Watch "Revolutionary Fossil Discovery In Netherlands' Cave System !

Folks , here is another intriguing one from Europe , a dinosaur fossil found in an underground cave system - none other than the apex marine predator , the "Mosasaur" :-


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A marine, dinosaur preditor 30 meters below the surface. It must be extremely old, perhaps several yuga cycles old. Maybe a couple of million years ago. And so huge! living entities were huge in the satya Yuga, perhaps it is from a Satya Yuga. A sea monster.

You know, the symbol of the sign Capricorn is a sea monster, a crocodile.


Yes @deandddd , could be...the "Mosasaur" was certainly a terrrifying sea monster of it's times ! It's fossil being found in an underground cave system , now on dry land (!!) , makes this discovery all the more far into the bowels of the Earth did such creatures go...could they still be found in the ocean that lies deep inside the Earth ?? for thought !



As you already know, there are four yugas or ages that the planets of the solar system pass through. During the first three, there is a cloud mantle above (This is not good for backyard astronomers with their telescopes) . The mantle implies, like a ton of bricks, that there was less water in the oceans, and thus more land exposed. Also, the planet is expanding and the continents rising. So, I imagine that the last time that region was low enough to have enough ocean below it to accomodate such a sea creature, and give it stomping grounds, should have been during some prior kaliyuga when the land masses were more exposed.

Bhaktivedanta Swami mentioned in one of his purports to the Bhagavat Purana the existence of a fish called the "timingila" fish, supposedly of the size to dwarf a whale.

The deity-symbol of the nakshatra/asterism Uttarabhadra, which occupies 13*20' in the middle of Pisces, is Ahir Buddhanya, which has been translated by Prash Trivedi as "The serpent that lies below the surface of the Earth", and he made another suggestion translating as simply "The serpent of the depths". He goes on to compare it with sea monsters of the bottom of the ocean, where there is little movement.

By the way, this is found on Page 422 - 423 of his book The Book of Nakshatras.

How little we know ...


@deandddd , the Ahi Budhnya of the Rig Veda and the Kraaken monster of Norse mythology are similar creatures from mythology...maybe such fossils that are found in underground caves hark back to a prehistoric time when humanity actually used to encounter such beings !



I think you're right on the money ...
