Yet Another Underground Entrance on Mars!


What whacks me out of shape is how the article automatically refer to any inhabitants as "aliens". Why not consider them to be the natural inhabitants who have gone underground seeking shelter from the Sun's rasy?

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Right. You're not alien to your own planet.

I guess they said that because they're alien to us.

It's like talking about Germans going underground in Germany, and calling them aliens (people from a different country) instead of Germans.

Silver Moon,

What I've been picking up on is that the residents of The Moon are being cast as intrusive. I don't think that they are aligned with our NWO.


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That was an interesting article, but when I clicked on the link that was supposed to be to NASA's photo, I got "page not found" on NASA's website.:frowning:


It worked for me.

But here is another article, and another photo. I think that it is the same hole, but closeup.

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The article you linked to worked fine, but the article had a link to NASA photos (on the NASA site). That was the link that didn't work for me.

The link you just posted has nice pictures! Thank you.


Okie dokie!

: ^ )