The Moon's Atmosphere, Gravity and Underworld


Inspired by Cater's comments on Howard Menger's book, From Outer Space, I got a hold of the book and I have read Part I. Menger and Adamski have been quite criticized for exeggeration, embellishment and fiction. I think that it is a case of wanting to divulge some information, but not wanting to invite fast trouble. Joseph H. Cater made the following comment about the book Etidorhpa, and I think that any embellishment by Menger or Adamski is just to appease hateful people in some way, in certain quarters. Nostradamus did something similar by writing his quatrains in a very cryptic way.

Cater, on Page 352 of The Awesome Life Force:

"**Before continuing with Reich's researches, the present trend of **
**thought concerning the color of the sky in relation to the density of the **
**atmosphere at or near the point of observation should be discussed further. If the quantity or density of earth's atmosphere were to increase, it **
**follows that the color of the sky would change from blues to colors **
**associated with the lower frequencies. A point would soon be reached at **
**which the sky would become yellow and the horizon would take on a saffron hue. Much of the blue of the lower atmosphere of the earth is a mixture of the yellow and green. As the atmosphere becomes denser, the **
**yellow, being lower in frequency, starts to dominate. It is highly significant that Howard Menger in his book From Outer Space described such **
**a sky on the moon. (It was suggested in Chapter 1 that large areas on the **
**moon have a considerably denser atmosphere than is experienced **
**anyplace on earth.) According to this book, Menger was taken to the **
**moon and allowed to walk around on its surface. All aspects of Menger's **
book have a ring of truth. They are in harmony with what the author
knows concerning the subject matter discussed in the book. For example,
Menger encountered a highly advanced alien known as a space master
who made the following statement concerning the nature of time: "There
can be no time without motion nor motion without time and neither
without thought". This is essentially the same definition already
presented in this book, which the author formulated long before reading
Menger's book.

**There have been others prominent in the UFO controversy who claim **
**to have been taken to the moon and who became aware of earthlike conditions on the moon. These include the late Buck Nelson and George **
**Adamski and also Edward M. Palmer. Their claims have all been in **
agreement with each other. In fact, as early as 1950 Buck Nelson claimed The Moon had Earth gravity".

Strong gravity effects on The Moon, not caused by the density of mass but rather caused by electromagnetic repulsions and attractions, could induce gravity effects to the point of holding down a dense atmosphere, which in turn would turn the sky to different colors in the lower levels of the spectrum, such as yellow and orange. This happens to the rays of the Earth's Sun every dawn and at dusk, as they pass sidelong just above the Earth's surface, where our eyes can see them.

Lunar atmosphere, you all: Lunar_Atmosphere

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I forgot to make the points that if the Mon has such an atmosphere, then it must have stronger gravity to hold it down, stronger than we attrribute to it.

And the same chapter from Howard Menger's book that describes the Moon's atmosphere also mention that Menger was taken on a cursory tour of "underground installations".

How do you like them apples?


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