American Indian, Underground Worlds Folklore


I don't exactly have something scientific to show you, but take a look at the Chinese hats image, attached.

They are usually pointed at the top, but they are often made with a rounded point, so to speak. They are unique, hats just like that are not indigenousto any other part of the globe, except for Mexico; and I imagine that they are not indigenous, but imported.

Take a look at this Cisco Kid movie from 1935, right around 3:30 minutes/seconds; 3:35 is perfect. Their costumes are authentic. Those are not cowboy hats, and that style was not imported from Spain. I think that that style of hat was pre Columbian, and it never disappeared.


What is below the pyramids, miles and miles below the surface? The many Mayans township all had pyramids, and all of their townships - at least in Guatemala - had tunnel systems below them.

Here is something interesting in this regard from the David Hatcher Chhildress book Lost Cities of North & Central America, Page 101. He is in the museum at the Mayan City of Tikal :

"Other interesting items at the museum included a fascinating set of carved bones, one rather Chinese in the way a delicate hand held a paint brush for calligraphy, while another bone depicted the famous boat scene of a Mayan ruler being paddled down the subterranean river into the underworld with four animal men: an alligator, a monkey, a parrot and a furry animal. This Noah's Ark type scene is reminiscent to the Egyptian Mythos of the Pharaoh descending down the River Stix into the underworld. This same mythos was found in ancient, dynastic China. The tomb at Palenque, Mexico, shows a similar descent into the underworld".

Who knows the story about the river styx ?


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Venezuelan Governments’ Inexplicable Silence in Relation to Inner Earth Accounts

"Strange people wearing strange clothes have been seen several times in the forest of Jaua-Jidi, one of the reported. They seem unwilling to approach the Indians and they venture only a short distance way from the craters. Their skin is the color of yellowed ivory; they have big eyes, like a jaguar's, and long hair of different colors. They seem fearful and run away whenever they hear an unusual sound. They are thought to live at the bottoms of the craters and in vast underground rooms, with secret entrances in the forest."



You know, this article about the underground worlds below Venezuela is really noteworthy.

We hear about Amazon communities, from the indians on the Island of Martinique, who live way below the sea in cavern worlds. And Columbus heard from the Mayan King of Mayapan, in the Yucatan, about Amazons living below the sea off the Yucatan coast in a cavern world described as "Pearl-like". (Maybe in a cyrstal cevern ...)

And then the Orellana expedition brought information about a huge Amazon kingdom above the Amazon River, but along the river; the present-day city of Santarem on the Amazon being a point of reference in this case.

And in between? No connection?

The Venezuela post tells us that there is.



Martinique is in the Carribbean.


Dean, could you relate the story you told on a radio interview about when you were in college and went to Venezuela for studies. IIRC, you heard of stories of the elites at the time that hunted for exotic animals in very remote areas and some claims of seeing dinosaurs.


Surely. I was down there from about 1979 - 1981. I made a friend down there named Mario Pigna, who moved to the States with his wife, while I was still in Venezuela, and they never returned to live there. They have been living in Browards County, Florida ever since.

His father had become one of the wealthier men in Venezuela by the end of the 1950s, but went bankrupt when Mario was 6 - 7 years old. Mario remembers being driven to a private school everyday when he was in the first grade, in a limo driven by a chauffeur ... briefly!

Anyway, his father had taken up hunting big game in the southeast of Venezuela by helicopter (on the other side from Colombia). Mario told me that the area was high up where Venezuela levels off onto a plains area. He mentioned the name of a small town and said that this area was behind that town, a good distance, and then up onto the plains. I'll try to get a hold of him tomorrow and I'll ask him. Or maybe later on tonight.

Anyway, it was either that his father saw these dinosaur creatures, or that friends of his father told his father about them. But I know that there was conversation with others who were doing the same thing, and it seemed like they knew more about it. But they would fly past some game up there and shoot from the open door of the helicopter.

If I remember correctly, the dinosaur type that they were seeing was identified, but I'll have to check that, too.

Word was starting to get around among these elite hunters, and the government shut down hunting in that region. I imagine that it is off limits at the current time.

I don't know much more than that, and neither does he, really. He was too little, but his father passed down the info to him when he was a bit younger. It was commented on two or three times.

If I find out anything more, then I'll get back in touch.


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It must be down around the Giuana Highlands, over towards the right.

But I'll try to check on that.




I spoke to Mario today and we talked it over well. He cleared a few things up for me, but there was a letdown at the end.

First of all, it was his uncles that were doing that kind of hunting, not his father. It doesn't really matter for us.

And they engaged in this hunting from the early 1950s till about 1956 or 1957.

And it didn't go on where I said, it was in a place that was much different. It was going on in Los Llanos de Guarico, in the State of Guarico; and Los Llanos de Apure, in the State of Apure. Those places (llanos) are prararie land, range land, and there is no jungle canopy to hide anything.

Anyway, I wanted him to vvolunteer information, so I asked him to "describe the creatures" that were being seen; and he said "what creatures?". And when I mentioned the dinasaurs, he definitely told me that I must be confusing our conversation with something or somebody else. But I insisted that he told me that they were shooting at dinosaurs and I used the term "prehistoric creatures", and then he figured out what it was.

He told me that they were shooting at mammoth. Well, that was good enough for me, but what were mammoths doing out in the open range, not so far south where the jungle was, and how come nobody every reported mammoths in Venezuela? So he told me that mammoth was the word they use in Venezuela because they are not exactly similar to elephants, and apparently have some similarity to the common ideas we have about mammoths. He said that in the literature they are called the South American Elephants, and I found them on the internet. I had never heard of such a thing.

But from what I read online, they are considered prehistoric they are conisidered survivcors from prehistoric times.

We felt that one thing that caused the confusion was the fact that, back then, my Spanish wasn't exactly perfect back then; when we had this first conversation, it was around 1980. And he knew no English back then. I kept in contact with him by phone and internet over the years, but we just never got down to the nitty gritty with it because I never lived near him again, it was always a matter of keeping in contact over distance.

But if those mammoths survived from prehistoric times, there might be other creatures, too. Dinosaurs might come up from cavrn worlds or the hollow earth.


List Members,

Read this, through, and then perhaps we can discuss it a bit tomorrow or the next day:

List Members,

As follows is something from the Childress book Lost Cities of North and Central America, Pages 392 – 393. It’s about the presence of Welshmen in Kentucky. I think that I have a comment or two that I’ll save for the end. Let’s see what he says first:

“A Louisville historian named Reuben F. Durrett, has attempted to explain the many legends of white indians in Kentucky by explaining that they are the descendants of the Welshman, Prince Madoc. Durrett lists reports of skeletons dug up in the present-day Sand Island around the year 1900 that wore brass-plated armor bearing symbols of the mermaid and the harp, elements of the Welsh coat of arms. He also mentions a tombstone fragment that bore the date of 1168. He believes Sand Island to have been part of a Welsh Colony. So far Sand Island has not been archaeologically excavated”.

“The story of Prince Madoc is a fascinating bit of Americana. More than three centuries before Columbus, an obscure Welsh Prince named Madoc is believed to have landed in Mobile Bay. The Welsh Prince was madoc Ab Oain Gwynedd, and according to Welsh history and various American historians, he sailed into Mobile Bay in 1170. Was delighted in “’this pleasant and fruitful lande, returned to Wales to collect some of his fellow countrymen, and returned to found a new nation”.

“Centuries later came reports from European travelers in the New World of a mysterious tribe of Welsh Indians´ believed to be the descendants of Madoc, and who actually spoke Welsh. Several books recount the adventure of Prince Madoc including Madoc and the Discovery of America by Richard Deacon and Brave his Soul by Ellen Pugh”.

“A number of curious stories are told about these “Welsh Indians” including a story about how, shortly after the American Revolution, when the lands West of the Mississippi were still claimed by Spain or England, an English surveying party visited the camp of Mandan Indians in what is now Missouri. When the officer in charge spoke to his orderly in Welsh (as they were both Welshmen), they were suddenly astonished when a nearby Indian suddenly joined in the conversation. Apparently, the three all spoke the same language. They started to compare words and found that the Mandan language was about fifty percent Welsh”.

“Mandan Indians often had blue eyes and their skin was much lighter than most other indians. Mandan women were especially attractive to the English explorers and said to be “exceedingly fair”. The English/Welsh officer then remembered the story of Prince Madoc and how he had escaped Wales in 1170 AD.”

“Later, the famous American painter George Catlin lived with the Mandan Indians in 1833. He agreed with others that the Mandan had a Welsh origin. They had dark brown hair instead of black, he said, and some of them even had fair hair. Their eyes were many different colors brown, gray, blue and hazel. Catlin painted many portraits of the Mandans, paintings which are well known and widely circulated in books on native American tribes”.


Thanks Dean. Very interesting.

List Members,

One thing that I would like to run by you all is that Plato told the Greeks that the Atlanteans began fleeing their cities before the were overwhelmed by the flood waters. He said that they excapted to the Mediterranean shores; the southern Mediterranean shores as far as Egypt, and the northern Mediterranean as far as eastern Turkey. Now, this includes Iberia, of course. And this includes France, too. Now, if it includes France, then it should naturally include the British Isles, because both places were occupied by Celtics. In other words, the Celtics, according to this definition, are direct descendants of the Atlanteans. The Anglo Saxons overran the Celtic poulation of what is now ccalled England, but Wales, Scotland and Ireland are still largely Celtic. Arhtur, who was Welsh, was a Celtic descendant according to this definition. And he did renew trade and cultural contacts with the northern Mediterranean population that had been stopped for hundreds of years; I "think" since the end of the Punic wars. In other words, he established contacts with the another branch of Atlantean emmigrants. And Arthur is much associated with deep tunnel systems. (I'm not going to go into Arthur too much, it's not my direct point at the moment)

And then here is this Prince Madoc in 1180, maybe as much as 300 years after Arthur, and who is another personality from Celtic Wales, who shows up in Mobile Bay, Alabama. And Welshmen show up near Lexington, Kentucky, and leave some rock carvings near some cave openings.

And Plato also stated that some Atlantean emmigrants headed towards the Americas, and he described the positions of both North and South America, and the way in which they are connected by Central America.

Could it be that Madoc was trying to hook up again?

Are there Celltics in the cavern worlds below the USA? Do they engage in the manipulation of the surface ?

Were they involved in bringing about the Civil War ?

I can only begin to conjecture.


List Members,

From Page 179 of Secret Cities of Old South America, the author Harold T. Wilkins states: “The Cacique (chief), Guanajari, who rules the Tainos of Mayapan, told Columbus, on 21st December, 1492 ...”

And then Wilkins quotes the cacique: “I am descended of kings who were children of The Sun and the goddess who lives under the water and the waves of the sea in pearly caves . She loved Vagoniana and gave him the sacred Cibas (stones of royalty) and guanines (pearls) that girdle my neck” (Vagoniano was a previous chief) What is being pointed out here is that these women lived below the sea floor in pearly caves. The adjective “pearly” no doubt refers to crystalline structures that are known to characterize many deep caves. Mayapan is located in the Yucatan Penninsula, inland a bit from Chicken Pizzá, I mean, Chichén Itzá.

Examples of crystal caves from Mexico and around the world:


Secret Underground Tunnels Past & Present

The origin of at least some of the Ancient Americans of North America lays
to the South. We also know of the Ancient tunnels to be found in Mexico and
Central and South America. But, do we find evidence of these ancient tunnels
in the United States?

In Native American Myths & Mysteries (1991) by Vincent H. Gaddis in chapter
IV titled Tunnels of the Titans we find.

"Throughout all the Americas there are legends of archaic avenues, racial
memories of subterranean passages stretching for miles. After the great
cataclysm the ancestral North Indians lived in the vast cavern complex until
it was safe to return to the upper world. The story is spread through many
tribes, from the kivas of the Pueblos to the lodges of the Blackfeet, from
the campfires of the eastern woodland tribes before their dispersion.

"The Mandans of the northwestern states, some of whom had blue eyes and
silky hair . They said the first man to emerge from the tunnels were the
Histoppa or the "tattooed ones." Having left safety too soon, they
perished. The rest, who remained below, waited until a bright light
dispelled the darkness on the surface."

"The Apaches' have a legend that their remote ancestors came from a large
island in the eastern sea where there were great buildings and ports for
ships. The Fire Dragon arose, and their ancestors had to flee to mountains
far away to the south. Later they were forced to take refuge in immense and
ancient tunnels through which they wandered for years." (Page 39).

As we can see, many of these early Americans knew of these ancient tunnels.
Could these tunnels have anything to do with the modern tunnels we have
heard so much about in the last few years?

One of the areas rumored to have an underground complex and tunnels and is
off limits to most people is the area around White Sands Missile Range in
New Mexico.

David Hatcher Childress in his beautifully written Lost Cities of North &
Central America (1992) describes the secret headquarters of Apache Chief

"Victorio Peak and Hard Scrabble Peak, as well as Geronimo Peak, were all
honeycombed with tunnels, caves and secret entrances. The Hard Scrabble
entrance led down a flight of steps to an underground river. The last step
was booby traped with a deadly arrow device. It is all like out of some 40s
cliffhanger serial," (Page 313).

Mr. Childress writes of his talk with Richard Dannelly, a local resident of
Sedona, Arizona and author of the book Sedona, Power Spot Voltex. Dannelly
told him, "Some friends of mine had discovered a tunnel that goes
underground for quite a distance in the Superstition Mountains. (For another
story of underground tunnels and a possible Big Foot connection in these
same mountains read Big Foot, the Abominable Sandman, Nessie and The People
who live Under Mt. Shasta on the Home Page).

Yet every time they tried to explore the cave, a strange fear and feeling of
dread would overtake the whole party, and they would always turn back."
They were sent to a psychic who told them of a man who would lead them into
the tunnel without fear. "With this man as their guide they were able to
penetrate further into the tunnel." Deep inside . "the remains of ancient
structures and walls made out of well dressed rock were found. They then
discovered at this place a spiral staircase built out of cut stones that
down, down, down, down into the earth.

"After some discussion, it was decided that their guide should descent the
stairs .

He did so, following the staircase into the deep bowels of the earth. After
some tome, he came to a large room with more cut stone. A gigantic rock-cut
throne, big enough for a giant, or two people sitting together, was in the
middle of the room.

"Artifacts were on the walls, though (he didn't) know what they were. The
man returned up the staircase and reported what he discovered. The others
tried to convince him to return to the room and bring some of the artifacts
back up, but he refused. The team then left the tunnel, and today the
entrance is still a secret." (Pages 308-309).

Due to coverage on the nationally long running NBC series Unsolved Mysteries
most of us are familiar with the story of Doc Noss and the Lost La Rue
Mines. David Hatcher Childress covers the story in depth in Lost Cities of
North and Central America (1986).

He sites a book,"100 Tons of Gold (1978) by David Chandler.

Chandler wrote, "In 1937 a half-Indian podiatrist named Doc Noss
discovered a cache of Apache gold on what is now the White Sands Missile
Range . Much of the treasure was in the form of hundreds of stacked gold
bars, plus other artifacts, such as swords, goblets, crowns, statues and
other things . Doc Noss was shot and killed by his partner Charlie Ryan in
March of 1949 . Noss was known to have taken at least 88 bars of gold out of
the hidden tunnels inside the mountain." (Pages 309-310).

Childress continues this revealing report; "Because of an article published
in the November, 1968 issue of True Treasure magazine there was renewed
interest in the fabulous treasure, and a prospector named Harvey Snow was
approached by three ranchers who lived in the area west of the Victorio Peak
site. Snow had spent 25 years exploring the entire White Sands area, and
the ranchers felt that Snow could lead them into the treasure area,
bypassing the Army patrols that guarded the missile range."

Because of a story told Snow many years before by a cowboy who had followed
Doc Noss to a hidden tunnel, he believed that the treasure was not at
Victorio Peak, but on another peak, Hard Scrabble Peak which was also on
government property.

As Mr. Childress tell us; "Snow's incredible story is then related by Mr.
Chandler; "On the second day I found the cave with the sloping steps. I
went down the steps; down and down. I don't know how far. I estimated
maybe thirteen hundred or fourteen hundred steps. The bottom step, the last
one was rounded at the bottom so that when you stepped on it, it would roll.
It was tied to a bow and arrow with rawhide, but the rawhide had rotted a
long time ago. I got in there." (Page 310).

At the bottom of the steps Snow described a big room with a stream of hot
water running through it. Snow followed the tunnel from room to room;
sometimes the tunnel would become so narrow that he had to get down on his
hands and knees. In one room Snow Reported "I found some things. I found
small stacks . one of gold, one of copper and one of silver."

""I figured I would come back for that and went on. I next came to a big
room. Here there were a bunch of side tunnels running north and south.
They were all natural, nothing man made. Here where they intersected, they
made a big W. I did not go down these tunnels, I stayed with the stream
going west . At the far end of the main room I found some things I cannot
tell you about."" (Page 311).

"Snow's story is fascinating and virtually unbelievable to most people. He
walked 14 miles in an underground tunnel. The 1400 steps or so that he
walked down to the subterranean river must have been a good 800 or 900 feet
below the entrance. The tunnel was crossed at least in one spot by another
tunnel running at a right angle to the one he was following." (Pages

As we can see from these reports, there exists under the White Sands New
Mexico area an extensive system of lengthy tunnels that have been there for
ages. It seems to me that if the government wanted underground bases they
would make use of these existing tunnels, yet modern researchers never seem
to even hint of their existence. Why not?

Mr. Childress made a telling observation concerning government involvement;

"The gold that was at one time stored in Victorio Peak has been seized by
the U.S. government, particularly the Army and the CIA." And I thought the
CIA was concerned with foreign intelligence. Where's the connection? The
Inner Beings perhaps?

"The Army was known to have bulldozed the peak out, and even place a steel
door over the entrance to the mountain . The Army assured the state that
there was no gold in Victorio Peak and never has been."

"Never-the-less Chandler shows that a top secret operation took place at
White Sands Missile Range on August 10, 1961. On this date the Secret
Service, with the help of certain Army personnel at the range recovered the
gold, and moved it to various locations for various purposes."

These claims are backed up by, of all people, Former White House counsel,
John Dean in his book Blind Ambition (1976). In it he told of CIA
operations dealing with bars of gold. "Egil Krogh had described to me how,
when he was bored with his deskwork, he had carried bars of gold bullion
through Asia's 'Golden Triangle' in CIA planes and bargained with drug
chieftains . The gold bars used in these illegal, clandestine operations
allegedly came from the tunnel system inside of Victorio Peak." (Pages

Besides furnishing our corrupt government with the finances to destroy a
generation of Americans with dangerous drugs, the bastards had a large
tunnel system in place. It stands to reason that this is one of the systems
they are using for their nefarious and black deeds. When will the American
people wake up to the fact that there are a lot of horrible things going
on . right below our feet?

The Four Corners

Another popular place for talk of underground activity is the area known as
the Four Corners. This is the place where Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New
Mexico meet to share a common border. According to intelligence reports
from several of my sources there are "at least six underground facilities in
this area," This is also the area where a large number of people died a
"mysterious" death a few years back. Are there connections?

This harsh but beautiful arid land is also where the government decided to
place several Indian Reservations. However, the Hopi Indians have been in
this area as long as they can remember and luckily for us, their history of
origin contains important details not found in the memory of other tribes.

The Hopi believe that this world we live in is the Fourth World and the
other three are inside the earth. In stages, and through many hardships,
they emerged from a hole called Sipapu, entrance to the Hopi underground.
Bruce A. Walton tells us in A Guide to the Inner Earth (1983): "It is a
sacred place of pilgrimage for the Hopi, at the bottom of the Canyon of the
Little Colorado above it's junction with the Colorado River." (Page 66).

But, unlike most of the emergence stories of the other clans, the Hopi
describe the city near from which they came. This city is called
Palitkwapi, meaning "legendary Red City of the South." It is interesting to
note that Frank Waters tells us in The Book of the Hopi (1965) "No one knows
where Palatkwapi might have been. Some of our Hopi spokesmen, who are able
to read Hopi meanings from symbols and pictographs carved on Mayan stelae
and temple walls, believe that the center of the Mayan Old Empire, Palenque,
in Chiapas, Mexico was the Hopi legendary city of Palatkwapi." (Notes: Page

In support of this theory of Palatkwapi being the same city as Palenque
browse through any of the many National geographic magazines containing
photos and paintings of the mysterious Mayan ruins and it won't take you
long to realize that the Ancient Mayan cities were predominantly bright red.
And if you'll read Plasma Guns & Sub-riders in THEI Volume 1 #3, you'll find
my research concerning Lord Pacal. Lord Pacal was sent from Valum Chivin
(the underworld) to Valum Votan (the upper world) and there he founded the
city of Palenque. This we see gives us a direct link of unbroken evidence
of a migration of people northward from the Inner Lands.


By the use of thugs and murders, after Queen Isabelle and Columbus
double-crossed the elitist the "Keepers of the Secret" tried to destroy the
true history of the origin of many Native Americans. However, by studying
the oral history of these wise people we find that they came from the Inner
Lands. Before the controllers got their hands on the truth and completely
covered it over it a few American Archaeology books were written which tell
the true story of people migrating south to north.

We have traced the Hopi tribe from their emergence near the ancient Mexican
town of Palatkwapi/Palenque their present home in the Four Corners. We have
looked at many accounts of underground passages in the Four Corners and the
White Sands area of New Mexico. Accounts recorded long before todays
researchers started sending out reams of reports proving the government has
control of underground facilities in these and other areas of the world, yet
not a word on the possible origin of the ancient underground excavations.
But, using what we know of these underground passageways, we can safely
state that they were probably the trade routes connecting the Inner World
with the Outer world.

Now the next question that comes to mind . what is our corrupt government
doing in this area between the two worlds? We'll never know the truth until
we quit looking with glazed eyes off into space, and turn our attention to
the evidence that is right under our feet.

Xavante[1], a bellicose nation of Mato Grosso

This story is in progress right now as our friend Wéré'è is heading towards
the Chavante territory to bring more clues and evidence to the world from
this tribe of the Brazilian Mato Grosso

By Wéré'è (many persons in one)

The Foreword and the main article are composed and enriched with the most
accurate way by Emmanouel Laleos, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society


Wéré'è is one of our many connections we have from Brazil who has given us
important information about the Brazilian nation of Xavante that is a tribe
of primitive and warlike Indians who inhabit the shores of the Rio das
Mortes (River of the Dead) in the remotest jungles of Mato Grosso in Brazil
and permission to visit their territory is rarely given. However, it was a
filming party led by Rolf Blomberg and the first non-Brazilian expedition
ever to go there traveling over 12,000 miles to make a documentary film
including the life of the Xavante and other primitive tribes, their dances
and realistic war games as well as many other colorful and little known
parts of this vast country, the exotic fauna and flora of its immense
jungles and of the everlasting mystery surrounding the fate of Colonel

Different reports connected the rumour about the association between Colonel
Fawcett and the Xavante. According to one of these reports, Colonel Fawcett
wanted to visit the nation of Xavante during his last ill-fated expedition
in 1925 and he asked from the Kalapalo Indians to help him reach their
territory giving him guides and porters. The Kalapalo Indian leader Izarari
refused to do it as he claimed that his tribe was not in friendly terms with
the Xavante.

Colonel Fawcett was persistent and pressed Izarari repeatedly to let him
have the men he asked for and Izarari, in order to put an end to further
nuisance and inconvenience from this troublesome white stranger, killed him
and his son. Raleigh Rimell, the third member of Fawcett's expedition, was
already dead after being gravely ill with malignant infection of the leg
caused by the larvae of the bot-fly, and had most likely died of blood

That was and still is believed to have happened to Fawcett's ill-fated
expedition of 1925 by many explorers and writers nowadays even if the truth
is quite different if we consider the results of our five years research.

Emmanouel Laleos

The existing legend of the Xavante

I insist on calling the indigenous peoples nations as they are. As a matter
of fact it is odd to read in the 20th century literature about ´tribes
whereas in the documents I read from the 17th and 18th century they refer to
the Xavante and others as ´nations´; tribe is a 19th century word, used to
minimize the importance of those conquered and vanquished ones. The Xavante
lived in an area now known as the State of Goias and were lots of them but
have been reduced to a mere 1000 or hundreds in 17th and 18th century
through the Bandeirantes, military.

I found out in the Bibliotéca Nacional (national library) of Rio de Janeiro
that the Xavante were originally estimated with 8000 people, initially, when
they were enslaved and put into villages (aldeiamentos ) set up by the army
and governor- due to that reduced to a mere 1000 by the end of the 19th
century. In those villages they were put together with nations such as
Karaja, Kayapo and others. They had what they called 'capitães' (appointed
chiefs by the Portuguese crown) who had to obey to the administrator and the
governor who again had to comply with the king Dom Pedro´s III orders. The
Xavante had enough of it, of the betrayal, slavery and abuse and at one
point killed all the captiães and fled back to the forests. Launching one
attack after the other never to wanting to meet whites again. They have
memorized the brutality of the whites and passed on the insults they endured
from generation to generation. According to the anthropologists, they were
1000 people, but finally split up in two groups running away from slavery
here and there, from that group emerged later on the Xerente, who have
similar customs and language.

Just as the Xavante, the Xerentes belong to the linguistic family of the Gê
trunk (others are the Kraho and Bakairi) They are semi-nomadic, gatherer
hunters like the Xavante and share a ritual such as the ´Úiwede´ - a log
race. They race in two teams with a log from the buruti palm tree.

There is a debate about where the Xavante came from, according to the
Xavante myth passed on from generation to generation they believe they once
lived near the sea. Anthropologists know for sure they used to live in an
area what is now the state of Goias, which in 16th century must have been a
capitânia (a sort of land rented out to a ´fidalgo´[2] a nobleman).

This because the King of Portugal, João III had problems populating and
controlling the new colony (Brazil); very little was found they hoped for,
such as gold and other riches like in India. Invasions of the French and
English pirates along the Brazilian littoral was too much to bear, so they
applied the same system of ´capitãnias´ as they did in Africa. Some fidalgos
were good at administering it, others were a fiasco; the fidalgo could
anything he pleased within that territory, such as keeping (Indian) slaves
and organize plantations, etc.

The Xavante ran into unknown territory of the Karajá and created new enemies
such as the fiery Kayapó they had to fight too. It seemed they never ran
into trouble with the Tapirapé´s, who live north of the Karajá. They crossed
the São Francisco river in Goias, the river that also runs through the state
of Minas Gerais, where they lived for a period, the Cristalino (now State of
Tocantins) and finally crossed into Mato Grosso on the right bank of the Rio
das Mortes, where they were safe till 1941. The expedition run by a general
named Pimentel Barbosa, was the first to try to get them pacified and give
up their fight. The general got massacred with his troops. Then came
Francisco (Chico) Mereiles, who met them 3 times, only the fourth in 1947 or
49 did he succeed. But it was by the initiative of a chief called Apewen
that he got invited to make peace. This cacique told his men not to kill the
whites anymore. Later on in the next two years, farmers, agro-pecuarian
companies that deal with agricultural development and army robbed their

They had a long struggle to recuperate some of the lands and finally in the
late seventies and eighties their land -not all of it- got recognized and
demarcated. Their most famous leader was Mario Juruna, who made it as a
senator into Congress. He died last year of diabetes. Famous for recording
corrupt official with his tape recorder. So, they had a reason to be
bellicose and be strong, their history was one of betrayal all the way. As
my blood brother said: I am not afraid of anything only from God!


Mario Juruna when he was senator and still young

Our correspondence with Wéré'è began recently after his first contact with
us through 'The Great Web of Percy Harrison Fawcett'. Wéré'è kept me
informed about his entire extraordinary story concerning his emotional and
hard to be believed contact with the Xavante nation and his blood pact
relationship with the Chief of the nation in 1989.

Wéré'è started the narration of his story that was interrupted by me several
times in order to make some clarifications:

I am a Flemish artist based on Belgium (Brussels) writing a book on my stay
with the Xavante nation of Mato Grosso. However, I am not often in Belgium
anymore, so to speak I am homeless now, because I live in Asia: India,
Nepal, Cambodia most of the time. I have also been 6 times in Thailand and
Malaysia. In Thailand I got in touch with the Karen refugees near the
Myanmar border and last 2 years ago I celebrated the Hmong New year with the
Hmong nation, I also visited the Kamu and the Lahui in Laos. My story
concerns my adoption through a blood pact with a Xavante chief in 1989. In
addition, in one of my trips in the reservation I saw a Xavante boy with
brown hair-theirs is pitch black.

What was the age of the boy and when was that visit of yours in
the reservation?

It was in 1991 in October I think. He must have been around 6 or
7 years old, very shy and afraid of me. I have never seen any kid like that
with the Xavante. I am not sure- too long ago, but I believe even his eyes
weren't pitch black like his folks.

Do you have a photo of him?

I have no pictures whatsoever of that boy but maybe I can even
retrace him this time, just maybe if I meet the right people. The 'father'
said to me smilingly he was a child of an 'Alemão' (their slang for European
or white man or German). Due to my inhibition and fear that the crying boy
would get more upset I didn't take a picture of him. About the little boy,
many boys hid from me, as I was white, blue eyed. I thought it was his uncle
who laughed with him as he cried. I was alone and I had no interpreter, so
what could I ask? I believe he lived in the village of Aldeona, which is
part of the reserve Kuluene, which again is a sub-reserve of the Parabubure
reservation. The latter is about 330.000 hectares if I am not mistaken.

The Parabubure Xavante reservation

The reason why I am referring to the Xavante is because of a Dutch author
who wrote a book about his expedition in Mato Grosso, to the Serra Do
Roncador in 1949."

His book 'Het Geheim van de Roos' (The Secret of the Rose) written by Marcel
Roos, was launched and it claimed that it was going to disclose the mystery
of the disappearance of Colonel Percy Harrison Fawcett. En route he got in
touch with the Xavante whom he tried to interview about the mysterious
primitive rock paintings in the area of Roncador. The Xavante told him to

The meeting and the ceremony

On my question to Wéré'è concerning his story with the Xavante and when and
why they had adopted him, he referred to this event with the following

I stumbled upon two Xavante chiefs (caciques) in a small pension called Rio
Verde in the popular area in capital Cuiabá in 1989 in the month of July. We
had a long talk for hours, I asked them whether I could stay in their
village to learn about the culture. Somewhere in my young life I always have
believed that I had been an Indian in another life. Here in Belgium I worked
as a volunteer with non-profit organizations to accompany Native American
and Canadian delegations in Brussels on their quest for justice and human
rights travelling to Geneva.

That's how I met Floyd Red Crow Western man and some people of the Nuchalk
nation from the Bella Coola reservation in British Columbia, just to name a
few. During my stay in their village of Santa Cruz, the chief named Josué,
mentioned many a time that we had the same blood and only our colour was
different. In the end one evening I was taken by surprise and summoned to
the village centre where we had a blood brother ceremony. He was 39 and I
30. We drank each other's blood. Josué had an uncle, an old chief, named
Arão who lived in the village of Corrego da Mata, about 8 km away. The old
man came all the way on foot to meet me in Santa Cruz and to witness the
blood pact that was bound to happen there.

Wéré'è and the Xavante chief Josué during the blood brother ceremony

He had made a yellow-feathered headdress for me. He said he'd had a vision
of a white man who would come to make peace with the Xavante. He thought I
was the one, he said. As he told this to me -my blood brother translated
simultaneously-, he had tears in his eyes and embraced me.

Ever since, my name is Wéré'è (many persons in one) but two months later I
had to leave the reservation because another village Aldeona of the opposite
faction/clan spread the rumour that I was a sorcerer and that I was there to
kill the Xavante and look dig for gold. It was about a young sorcerer of 26
years old who wanted to kill me. In short I had become a political refugee
(my status as a reject who could all but leave) with 4 bodyguards during 3
nights in and around my hut. I left soon after only to return upon my blood
brothers' request in 1991. I organized permanent water channels from two
different springs to two villages, our village Santa Cruz and Corrego da
Mata. I had to raise money for that for a full year. It wasn't an easy task
because I had no experience in the field; I wasn't a technician or an
engineer but an artist painter.

The Xavante village of Santa Cruz located in the southern part of Rio

How far is the village of your blood brother from the Parabubure
Xavante Reservation? I asked Wéré'è

The nearest town is Campinápolis outside of the reservation must
be around two hours of drive I think. There is also the river Couto
Magelhães flowing through a Xavante village named São Pedro. I knew the
cacique (chief) of that village in 1991. From Cuiabá to Campinápolis is
about 2 days and one night. There are shortcuts, which could reduce it to
half the time if I were going to go with the missionaries from the São
Marcos reservations. But we aren't friends anymore.

Corrego da mata, a village I visited with my blood brother and where with
the Silesian missionaries I had installed a long tube over 4 km channeling
water from a well to the village, I did the same for Santa Cruz.

From Campinápolis to Nova Xavantina takes about 5 hours and another 6 hours
over unjeepable roads and broken eroded bridges and is unfeasible during the
rainy season. Indians are minors and are dealt with through state
intelligence and security. Never tell the police you want to stay with this
or that tribe because you will get arrested and be deported unless you are
an anthropologist and even then it takes up to 5 years before you get your
permit. Most of the time I was dependent on Xavante with a truck to get into
their land. Had it not been for the caciques who expressed their underscored
their will to invite me then surely FUNAI would have said no to me. Angelo
and Modesto are my nearest friends from the village of Santa Cruz.

Modesto pulling an arrow aiming his target

Modesto is wearing a necklace, a lower jawbone of an ocelot (*) that was
shot by my uncle Tomé, on the plantation, where he got nearly killed by it.
The necklace of the ocelot was made for me upon my request by my neighbour
and uncle Tomé who was then already in his sixties. He moved away from the
village in 1990 or 91 because of the conflicts between the protestant and
catholic feuds in Santa Cruz. I never saw him again. He was very gentile,
kind to me and always ready to help me out. He came and massaged my head
when I suffered sunstroke once. It was Tomé´s son who shot the ocelot. They
skinned it to sell the skin in the city. The carcass was left to rot. I who
had been going hungry on dry rice, wanted to fry the meat, only to puke it
out because of an allergy attack- I am allergic to cats. But I had also
broken a big taboo. Josue came to ground me for that. He said, their
ancestors had never eaten that beast and never would. The kids though wanted
to eat it secretly behind my hut, because they were going hungry too. A
jaguar is seen as a great shaman by many indigenous peoples in the Americas.

Modesto became a young pastor through the training by the Brazilian
evangelical mission, Missãao Evangelica. He was only 17 when I met him. I
was sharing a hut with a young couple of evangelical pastors, Tamara and
Andrè, who were constantly praying, and teaching primary classes. Andrè even
scolded me for wearing a pair of swimming trunk in the village. According to
their norms, it was obscene and I wasn't in Rio after all, they told me.

(*) Ocelot is a nocturnal wildcat (Felis pardalis or Leopardus pardalis) of
the brush and forests of the Central and South America, having a grayish or
yellow coat with black spots.

The Enchanted Lake

Near the Xavante village in the Kuluene reservation lies a very mysterious
lake -I remember it to be steel blue- in which the Xavante dare to swim but
are afraid to dive in it for the fear of being sucked in at the bottom by
the evil spirits. The Xavante people believe that bad spirits dwell in lakes
and good spirits in running water, such as in rivers.

Do you know, I said to Wéré'è, the name of the Lake that Xavante
were afraid to swim because of their belief that it was a demonic one?

I believe the lake is called 'a lagoa encantada' (the enchanted
lake). They named it like that because there is no life in that water. Once
a cacique has seen a UFO hovering over the lake on 2 occasions. I thought it
had a colour as blue as hard steel.

The "enchanted lake", a tiny lake near the village of São Pedro

Do you know the lake's coordinates?

I have no coordinates as the maps of that indigenous area are
considered state intelligence. There were rumours that maybe there could
have been tunnels connected to it. It is situated on the east side of the
Parabubure Xavante reservation. The Parabubure area is only showing a tiny
lake near a Xavante village right on the eastern border of the reservation.
It bears no name whatsoever. I don't think it could have been that one as I
cannot recall any village near, that time, but then one forgets after so
many years and things become a little more blurred in the memory.

There is the tribe of snake eaters who are the Nambiquara Indians, who also
live in Mato Grosso, Brazil and who have been part of the Ugha Mongulala
nation, mentioned in the Chronicle of Akakor. The map of Mato Grosso is
showing all reservations but near Parabubure or inside, no lake is drawn up.
I cannot recall if any lake was situated on it, but it might. There are
detailed maps with all reservations on it -it used to- sold by CEDI, a
company in Sao Paulo.

I do know that Fawcett examined very closely the customs and the language of
some tribes including the Nambiquara Indians. I reported to Wéré'è

In Fawcett's writings 1920-1924 there are numerous notes on particular
Indian tribes. He studied the language of tribes he intended to visit as
well as their customs and etiquette. The tribes he studies in details are;
Mundurucu, Apiaka,Kayabi, Bororo and Nambikwara. All these nations inhabited
areas North West and West of Cuiabá. Fawcett never ever mentioned or ever
collected information about the Nafhaqua, the Kalapalo, the Xavante or the
Suia (all to the Northeast) and he had never been to Mato Grosso.

The Nambiquara were mentioned in the book the Chronicle of Akakor itself as
the snake eating people. You mentioned that Fawcett never got in touch with
the Xavante; he might have because they too secure a portal and have seven
keys to it. Some Indians of Xingú believe he has drowned in the Rio das
Mortes. They will not allow anyone come near the area, that is the Serra do
Roncador. There are many sacred areas that the Xavante protect to which no
white man is allowed to go unless a Xavante accompanies him and they refuse
to any further in it as much as they refuse to deep dive in the lake.

Other readings on Fawcett, tell me that he was a very arrogant man and that
he really misbehaved with the Kalapalo who helped him and guided him. He
even left his son behind at one point and went off alone. Some believe the
Kalapalo must have taken revenge on him at night. Though a finger also
points at the Kuikuro...

The Serra do Roncador

The Serra do Roncador is known to host several mystic organizations. I met a
widow of a Swede (second generation) who founded a kind of druid sect in
that area.

Regarding the Serra do Roncador and your connections there, I
asked Wéré'è again. What else did she find or sight there besides the
airfield of beings from outer space?

Jerônimo Xavante
Detail of a mural for Berô Can indigenous handicraft shop, 1995 Barra do
Garcas, Brazil

By Wéré'è

The people there are very interested in occult forces, that's why
they talk so much about the spiritualist Alan Kardek, lots of new age and
esoteric groups. Her husband I once saw on a picture at her home wore a kind
of Ku Klux Klan outfit, only the hood was like a chopped off KKK hood. She
told me they had gatherings in the Serra do Roncador. Her husband had bought
a piece of land there - which is now her property-, because he wanted the
area not to become developed and spoiled. There were ideas and plans to
build an airport - the second in the world (the other in Japan)- for aliens
from outer space. That's how much Mato Grosso is just full of whispers,
spiritualists and occult forces.

What was the name of the Swede's widow?

I am sorry that I cannot remember her surname. But I know the
people she worked for in an indigenous artifact shop in Barra do Garças
called Berô Can. She might still be working for them. I saw her last in 1995
there. I painted a huge mural on their shop representing the 3 nations of
the region in the mean time it has been deleted because the shop was sold.

Have you ever been near the area of the airstrip to serve the
aliens of outer space?

Unfortunately not! According to the State's pilots, they have
never witnessed any UFO activity. Strange no, when so many ordinary people
even the utmost skeptics saw and started believing, some first visited a
shrink or were at the point of doing so. The airport has never been built in
Barra do Garças but the idea is still there. The table mount of Jerônimo is
according to many people who have visited it in the national park Chapada
dos Guimarães an airstrip for (UFO). Lots of people from the region have
experienced magnetic or electric fields and have seen white circles or
creatures almost transparent emerging from those white lights.

There is a kind of corridor that involves the parallel 15 degrees
south, the same that goes in the region of Brasilia Peru and Bolivia,
according to my sources. The national park Chapada dos Guimarães I visited,
it is huge!!! You need a 4X4car to get around. I have seen 'veu da noiva',
jacaré and from a distance the plateau of 'Jerônimo', I think I passed 'o
dedo de deus' (the finger of god) but cannot recall exactly.

The national park Chapada dos Guimaraes

What is your personal opinion concerning these airfields of UFOs?

Listen, I believe in the realm of Akakor and I think it isn't a
whim of the national government to having built an airstrip, no matter how
ludicrous this may sound to Mr. average. The area is famous for lots of
mystics and sects. It maybe that the sect to which that widow's husband
belonged was named 'o Monastario do Roncador' (the monastery of Roncador).
It's a world of magnetism and energy in Mato Grosso. That sect or group
possessed many secret rituals and they believed that in the region of the
Serra do Roncador at the foot of an outcrop named 'o dedo de deus' (the
finger of God), a portal (door) materialized when an alignment of stars took
place. They had 200 followers.

They say that when the portal is open, one say one can hear voices and music
and one can see people walking like if in a city. There are other portals in
Manaus, Foz d' Iguaçu in the State of Paraná and at the Serra do Roncador.

I met a German who didn't want his picture taken, known as 'o Alemão' of
course he could have been a man with a nazi past. But then for years,
another German was killing tourists in that Amazon region; the federal
police was still looking for him in 1995. He had a girlfriend who was a

The same year in Sao Paulo I met a surgeon in Sao Paulo who was treating
Yanomami Indians with shot wounds. He told me about that German he had met
in Manaus. The guy had asked him to send him a few tourists to Manaus.

I also had conversation with Vicente Rios, I hope I got his name correct,
who made a documented destruction of the Amazon during 10 years for the BBC.
He filmed and had spoken with the parents of a boy who got kidnapped by the
Ureu-Wau Wau Indians. Fabio, a blond little boy of seven was never seen

Director John Boorman based his 'Emerald Forest' film on that story and met
up with Vicente. When the Ureu Wau Waus were pacified, they were asked to
show the boy's grave, but there were no bones in it. So no one knows what
happened to him. One believes he is still alive and for a plausible reason.
Probably, the Indians wanted to learn Portuguese from him so they could
understand the ways of the Brazilians, some say.

During my correspondence with Wéré'è, he noticed that I did not respond to
the name of Marcel Roos so in his next mail to me he said:

You didn't react on the Dutch author's name Marcel Roos and his story. But
maybe it's not so important. My book, which is written in Dutch, is partly
written for an 80%. It's about my stay with the Xavante and how I got
adopted into the tribe, my observations of the missionaries and my overall
view on indigenous politics in Brazil. I hope this will do.

This whole history really intrigues me.

As a matter of fact I will be back soon to stay with the Xavante to complete
my book. I think I will be travelling to Brazil in June of 2004 and this
time I will certainly keep my eyes and ears open but be more prudent at the
same time, because it's such a violent country especially once we enter into
the indigenous conflicts with the settlers.

When you visit the Xavante in June as you said for the completion
of your book, how long do you intend to stay there? I asked Wéré'è .

Well, this is a very delicate matter, Wéré'è said; as it has been
since 1991 I was in the reservation. If my blood brother is not the chief
anymore, I can't be quite sure of a guarantee that I will be allowed in. He
is not the big boss of the reservation but a certain Abrão is.

There are conflicts between protestant and catholic factions, lots of
intrigues played out by missionaries there, such as the Summer Institute of
Linguistics. Rumours have it they are there with the financial support of
the CIA.

They have their own air balloons and airstrips, though they have been
expelled in Venezuela because they thought of some tribes and set them up
against the socialist government.

Wéré'è having on his left Narciso who in 1991 claimed that he wanted to
succeed Josué, but when he met him in Goiânia, capital of Goias State in the
casa do Indio (House of the Indian, a FUNAI place where they get [medical]
aid), he still wasn't one. The second of his left is his younger brother.
The photo is taken during a dance in their village of Santa Cruz, a
friendship and welcome dance that function at the same time to dispel
sickness and bad spirits.

You need a godfather as an anthropologist to get in. He must introduce the
foreign anthrop to the board. Genocide is rampant in Brazil, and the State
security does not like foreigners poking their noses in their indigenous
policy. At times I was so depressed because of the atrocities that happen to
the tribes.

Rape, torture, murder, you name it. Plain calculated genocide; Just
yesterday, big news
of the Cintas Largas, who took up arms to defend their territory against
gold-panners had to shoot 22 gold seekers. The Xavante followed my every
move and the missionaries' too, but you don't see it or know it. I think
they are afraid one find out things or their secrets.

There could be different options. When I was there, I met the missionaries
of S. I. L. (the Summer Institute of Linguistics), as I told you last time.
They had a small airplane that came there every 2 or 3 months to pick up
their people. Now I am not a plane expert but I think it could have been a
Cessna, but maybe it was a Dakota. There has been also a Korean sect
preaching their religion and they had lots of money and probably an
airplane, the last option is FUNAI, unless some gold mining activity has
been set up and the Garrimpeiros fly in like they did in Roraima on the
Yanomami land in 1991.

Angelo seen in the profile with a palm leaf in his hands participating in
sacred ceremony

If I cannot meet with my chief, whose name is Josué, I may end up meeting
relatives, no problem. Angelo was my neighbour in the village of Santa Cruz
and I saved his baby with penicillin from pneumonia in 1991 only with one

He is married to Donata and they have one more boy with cataract in the eye,
he is called Roberto. Angelo is the brother of Modesto, who became pastor at
the age of 19 I think.

You can see Angelo in the photo above in a very sacred ceremony in which I
participated. It is called Wai´a and is about getting in touch with the
Xavante Gods. It's about good forces fighting the bad and also initiates new
young warriors.

By the way since November last year I am in touch with a young chief of 29
years old through e-mail. He has had death threats and is hiding in São
Paulo. He is a new breed leader.

I could start with him there. But he has a very busy agenda and lost his
interest as soon as I tried to get in touch with my villagers through him.
He was from the Silesian missionary reservation São Marcos. He is tired of
the Silesians there and is rekindling Xavante tradition in the youths.

There is FUNAI (the Brazilian agency for the protection of Indians) that
could refuse, because in '95, I heard through Medecins sans Frontières that
all development programs and medical aid, had to pass through a selection

Of course I can wait for some of his relatives to show up in the city of
Campinápolis or Nova Xavantina and through their help I might get in again.
But no one as you may know, can stay with a tribe without bringing loads of
presents! That's the big issue.

The Xavante Indians dance in the village of Santa Cruz having among them
Wéré'è dancing in a circle. In the photo, the fifth on the right (as the
photo is seen) is Wéré'è brother-in-law Narciso, and next to him is Josué,
his blood brother.

Why this makes you worry about as long as you can easily find a
way to get the proper presents and deliver to them?

The presents for the Xavante are a big issue for most tribes. They
know they get presents because that's what they received with the first
contacts. It's due to jealousy and envy from other villages who saw that I
channelled water into 2 villages and -though the jealous ones had no problem
with access to water- they also wanted the same channels to be laid out in
their village. It could be over a box full of soap, but some want ammunition
or rifles. Dozens of blankets, shorts, kilos of soap, clothe for the women.
Others demanded gasoline or a truck you name it. That's why I think it will
be hard for me, it has nothing to do with them not liking me or linking me,
it's all about keeping the balance between factions and villages. These
feuds have been passed from generation to generation and I got caught up in
it because I belonged to a faction after my blood brother pact, I suppose.
Giving a t-shirt or a blanket to one is not that much but to a village of
100 people, it doesn't end there. In Barra do Garças and Nova Xavantina I
was constantly being harassed to pay for them in restaurants and so on.

Oyó is a ritual for kids' 6 to 7 year olds and is to test ones strength.
They club each other with a club made of a root. They start at 6 am before
dawn. Brief fights occur, as soon as one cries the opponent 'wins'. Though
winning is a western concept. It is just a way of seeing who will survive in
this habitat of drought and heat. Their villages are built on 800 meters
about sea level, so it can be cold at night. We have adolescents and
children. But the tribe of Xavante have at least 5 or 6 different categories
of divisions in youth. It's so complex!

The Xavante have a reputation of fiery warriors and they are very bellicose,
I experienced it day in day out. Furthermore, I also stayed with the Bororo
on two occasions and I visited the Karaja too. The Silesian missionaries (*)
aren't my best friends anymore after I had an honest interview in the
Gazette of Cuiabá in 1995 on my views on what happens with the indigenous
nations through organized religion. But I have hopes.

(*) The Silesians are members of the Society of Saint Francis of Sales, a
Roman Catholic congregation founded in Turin in 1845 and dedicated chiefly
to education and missionary work.

Detail of a mural for Berô Can, indigenous handicraft shop, 1995 Barra do
Garcas, Brazil

By Wéré'è

The Morcegos

There is a tribe in the Serra do Roncador called the bat people

(A tribo dos Morcegos)

Now, I would like to know any information you might have gotten
or heard during your stay in the reserve concerning the existence of the
Morcegos and their approximate location of their territory.

About the Morçegos, it might well be that the Xavante people were
taken for those people. Because that region is vast and just after their
pacification the Xavante scared the hell out of the settlers, the Xavante
killed any white man or Suya or Kalapalo Indian coming near them. They hated
the white especially the ones who had a beard, that's why nowadays most
FUNAI officials are clean-shaven. They hated the bearded ones because the
whites (Silesians, Bandeirantes) they fought and had killed one of them. So,
many stories and rumours led their own life. A saying goes that Xavante used
to wear ape skins and scare people with it. Maybe that's why people talked
about a Morçego tribe, because that tribe has never been found either!

However, they seem to be found in the Serra do Roncador. Wéré'è
has convincingly said to me; they guard the entrance to the caves and the
subterranean cities. They are black skinned people, small and with a more
developed sniffing sense than hunting dogs.

This is what an American explorer, Carl Huni, wrote in a letter.

The entrances of the caves are guarded by the Morcegos Indians, dark-skinned
people with great strength. Even if they let you in the caves, I am afraid
you will get lost for the outside world, because they protect and guard the
secret very carefully and they will not allow those who get in to get out
again. The Morcegos Indians live in caves and come out at night to the
nearest forest, but they have no contact with the people who live below, in
a subterranean city who live in self-sufficient community wit a big number
of people. They believe that those who inhabited Atlantis built the
subterranean cities. Japanese monks who came to bring homage to Mr. Armando
Luvison, and his wife "Vestal" are the only true protectors; guards of the
Serra do Roncador.

Wéré'è also answered some of my questions below such as:

What did the Xavante know about the Morcegos?

They don't like to talk about it.

Did the Xavante have any relation with the Morcegos in the past?

I don't know for sure

Did they have any contact with them?

I need to talk to the elderly. I have no clue but I presume.


Here is one worth meditating on. The indian chief relates how his frather, the previous chief, ran across an Amazon march through the jungle, along a river path, "at the mouth of the River
Cochiuera", and stopped long enough to exchange greetings.

Evidence such as this will never be come across again. What to do?

There is only one thing left to do. Google "River Cochiuera"!!!


Page 186, IBID: "The native legends speak of
different Amazon exoduses. Those of the Paytunae and Yace-tapere say that the
Amazon women vanished in the center of the territory (the middle of the Earth)
...." The comment about the middle of the earth is from the author, Harold
T. Wilkins; the comment wasn't mine nor biased by my perspectives on
underground worlds. Apparently, he made a word-for-word translation but passed
on the commonly understood meaning.

187: "An indian of São Joaquim de Omaguas told us that there might be
still found, at Coari, an old man whose father had seen the Amazons. At Coari,
we heard that this old man was dead, but we spoke with his son who seemed to be
70 years old and who was also the Chief of the same village. He stated that his
grandfather had indeed seen those women pass, at the mouth of the River
Cochiuera; that they came from the Cayamé, which debouches into the Amazon
River on the south side ... and that he had spoken to four of the women, of
whom one had an infant at her breast ... and they took the road to The Rio


Many of the beings depicted by the Mayan sculptures seem to be half-human, half creature. Well, look at what lives below and pops up once in a great while. What I would like to know is whether or not there was some cave entrance at the bottom of the pools leading to inner worlds below. The underground cavern world systems must be dangerous and exploration wouldn't be some kind of a lark.

From Page 89 of Caverns, Cauldrons and Concealed Creatures:

In 1987, a group of scientists from Peking University were setting up to
film wildlife in deep pools--unplumbed, really--near Wuhnan, Hubei Province.
As they were setting up their cameras and cables, three gigantic beasts,
with gaping mouths six feet wide, emerged from the water and began to swim
toward the stunned men, who were led by Professor Chen Mok Chun.

The group of nine witnesses described these creatures as "giant toads," pale
and ghastly, who examined the men with hunger; one of the things shot out a
gigantic tongue, wrapped it around some camera tripods, and devoured them.
The other two suddenly screamed horribly, and then all three submerged into
the unexplored depths of the pool (Dr. Karl Shuker, FATE, Sept. 1990).

From William Michael Mott's CAVERNS, CAULDRONS, AND CONCEALED CREATURES, available from Lulu Books:

Posted by Dean

About the mayan Civilization,

All things said and done, I think that once the cloud mantle fell, and once the Kali Yuga began, the Mayans in the underworld basically shut the doors on the ones on the surface. Maybe they shepherded their kin from below for a while, but once western civilization came upon the Yuccatan, the ones on the surface were abandoned to their fate.

The underground world was much a part of the Mayan religious scheme.


List Members,

What the coincidence (read on) tells me is that the Mayan civilization used to exist all spread around the girth of the world. We have gone over this quite a bit.
