Watch "James Webb Telescope Just Detected an Ancient Energy at the Edge of the Universe" !

The tide is turning , folks !! We are going to win this WAR to correct science !

The Big Bang Theory will fall , for sure - including gravity dominated concepts associated with it , like dark matter , dark energy and the so called "Black Holes" , which are better explained in electric Universe Theory as "z pinch" features at the heart of galaxies .

Just listen in to this - there is so much talk of "filaments" and the "cosmic web" , even in the early Universe...this would be music to the ears of the Electric Universe Theorists :))


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List members , here is a great video which explains the Z-Pinch structures of the Electric/Plasma Universe Theory .

It is necessary to take the bull by it's horns and defeat it . We must call the BLUFF of mainstream science and their charade about the fictitious Gravity monsters , the so called "Black Holes" , if we are to RESCUE science from the Black Hole it has fallen into ! The "Black Hole" is like the BEAST , it is a Satanic influence on Science !

Mainstream scientists keep preaching that the so called "Super-Massive Black Holes" , are at the core , the heart of all Galaxies . Ladies and Gentlemen , the Z-Pinch concept explains the same in a much better and more logical way :))

***May the TRUTH prevail and may the corect Theory win this battle , on which rests the future progress of mankind , something that could finally enable the human species to reach the stars !


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Folks , this also reminds me of that elusive GENIUS , David Allen La Point and his lucid explanation of the so called Black Holes as "choke rings" inside the Toroidal Primer Fields that pervade every part of the Universe .

The well regarded principle of Occam's razor always points towards the simpler , more logical explanation :))


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An electric universe makes more sense to me than the prevailing theory. I first learned about it several years ago, and watched a lot of videos on it. It makes a lot of sense.

While there is a lot about "electric" universe to like, I believe the nomenclature should be modified to dynamic aether universe and that the recognition of electrical qualities should be placed appropriately at a secondary or tertiary level in such considerations. Electricity - and especially gravity - appear to be side effects. Ionel Dinu's and Mendeleev's observations seem to lend strongly to "electricity" fitting the "element y" position.

I really need to dig deeper into @Mitko_Gorgiev's modeling. There are a couple points that have given me pause, but I believe his observations are highly compatible and elucidative.

@sidharthabahadur I really wish LaPoint's Primer Fields were more approachable. His observations are great, but it has never felt sufficiently actionable to move the dial forward for satisfactory robust engineering efforts.

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@Soretna , you've really summed this up in a precise way . In fact , the electric Universe theory has it's related concept around the magnetic Universe theory , so calling it the Electro-Magnetic Universe may be more apt .

However , I agree with you that from the perspective of the deepest level of reality , electromagnetism is itself a secondary phenomenon and gravity is still futher downstream :))
