Hi all,
This here is one of my favorite presentations of the inner earth:
There is a fascinating collection of maps here. Many feature the north pole and one even features a concave map of the interior world.
Hi all,
This here is one of my favorite presentations of the inner earth:
There is a fascinating collection of maps here. Many feature the north pole and one even features a concave map of the interior world.
The message says that it is unavailable.
Oh well!
@deandddd Hmm, strange. Well, you can always watch it on Youtube directly by clicking the link on top of the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3BuL6ZaEmI
Yes, odd, looks like this video has embed playback disabled for some reason. Link itself works.
Harry Hubbard has some amazing videos. He's a top level researcher and an extremely fine investigator. I'm always captivated by his presentations.
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The Maps are the stars of the presentation. Not proof of anything, however they do spark interest of further investigation.
@Keith Although the maps do not prove anything intrinsically, do remember that cartographers used to be taken very seriously. Selling an explorer a bad map could cost your reputation, your career, and maybe even your life if the poor guy ever returned home to pay you back for making a bad map which nearly got him killed. So a well-respected mapmaker, like Mercator and others shown in the video, would not have made a bogus map merely for the fun of it. It was an expensive endeavor back then, not to mention extremely difficult.