Uranus Aurora Discovery Delivers Clues To Habitable Icy Worlds !

List members , Polar hot spots are now getting detected on Uranus with unprecedented clarity !


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Well, the surface of the planet might not be physically habitable, but below the surface is a different matter, of course.


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I agree @deandddd , the Polar hot spots on Uranus are getting their energy from the inner Sun of that planet , so all bets are off on what we may find in the planet's interior !



Yes, they get their energy from the inner sun. The radiations emitted by planets are also generated from within. Certain frequencies are responsible for the planet's attachment to The Sun. The Sun mostly emits frequencies in the higher ranges, such as ultra violet and gamma; thus there is no clashing with the radiations emitted by The Sun, at least not within that frequency band. So the rays of the planets become attractive, so to speak, towards The Sun.

Hmmm ... gravity effects are generated by the planets.


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