certainly agree that we can use some better organization. Where to go indeed...

Also, I agree with the emphasis on discovering the identity of the author of The Coming Race. It would be an enormous boon in learning some truly important information.

โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€ Original Message โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€


The topic of scalar waves is a big one... but I think this is primarily due to our inability to lock into a universal vocabulary. Scalar MAY also be called longitudinal waves, but it seems that this confuses folks. Meyl is interesting, but not the end all.

The big problem here is we don't have anything truly actionable yet as far as a cohesive core theory that gives us a platform upon which to really place all of our experiential knowledge. Distinti might be giving us that "breadboard" so to speak (to use EE terminology).

I'm glad you talk of practicality there Ephraimite. It's not like we can dissect sleeping or near-death people while they're hooked up to an array of monitoring sensors that range from chemical to all manner of EM devices! It seems that while we can "live good" that's about the best we can do... LEGALLY. Direct DMT usage would be a step in the right direction actually, but we have to get folks to get their heads out of their rectums first to get this in motion. Ayahuasca is not sufficient enough for this application.

At any rate, back to the ether situation... This holds the keys to gravity, energy, and all manner of things that would take our society to the proper next level. There's so much to say here, but I don't have much time to pontificate on these points presently. I also am concerned about this being the right platform to really discuss and collaborate on them. The more and more I use email, the more and more I realize that we're chasing our tails and unable to really keep things organized properly on such topics. I'm really thrilled this list is allowing us to all connect, but it's a double edged sword as far as actual research and collaboration go.

In terms of research, Dean has been right all along about Joseph Cater being an excellent starting point. His material is kind of the who's who of science for the last 100 years in terms of which research has really been something of note and in tying together some thought processes. I think there are others as well that have done excellent work.

I just stumbled upon another work about gravity today that may or may not hold any merit:

Mind BOGGLING Gravitation TFG November 2018

Hmmm. Where to go with this topic... where to go...

BTW, I still think we need to seriously consider the authorship of the original writer of this book and hope this serves as a reminder that that would still serve a grand purpose.

On Thu, Nov 1, 2018 at 9:15 PM Ephraimite [email protected] [ALLPLANETS-HOLLOW] [email protected] wrote:


Thanks for your reply.. I would first like to correct an error you made in your first paragraph: I think you meant to say "vril" instead of "vril-ya." Vril-ya is the name of the people who wield the vril. Vril is the substance that they wield, which is essentially the same as aether.

Yes, I too believe that the inhabitants of the hollow interior have no intention of harming the topside denizens, but they are not the same as the crustal inhabitants. Definitely, the Vril-ya believe that this outer world is theirs to claim and will continue in this belief unless we can obtain mastery over vril (aether). To say nothing of the malevolent reptiles, who believe that this entire planet is rightfully theirs and was theirs first.

Regarding your remarks about scalar waves: I think scalar waves are an effect of aether. As aether moves and things happen in the universe, waves ripple through the aether which are unlike the typical, lower-level waves that we usually think of. That is what makes scalar waves special, although they are a singular facet of aether and are not the whole picture of what's going on. I think Soretna may have some thoughts on this; I think I recall him talking about this sort of thing in the past.

Regarding your remarks about the pineal gland: sadly, you're right about the sorry condition that our brains are in. We definitely are having our bodies manipulated so that spiritual experiences are hindered. I think this is the real reason of why DMT is illegal in the US; I think the government actually wants to keep people from having spiritual experiences. It's something naturally produced by our brains, so it's certainly not more dangerous than tobacco or alcohol. However, the pineal gland can be strengthened by engaging in healthier habits of both body and mind. The connection to one's spirit is never severed until death, so the pineal gland can always be strengthened but it requires seeking out new truths. Nonetheless, I find that focusing the pineal gland too much leads people to unproductive pessimism since they start to think, "well, my brain's already screwed up by fluoride; nothing can be done now..." This is not a helpful line of thinking, so I tend to focus on more down-to-earth subjects than the pineal gland, which as you say, we know little about.

Regarding your mention of missiles vs. scalar waves: yes, our current weaponry is primitive compared to aether-based technology, of which the effects are often instantaneous and dramatic. I think one of the reasons that aether-based technology is so precise is because it must be controlled via your spirit. This is something mentioned in The Coming Race; willpower is a large part of how vril is controlled.

Regarding Tesla: Tesla was an interesting guy who did some interesting things, but I think a phenomenon which I have internally dubbed "Tesla worship" is becoming a little too prevalent. I do not think Tesla discovered "free energy" as it is frequently supposed. There is nothing to substantiate that he directly tapped into powers of the aether, even though he may have gotten close. Honestly, I think that someone of his personality and inclinations would have done something truly revolutionary and bizarre if he had actually tapped into the unfettered powers of aether. He certainly wouldn't have died quietly like he did, with most of his work being a total secret. Tesla can certainly be learned from, but there are other geniuses and lines of thought which must be followed in order to obtain the full picture.

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On Thursday, November 1, 2018 1:23 PM, sidhartha bahadur [email protected] [ALLPLANETS-HOLLOW] [email protected] wrote:

Ephraimite , thanks for your brilliant post ! In order to do justice to your post , I did some extra research and have found out that vril-ya is exactly same as scalar waves or zero point energy (ZPE) . It is evident that the advanced Hollow Earth civilisation uses this concept , though I strongly believe , they are benevolent and do not intend to hurt mankind , living on the outer surface of Earth .

About a 100 years ago , Nikola Tesla had done lot of research in this area .

The ancient Vedic sages had mastered this form of energy by intense meditation , due to which they were able to trigger scalar waves using just the pineal gland in their brains .. The pineal gland is a tiny , mysterious organ hidden away at the core of our brain (at it's center) , whose function is not understood well by contemporary science .

In ancient times , Indians and Egyptians believed that this pineal gland itself is the so called "third eye" , which could be awakened through deep meditation . All of spirituality is linked to activation of this pineal gland , that consists of cells similar to those that exist in the retina of our eyes...probably this striking similarity is the reason , pineal gland is referred to as the "Third eye" . It is also believed that our soul resides in the pineal gland and at the time of death , the soul departs from via the skull from the pineal gland itself .

Third Eye Pineal Gland: The Biggest Cover Up in Human History

Third Eye Pineal Gland: The Biggest Cover Up in Human History

The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis or the โ€œthird eyeโ€) is a small endoc...

***Sadly , in our times , pineal gland of almost everyone is calcified & shrivelled up , due to the high flouride content , deliberately added to the water supply . There are several conspiracy theories about this , as to why governments do this to their people...

As for the weaponisation of scalar waves , it is scary how powerful these can be . In the Ramayan and Mahabharat epics , it is described how the greatest warriors , used to invoke celestial weapons , based on scalar waves , through their pineal gland , Once their target had been destroyed , they would "withdraw" their weapons . This is similar to the way we invoke applications on our computer and then shut them down !! This is a very different concept of weaponry than what we see in 21st Century .

Missiles of modern technology , need to be fired physically and they need to physically reach their target , withdrawal is also not possible , once fired . Not just that , this kind of weapon system is much inferior to that based on scalar waves (scalar howitzer) , since it causes lot of collateral damage , sometimes even missing it's target .

Scalar wave weapons are so precise , they target only that which is needed , with almost no collateral/unintended damage . It is actually such that scalar energy manifests at the exact coordinates in the universe , where it is intended and then withdrawn , else ZPE would keep leakind out , causing total annihilation .


** Over a hundred years ago Nikola
Tesla called the powerful non-Hertzian energy (without frequencies)
Scalar. A new era in Science was born. In the 1920โ€™s Einstein referenced
to these scalar energies and yet nearly a hundred years later their
application is still undervalued and underused.**

Scalar Waves are embedded in all our products.

So what are Scalar Waves?

** Scalar
waves also referred to as Tesla Waves or Longitudinal Waves are capable
of penetrating any solid object including Faraday Cages**. A transmitter can be placed in a box of thick metal and a receiver outside of the box will still receive the scalar wave. Scalar waves are capable of passing through the earth from one side to another with no loss of field strength as Tesla showed in one of his experiments.

**Traveling faster than the speed of light (superluminal), Scalar Waves are not electromagnetic but composed of pure zero point energy. They also have the potential to be used as a power source. **

**So Scalar Waves can be used for communication, energy, and other applications. Scalar Waves (longitudinal waves) do what Transverse waves cannot .
They are fast, penetrating, connected, and can broadcast magnified
power. Their potential is almost limitless. It is even said that it is
the technology that Extra Terrestrials use! **

Konstantin Meyl compares superluminal scalar waves to the neutrino ,
which it is also thought travels faster than light. Neutrinos bombard
the Earth in all directions, but the majority of them arrive from the
central star of our solar system. Because almost half of the neutrinos
are absorbed as they pass through the Earth, it is thought they may
interact with the core and inner layers of our planet.

researchers believe that solar phenomenon can produce variations in
neutron emissions which may trigger earth changes on our planet, causing
crust disruptions from the mantle heat-up of increased solar activity. Research and study of scalar waves will possibly increase our chance of survival during chaotic periods in the future .
By understanding them we could learn how to constructively utilize
them to stabilize our planet during periods of solar fluctuations, sun
spots, flares, etc.

**The possibilities with, and uses of Scalar waves are endless and exciting. **


On Thursday, November 1, 2018, 10:36:01 AM GMT+5:30, Ephraimite [email protected] [ALLPLANETS-HOLLOW] [email protected] wrote:


Thanks for sharing some thoughts on this subject. I'd really like to have all brains on deck here, since I know we've got some great minds on this mailing list and we can use all the brainpower we can get.

Yes, I can highly recommend reading this book to anyone who has it on their bucket list. It is not a long book, but it will give you more insight than most other books out there. It's well worth the read; descriptions and summaries really don't do it justice, unfortunately.

I agree completely; this is scary stuff. And it is highly relevant to a lot of things we've been discussing of late and in past discussions, too. I think it brings these discussions to a head and ties it all into something tangible. Well, it feels that way to me anyway.

Yes, their technology consists of weaponry among many other things. As you say, the destructive capabilities thereof are simply staggering and make nukes look like large, inconvenient playthings. No, that's not an exaggeration. As far as whether these things work as pressurized firehoses of aether, so to speak, I cannot say for certain. The author himself was not well-versed in the workings of vril and described its effects more than its internal workings.

To address some of your more specific questions, I would like to summarize some of their achievements which can relate to their destructive capabilities. As you read the following list, keep in mind that this was published over 100 years ago, so their advances may be even more mind-boggling now. Furthermore, almost all of these scientific achievements were utilized solely for peaceful purposes and "war" doesn't really exist among them. When they commence in the work of death, resistance is truly futile for any non-vril-wielder. Without further ado, here is a brief summary of some of their "wartime" capabilities (which would not be war as much as annihilation):

  • As you mention, they have weapons which turn the target into ash at a moment's notice. Yes, effectively "burning" the target, but this burning happens instantaneously; it is not "burning" in the sense of a flamethrower or whatnot. There is no melting nor time between the moment of impact and the moment of immolation.
  • As you also mention, these weapons are in the form of rods or staves of which a rather detailed description is given in one chapter. These weapons are standard equipment for many Vril-ya, including (and especially) children. This is purely for defensive purposes and they rarely actively seek anything's destruction.
  • As you further mention, by amplifying the destructive power of these staves, they can annihilate entire cities or whole civilizations, which number even in the millions, within a matter of days or less.
  • They have mastery over robotics. They have replaced the entire class of manual labor with robots.
  • They can heal mortal wounds and diseases at miraculous speed, which of course could be inflicted by our weapons.
  • They have flying vehicles, ground vehicles, and personal wings on which any individual Vril-ya can fly.
  • They can hypnotize or put to sleep other living creatures with a mere touch.
  • Their longevity, physical strength, and size exceed our own considerably (although they are not giants several times larger than us).
    Since almost all of these advancements were used exclusively for peaceful purposes, it is very likely that they have made many of these advancements even more specialized for the purpose of destruction upon ascending from the nether realms. That is a frightening thought alone.

Back to the topic of the author, there are definite clues regarding his lineage and thus potentially which state he lived in. Nonetheless, it is vague enough to have stumped me. I am certain it is out there somewhere, but it is no easy mystery that one could just solve immediately.

Yes, there is mention of a politician: he mentions his father who ran for Congress and lost. There are other significant details in the first chapter alone, yet it has been hard for me to pinpoint these details to a real person. I'll post some such details inline here:

I AM a native of ----, in the United States of America. My ancestors migrated from England in the reign of Charles II., and my grandfather was not undistinguished in the War of Independence. My family, therefore, enjoyed a somewhat high social position in right of birth; and being also opulent, they were considered disqualified for the public service. My father once ran for Congress, but was signally defeated by his tailor. After that event he interfered little in politics, and lived much in his library. I was the eldest of three sons, and sent at the age of sixteen to the old country, partly to complete my literary education, partly to commence my commercial training in a mercantile firm at Liverpool. My father died shortly after I was twenty-one; and being left well off, and having a taste for travel and adventure, I resigned, for a time, all pursuit of the almighty dollar, and became a desultory wanderer over the face of the earth.

In the year 18--, happening to be in ----, I was invited by a professional engineer, with whom I had made acquaintance, to visit the recesses of the ---- mine, upon which he was employed.

The reader will understand, ere he close this narrative, my reason for concealing all clue to the district of which I write, and will perhaps thank me for refraining from any description that may tend to its discovery.

There are other details about him in other places of the book, but these are some of the most important ones. If anyone would like to shed some light on these details, please feel free.

Yes, Soretna: this book has vast appeal for anyone interested in hollow earth, humanity's survival, or even a good mystery as pertaining to the author's identity.. It is thus surprising that it's such an obscure book and has so many wrong perceptions about it!

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On Wednesday, October 31, 2018 5:19 PM, Soretna [email protected] [ALLPLANETS-HOLLOW] [email protected] wrote:

Wow, that's quite the thread starter there...

I'm tremendously impressed with your thoughts and observations. This book has long been on my "to read" list.

This is some seriously scary stuff here Ephraimite.. I guess the way this fits together with other things we've discussed both recently and in the past here and the pattern that's present makes this hard to ignore in terms of the Vril-ya et al purging the dross, so to speak. Tell me if I'm wrong, but don't they consider their technology as "burning" the targets (of their devastating stick or rod shaped devices)? And can't it be employed to levels of extreme devastation? (Say, for example, they could obliterate cities or regions quickly and easily with "vril" - which vril seems to maybe be [a]ether in an activated or pressurized fashion, maybe akin to a firehose of [a]ether being turned on and sprayed out? And said destruction exceeds even the devastating levels of nuclear explosions as far as melting or burning goes?)

Regarding the author, I wonder if there are any clues as to the history of the region or people involved... Is there not something about a politician involved and if so, perhaps there are records of this time frame that could help in the identification effort?

Quite the compelling case you make for those who are both intrigued by a good mystery AND who worry about our human species' survival!

On Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 1:51 PM Ephraimite [email protected] [ALLPLANETS-HOLLOW] [email protected] wrote:

Greetings fellow list members,

Today I would like to share a book with you that I recently finished reading.. I am also going to share some other thoughts that have been flying through my mind for a while now, which may be highly controversial to some people.. Both of these topics are interrelated, so please stay tuned till the end of the message (unless this kind of topic offends you, in which case please kindly close this message).

So, you may have heard of this book before; it is called Vril, The Power of the Coming Race or just The Coming Race by Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton (actually, he just published the book under his name and is not the true author; more on this later).

Here is an Amazon page where you can obtain a physical copy or you can just read it online.

This book is extremely fascinating for a number of reasons. In fact, it is very similar to Etidorhpa in many ways.. To wit:

  1. It is considered one of the first "science fictions." This alone is a red flag since Etidorhpa is characterized by the very same label. Actually, this book was published 24 years before Etidorhpa, so it may be deemed the first "science fiction" ever. Yet, bear in mind that science fiction did not exist before books like Etidorhpa and The Coming Race so perhaps these books were not fictitious after all since the idea of "science fiction" was entirely unconceived-of theretofore.
  2. It is about a man's journey into the bowels of the earth, after which he returns with knowledge that could alter the course of humanity.
  3. It deals very much with the subject of aether (which is called "vril")
  4. And it is just an all-around unputdownable book for anyone even remotely interested in the hollow earth!
    Now, sadly this book has gotten a bad reputation because, first of all, hardly anyone bothers to actually read it and secondly because it is often discussed in tandem with Nazis. It is true that the Nazis were very interested in this book and other related subjects (and rightfully so!) but this book can hardly be called political. Rather, it is highly scientific, philosophical, religious, linguistic, historical, and very mind-expanding! The topics of race and politics are only the subject of certain parts in several chapters.

So that is a brief synopsis of the book and why I think you should absolutely read it cover-to-cover. I will refrain from giving more information on this book partly because I don't want to spoil it and partly because the book is so drenched with information that this message would be enormous if I did so. Now that's out of the way, I would like to get to the real meat & potatoes.

Firstly, I absolutely believe this book is true beyond any shadow of any doubt. In fact, to use the word "believe" is too weak; I know this book is true and any attempt to convince me otherwise is utterly futile. Therefore, I also believe that the race detailed in this book truly is coming very soon and they will wipe us out if we do not master control over aether (i.e., vril) very soon. We must either be prepared to defend ourselves against these people or at least show them that we have the capacity to better ourselves as they have by demonstrating control of aetheric forces. If we cannot do this, they will destroy us and will be justified in doing so. If you find this a hard pill to swallow, then please read this book because it will make it crystal-clear to you.

Before I continue discussion of related topics to this book, I would like to ask a question to any and all members of the list:

Who is the actual, mysterious American author of this book?

Yes, the book is published under the name of Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, who was a real English lord in the 1800s.. He was an author of other books, which makes people believe that this book is just another fiction he penned. But it clearly is not. Furthermore, at the very beginning of the book, the author states clearly that he is from America and gives details about his lineage and there are other details about him throughout the book. Unfortunately, his identity nor whereabouts are never clearly stated in the book which is done to keep the location of the mineshaft that he fell in a secret. If he did not do so, it is certain that the powers that be would have destroyed this place by now.

I cannot be the first person to wonder who this mysterious author is, **so I ask anyone on the mailing list who has the faintest clue of this man's identity to please respond to this message or at least contact me privately at my email address. **

So, continuing on the subject of this race called the "Vril-ya," I also believe that other races will come out along with them, perhaps including reptiles and also including the benevolent inhabitants of the hollow interior. As Soretna has quoted in the past, I would like to reference a prophecy of Joseph Smith, Jr. regarding the coming of such inhabitants. From Doctrine & Covenants section 133 verses 19-35 (emphasis added) :

19 Wherefore, prepare ye for the coming of the Bridegroom; go ye, go ye out to meet him.

20 For behold, he shall stand upon the mount of Olivet, and upon the mighty ocean, even the great deep, and upon the islands of the sea, and upon the land of Zion.

21 And he shall utter his voice out of Zion, and he shall speak from Jerusalem, and his voice shall be heard among all people;

22 And it shall be a voice as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder, which shall break down the mountains, and the valleys shall not be found.

23 He shall command the great deep, and it shall be driven back into the north countries, and the islands shall become one land;

24 And the land of Jerusalem and the land of Zion shall be turned back into their own place, and the earth shall be like as it was in the days before it was divided.

25 And the Lord, even the Savior, shall stand in the midst of his people, and shall reign over all flesh.

26 And they who are in the north countries shall come in remembrance before the Lord; and their prophets shall hear his voice, and shall no longer stay themselves; and they shall smite the rocks, and the ice shall flow down at their presence.

27 And an highway shall be cast up in the midst of the great deep.

28 Their enemies shall become a prey unto them,

29 And in the barren deserts there shall come forth pools of living water; and the parched ground shall no longer be a thirsty land.

30 And they shall bring forth their rich treasures unto the children of Ephraim, my servants..

31 And the boundaries of the everlasting hills shall tremble at their presence..

32 And there shall they fall down and be crowned with glory, even in Zion, by the hands of the servants of the Lord, even the children of Ephraim.

33 And they shall be filled with songs of everlasting joy.

34 Behold, this is the blessing of the everlasting God upon the tribes of Israel, and the richer blessing upon the head of Ephraim and his fellows.

35 And they also of the tribe of Judah, after their pain, shall be sanctified in holiness before the Lord, to dwell in his presence day and night, forever and ever.

Now, there are many extremely interesting predictions given here, but there are a few key among them as pertaining to our present discussion. First, the obvious references to the north countries. These are obvious references to those who dwell within the earth which are perceived as dwelling in "north" countries since traveling northwards indefinitely leads you to the interior of the earth inevitably. They are going to come out, as prophesied here.

Secondly, there are references to the tribe of Ephraim. Well, who exactly is the tribe of Ephraim? As detailed by Rodney M. Cluff, the author of World Top Secret: Our Earth IS Hollow! (which I highly recommend), they are the white Aryan race, or the Indo-European peoples. They are related to the other tribes of Israel and also have other heritage connected to the interior world. This theory is similar to the theories of so-called British Israelism or Christian Identity, but it makes much more sense than either. The reason that this tribe is mentioned so much is because they are the ones who will lead the good forces of humanity in the coming struggle which is likely to arise as political strife on nearly all continents. This is related to the current left-right struggle that is seen currently in the various political spheres. This tribe will likely be the ones who bring forth an understanding of aether and who are currently the predominant possessors of the Holy Priesthood, after the Order of the Son of God. Both of these things together will likely constitute the blessings given to the lost tribes by Ephraim.

Furthermore, the last verse mentions the tribe of Judah, i.e., the Jews. This is a topic of much controversy lately, but I can highly recommend Jan Lamprecht's website, History Reviewed, in which he details and discusses the many gross crimes of the Jews in the past many centuries. Jan Lamprecht is also another great writer on the hollow earth and I can highly recommend his book, Hollow Planets: A Feasibility Study of Possible Hollow Worlds.

Eventually, after the coming struggle, the Jews will be sanctified because the wicked elements among them will be removed (which are an awful lot). Afterwards, they will become an exalted people once again, just like their brethren of Ephraim. Unfortunately, this will constitute an immense struggle and will be directly prior to the literal and actual Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

I realize that all of this seems rather off-topic from my initial subject matter, but please let me tie it all together now. The point of this wild tangent which may sound like run-of-the-mill millennialism and adventism is because these things are going to happen and are directly related to the coming races. We are going to have to confront these realities in the imminent future. If we do not attain mastery over aetheric forces right away, we have no chance of surviving the coming calamities. The Nazis were probably humanity's best shot in the past 100 years of actually mastering aetheric forces and trying to emulate the Vril-ya society by eliminating many destructive forces that were sickening their society and replacing them with healthy practices and ideologies. Unfortunately, they have been completely destroyed now and are viciously slandered. Perhaps some of them are still inside the earth with these other races (by way of Antarctica). Either way, we're on our own for the time being and we need to get our act together as human beings or we will be annihilated.

Even if these races were not coming in the imminent future, we would destroy ourselves pretty soon anyway. Robert Distinti (who's developing an alternate theory of physics based on vortexes) has some pretty good videos on this:

Thank you.


Thanks for sharing your opinion. I agree in that we have made lots of progress; we are certainly having some profound discussions on many topics that I can't help but think are enriching our understanding of the hollow earth and our world's situation. Yet, I agree with Soretna in that email is an inconvenient way of organizing this information. It's kind of hard to dig through threads and it's easy for things to get buried with time.

We would benefit from some kind of more organized forum of sorts, although I'm not sure exactly what. Reddit and StackExchange come to mind, but these are bastions of censorship right now. Social media, such as Gab, Facebook, and Twitter are even more disorganized than the mailing list so they would not help for the purpose of sorting information. I think this is an actionable task which would not require money. There are lots of free and open-source solutions for forums like this and I can't help but think that it would be good to have something like that in tandem with the mailing list.

Unfortunately, I don't know how well a "tell-all" book would work either. There are already a plethora of books which are not hard for people to read or get ahold of. Jan Lamprecht, Rodney Cluff, Joseph Cater, and others have already done great work in terms of summarizing and unifying information regarding the hollow earth & science. I think we have enough books at this point in time; to continue to produce more books, rather than discussing and acting on what we've learned from them, would be unproductive.

Funding would always be nice, but Rodney Cluff is the only guy I can think of who got real-world funding for something important regarding hollow earth. Of course since that failed twice due to the mysterious deaths of the pilots, I don't think funding is going to work at any point in the future now. The only way that funding would really work for us is if we were self-funded; if one of our own could put money on the table to further real research & work, then that might work. But obviously, none of us are making our fortunes pursuing this interest so we can't rely on that for the time being.

I really do think that a forum of some kind, plus perhaps some other channels of communication aside from just this mailing list, is a low-hanging fruit which does not depend on funding.

โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€ Original Message โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€


Soretna , I wish to respond to your specific comment , where you expressed your concern :

** "I also am concerned about this being the right platform to really
discuss and collaborate on them. The more and more I use email, the more
and more I realize that we're chasing our tails and unable to really
keep things organized properly on such topics. I'm really thrilled this
list is allowing us to all connect, but it's a double edged sword as far
as actual research and collaboration go."**

Well , I feel at this stage , let us not worry too much about form , substance/content is way more important . We as a group are in the brainstorming phase , so let the ideas flow freely . I may be repeating myself here , but once we have an investor on board , who is willing to provide funding and back our Hollow Earth project , the rest , including use of collaboration tool etc, will fall in place , in no time .

**In terms of quality of ideas , we have already made a whole LOT of progress , the information which this group now has , is an order of magnitude better than the trash propagated by many of the other online discussion forums . It is much better than a lot of rubbish that gets regurgitated in mainstream science forums as well .

A collaboration tool is not what is holding us back here (that can be selected and sort itself out in no time) . What we are really missing here is someone who can put money on the table and also help us take these ideas to the right people in positions of authority . Collaboration tools also bring with themselves some different kind of issues as well , such as when creative differences crop up within a group , or the relative value of contributions made by individual members...so , if anyone in this group has any better ideas about potential investors who might be willing invest in a Hollow Earth Study project , please do share with the group.

I am really sorry and apologise in advance , if anyone feels offended by such a direct message on this aspect , but in the spirit of straight talk and in the best interests of this group , I would rather call a spade a spade .

A less "tech savvy" way of achieving this same objective could be if we could get a well known publisher to agree for a "tell all' book on this unique subject of Hollow Earth .


On Friday, November 2, 2018, 10:33:01 AM GMT+5:30, [email protected] [ALLPLANETS-HOLLOW] [email protected] wrote:


You said:

"Yes, I too believe that the inhabitants of the hollow interior have no intention of harming the topside denizens, but they are not the same as the crustal inhabitants. Definitely, the Vril-ya believe that this outer world is theirs to claim and will continue in this belief unless we can obtain mastery over vril (aether). To say nothing of the malevolent reptiles, who believe that this entire planet is rightfully theirs and was theirs first."

You have got it, my friend! So many people get confused about who, what and where, you know? Thety think that the demons live in the hollow earth, or that Shamballa is within the crust; people get it wrong every which way.

It is just refreshing to see someone tell it like it is.


One Light,

Yes, I agree completely. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€ Original Message โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€


receiving the Vril is not out of humanity's reach, indeed this is the key of realizing our position now and that into the near future

those living deep below are so exalted that our human minds will become immensely enriched by visitation


Yes, I think we have some great minds here. There is certainly a lot more mental light coming from this mailing list than most other slums of the internet. Knowing that the earth is hollow is really just step 1; there is a lot more to think about and discuss than just that. It is also very nice to talk with others who share your views, rather than just being shot down constantly like what happens on many forums.

โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€ Original Message โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€


We have great minds on deck here at yahoo? That is an interesting opinion. Of course the earth is hollow but that is about as much of the right track that can be found and you should be congratulated for making it that far but

Obviously we are basically in agreement about the hollow earth and that is relatively advanced compared to "modern" science unfortunately and I do truly appreciate this group because it is the only place I have noticed that information doesn't get changed or removed immediately as an archive so I guess the next leap is organizing a real expedition straight through "them," (whoever they are, whatever that means) with or without their permission to physically attempt to enter the planet at the safest, most interesting convergence points. I think it is time.


I think the only hope anyone would have of getting in would be on a wooden sailing boat, with no metal to reflect radar, and without a radio to key up, that is to say, with no tell-tale broadcasts. Painted white, of course, to blend in with the ice.

And then when you get inside you just smile and grin a lot and say "excuuuse me!", and play dumb; then show them a map with Albuquerque on it and ask if all the giants if anyone knows which way to Albuquerque.

Try it, and let me know if it works.





On Friday, November 2, 2018, 3:25:53 PM EDT, [email protected] [ALLPLANETS-HOLLOW] [email protected] wrote:

receiving the Vril is not out of humanity's reach, indeed this is the key of realizing our position now and that into the near future

those living deep below are so exalted that our human minds will become immensely enriched by visitation