Are There Underground Bases on Mars ?

@sidharthabahadur Hamanity is in a time of metamorphosis.

The world of science, media, government are deceiving the world into a submission of reality.

In reponse to this, I will need some time to disclose images as they are presented. New insights are revealed but and its imperative to follow the data correctly...please be patient..

Yes sure , @Echo_on , please take your time and reveal this new information to our group , at the appropriate juncture you have in mind .


@sidharthabahadur Another image from hollow mars: portal 2...

HM_screensaver _Landscape Portal 1

@Echo_on , the second image , is that a tornado in the top right hand side of the frame , next to the mountain ?


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Hi @sidharthabahadur. Glad you like the images.
It could be a tornado... I thought the same... It is fascinating... I will post more on the portal at a later date...

@Echo_on , is this tornado (or whatever phenomena it is) occurring inside Hollow Mars, or is it happening on the Martian surface ?


It is happening inside Mars like this... Think of lavatubes images of mars as having a membrane. Within the membrane surface exist encoded data. Within the encoded data you can traverse in and out. The code can be one inch or i mile it doesnt matter.

The more I study my theory and expand the data i will be able to express more. Many parts of Mars like Cydonia region are constructs as is the moon.

Remember in our solar system every planets inner cores are functional if they have oscillation like as an involuted sphere.

To get the picture you have to twist your mind inside out... Lol.

Wow @Echo_on , it's indeed quite trying to wrap my mind around this new way of thinking !


You have to break down your minds limitations on things that are fundamental...

From this i can prove an interpretation of the theory of that Thales of Miletus first expressed as similar to panpsychism. Their main problem being the hard question is also solved by my theory...

But moreso can prove that consiousnesss is a form of digital and analogue resolution. For example Analogue being external consiousnesss and Digital the inner subconscious (quantum)
Consiousnesss Construct...

Study his theory and it relates to platonic solids, frequency of inner planets and Consiousnesss etc. Galileo extracted consiousnesss from physics which is why no answers but all the maths.

If you watch the video, the second guy mentions his views which he talks about the Sun. It relates to philosophy of mind which incorporates materialism too.


Truly fascinating stuff @Echo_on ! I saw this video on Panpsychism yesterday .

It is similar to ancient Eastern mysticism...the concept of the Third Eye (was prevalent even in Egypt) or pineal gland in the brain being trained for ESP capabilities . The Vedic sages were masters at this .

In Western esotericism , such capabilities are recognized in Freemasonry .


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Hi @Echo_on , I was wondering if your psychic insights on Mars also enable you to verify if Mars was once a moon of Jupiter , before reaching it's independent orbit around the Sun ?

The way Electric Universe theory sees it , our Solar system has just 4 full fledged planets - Jupiter being the first true planet of our Solar system , followed by Saturn , Uranus and Neptune . Mercury , Venus , Earth , Mars and Pluto are all just "planetoids" or "ploonets" , i.e. former moons of the gas giants , that drifted into independent orbits around the Sun , in a sort of cosmic "tug of war" between the Sun and the 4 true planets of our Solar system .

Strangely , except for esoteric and occult literature , there seems to be little awareness that
Mercury , Venus , Earth and Mars had originally emerged from inside planets Jupiter and Saturn , were "ejected out" as their moons . Saturn is like a veritable moon producing factory , 80 moons is the last count as per the Cassini probe !

I read some esoteric lore about Saturn which describes how Saturn had "disgorged" itself of it's own children that it had swallowed...

As far as mainstream science theory is concerned , it's been found so embarrasingly off the mark , to predict the rate at which Titan , the most prominent moon of Saturn , is moving away from it's planetary parent , a whopping 100 times faster .

In science , if a theory goes off the mark even by a few % points, people start looking for alternative explanations . In the case of Titan's orbital drift , science has got it wrong by a factor of 100 . LOL !! :))


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Hi @sidharthabahadur. Many interesting questions here...
I am fond of the electric theory, panspsychism, dynamo theory, holographic theory, tetryonic theory all have merit. As does what I class books philosophy from Hermeticism and books like "the secret of light" by Walter Russell.

Going back to your questions..My speciality is revealed within its my case the theory is 2d space holds 3d data. So i have managed to extract and understand the knowledge from it. So for me the Gas Giants are digital creations of consiousnesss in which create the rocky planets which are constructs. Hence why the moon looks like we see it but rang like a bell for hours....

So if the planets are alive and have consciousness then ANYTHING can happen.
If they are what modern science describes then you will have to wait a long long time to see any picture.

Take a look at Saturn. This is from the North Pole. It may freak you out or you may gain insights into your mindtheory. It could explain the hand gestures many mainstream celebrities make and how influential the occult or esoteric is encased. Please download it and let me know what you see...

To me the universe is split in two as all things are from the source, consiousnesss. As we are now human is because of the relationship of ALL the planets orbits. If in the past a planet swaps then that would create a different earth species. And if Saturn is giving birth to so many moons etc then we as a mass consciousness are doing so mostly blindly...

I am in the view that we are all encoded. Each person has the ability to connect with the encoded program (consiousnesss resolution). This allows the body and mind to filter out interference. The more resolution the more source detail or information. I mean earth could even be a hypercube and its spin/frequency create 3d time and matter...

Heres an example of missinformation of truths and half truths online...changing the perception of reality or adding a limit on consciousness (resolution).

fig 1.


Antarctica :

Fig 1. image shows the modern interpretation. Thats its a crater and its so so wide etc blah blah physics and science. Of course this would make sense as it has solid ground and physics to back it up...

Fig.2. if we have a higher resolution and mindphilosophy we can see through this misinformation by fliping the image the correct way. No its not pareidolia or image manipulation either but could it be an authentic view of our inner earth entrance! Or at least prove the nature of fig 1 is not authentic.

You can take it as you see it, believe it or or close. A limitless view would gain you more resolution as will eating well, meditiation etc.

We live in a fascinating world. The ancients understood the subconscious and conscious and they created from that manifestation. Its time for many to reconnect... It is this that our government and elites are trying to alter and are creating a false reality for the masses.

Interesting work. Regarding the holes I don't believe they are so pronounced, but from all accounts (particularly the Mars imagery: notice this old post and this other old post where we point at this: they appear to be both smaller and multiple of them. I imagine the polar regions as thinned crust with some crevices + holes that facilitate movement in and out by both mammals on the larger ones (ie, ones that are 10 or more miles in diameter) and sea life on the smaller ones that have water cover (UFOs can pass through both).

@Echo_on , @Soretna , some great insights !

As far as Saturn is concerned , the "Black cube" symbolism associated with it has clear connections to the Hexagon at it's North Pole . Since there is so much esoteric literature on Saturn (as well as religious cults eg. Saturnalia) and the pervasive use of the Hexagon symbol , I suspect Earth was ejected from Saturn's hollow interior via it's North Polar opening itself...there is no way I have to validate this hunch , but nevertheless my intuition about it is quite strong .

**Since Mars is next to Jupiter in the planetary sequence , chances of it having been a former moon of Jupiter , that drifted away , is quite high .

Astrology gives disproportionate importance to Jupiter , Saturn , Mars and Venus , besides of course the Sun and the moon . I think this too hints at deeper connections between these celestial bodies . Also , stars and planets probably are sentient beings , with their own consciousness , no matter how bizarre that sounds !

If the Earth is a hypercube , then again it connects the Earth to the Black cube symbolism of Saturn...

I agree , that in order to get a holisitc picture of our Solar system , researchers should encompass knowledge from science , astrology , esoteric/occult and even religious sources .


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@Soretna @sidharthabahadur Also geometry and the relationship between energies and Platonic solids, physics, chemistry and biology and also ai. This I am currently working on...its not just planets that have consiousnesss its our universe that is conscious that we manifest. Cosmic dust itself is alive...

Referring to Hollow Mars the images are of the North Pole here is an image I prepared recently, it shows the overflow membrane covering the surface of Mars. Look closely at the makeup bonding/reflection etc of the flow.

I don't think the entrances to hollow Mars are here though. I think they are scattered around other areas particularly the lave tubes and within craters etc. Below I quickly enhanced the mindreach links to your original version... ( I can't seem to upload any file that is over 1mb in size?) very frustrating... it is the same area...

ps...I am not following the mainstream view of Mars as a nuked planet and full of blown up debris. I am sure this is a concerted effort to hide its true identity. And as I state much to do with consciousness resolution of the public who follow orders without curiosity and much for personal gain. As for Hoagland and others the jury is still out...


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This is fantastic stuff , @Echo_on ! Am sure , very few human eyes have seen such incredible images of the North Polar region on Mars .


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@sidharthabahadur thank you - the images are a fundamental reference material. I am working in the hope i can have a set of all planets by the end of year for publication.


@Echo_on , do you also have images of the Sun ? That would be really interesting to see .


@sidharthabahadur yes its on the horizon...

@Echo_on , then the Solar eclipse that's due this coming Sunday 21st June , should provide you an excellent opportunity to study the Sun in greater detail .


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