The role of Reptilians in Annunaki history

Folks , there are some correlations between the ancient Sumerian mythos and Egyptian legends on the Reptilian aspect :-

The story of the Anunnaki is recorded in the ancient Sumerian texts. Sumer was the oldest civilization on Earth, which blossomed out of the nowhere around 3800 BC. Mainstream scholars have no answers as to its origins, and cannot explain its astounding advances.

The Sumerians themselves answered these questions in their writings: they wrote that the appearance of their civilization was a deliberate act decided by the Assembly of the Anunnaki and that everything they knew was taught to them by the Anunnaki. Given all the supporting evidence, I have no reason to believe that the Sumerians were in any confusion as to their own origins. They knew what they were writing.

The Sumerian civilization disappeared around 2000 BC just as suddenly as it appeared. It is clear that its fall was very tragic as many Sumerian lamentation texts have been found bewailing the destruction and desolation of various Sumerian cities. All these lamentation texts blame the destruction on the use of some “ Weapons of Terror ” and some great deadly cloud. The detailed descriptions of their effects leave no doubt that the Weapons of Terror were nuclear weapons and that Sumer was poisoned by a deadly cloud of radioactive dust.

\ 150x118I have already mentioned some hard evidence of this nuclear holocaust: the huge black scar in the face of the Earth in the southeastern part of the Sinai peninsula ( click image right ) and the blackened stones that show signs of being instantly melted by extreme intense heat. There is more evidence.

Higher than normal levels of radioactivity have been found in the Dead Sea , the site of Sodom and Gomorrah that have been nuked at the same time. And in the land of Sumer itself a recent study has found that around the time of the destruction of Sumer there was a sudden climate change there, the nature of which is consistent with a nuclear fallout. The date suggested by the study is the very same 2024 BC given by Sitchin .

There is more evidence that the Sumerians were dead serious when writing about visitors from space. Their knowledge of astronomy was astounding. They knew the planets of the solar system at least as well as we do now. They knew things about Uranus and Neptune that we rediscovered only in the 1980s with the Voyager 2 mission .

They perfectly knew the tiny planet we call Pluto , which was rediscovered only in 1930. Uranus is mostly invisible and Neptune and Pluto are totally invisible to the naked eye. And finally, they were fully aware of the existence of the tenth planet, which today’s scientific establishment refuses to recognize because that would shatter every political, economic, and religious institution on Earth: it is the planet of Anu , the home planet of the Anunnaki, called NI.BI.RU (“ The Planet of the Crossing ”) by the Sumerians . The Sumerian knowledge of the distant stars was just as good.

There is more to the Sumerian knowledge than passive observation of distant celestial bodies. The ancient depictions of rockets are abundant. There is even a detailed cross-sectional engineering drawing of a rocket on a wall in the tomb of Egyptian viceroy Huy. A clay tablet in the Hermitage museum in St. Petersburg clearly depicts a spacecraft flying from Mars to Earth , and its features strongly suggest electromagnetically induced antigravity propulsion.

And how do you think were the great Giza pyramids built? No construction machinery today could be used to build anything even close. The Great Pyramid attributed to Khufu/Cheops is built from solid stone blocks weighing many tons. The largest blocks weigh 200 tons each. Today there exist only two land-based cranes in the world that can lift a weight of 200 tons. So if today we can barely hoist a weight of 200 tons, how did the ancient Egyptians do this on a routine basis (around 2500 BC as the mainstream scholars say)?

Yet all evidence points that the Egyptians did not build these pyramids. The Great Pyramid was attributed to Pharaoh Khufu by Herodotus , whom he called Cheops in the famous Greek tradition of renaming everything their way. Yet the pyramid itself bears absolutely no marks relating it to Khufu in any way. On the contrary, there is the so-called Inventory Stela on which Khufu wrote how he came to the site and did some cleaning and maintenance work around the monuments that had been standing there already since times immemorial.

There is clearly visible vertical erosion on the Sphinx, and to some extent on the Great Pyramid as well. Such erosion can only be caused by continual downpour of rain. The problem is, the last time it rained on the Giza plateau was in a previous geological epoch about 12.000 years ago. The same date is suggested by the way the three pyramids are oriented to the stars of Orion’s belt .

The pyramids are aligned to the stars not as they appear today, but as they appeared around 10.450 BC! (The apparent positions of stars slowly change due to the precession of Earth’s axis. The complete cycle takes 25.920 years.) This is 7000 years before the beginning of the Egyptian civilization around 3100 BC.

Who built it, how, and for what purpose? Sitchin gives an answer. He suggests that the Giza pyramid complex was built by the Anunnaki right after the Great Flood , which occurred around 11000 BC (there is geological evidence that this is when the last ice age ended abruptly). Purpose: a guidance beacon for spacecraft on landing course to the spaceport in the Sinai peninsula. Sitchin provides plenty of evidence for his claim, and I agree with it.

Yet the Great Pyramid is not the only such structure. There is another great structure built by the Anunnaki still standing today which I find even more fascinating than the Great Pyramid. There is a huge stone platform in the mountains of Lebanon at a place called Baalbek . Sitchin shows with convincing arguments which I consider sufficient proof that it served as an auxiliary landing/takeoff facility and communication center of the Anunnaki.

[ \ 100x87](javascript:getPage('../../arqueologia/esp_baalbek_2_image1.htm#2',601,524):wink: While everyone is fascinated with the Great Pyramid, the Baalbek platform stands desolate in oblivion. Perhaps it lacks the magic effect people see in the Pyramid, but the Baalbek platform contains more stone than the Pyramid and features even more mind-boggling solid stone blocks. The platform’s most fortified corner, which I agree with Sitchin was the launch pad, is built of several layers of colossal stone blocks.

One layer features blocks weighing 500 tons each. And another layer consists of three stone blocks that are the largest stones in the world, known since antiquity as the Trilithon (left image), the Marvel of the Three Stones . Each of these blocks weighs more than 1.000 tons! Sitchin writes:

“The mind-boggling fact is that even nowadays there exists no crane, vehicle or mechanism that can lift such a weight of 1000-1200 tons - to say nothing of carrying such an immense object over valley and mountainside, and placing each slab in its precise position, many feet above the ground. There are no traces of any roadway, causeway, ramp or other earthworks that could even remotely suggest the hauling or dragging of these megaliths from the quarry to their uphill site.”

I have an idea how this platform was built. I suspect that the colossal stone blocks were lifted and made to float through the air like weightless feathers by an antigravity machine, similar to how some people theorize a starship can warp the four-dimensional space-time in the direction opposite to that caused by gravity as seen in Einstein ’s general relativity, effectively creating antigravity. If the Anunnaki were capable of such feats it would help explain how they could have come here from Sirius or Orion.

Finally, Sitchin ’s reconstruction of the Anunnaki history explains why all these sites (the ancient Sumerian cities , Baalbek , the Giza pyramid complex , Lady Ninharsag ’s facility on Mt. Katherine , the spaceport in the Sinai , Jerusalem , Delphi , and others) were built exactly where they or their ruins are located today. It also explains why did each ancient city, kingdom, or empire rise and fall the way it did and at the time it did.

But don’t take my word for it. Read Zecharia Sitchin ’s works for yourself. His honest scholarly work about the Anunnaki is embodied in his first three books, “The 12th Planet”, “The Stairway to Heaven,” and “The Wars of Gods and Men.” The first book starts with the first landing of the Anunnaki on Earth around 450.000 years ago, and the third book ends with the nuclear war of 2024 BC. These three books are the meat of it. If you have more spare time for reading, you may also like his fourth book “The Lost Realms” which brings the ancient American history into the picture, and “Genesis Revisited: Is Modern Science Catching Up with Ancient Knowledge?” The last book is interesting if you want more proof.

As I’ve already said, his later writings should be treated with caution because there he stops giving new information about what happened after 2024 BC, and instead starts endlessly repeating himself and apparently pursuing an agenda to intensely feed the people a filtered version of reality so that they don’t ponder too much as to what happened before 450.000 years ago or after 2024 BC, lest they find out more shocking truth.

I defer to Sitchin only regarding the affairs of the Anunnaki on Earth from 450.000 years ago to 2024 BC. My thoughts on the other matters, especially the astronomical details about Nibiru, the planet of Anu , beyond those given by Sitchin, my thoughts about where that planet and those people came from, and the whole thing about reptiles , are my own, and there I have already shown the arguments and evidence on which my conclusions are based.

There is strong evidence, however, that the Anunnaki and their healers may be able to successfully perform a head transplant. The ancients said very clearly that they could sometimes reattach a severed head and bring the decapitated being back to life. The best evidence is the story of Orisis, Isis, Horus, and Set. You may already know it as it’s quite well known to almost everyone with an interest in ancient Egypt and is taught in ancient history classes, but let’s review it.

Osiris was married to his half-sister Isis when his half-brother Set decided to usurp his throne. He used a ruse to get Osiris to lay down in a large chest, at which moment Set and his conspirators closed the chest, filled it with molten lead, and threw it in the sea. The mourning Isis went looking for her beloved brother-husband, and eventually found the chest with his body. She thought of trying to revive him, but before she could figure out how, Set found the body and cut it into 14 pieces, which he then scattered all over Egypt. Isis again went looking this time for parts of her beloved brother-husband, and found all of them except his phallus.

By this time Osiris ’ body was so mutilated that reviving was out of the question. Yet amazingly, it is a historical fact that Isis had a child by Osiris before his remains were finally put to rest. That child was named Horus and was meant to be his father’s avenger. How could Isis have a child by Osiris after he died and his body was cut into 14 pieces? Some have suggested that Isis extracted semen from his body and impregnated herself with it. Sitchin points out, however, that this could not be because the one part of the dismembered Osiris that Isis could not find was his phallus.

My belief is that she created sperm cells from his somatic cells by artificial meiosis . If you know cell biology, you would know that all somatic , i.e., normal body cells in humans have a diploid chromosome set, i.e., 46 chromosomes, while gametes (sperm and ova) have a haploid chromosome set, i.e., 23 chromosomes. All somatic cells divide by mitosis, a process that produces two daughter cells with chromosomes identical to that of the parent cell. Sperm and ova are formed by meiosis.

Meyosis is a process that halves the chromosome set by randomly selecting 23 out of 46 chromosomes to be retained. This is why each parent contributes only half of his or her genes to a child, and the selection of which is random. The two gametes combine to give the child a new diploid chromosome set, and the child inherits traits from both parents in a way that cannot be predicted because of the randomness introduced in meiosis.

I believe that Isis reproduced this process artificially to impregnate herself with her dead husband’s seed without even having his phallus, and this is an attestation to the level of advancement of the biomedical technology of the Anunnaki . Artificial meiosis is unheard of in our mainstream scientific circles.

Horus grew up and went on to fulfill his purpose to fight Set and avenge Osiris . (In early childhood he was killed by a scorpion bite, but was revived by the god of magic Thoth, whom Sitchin convincingly shows to be the same person as the little-known Sumerian deity NIN.GISH.ZID.DA, a son of Enki .) Horus and Set fought and fought until Horus vanquished Set using an ingenious weapon.

(The mainstream scholars of Egyptian mythology are uncertain as to what this weapon was, but a careful analysis of the ancient description and depiction reveals that it was a guided missile with three independently targeted warheads.)

Horus took Set and his cronies prisoners, and brought them for trial and execution. As Isis watched him decapitate Set ’s cronies one by one getting closer to Set himself, Isis had a pity on Set. He murdered her beloved brother and husband, but he was her brother too, and she freed him. Set escaped into the Sinai peninsula , and as Sitchin shows in “The Wars of Gods and Men” this sowed seeds for the Second Pyramid War in which the Nile river flowed red with human blood and the Great Pyramid was emptied of its wonderous equipment, including the equipment for guiding spacecraft, and laid waste.

But Horus was so enraged that Isis freed Set that he decapitated his own mother. But then Thoth immediately rushed to the scene and reattached her head and revived her. That her resurrection was successful is beyond any doubt. All the abovementioned events took place well before the emergence of the first human civilization, and in the much later times of Egyptians and Greeks Isis was quite active in leading her followers. As I already wrote in my previous E-mail, Isis appears to have been the humanity’s Lightgiver , and one brave enough to have continued to play this role long after the rest of the Anunnaki have been kicked off the Earth.

(Recall that she founded Paris and led Joan d’Arc , the French enlighteners, and the other carriers of light and knowledge, and maybe even the Russian revolutionaries-liberators.)

Apparently Isis suffered no loss whatsoever from her son’s fit of anger in which he cut off her head, and her resurrection by Thoth was a true act of magic . But then I’ve told you from the beginning that I believe in Arthur C. Clarke ’s Third Law (that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic).

What I’m curious about is whether Isis appeared to her Egyptian followers with a huge scar around her neck or not. It seems like not: to my knowledge none of her depictions show any scars, and if her resurrection and the reattachment of her severed head was truly magical, magic shouldn’t leave any scars. I plan on verifying this through remote viewing.

(That’s another concept that people getting to know me better get to familiarize themselves with. No room for it here, but read “ PSI Spies ” by Jim Marrs .)

So the conclusion is that if the Anunnaki and their healers could reattach a severed head without any loss, they should be able to do a head transplant similarly.

Or are you talking about proof regarding the much bigger things I’ve written to you about:

ET intelligence, human origins, hidden world government, etc? I have already given you a lot of proof in my previous E-mails:

  • the sudden rise and fall of Sumer
  • the oldest human civilization on Earth
  • the incredible Sumerian knowledge
  • megalithic works whose location and structure precisely fit in the Anunnaki space facilities grid \ 150x118postulated by Sitchin
  • evidence of ancient nuclear war
    • ( Sumer laid waste by a radioactive cloud, huge scar in the face of the Earth in the Sinai peninsula still visible from satellites, blackened stone, sheets of fused green glass found below the earliest archaeological strata, abnormal radiation in the Dead Sea on the site of Sodom and Gomorrah, etc.)

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