Tunnel into lunar underground

List Members,

On the Facebook list Anomalies of The Moon and Solar System, Candace Kowalski has a nice set of pictures up showing somethinng like a tunnel opening that has been drilled into the side of a sheer cliff on The Moon. It was her observation that it looks as if it was going into the lunar underground.

It was posted on June 11, at 11:04 AM. Go there and scroll down!

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The tunnel opening has symmetry on each side., and comes to a point at the top.


I have facebook blocked. Are there some screenshots or an alternate place to see these photos?


Excuse my late reply, my electricity went kaput Thursday night, and it only got fixed Tuesday afternoon. Confusion!

Anyway, the site The Moon and Solar System seems to only exist as a Facebook page.

But I was scrolling down that page to look for something interesting to bring over and show you all and - lo and behold! - I found an image from a new video by Chris. It is called: Solid Evidence! A Whole City On Mars! ~ 5/25/2024.

The link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spveBt89rNo

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I didn't realize it had been this long since I was last on here. Thank you for the link. I'll go look at it.

I don't necessarily agree with all that he's seeing in that video, but Wow! that picture does look like it's possible. I just wish the photos NASA took of Mars were a lot clearer. That would make the whole venture easier to figure out. (Maybe they don't want us to figure it out? Or the terrain is so far away that they can't make a clearer picture?)


You know, some of those videos that Chris produces, or parts of some videos, are not real obvious.

But you have to judge them in the context of other videos or other parts of a video, and then you can give one that's not so, so obvious the benefit of the doubt.

Another fact that can allow you to give NASA photos the benefit of the doubt is that photos were typically taken out of focus. The Moon photos were usually taken from a height of 90 miles above the lunar surface. Cameras with a telescope lens can easily take better images than what NASA was putting out, from 90 miles and even from much further out. The out of focus nature of their pictures are a a frank admission of coverup, so again, you can give it the benefit of the doubt.


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To be clear, I think he's doing a good work, and he's catching things in his videos that I would never wonder about (and some that I would). It definitely looks like we could be looking at a city in that video.

I wondered about that when I saw how unclear the photos were. "You'd think NASA could take better pictures than that," is what I thought, "but maybe they can't."

I mean, taking photos of Mars and of the moon, I would think an honest organization would want the pictures to be as clear as possible so we can see what these places look like.