Enochian: The Mysterious Lost Language of Angels !

List members , I request we spend some time exploring this topic in more depth as it can reveal a LOT of secrets...was that lost Enochian language anything like Sumerian/Egyptian, maybe even Sanskrit ??

**So anyone having information about this , please do contribute your thoughts and ideas here :-



The problem, I suppose, that I have with this is that it was "composed" by someone in more modern times vs being from ancient written origin (not that I'm a big fan of Wikipedia, but we can use it to get some information): Enochian - Wikipedia

No idea if the information here is entirely accurate, but it may be worth considering:

Dee believed Enochian to be the Adamic language universally spoken before the confusion of tongues. However, modern analysis shows Enochian to be an English-like constructed language.[3] Word order closely follows English, except for the dearth of articles and prepositions.[5] The very scant evidence of Enochian verb conjugation is likewise reminiscent of English, more so than with Semitic languages such as Hebrew, which Dee said were debased versions of the Enochian language.[5]

That is not to say this should be invalidated as the "historians" may simply be wrong since they are not working from a full corpus of human knowledge and much of what is taught is blatantly wrong. In other words, just because his words and constructs seem English-like, that should not invalidate it, but what does concern me is not having text prior to his writings that are connective in nature. Maybe you're right, perhaps he fabricated the language to represent what he heard/saw/understood and we have to somehow translate the sounds to a more ancient writing...

I have seen enough etymologists and other linguists get things wrong enough times to know that we cannot trust their judgements and explanations without validation from deeper and additional knowledge.

An example is a connection of the term we now use as "atom" with "Atum" (aka "Atem" or "Tem" - the Primordial God) who is clearly a recapitulation of Father Adam as we now pronounce His name. This is why the Hebrews and many other religions (although this has been obfuscated greatly by contrary powers that want to besmirch our Divine Origins) believed Father Adam was God the Father condescended to Earth to propagate His family - all of us. (Cannot help but wonder if the Hindu Atman might be related to His name.)

I'm not entirely sure where to go with this...


@Soretna , John Dee - a key adviser to the Queen of England at that time , was a VERY mysterious character and a contemporary of William Shakespeare - who may NEVER have existed : Shakespeare was but merely a pen-name/proxy for John Dee !!

***John Dee was a Magus & had studied esoteric subjects as well as ancient hieroglyphic scripts . His views on God and religion were quite unconventional for his times . He was a genius , master mathematician who had uncovered some of the secret numbers and ratios encoded into the Pyramids of ancient Egypt :-


So this is along the lines of the following, correct?:

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Yes @Soretna , BULLSEYE ! You got the drift , exactly :))

@cosmicsojourner : Any comments please ? This is your favourite topic !


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WOW! It has been a minute since I have been here, so I appreciate the re-minder and I have MUCH to share that will be difficult for most to contextualize within the double slit of the observer effect!!!

I have been VERY busy and can speak so deeply to this Topic from the perspective of Nikolai Tesla on 369, John Dee's "Magistral Number" 12X21=252 (vector equilibrium within the isotropic vector matrix source code), and Plato's "Nuptial Number" 7!=5040=2520X2. The Vedic magic square/cube of 9X9 is KEY within the monoid, perhaps integral with John Dee's Monas Hieroglyphica, Johannas Kepler's Mysterium Cosmographicum and the 64 hexagrams of the Bagua I-Ching within the Yin Yang structure and the eternal battle centered onthe Trimurti :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:

It is important to get to the source code of the Babylonian bird words in the Fire Letters (Tetrahedron) that Stan Tenen speaks to at depth of the DNA and magic state distillation as the path toward restoration of the innate power within the "junk" due to deuterium as the 2nd isotope of the 7 in the hydrogen group!

The most recent revelations to Geometry of Consciousness (GOC) and Morphogenic Matrix Math (MMM) have been deeply into the heart of Tantra from Sanskrit tantram, literally "loom, warp," (weave space and time) from PIE root *ten- "to stretch" as related to mascuLINE and femiNEYEN essence of the Chestahedron through Frank Chester's Saturn and Venus Bells, 2 of the 7 planetary forms, and the prime numbers 2 and 3 in 5 and 3 with 4 in 7 as the source of the CW and CCW chirality of the quantum condensate (quantum=number in etymological terms). Hathor (Hadit) and Nut (Nuit)

The 5 as the 5X5=25 (7) TENET/SATOR (Pater Noster-The Lords Prayer) square and 25 as conjugal number (Tantra) and 4X4=16 (7) and Rota Fortuna with regard to Ezekiel's "Wheels within Wheels" within the Auric FIeld (bioinformatics).

OK, that is a LOT, and will take much to digest for those not predisposed to the depth of the reality that light, which is everything we have EVER experienced to know or even believe is 0.04% of the EMF spectrum, where plasma is 99.6%! I am speaking to the plasma in the plasmoid and Sanskrit Arithmetic I would LOVE to collaborate with others versed as related to the sum product rule of the Pythagorean 1-pHi-1, 36~108~36 as the source of the kite faces of the Chestahedron VERY FEW even have awareness of as related to the etymology of OID from root *weid- "to see"!


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Thanks a lot for your insights, @cosmicsojourner- especially on the hidden aspects of Sacred Geometry ! Will read this in depth and then revert .


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Excellent! There is so much more to the depth of this, down to the global agenda that inverted Corona (when love came to town) i8nto COVID through the capsid within the plasmid as DNA is the liquid crystalline antenna central to the waters that Thales of Miles spoke to with his quote "All is water" after Pythagoras's "All is number".

The Chestahedron is formed out of Fire letters through the Yin Yang and 64 hexagrams of I-Ching within three

triskelon structure in 3 planes of the pentagon kite faces.

The plot of the cube octahedron is actually B Fuller's vector equilibrium central to the 64 tetrahedron of the isotropic vector matrix that GOC qualifies as the Breath of the Compassionate within and egg carton universe.

The nine tracks, which the numbers make as they spiral outward, form a pattern that visibly divides itself into twelve sections within the cubic thought form, indicative of the criteria of 12 zodiacal signs. The 12 singing spheres of Muscia Universalis. Buckminster Fuller to the base ten an octave with a ninth null event. The null event was regarded as nine being the proxy of the one that he counted as a legitimate number. :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:

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I am mesmerised by the above statement , @cosmicsojourner . Mathematically speaking 9 * 12 = 108 which is considered to be the holiest number in Hinduism , as it represents the divine .

The Universal Synchronicity of 108

Jeff Scult

Jeff Scult

The sacred and mystical number 108 weaves through the universe, nature, science, non-dogmatic intention-based faiths, human body design, and modern day culture. Here are just a sampling, and if you wish to see for yourself, google wiki 108.


Astronomically, there are 27 constellations in our galaxy, and each one them has 4 directions, and 27 * 4 = 108. In other words, scientists say the number 108 covers the whole galaxy.

Distance between the earth and the moon = 108 times the moon’s diameter.

The distance between the earth and sun = 108 times the diameter of the sun.

The diameter of the sun = 108 times the diameter of the earth.

Mathematicians have called 108 “a number of the wholeness of existence” and “a natural number.”

Meditations: Some say there are 108 styles of meditation.

The Sanskrit alphabet contains 54 letters, each with a masculine and feminine, for a total of 108 letters.

Dance: There are 108 forms of dance in the Indian traditions.

First man in space: The first manned space flight lasted 108 minutes (April 12, 1961 by Yuri Gagarin, a Soviet cosmonaut).

Time: Some say there are 108 feelings, with 36 related to the past, 36 related to the present, and 36 related to the future.

Some say that 1 stands for higher self, 0 stands for emptiness or completeness in spiritual practice, and 8 stands for infinity or eternity.

1 plus 8 equals 9, and 9 represents completion, wholeness, a universal love.


The number’s significance is open to interpretation, but 108 has long been considered a sacred number in non-dogmatic Dharmic faiths, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and yoga. Traditionally, malas, or garlands of prayer beads, come as a string of 108 beads (plus one for the “guru bead,” around which the other 108 beads turn like the planets around the sun).

In Buddhism, when multiplying the senses smell, touch, taste, hearing, sight, and consciousness by whether they are painful, pleasant or neutral, and then again by whether these are internally generated or externally occurring, and yet again by past, present and future, we get 108 feelings. 6 × 3 × 2 × 3 = 108.

Some Buddhists carve 108 small Buddhas on a walnut for good luck. Some ring a bell 108 times to celebrate a new year. There are said to be 108 virtues to cultivate and 108 defilements to avoid.

Chinese astrology says that there are 108 sacred stars.

In Japan, at the end of the year, a bell is chimed 108 times in Buddhist temples to finish the old year and welcome the new one. Each ring represents one of 108 earthly temptations (Bonnō) a person must overcome to achieve nirvana.

In the neo-Gnostic teachings of Samael Aun Weor, an individual has 108 chances (lifetimes) to eliminate his egos and transcend the material world before “devolving” and having the egos forcefully removed in the infradimensions.

Astrology: There are 12 constellations, and 9 arc segments called namshas or chandrakalas. 9 times 12 equals 108. Chandra is moon, and kalas are the divisions within a whole.


Many East Asian martial arts trace their roots back to Buddhism, specifically, to the Buddhist Shaolin Temple. Because of their ties to Buddhism, 108 has become an important symbolic number in a number of martial arts styles.

According to Marma Adi and Ayurveda, there are 108 pressure points in the body, where consciousness and flesh intersect to give life to the living being.

The Chinese school of martial arts agrees with the South Indian school of martial arts on the principle of 108 pressure points.


Breath: Tantra estimates the average number of breaths per day at 21,600, of which 10,800 are solar energy, and 10,800 are lunar energy. Multiplying 108 by 100 is 10,800. Multiplying 2 x 10,800 equals 21,600.

Heart Chakra: The chakras are the intersections of energy lines, and there are said to be a total of 108 energy lines converging to form the heart chakra. One of them, sushumna leads to the crown chakra, and is said to be the path to Self-realization.

Ayurvedic yoga identifies 108 pressure points.

In sports

  • An official Major League Baseball baseball has 108 stitches.
  • In 2016 the Chicago Cubs (MLB) won the World Series for the first time in 108 years, ending the longest championship drought in North American professional sports. The Cubs’ win came in the 10th inning with 8 runs (108).

Ps. And in the most random of places. Even on a white sand beach in tulum, the number 108 followed me, numbers painted on a boat. 23 + 5 + 66 + 14

The signs are everywhere…

The story of “why 108” for One Golden Thread

Jeff Scult

Jeff Scult

tap. tap. tap.

Let me preface all this with I am not a numerologist. I do not geek out on astrological mapping. And yet, one number kept showing up in my life, tap tap tapping me on the shoulder for ten years, until I was forced to finally listen in 2016.

I’m Jeff Scult, the author of One Golden Thread.

Here’s a 108 back story.

And if you’d like to first learn how prolifically the number 108 connects elements of our universe, culture and human being, start here.

The first moment I became aware of the number 108 was in the fall of 2008 reading an email from a Unicorn of a man — social impact do-gooder Robert Bengsten. I was working with him on his human kind endeavor — The Inspiration Campaign. From the first moment the number echoed, I felt a kinship to it. At that point in my training wheel’s mindfulness, it just sounded cool to say. I infused in my business repertoire that day, introducing myself on a cold call to share the opportunity of my business endeavor Solstice, “Hi, this is Jeff Scult, do you have 108 seconds?” The person on the other end of the cold call chuckled, saying “very clever” and yes, I do have 108 seconds, and no one ever said no after that.

My curiosity led to a google search which revealed a shockingly robust wiki. Did you know:

The distance between the Earth and sun is 108 times the diameter of the sun. There are 108 pressure points in the human body. There are 108 stitches on a baseball. That there are 108 sacred sites throughout India, a place I loved traveling for a month in 1997 with my sister. There there are 108 sacred Meridian pressure points of the body. I recently learned the toll free support phone number in India is 108.

Not a hint of dogma or judgement. I dug it.

But at that stage of my personal development 2008, nothing trumped the fact that it was just a cool number with flowing visual symmetry.

The universe clearly wanted me to listen — tap tap tap — so 108 started showing itself to me in tangible and surprising incarnations over the coming years, including a hotel room key “108” for a special night late in 2015 as I considered leaving my unfulfilled business partnership to enter the unknown journey my heart was calling.

Tap tap tap.

A crucible series of moments at the top of 2016 birthed what was to become One Golden Thread.

I began to kick around the idea of a grounding symbology for One Golden Thread, understanding from both teachers and my branding background the grounded power of symbols to express. It occupied waking thoughts, and I was forcing it.


I awoke one random Wednesday in February 2016, hit with this flow consciousness during my sleep:

One Golden Threads’s symbology was the number that had been tapping my mind for 10 years — 108.

108 is One Golden Thread, is us.

In the still darkness of my room that Wednesday, I scrawled this into a notepad:

1 — SELF



108 = One Golden Thread = me / we

Because what I had come to experience in my own life is that when I longed to belong through community — the 0 — first, or do big things for the planet — 8 — first, it never worked. I felt aloneliness inside my self. And I felt drained.

In that morning moment, I was figuring it out that I had no authority to “try” to impact any one, or anything. By starting with my 1 first, my unity within community was natural and seamless, and my impact on the planet could become organic through inspiration, rather than forcing anything.

In that morning moment, the thought formed as to why being an Activist was such a struggle for so many of “trying” and falling. It was always so forced, white knuckle clutching something before you get it. Always feeling like it is slipping through your fingers. To move to a new language, a new definition, from an Activate to a PROactivist, is about beginning from within. The 1. Both sustainable, and boundless, to create a stronger link of connection (the 0), and that is when things can stick as infinite.

In that moment, 108 became the source code for One Golden Thread. To ground it elemental, not esoteric, real, not etherial.

The current of the jetstream increased. Synchronicity fired fast.

The birth of a symbol

Dear friend Elana Meta, introduced me to her then new man, Seth Bunting. We immediately hit it off at The Butcher’s Daughter as two deep-end divers of thought. He was a part of Empact Labs in Venice Beach, a team of visual alchemists I was invited to share the vision of One Golden Thread with. We all met two days later. They immediately felt a part of the message, and went to work to create an icon to represent One Golden Thread. I was focused on ideas around 108. While they presented a broad exploration,

were playing with their sneak peak into Android Jones’ Augmented Reality visual AWE-some play den. Conversation turned to One Golden Thread as we all lay on their daybed in their creative room zen den. Pitcher went to his desk and pulled out a pink post-it note and began to draw an amplification of designer Kris Kish’s favorite design, and helped me visualize what would happen if the symbol was brought to 3-D life.

Pitcher says, “See here, if you spin the “1” the infinity circle spins as two hearts connected. And if you turn on its side and spin, it actually flies as a metaphor for we are our own butterfly effect. Also, if you look at the 108 long enough, it also becomes OGT — One Golden Thread.”

I was speechless.

Empact had pulled off a design miracle, transmuting a deep vision into a sacred symbol, encapsulating everything that I had envisioned — that infinite possibilities and unity all starts with one, you.

They didn’t even know the extent to which the additional symbolism of the butterfly effect had in my life. (A powerful forthcoming Golden Gem).

But how to bring it life? Have it be 4-D?

It took less than one week, and “there are no coincidences” to be introduced by a master people weaver, Lee Rosenblatt, to Maor Cohen, an design alchemist and a gift of positivity for the planet….

The synchronicity continues...

Learn more with us at One Golden Thread


Not that I needed more validation, but then this happened in the Fall of 2016. The Chicago Cubs were my first baseball team as I grew up in Phoenix where we didn’t have one. The Cubs played spring training and always played on WGN which was picked up on Phoenix TV.

Sports are an analogy for life. There is perhaps not a more powerful analogy of “suffering” then the original lovable losers — the Cubs, who before 2016 had the longest non-winning streak in the history of sport. In 2016 they reversed the curse to win the World Series after the longest separation in sports history — 108 years. Where they won in the 10th inning with 8 runs. 108.


Thanks for the anvil drop, Universe.


Holy COW @sidharthabahadur :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heavy_heart_exclamation:, I am standing here beside my self saying "Self, how divine is my sojourn to have connected with such a soul" as you have connected to the very center of my cosmology of consciousness within the cubic (Earth) though form that holds the heart (eart|H|eart) as a center in 108.

I am not a numerologist either, as much as a numberphile, but I have receipts and as a synergist in the honor of Sir Ocham's razor that sees through the eYe of the inner child, the image of God in Genesis 1:27 as offered with the plot of the sum product 99; 18|81 and its mirror; 81|18, as the center of the fine structure constant and the prime number 181 and binding frequency (F=1/T) where T is the 33rd prime 137 related to the 127th octave (exponent) of Mersenne prime 127. My God! I do not even recall referencing that number but the graphic I offered serves as the center cube of 3^3=27, and further 512=8X8X8 with the 369 3D hashtag structure as the source of the zero planes (noble gases) within the Rubix cube as the center of the 64 hexagrams of the Bagua, Yin (32) and Yang (32) and the square of black and white of The Philosophers' Game Rithmomachia "The Battle of the Numbers" chessboard..

@cosmicsojourner , the images of Sacred Geometry you've posted are just amazing...these discussions have strengthened my hunch about a science which is NOT yet considered a science :))

List members , Folks , think about this - which is that "Science" where concepts of Astronomy , Numerology , Sacred Geometry , Mathematics , Crystallogy , Gemology , Tarot , Palmistry , Geomancy (Feng Shui/Vaastu) , the Aether (Praana/Chi) , Alchemy , Symbology , Consciousness , Soul : All converge into one , with a simplified dashboard view , like an executive summary ?

Well , the answer is ASTROLOGY ! Am sure some of you are thinking , Astrology is but esoteric philosophy or even superstition , but that's not true if Astrology is practiced with purity , basis of first principles , without any corruption/manipulation .

I have started to believe that Astrology , called "Jyotish" in Sanskrit and known to all ancient cultures across the Globe by different names , IS A SCIENCE (!!) and that it is superior to all other sciences...indeed it is the SUPREME science passed onto Humanity , fully formed , from a higher source , in ancient times .

I think Astrology is all of the following :-

  1. A multi-disciplinary approach to understanding how the Universe works
  2. it is an approach of Multi Dimensional Optimisation (MDO) to summarise all of our existence
  3. How workings of the Cosmos affect human beings that are like a mere drop of water in an ocean
  4. How everything in Multiverse/Universe is cyclically connected & correlated "inside out, outside in"
  5. How the Macrocosm affects the Microcosm - " As above , so below"
  6. Astrology proves that "Past , Present and Future - all 3 have always existed concurrently" , just that one cannot access the past or the future in our gross physical body...however , there are other more subtle planes of existence , such as our energy body , our Aura , or our higher selves , where it might be possible to access even the past , or the future .

Now imagine , if the knowledge of Astrology suddenly vanished - "whoosh" & then we had to recreate it from scratch . Can you imagine the amount of computing power it would take to crunch all the data from various sciences , do pattern recognition & correlation (using AI) , then create Hypotheses (using Gen AI) about how the Universe works & how that impacts us all , at an individual and societal level ??

Please bear in mind that the foremost objective of AI & Analytics is always to get "predictions that are more accurate and closer to real time" , with the highest possible degree of probability . Then recall that Astrology is the ULTIMATE science of predictive Analytics . Astrology is truly a divine science - it is the "MOTHER OF ALL SCIENCES" !

P.S. For anyone to summarily dismiss Astrology is akin to a drop of water in the Ocean saying to itself : "A Tsunami getting generated 5,000 km away cannot affect me , a storm brewing 500 Km away is irrelevant to me , or a rise in Ocean temperature or a drop in it's salinity is of no consequence to me , it is like a drop of water off the coast of Australia saying to itself , that an ice sheet breaking off from Antarctica does not matter to me" :)) Putting it another way , we are all aggregates of atoms and their energies , which follow the fundamental laws of the Universe , before they obey our whims & fancies !

**All the world's Supercomputers and computers together wouldn't be able to recreate Astrology from the ground up . Even a Quantum Supercomputer may not be upto the task...such computing capability is FAR beyond humanity .

"Whoever" developed and figured out Astrology , must have used the Universe itself as their Supercomputer , or it could have been an ancient sage or sages , who figured it out through the deepest meditation , nothing less could do that job .

***Ultimately , Astrology is the closest man may ever get to understanding how God's creation actually works (in practice) , it is indeed an attempt to understand the mind of God !!


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Thank you @sidharthabahadur and I concur regarding the relevance of astrology, and would offer Musica Universalis within 12 singing spheres (2160 and 25,920 at 1 degree every 72 years to 24,000 and 23 6/9 years)! The very first principle is number as Pythagoras offered "All is number" and sacred form of water intermediate as Thales offered "All is water" and Thales Theorem apropos as the source of the 90 degree phase relationship of the realm in the graphics I created in CAD that MUCH can be expanded upon in terms of Shakespeare's Sonnet cover that Alan Green dis-covered as regards universal constants.

The 108 base (baseball) in terms of NEYEN in TENET and Base 10 appears to be the first 4 palindromic primes (2 3 5 7) as the source of the 5th (pHive), 11 as the mirror within Pascal's triangle and binomial coefficients at the center of Sanskrit arithmetic, which I understand obviates calculus an the probabilistic approach that has the Looking Glass technology FAIL in singularity terms and the 101 of charity (handedness) of the quantum (number) realm Bose–Einstein condensate as the background of the swastika in chirality of 5 and 7 within the Chestahedron that VERY FEW have any awareness of, based in Rudolf Steiner's genius of Anthroposophy founded in Theosophy and the Enneagram.

The quote from JP Morgan rings true, "Millionaires do not use astrology, billionaires do" is relevant to help others get outside Schrodinger's box of quantum contextualize toward psyco-spatial and psycho-temporal perceptions of the HERE and NOW, as you have intimated regarding past-present(gift)-future time, that the cat is bot dead and alive within the triple state of the Trimurti.

Further, that everything we have ever experienced to "know" is based upon a distortion spoken to in Godel Escher Bach's "Eternal Golden Braid" and the EMF spectrum is a mere ~0.04% light which is what the enter realm is based upon, where plasma holds all the secrets at ~99.6% in numbing number and noble gases as intermediary.

The realm is based in Lucifer the light bringer (or Sanskrit equivalent) and Ahriman and the Vajra and Ghanta (Saturn and Venus Chestahedron bells) the organic version in the mirror, as the West is most certainly the Artificial Intelligence of calculus based in approximations of space and probability in time within the cubic thought form, where the OG organic intelligence is Sanskrit arithmetic.

I concur whole heart we must return the the east as the OG organic intelligence of Sanskrit and this is what the sacred geometry of GOC is based within the cube (Platonic Earth) and the cube of space as the Tarot deck is based. I have the book in PDF but it is too large to post and I am not interested in the cloud, but Telegram is viable if you are on the platform, where I can share robustly. :pray: :pray: :pray:

Great insights , @cosmicsojourner !

**Building on this thought process , I think "Akashic Records" are invaluable to how our Universe stores information . The only "access mechanism" to get the data from that "Universal Supercomputer" is ASTROLOGY , through it's sophisticated Algorithms & it's formulae to then derive outcomes from it :-


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Thank you @sidharthabahadur concur whole-heatedly, but what is the foundation of astrology? Would you believe the firs isotope of hydrogen? It is the sun as the center of astrology and has a melting poit 1/100th of the 12 signs of the zodiac (259.2 C) and ALL is based in the 3 of 7 isotopes, yes? Walter Russell's work substantiates this and the Musical Spheres of Musica Universalis are primordial in palindromic prime 181 back to your 108 comments as the distance between the Moon and Earth is 108X2160=233280=108X1080X2 and between the sun and Earth 108X864,000=2.539579392X10^13, where the 864,000 is the number of seconds (not firsts) in TEN days 10X24X60X60 and the Base 10 vs Base 12 is in the process of inversion back to the Vajra an Ghanta and Sanskrit arithmetic to subvert AI calculus. GOC and MMM speak to Ball Lightning (Tantra-the weave of space time) within the heart, and the plasmOID in Pythagorean triplets are the KEY to cycle in circles of Yin Yang. Malcolm Bendall is the man that is building the bridge to GOC and MMM based in Walter Russell's cosmology and Nikolai Tesla's geius of 369 see www.strikefoundation.earth for the path to palindrome anagram eart|H|eart

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Fascinating stuff , @cosmicsojourner ! Hydrogen is like the building block of our entire Universe , so this theory makes a LOT of sense .

Folks , on a different note , I want to share some secret techniques in this forum...methods by which one can gain deep spiritual experiences , without knowing meditation . The "spirit molecule" or DMT is the ultimate elixir which can be obtained through deep , intense meditation . This was called "nectar" or "ambrosia" of the Gods by the ancients . The same can also be released by a physical procedure , even by somebody who does not practice meditation...!

STATUTORY WARNING though - this is NOT to be attempted without a Guru who has knowledge of this ancient technique , else one may end up damaging their tongue for life . Secondly , if at all someone attempts this , it should only be for good reasons , not for any selfish or evil purpose , else they would face a terrible Karmic fallout . This secret Yogic method where the tongue is used to stimulate the pineal gland , is called the "Khechari Mudra" .

**Why am I revealing such information in this forum , given the slight but real risk of it's misuse ??
Well , lately I have been worried about the uncertainty of our times, where wars , pandemics and natural catastrophes have started occurring frequently and life has become very uncertain (as was predicted towards the end of this Kaliyug age) .

Even a global internet blackout for just a few days (there are some bad actors who are trying to cause this) could lead to societal collapse , given humanity's overwhelming dependence on the internet...so , I thought it might be better to share some of this information for posterity , just in case , someday we were not able to communicate within this group any more .

***There is a secret Yogic method to know and see the past , present and future , a Yogic technique of the eyes , called "Shambhavi Mudra" , where the consciousness is focussed on the third eye . The Shambhavi mudra needs to be practiced for years before one may start getting the results :-



Folks , this is a lucid explanation about the 8 Yogic Super Powers and the caveats involved for their usage as also the Karmic consequences of their misuse :-



Non Facebook archive of video for those of us who cannot or will not use Facebook:

Thanks for posting the non-Facebook archive of this video , @Soretna !

**The most counter-intuitive part of this video is where it explains , IRONICALLY , how the pursuit or even the attainment of ANY or ALL of these 8 Yogic Superpowers , is actually FUTILE (!!) from the perspective of developing the soul - which is about striving for true liberation (being FREE of all material attachments) or Moksha ! Sorry for this spoiler - for those who hadn't yet watched the video :))



I call BS on anything that calls for a zen-like state which is a liberation of all things. This is, in reality, an evil belief that is contrary to humanity and ideal goals. The real goal is at-one-ment, which is becoming one with all things and thus connected to all things. This is not separation, but integration. It has been abundantly clear that those who teach this isolation/separation have apostatized from truth and the true teachings of the Ancients and what the real goal of life is.

In other words, damnation and the reincarnation cycle cannot ever be broken until you achieve oneness and salvation of both you, your family and your extended human family - at least at some level. This is the purpose of life and living and the integration of the new bodies that we have during this life and that we will retain through salvation if we obtain a high enough level of progression. This (re)incarnative process is our effort to obtain this connectedness and to perform saving efforts for both our families and those connected to us. It is the grand design of the Human Family and of all those who are considered children of Adam or the First Blood in our great Human Family.

And the cavern worlders hate us and want to squelch this process. And their capital of Shambhala down in Sheol and the depths are pitted against us and are engaged in every effort to destroy and twist the truth.


@Soretna , the oneness you speak about and the liberation from material attachments are the same - this apparent duality is the greatest conundrum of human existence .

You won't believe it , this same statement has been made over and over down the ages by sceptics and that's a good thing - those who are interested in knowing the truth will either start believing or they become sceptical . Those not interested in the truth couldn't care less , either way . So , I welcome your scepticism :))

**The best EVER example of this perennial debate , from Hindu scripture itself is the legendary tussle , rivalry and ego hassle that Rishi Vishwamitra (earlier King Kaushik) had with Rishi Vasishtha . Now Vasishtha was one of the greatest sages of all time and his "Yog Vasishtha" is considered the ultimate text on the science of Yoga . In the Ramayan epic , he was the Guru of Lord Ram himself .

The story goes that Vasishtha had a divine cow that could fulfill any wish and King Kaushik once came to the hermitage of Vasishtha and wanted to acquire this wish fulfilling cow for himself . His logic was , that such an asset was of no use to a hermit living in the forest who had already forsaken the material world . It should rather be in the posession of an emperor who has lot of work to get done in this material world .

As can be expected , Vasishtha told King Kaushik that he cannot take away the cow . This infuriated the King and triggered his ego . He essentially made a similar statement to Vasishtha as what you made & that I have quoted :)) adding that Vasishtha was like a beggar with no belongings other than the garment covering his body , whereas King Kaushik was a powerful emperor whom everyone feared & respected .

This rude statement by the King , inevitably lead to a fierce confrontation , wherein the King told his army to take away that divine cow , by force .

However , Rishi Vasishtha effortlessly repelled King Kaushik's army using his spiritual powers . Enraged even further by this unexpected turn of events , King Kaushik started hurling his most lethal weapons at Vasishtha . One after another , Vasishtha rendered each of these weapons futile .

Left with no other alternative, King Kaushik then started invoking the most potent celestial weapons , but to his utter dismay , Vasishtha effortlessly dispelled even those most potent of celestial weapons or Astra(s) .

Thus , King Kaushik faced the humiliation of himself and his army getting defeated by a mere hermit living in the forest . This forced King Kaushik to introspect deeply and he also consulted many of his trusted advisors . They all told him the bitter truth that "Spiritual power is superior to any material power and that the only way he could challenge Rishi Vasishtha was by acquiring spiritual power himself" .

King Kaushik then left his royal palace , went to the forest and undertook severe penance . After years of this penance , he attained the status of Rajrishi , or a royal sage . Once again he went and challenged Vasishtha and once again he was humbled . King Kaushik just couldn't digest his defeat and couldn't fathom why he was not being able to subdue Rishi Vasishtha .

King Kaushik then undertook the most harsh and extreme penance by cutting himself off from all worldly objects , as well as his family and friends . Nobody saw him for a very long time and many assumed he was dead .

After his excruciating efforts & intense , dedicated meditation over a very long time , King Kaushik finally attained enlightenment or Nirvana and was recognised as a Brahmarishi by none other than Rishi Vasishtha himself .

Strangely , as soon as he had attained true enlightenment , King Kaushik who was now called "Rishi Vishwamitra" or friend of the whole world , no longer felt any ego . Even the sense of never ending rivalry & ultra competitiveness against Rishi Vasishtha that had driven him to EXTREME lengths till date , had mysteriously dissolved .

***Finally , after such a long time , King Kaushik , now Rishi Vishwamitra , was finally at peace with himself . This inner peace , this liberation from all material desires , enabled him to discover the most famous of ALL Sanskrit mantras - the Gayatri Mantra of the Rig Veda . Thus , Rishi Vishwamitra had ultimately become the equal of Rishi Vasishtha himself , yet he felt no sense of enmity or revenge anymore :))

The Tale of Vashishta and Vishwamitra: A Journey from Conflict to Enlightenment


The story of Vashishta and Vishwamitra is a captivating narrative that highlights the transformative power of penance, the struggle between desire and renunciation, and the ultimate attainment of spiritual enlightenment. It is a tale of two remarkable individuals who were initially embroiled in conflict but eventually found profound respect and admiration for each other. Let us delve into the intriguing journey of Vashishta and Vishwamitra, exploring the key events that shaped their destinies.

The Clash of Desires:

In the early stages of their encounter, Vishwamitra, previously known as Kaushika, was a powerful king seeking the wish-fulfilling cow, Kamadhenu, from the hermitage of Vashishta. Vashishta, possessing divine powers, denied Vishwamitra's request, leading to an intense conflict between the two. Despite his military might, Vishwamitra was defeated by the tapas (penance) of Vashishta, igniting a desire for revenge within him.

The Quest for Power and Redemption:

Motivated by his defeat and thirst for power, Vishwamitra embarked on a spiritual journey, aiming to surpass Vashishta in spiritual prowess. Through rigorous penance and the blessings of Lord Shiva, Vishwamitra acquired an array of powerful weapons. However, when confronted by Vashishta once again, his weapons proved futile against the immense power of Vashishta's Brahmadanda. Frustrated and humbled, Vishwamitra renounced his warrior strength, setting his sights on a higher spiritual calling.

Ascension to Rishihood:

Undeterred by his previous setbacks, Vishwamitra immersed himself in even deeper penance, gradually evolving from a Rajarishi (king-sage) to a revered Rishi or saint. However, he remained unsatisfied with his progress, continually pushing the boundaries of his spiritual practices. Notably, Vishwamitra extended his assistance to King Trishanku when he was rejected by Vashishta, creating a new heavenly abode for him through the power of his tapas. These selfless acts and his unwavering commitment to spiritual growth earned him the title of Maharishi.

The Temptation of Worldly Desires:

As Vishwamitra's spiritual stature continued to rise, Indra, the king of gods, grew insecure and sought to test his resolve. Indra sent the celestial nymphs Menaka and Rambha to distract Vishwamitra from his path of asceticism. Initially succumbing to temptation, Vishwamitra fathered a child, Shakuntala, with Menaka. However, driven by remorse and a desire for self-control, Vishwamitra detached himself from worldly attachments and recommitted to his spiritual journey.

The Conquest of Emotions:

Through immense penance and unwavering dedication, Vishwamitra attained the state of mastery over his emotions. Recognizing his profound transformation, Lord Brahma Himself bestowed upon Vishwamitra the title of Brahmarishi. Significantly, Vashishta, having witnessed Vishwamitra's remarkable evolution, also acknowledged his spiritual attainment, thus bridging the gap between the two sages.


The story of Vashishta and Vishwamitra embodies the archetypal journey of an individual's evolution from a state of conflict and desire to one of spiritual enlightenment and self-realisation. Through the pursuit of penance and the conquest of emotions, Vishwamitra transcended his kingly origins to become a revered Brahmarishi, earning the respect and recognition of Vashishta. This tale serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of inner growth and the possibility for and reconciliation even in the face of past conflicts.

P.S. Incidentally , there is a converse story as well - wherein it was the great Sage who was being egoistic , domineering and vengeful , whereas the royal prince was being humble , spiritual and righteous . So , our scriptures also tell us that just being a great sage , does not mean that they can always impose their will , regardless of the situation and context .

***This is the famous story from the Mahabharat epic , wherein the great Warrior Sage Parshuram could not defeat his foremost disciple , the ever virtuous & totally selfless Prince Bhishma . Now Bhishma had renounced the throne and taken on a lifelong oath of celibacy , so his aged father could marry for a second time , with the young woman he had fallen in love with . He had also sworn that he would protect the throne of his step brothers and their future descendents till the last drop of his blood and his last breath .

The issue was of Princess Amba , who had complained to Sage Parshuram that Bhishma had refused to marry her - this is a long & complex story , so I have enclosed this video that explains it in brief :-
