Why Tabby’s Star Looks So Bizarre - 22% dimming at random !

Folks , the explanation given in this video is unadulterated B.S. :)) It's taken 4 years of "research" by mainstream science and they still don't have a clue as to why such a bizarre, random dimming can be observed in this star . All kinds of STUPID conjectures have been made - Alien megastructures blocking our view of this star , dust clouds around it that suddenly appear or disappear etc. etc. !

The Electromagnetic Universe Theory has a well laid out explanation for cyclical dimming and brightening of all stars (including our own Sun) , though the degree as well as the rate of dimming and brightening can vary a LOT .

This may sound like a really crude analogy , but guess why an electric light bulb sometimes flickers ? Because the electric current it receives might be fluctuating and something similar happens with all stars in the Universe , interconnected (almost like the Internet is) as they are on a "cosmic circuit/web"...somehow that's still an ALIEN concept to mainstream astronomy !
