The Nunnehi amongst the Cherokee


I always knew the North Carolina Cherokee had underground connections, but I never even had detail number one!

They live underground, they open rock entrances/doorways on the sides of hills and mountains similar as the Pied Piper of Hamlin did, and they are shapshifters.

What do we do??? We are surrounded, even from below. It's Wikipedia, but read it! It gives you a good overview.


Interesting one @deandddd , thanks for sharing ! The Cherokee people had many fascinating traditions indeed , which are still worth investigating .



You know, in the North American southeast, there is a lot of Cherokee mixed in with the European blood. My mother's people made their war from Virginia to Oklahoma, and I know that I have at least 12.5% Cherokee blood.

I had a maternal aunt who told me once, on the sly " ... and there were others".


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