Are There Underground Bases on Mars ?

Folks , maybe the reason why conclusive evidence of life on Mars has not yet been found is because we're looking in the wrong place - the surface of Mars .What if , intelligent life does exist on Mars , except that it lives in underground bases ?

Are There Underground Bases on Mars?

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Jan 03 2016 Read 3900 Times

Mars is one of the most controversial planets in the universe, with extra-terrestrial believers relentlessly insisting that it’s home to alien life. The latest ‘proof’ comes in the form of NASA images that show doorways leading to secret underground bases on the Red Planet. Truth-seekers are accusing NASA of “covering up existence of openings on Red Planet surface” in a bid to hide the existence of alien life.

While the latest photographs appear to show the hidden entrances, alien believer groups have also accused NASA and other space agencies of attempting to edit them out of previously released official images. In an effort to prove their theories, UFO hunters have used Google Earth to scour the surface of Mars. Door like entrances are their latest discovery, with the groups claiming that the square and rectangle shaped openings lead to a secret underground alien HQ.

The internet fuels debates over alien existence

Marcelo Irazusta is one alien aficionado that’s attempting to uncover the truth, posting a video of the mysterious images to his YouTube channel. Already, it’s received over 82,599 views, and counting. The video was titled “Mysterious structures on Mars, most are intentionally hidden" and reflects his belief that NASA and its fellow space agencies are covering up alien existence. The claims from the avid ‘anomaly hunter’ have sparked fiery debates within the space science sphere, with other enthusiasts such as Sandra Elena Andrade getting on-board.

Scott C. Waring, a UFO investigator is another devoted alien advocate, commenting "Look closely and you will see the edges of an entrance that takes ships below the surface of Mars.” He muses that "This is the location Earth should choose if they want to make a settlement on Mars. This is a location that's already been used and proven effective by aliens. It's probably abandoned...just waiting for new owners.”

YouTube user DAHBOO77 is yet another NASA critic, posting "These are of the secrets they are keeping from the masses! The only way you're going to find the truth is to go digging and looking for it! Don't be fooled by the coming Deception! Stay tuned for more! Eyes to the Skies!"

If further proof of alien life is found, DNA science could play a key role in the research process. ‘DNA: Collection and Interpretation’ delves into the use of DNA profiling here on planet Earth, and how it’s an integral part of forensics procedures .


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NASA believes life can be found on Mars in underground caves - of which there are plenty , on Mars :-

NASA Thinks There Could Be Life In Underground Caves On Mars

Dominic Smithers

Published 17:12, Tuesday 25 February 2020 GMT

NASA Thinks There Could Be Life In Underground Caves On
Scientists believe there could be life in underground caves on Mars.

A specialist at NASA stated that because the planet's surface is cold and dry, as well as recording high levels of radiation, life may be possible underground where there may be some form of water supply.

According to the US Geological Survey's (USGS) Astrogeology Science Center, more than 1,000 cave entrances have been mapped on the planet.

The theory has been backed by NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory research scientist Vlada Stamenković, who discussed the idea at a recent space event, according to

He proposed sending up a device that could sense subterranean groundwater or other chemicals that point towards signs of life from the ground down.

Speaking at the Mars Extant Life conference, Mr Stamenković reportedly said: "The surface of Mars is a very oxidising, radiation-heavy environment where liquid water is not really stable for an extended amount of time.

USGS has mapped out more than 1,000 cave sites. Credit: USGS

"It's the worst place to look for life-sites on Mars.

"Groundwater might be the only habitat for extant life on Mars, if it still exists today."

Former NASA Scientist Says He's Sure Alien Life Was Found On Mars

Former NASA Scientist Says He's Sure Alien Life Was Found On Mars


NASA Is Developing Technology For Self-Sustaining Human Colony On Mars

NASA Is Developing Technology For Self-Sustaining Human Colony On Mars

The space station is planning to send a rover up to Mars later this year, which will hopefully give a deeper insight into what the environment holds, collecting samples and sending them back to Earth.

This comes after scientists discovered breathable oxygen in another galaxy.

For the first time in history, a team of astronomers at Shanghai Astronomical Observatory made the incredible find, which points towards the potential for life elsewhere.

With oxygen being one of the most common elements known to man, scientists have long since believed it would be relatively easy to spot it in the universe. But until now, it had eluded them.

NASA plans to send another rover up this year to find more information out about the planet. Credit: PA

Using radio telescopes, researchers at the observatory spotted signs of it in a galaxy called Markarian 231, an incredible 560 million light-years away from Earth.

The telescopes showed radiation at a wavelength of 2.52 millimetres, which is the sign of breathable oxygen.

Usually, oxygen is incredibly difficult to detect from Earth because the kinds of signals that should alert us to it are absorbed by the planet's atmosphere.

It was possible on this occasion because the light from Markarian 231 was redshifted, which means it was stretched into longer wavelengths as it travelled towards Earth, allowing it to pass through the atmosphere.

Writing about the discovery in the Astrophysical Journal, researchers confirmed it was the 'first detection of extragalactic molecular oxygen', and the most oxygen ever seen outside of our own solar system.


Here is an underground entrance to Mars. There is no road to the rear of the mountain, only into it.

But it doesn't lead to a base because it is a huge permanent fixture for large vehicles, to it must lead to an underground settlement or town or city.

And it is Martian; nobody went there and dug all that stuff out and built a bridge. It is necessary to have industry on hand to have the material to construct a bridge like that.


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@deandddd , the surface of Mars has such hostile conditions that it would be a miracle for any intelligent lifeform to survive under those harsh & extreme conditions .

However , the moment one explores life underground on Mars , two factors get neutralised - the frigid temperature on the surface and the intense radioactivity on the Martian surface . With these two unfavourable factors out of the way , the underground environment on Mars might just be as favourable to life as it is on Earth .


There is another favourable factor for life , in underground caves on Mars (unlike the bone dry surface of Mars) - the likely presence of water :-

First evidence of planet-wide groundwater system on Mars

by Markus Bauer, European Space Agency

Example of features identified in a deep basin on Mars that show it was influenced by groundwater billions of years ago. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

Mars Express has revealed the first geological evidence of a system of ancient interconnected lakes that once lay deep beneath the Red Planet's surface, five of which may contain minerals crucial to life.

Mars appears to be an arid world, but its surface shows compelling signs that large amounts of water once existed across the planet. We see features that would have needed water to form – branching flow channels and valleys, for example – and just last year Mars Express detected a pool of liquid water beneath the planet's south pole.

A new study now reveals the extent of underground water on ancient Mars that was previously only predicted by models.

"Early Mars was a watery world, but as the planet's climate changed this water retreated below the surface to form pools and 'groundwater'," says lead author Francesco Salese of Utrecht University, the Netherlands.

"We traced this water in our study, as its scale and role is a matter of debate, and we found the first geological evidence of a planet-wide groundwater system on Mars."

Salese and colleagues explored 24 deep, enclosed craters in the northern hemisphere of Mars, with floors lying roughly 4000 m below martian 'sea level' (a level that, given the planet's lack of seas, is arbitrarily defined on Mars based on elevation and atmospheric pressure).

This image shows the distribution of a number of deep craters (marked as dots) recently explored as part of a study into groundwater on Mars.The background image is shown in colours representing topography: reds and oranges are lower elevations, and blues and greens are higher ones. The study found that the floors of the basins, which sit over 4000 m deep, show signs of past water – the first geological evidence that the Red Planet once had a system of interconnected groundwater-fed lakes that spanned the entire planet. Credit: Topography: NASA/MGS/MOLA; Crater distribution: F. Salese et al (2019)

They found features on the floors of these craters that could only have formed in the presence of water. Many craters contain multiple features, all at depths of 4000 to 4500 m – indicating that these craters once contained pools and flows of water that changed and receded over time.

Features include channels etched into crater walls, valleys carved out by sapping groundwater, dark, curved deltas thought to have formed as water levels rose and fell, ridged terraces within crater walls formed by standing water, and fan-shaped deposits of sediment associated with flowing water.

The water level aligns with the proposed shorelines of a putative martian ocean thought to have existed on Mars between three and four billion years ago.

"We think that this ocean may have connected to a system of underground lakes that spread across the entire planet," adds co-author Gian Gabriele Ori, director of the Università D'Annunzio's International Research School of Planetary Sciences, Italy.

"These lakes would have existed around 3.5 billion years ago, so may have been contemporaries of a martian ocean."

This diagram shows a model of how crater basins on Mars evolved over time and how they once held water. This model forms the basis of a new study into groundwater on Mars, which found that a number of deep basins – with floors sitting over 4000 m deep – show signs of having once contained pools of water. Images (from the context camera onboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) show examples of the different features observed in the basins. There are three main stages: in the first (top), the crater basin is flooded with water and water-related features – deltas, sapping valleys, channels, shorelines, and so on – form within. In the second stage (middle), the planet-wide water level drops and new landforms emerge as a result. In the final stage (bottom), the crater dries out and becomes eroded, and features formed over the previous few billions of years are revealed. Credit: Images: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS; Diagram adapted from F. Salese et al. (2019)

The history of water on Mars is a complex one, and is intricately linked to understanding whether or not life ever arose there – and, if so, where, when, and how it did so.

The team also spotted signs of minerals within five of the craters that are linked to the emergence of life on Earth: various clays, carbonates, and silicates. The finding adds weight to the idea that these basins on Mars may once have had the ingredients to host life. Moreover, they were the only basins deep enough to intersect with the water-saturated part of Mars' crust for long periods of time, with evidence perhaps still buried in the sediments today.

Exploring sites like these may thus reveal the conditions suitable for past life, and are therefore highly relevant to astrobiological missions such as ExoMars – a joint ESA and Roscosmos endeavour. While the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter is already studying Mars from above, the next mission will launch next year. It comprises a rover – recently named after Rosalind Franklin – and a surface science platform, and will target and explore martian sites thought to be key in the hunt for signs of life on Mars.

"Findings like this are hugely important; they help us to identify the regions of Mars that are the most promising for finding signs of past life," says Dmitri Titov, ESA's Mars Express project scientist.

"It is especially exciting that a mission that has been so fruitful at the Red Planet, Mars Express, is now instrumental in helping future missions such as ExoMars explore the planet in a different way. It's a great example of missions working together with great success."

Mars Express was launched on 2 June 2003, and reached 15 years in space last year. This study used observations from the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on ESA's Mars Express, from NASA's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE), and from the Context Camera aboard NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. A digital terrain model was used based on data from the HRSC and NASA's Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter.



But what are those conditions? The planet cvertainly has more atmosphere than just 2% of the Earth's atmosphere.

It does seem to be pretty dry though, doesn't it? There are only scant patches of vegetation.

Exemplia gratia:

Posted by Dean

@deandddd , the main reason for Martian surface being inhospitable to life is it's intense radioactivity , like that of Hiroshima/Nagasaki , shortly after they were nuked in 1945 . This is why it is believed that any meaningful chances of finding life on Mars would be in underground cavern systems :-

The radiation showstopper for Mars exploration

31/05/2019 12689 views 92 likes

ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration

An astronaut on a mission to Mars could receive radiation doses up to 700 times higher than on our planet – a major showstopper for the safe exploration of our Solar System. A team of European experts is working with ESA to protect the health of future crews on their way to the Moon and beyond.

Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere protect us from the constant bombardment of galactic cosmic rays – energetic particles that travel at close to the speed of light and penetrate the human body.

Cosmic radiation could increase cancer risks during long duration missions. Damage to the human body extends to the brain, heart and the central nervous system and sets the stage for degenerative diseases. A higher percentage of early-onset cataracts have been reported in astronauts.

Space risks – Radiation
Space risks – Radiation

“One day in space is equivalent to the radiation received on Earth for a whole year,” explains physicist Marco Durante, who studies cosmic radiation on Earth.

Marco points out that most of the changes in the astronauts’ gene expression are believed to be a result of radiation exposure, according to the recent NASA’s Twins study. This research showed DNA damage in astronaut Scott Kelly compared to his identical twin and fellow astronaut Mark Kelly, who remained on Earth.

A second source of space radiation comes from unpredictable solar particle events that deliver high doses of radiation in a short period of time, leading to ‘radiation sickness’ unless protective measures are taken.

Europe’s radiation fight club

“The real problem is the large uncertainty surrounding the risks. We don’t understand space radiation very well and the long-lasting effects are unknown,” explains Marco who is also part of an ESA team formed to investigate radiation.

Since 2015, this forum of experts provides advice from areas such as space science, biology, epidemiology, medicine and physics to improve protection from space radiation.

“Space radiation research is an area that crosses the entire life and physical sciences area with important applications on Earth. Research in this area will remain of high priority for ESA,” says Jennifer Ngo-Anh, ESA’s team leader human research, biology and physical sciences.

Space risks – Fighting radiation
Space risks – Fighting radiation

While astronauts are not considered radiation workers in all countries, they are exposed to 200 times more radiation on the International Space Station than an airline pilot or a radiology nurse.

Radiation is in the Space Station’s spotlight every day. A console at NASA’s mission control in Houston, Texas, is constantly showing space weather information.

If a burst of space radiation is detected, teams on Earth can abort a spacewalk, instruct astronauts to move to more shielded areas and even change the altitude of the Station to minimise impact.

One of the main recommendations of the topical team is to develop a risk model with the radiation dose limits for crews travelling beyond the International Space Station.

ESA’s flight surgeon and radiologist Ulrich Straube believes that the model should “provide information on the risks that could cause cancer and non-cancer health issues for astronauts going to the Moon and Mars in agreement with all space agencies.”

Recent data from ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter showed that on a six-month journey to the Red Planet an astronaut could be exposed to at least 60% of the total radiation dose limit recommended for their entire career.

“As it stands today, we can’t go to Mars due to radiation. It would be impossible to meet acceptable dose limits,” reminds Marco.

Measure to protect

A particle accelerator to help make spaceflight safer
A particle accelerator to help make spaceflight safer

ESA has teamed up with five particle accelerators in Europe that can recreate cosmic radiation by ‘shooting’ atomic particles to speeds approaching the speed of light. Researchers have been bombarding biological cells and materials with radiation to understand how to best protect astronauts.

“The research is paying off. Lithium is standing out as a promising material for shielding in planetary missions,” says Marco.

ESA has been measuring the radiation dose on the International Space Station for seven years with passive radiation detectors in the DOSIS 3D experiment. ESA astronauts Andreas Mogensen and Thomas Pesquet wore a new mobile dosimeter during their missions that gave them a real-time snapshot of their exposure.

The same European team behind this research will provide radiation detectors to monitor the skin and organ doses of the two phantoms traveling to the Moon onboard NASA’s Orion spacecraft.

ESA has demonstrated expertise in studying Mars from orbit, now we are looking to secure a safe landing, to rove across the surface and to drill underground to search for evidence of life. Our orbiters are already in place to provide data relay services for surface missions. The next logical step is to bring samples back to Earth, to provide access to Mars for scientists globally, and to better prepare for future human exploration of the Red Planet. This week we’re highlighting ESA’s contribution to Mars exploration as we ramp up to the launch of our second ExoMars mission, and look beyond to completing a Mars Sample Return mission. Join the conversation online with the hashtag #ExploreFarther

**Also , just to get a sense of scale & proportion , only last month , a forest fire that brought Chernobyl's radiation levels to merely 16 times normal (Martian surface has 700 times) , got alarm bells ringing :-

Chernobyl radiation levels spiked 16 times above normal amount as forest fires rage across the deserted area

Paulina Cachero

Apr 6, 2020, 9:31 PM

A fire burns in the exclusion zone around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Yaroslav Yemelianenko/Reuters

  • With fires raging across Chernobyl, radiation levels have spiked 16 times above the normal amount in the uninhabited area.
  • Firefighters in Ukraine have been battling two forest fires in an area near the abandoned nuclear plant around the deserted village of Vladimirovka.
  • While the radiation levels have begun to jump in the area surrounding the fire, authorities said the change has not impacted the radiation levels of Ukraine's capital of Kiev or the surrounding suburbs.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

Chernobyl has been largely quiet and desolate since the 1986 nuclear meltdown whose radioactive fallout left the town and surrounding abandoned. But after fires engulfed forests in the uninhabited Chernobyl exclusion zone, radiation levels in Chernobyl have begun spiking 16 times above normal levels and just below the maximum permissible amount, The Guardian reported.

"There is bad news — radiation is above normal in the center of the fire," Yegor Firsov, the head of Ukraine's ecological inspection service, posted on Facebook on Sunday with a video showing the spiking levels on a Geiger counter. "As you can see in the video, the readings of the device are 2.3, [when the norm] is 0.14. But this is only within the area of the fire outbreak."

According to the emergency service, the maximum allowable amount of natural background radiation is 0.5, but Firsov's Geiger counter measured nearly five times that.

A geiger counter measures a radiation level at a site of fire burning in the exclusion zone around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Yaroslav Yemelianenko/Reuters

The fires first broke out on Saturday afternoon, engulfing 50 acres near the deserted village of Vladimirovka, but firefighters continued to battle two blazes Monday morning, Ukrainian emergency services told CNN. The emergency services sent out 124 firefighters, two planes and a helicopter to battle the larger fires which spread to 250 acres while another 14 are battling a blaze engulfing 12 acres.

Despite the alarming peaks in radiation in the center of the fire outbreaks, the radiation levels do not appear to have had an effect on Ukraine's capital, Kiev, or the surrounding suburbs, according to a statement released by the Emergency Preparedness and Radiation Monitoring Department in Ukraine.

"It can be argued that as of 5:00 PM on April 5, a fire in the Exclusion Zone and unconditional (compulsory) eviction had no effect on the radiation situation in Kyiv and the suburbs," the statement read.

Vladimirovka and other villages surrounding the area were evacuated after the unprecedented 1986 nuclear meltdown exposed residents to dangerous levels of radiation. Since then, the 1,000-square-mile exclusion zone has been overtaken by nature where forest fires are common.

Firsov warned in his Facebook post against citizens regularly setting fire to grass during the spring and autumn seasons — a violation that only prompts a 175 UAH, or about 6 USD, penalty. Firsov called on the Ukraine parliament to "significantly raise penalties" or risk seeing more of dangerous wildfires in the Chernobyl area.

"The problem of setting fires to grass by careless citizens in spring and autumn has long been a very acute problem for us," Firsov wrote. "Every year we see the same picture -- fields, reeds, forests burn in all regions."


Yes, Alien civilisation exists within hollow Mars.

@Echo_on , I agree - at some point in the distant past of Mars , whatever intelligent life there was , moved underground to escape the cataclysms on their surface (nuclear explosions , asteroid impacts perhaps ?) . It seems the entire planet got defaced in that event and is unrecognisable from what it may have been...


The surface of Mars is not the surface exposed to the public. What people see is an alternative Holographic projection. I have developed a decoding system that has proven that the Mars topology is a Martian construct or covering system.. This is especially tru of Cydonia region which can alter light wavelengths to show us what they want... Sounds crazy, but its tru...

Hollow Mars - Disclosure of Hollow Mars revealed...original source from Hirise ESP_011413_1790

Interesting @Echo_on... feel free to elaborate on this topic (perhaps even make a new post altogether if you'd like to have a dedicated line of thought).

I believe that, as the old mailing list name and this sub-forum name indicates, that all planetoids are essentially hollow and that life is much more abundant in our universe than we are led to believe.

@Soretna Thank you... @sidharthabahadur

What you are seeing is an authentic visionary image from an Inner portal from the Mars exterior.

Please feel free to study it VERY closely...its all in the details...or use as your phone wallpaper. My gift...

I am in no doubt that all planets share the same phenomena. Also there is life on every planet, every moon, every comet and much inbetween..

I will post one more image that will shed some light...

@Echo_on , the first image you posted is amazing...will await the next one you mentioned . Am sure nobody would have been able to see this before as they must have been suppressed !



Just to emphasize how unreliable Never A Straight Answer ( NASA ) is,
here are the drawings by Percivel Lowell of the canals on Mars. Click where it says List of Illustrations:

I have up some very interesting comments up by Daniel Ross in his
book UFOs and The Complete Evidence from Space:

Disbelief in NASA´s version will help you to accept the Hollow Earth
Theory. There is a conscious, ongoing effort going on to hoax the
population of the planet with regard to the reality of planets and
the solar system.

I ask - are thse canls really tubes that go underground? Any ideas?


@deandddd , I tend to agree with you - these "canals" might actually be distorted images of tunnels going underground , where all the real action is , on Mars .


1 Like

@deandddd the tubes dont go underground as such. Within the walls hidden by frequency exist dimension portals that can take you within the Marsian Inner worlds. Within this field are many other portals that are not static but generated mostly by city size motherships and giant supernatural energies.

There is a huge question here regarding Nasa. Who is in charge? For one... If they are planning to go to Mars or to the moon and they honestly know what exists which i assume, they must be here helping them, from under the ocean to Hollow Earth. If thats the case then we are screwed have been screwed in every way since the beginning.

I will upload an image tonight to make my point clearer...,

@Echo_on , when you say dimension portals , you mean a "Stargate" ? I must say , this sounds somewhat like the highly mysterious complex (full of deep tunnels) found inside the Sphinx on Bucegi Mountain of Romania...


@sidharthabahadur There exists a projection of energy that is harnessed by the Alien Races. The energy is sometimes created from their ships or through strange giant beings. Sometimes these cascade into other forms that seem plasma crystalike, worlds within worlds.

The stargates would not be in plain site. Entrances in caves or volcanos or in or like in ancient sites around the world specifically along the equators 4 main pillars of history, along the specific grid lines.

I have heard and read about the Romania site and i think there was a giant control room found that was studied by a professor for a week then when he returned it was blocked off by military.

It was said there was a giant energy field around the complex that screened the site but they managed to get through for a short time. It had a giant chair with symbols that he pressed. He saw a projection of the universe and the human genome systems. I thought it was extremely interesting...


Mars - Inside and Out! plus Lava Tubes of Mars. Construct of Alien membrane hidden by inversion of frequency and electromatic radiation etc. What we see is snow but look close and rotate and zoom carefully to study the images. Images suitable for mobiles or tablet or laptop. Please let me know your thoughts....