"Volcanic lightning is caused by a volcanic eruption rather than from an ordinary thunderstorm."

Folks , please take a look at this mind-boggling video - it is so astonishing that I watched it multiple times , each time being stunned by the lightning flashes accompanying this volcanic eruption !

***If you observe carefully , these lightning flashes are shooting UPWARDS from the volcano into the sky , rather than from the sky downwards to the volcano...hmm !

What better proof do we need for the electromagnetic nature of volcanoes & therefore of earthquakes ? When will mainstream science acknowledge this fact ?? This is yet another win for the theory of the Electromagnetic Universe :))



List members , this spectacular sight was captured on camera in Guatemala during the eruption of the Volcan del Fuego !

**The caption mistakenly describes it as "lightning strike hit erupting volcano" , when it was actually lightning GENERATED by the volcano :))

Behold the RAW , savage power of nature at it's most extreme :-



I stopped it at minute 1:21, and it definitely looks like it's shooting out of the volcano, because of the way it's branching out.


Considering that alkali metals are found in high levels in magma, and that volcanic activity is due to these alkali metal reactions (not the absurd magma crustal theory of the brainwashers in power), this photo provides additional evidence for this model that destroys mainstream propaganda - and should offer a cautionary warning sign to those with eyes to see.

Alkali metals provide an abundance of "electrons" that then move to the "deficit" area (using mainstream parlance) - in this photo it then follows that the lightning is likely evoked by this phenomena and projecting "into" the sky.

It further shows us the dangers that exist in places such as Yellowstone that are going to be blown up by NASA when they pump in the water to "cool it down." Anyone living in the region and surrounding states had best plan to leave ASAP or have a very, very strong exit strategy for when it happens. Wyoming and neighbors are death traps.

Reference: BBC, 17 August 2017: Nasa’s ambitious plan to save Earth from a supervolcano


Ominous. Thank you for sharing this. Living in the western USA brings a lot of concerns. I hate living in the Ring of Fire.

I think most of us out here want to get away from this hell hole that is the Rockies and Pacific Coast somehow. It's hard to leave, but this will surely make us go if we survive it and can't leave first. It feels like bad things are coming.


@Soretna , you have made a very astute observation about the alkali metals theory...it ties in perfectly with the root cause of volcanoes that was explained in Etidorpha . Water too has a big role to play , as per that explanation .


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Folks , I will also try to collate as many such videos of volcanic lightning as possible , so we can correlate our findings .



What?! I guess I better look at that link to see what's going on. This is the first time I've heard of this.

Sounds like a hare-brained plan to me. Waste all that water, maybe cause what they're trying to prevent, it will probably take thousands of years, and may not even work.

It is hair brained, but the problem is that it has been stated at all. Further, the bigger problem in my mind, is the fact that geology is so badly established and unfounded that this could even be a consideration. It is self-evident that society and scientists as a whole do not have any actual comprehensive or cohesive understanding of anything deeper than a dozen or few hundred feet under the ground at max.

The Kola Borehole, if anything, obliterated geology for those who have studied findings therefrom.

The conjecture that magma comprises some kind of a mantle under the crust and squirts up through the crust as they postulate is purely speculative. No one has hopped into a lava-proof submarine neither put any kind of lava-proof "probe" down into the earth to plumb the depths of the magma repositories that they believe go on down in.

So, going back to the point at hand: the western United States and anything within the Ring of Fire or that has any proclivity for geologic instability with likelihood of an eventual event should be enormously wary of any news that could impact stability.

Frankly I do not believe anyone in their right mind could or should live these zones. There are too many choices otherwise that proffer safer alternatives.

Another thing that is alarming slightly to me is how the media seems to be pushing positive encouragements about the "safety" of the Rockies and surrounding zones. It is hard for me to understand how anyone - knowing what we know now - could not see this as a warning sign to do the exact opposite, or to at least educate themselves very well and have a solid exit strategy (if you're not sitting on top of the blast zone in Wyoming/Idaho/Montana and perhaps even Utah).

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They really don't. It's guess-work.

Right. Total conjecture. To know if they are right (in regards to both comments I quoted), they would have to go down deep enough.

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