Watch "A Place of Gods and Giants: The Mysterious Kingdom of Hyperborea"

List members , this video on Hyperborea is definitely worth a watch :-


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That was quite interesting. I think this is the first time I've heard of Hyperborea.

Thanks @SilverMoon , you may also have noticed how it is described that "to the South of Hyperborea , there were regions covered by snow" . Now , this statement implies that closer to the North Pole , there was no snow , but a bit South of the North Pole , the land was covered by snow...this ties in with the Hollow Planet theory of an opening at the Poles , hence the warmer climate in those regions !



I did notice that.

The mysterious kingdom of Tartary has sometimes been described as a region that bordered Hyperborea , more specifically - it apparently lay to the South of Hyperborea . In Hindu epics that region was called "Uttar Kuru" , or the land of the Northern Kuru clan - the ruling dynasty of India from Mahabharat era . In Mahabharat it was written that the earliest ancestors of the Kuru dynasty had come from the "Uttar Kuru" region .


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