Folks ,something VERY unusual is happening over last few days in the Airspace of Northwestern Canada and even Montana in the US :-
Folks ,something VERY unusual is happening over last few days in the Airspace of Northwestern Canada and even Montana in the US :-
Now four of them have been shot down.
And only latest generation, stealth jet F - 22 Raptors have been stalking them and shooting them down.
The cargo fuselage that the balloons carry weigh a few hundred tons and are the size of a Boeing 747. Do they carry weapons? Can they shoot back? Were the F - 22s perceived by them?
Did a balloon shoot the green lazers over Hawaii?
(Correct me if I am wrong on any of this)
Good night.
@deandddd , it has now been verified that the green lasers over the sky in Hawai , were done by a Chinese satellite !
Oh, ok.
A pill-shaped object???
Octagonal shaped !!!??!???
Even the hint of something "alien" going on has now been given...but could it just be a "false flag" alien intrusion , being fed to the public through the mainstream media , to divert attention from something else ??
It's definitely strange what's going on.
A part of me wonders if they're setting the stage to pretend there are invaders from outer space, and we have to be united as a planet to fight them off (and they might even figure out a way to decrease the population and blame it on these imaginary aliens).
Or are Russia and the Chinese secretly in cahoots with each other, casing the country to see where the best places to drop bombs would be.
No matter what's really happening, it seems pretty strange.
Someone I know wondered if it was to divert attention from the toxic/chemically hazardous train wreck in Ohio that’s creating a Chernobyl-like result for the residents of Northern Ohio - and they shared a couple of screenshots which I'm sharing below.
@SilverMoon , I feel you are definitely onto something here - I mean these massive train accidents that are not being adequately reported by the media !
If the-powers-that-be are trying to deviate our attention with this balloon and UFO business, perhaps they want to deviate it from the fact that, in spite of everything that the USA and NATO have said, they are about to hang the Ukrainians out to dry, just like they did with the Afghan Army.
And I do mean: Good-bye ... that's all she wrote.
UFOs a coverup for Nord Stream evidence.
This is a classical , text-book example of the "Hegelian Dialectic" used to shift the public attention from something which the powers that be want to suppress or hide :))