The Lost Children of Alexander : A Journey to the Pagan Kalash People of Pakistan

List members , history has a strange way of providing us proof of things we have forgotten...ethnicity of a people can often throw up VERY unexpected surprises !

**One of the lesser known facts about Alexander is that the only woman he ever married officially , was an Afghan princess by the name Ruksana , or Roxanne as the Greeks called her.

While they did not have any children as per Greek historians , there is no clear evidence that Alexander did NOT have offspring outside of wedlock...till today Sikander (Alexander) Khan is a popular name in Afghanistan and Pakistan .

It's such a supreme irony of history that present day Greece itself , has no genetic trace left of Alexander !

About a third of Alexander's army eventually stayed back in the Af-Pak region to control this volatile , but strategic area of their empire . They embraced Buddhism as their religion.
Over the last 2,323 years , their bloodlines have completely merged with and blended into the local population there . At least some of the Taliban militants , who are currently being targetted by drones and have their hideouts in the numerous mountain caves of Afghanistan - might well be the direct descendents of ancient Greek soldiers...!

***Afghanistan is called the "Graveyard of Empires" , where many a conqueror met their Waterloo , including the Soviets in the modern era . One of the reasons for this is the aggressive nature of the warrior tribes in that "ungovernable" region . After all , they are descended from the fiercest of invading warrior clans the world has EVER seen - Scythians , Greeks , Persians , Huns , Tatars , Turks , Arabs and Mongols :-

The Lost Children of Alexander the Great: A Journey to the Pagan Kalash People of Pakistan

In 2010 I and a friend, Adam Sulkowski, made a journey to the snow-capped Hindu Kush in search of this ancient European pagan people living in an unstable Muslim country. This is our story.

Brian Glyn Williams, Contributor

Professor of Islamic History at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, author of The Last Warlord, and Counter Jihad. The American Military Experience in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria

02/21/2014 10:28pm EST | Updated April 23, 2014

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The New York Times recently published an article that had a fascinating description of the Kalash, an ancient ethnic group living high in the remote mountains of Pakistan's Hindu Kush. For centuries this light-skinned, pagan people have claimed to be the long-lost descendants of Alexander the Great's world-conquering armies, which invaded this region in the fourth century B.C. The animist Kalash are outwardly different from the darker-skinned Pakistani Muslims who live in the lowlands below them, so it seemed plausible. However, there had been no proof of this remarkable claim until the geneticists quoted in The New York Times found that the Kalash people's DNA seems to indicate that they had an infusion of European blood during a "mixing event" at roughly the time of Alexander's conquests. This isolated people are thus most likely the direct descendants of the ancient Greek-Macedonian armies who set up outposts in this region 2,300 years ago.

Few outsiders have visited this forgotten tribe, whose homeland is located near the inaccessible mountain border of Taliban-controlled zones of Afghanistan. But in 2010 I and a friend, Adam Sulkowski, made a journey to the snow-capped Hindu Kush in search of this ancient European pagan people living in an unstable Muslim country. This is our story.

University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, Spring 2010

For a number of years now, I have been teaching a class for the history department in which I do a "tour" of the great empires of antiquity, from pharaonic Egypt to Viking Europe. But for all my students' interest in the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Egyptians and the Romans, it is the exploits of Alexander the Great that inevitably lead to the most questions. Recently one of my students in History 101 asked me during class what happened to the far-flung garrisons of Greeks and Macedonians who were settled in the far corners of Alexander's vast empire. I told her that over the succeeding centuries they disappeared or were absorbed by succeeding waves of invaders. All that was left of the Greeks who left their Mediterranean homeland to settle in distant lands of Africa and Asia was the occasional coin, spearhead or amphitheater testifying to the conquests of one history's greatest leaders.

But then, after some thought, I corrected myself and told her the legend of the Kalash people of Pakistan.

High in the snow-capped Hindu Kush on the Afghan-Pakistani border lived an ancient people who claimed to be the direct descendants of Alexander the Great's troops. While the neighboring Pakistanis were dark-skinned Muslims, this isolated mountain people had light skin and blue eyes. Although the Pakistanis proper converted to Islam over the centuries, the Kalash people retained their pagan traditions and worshiped their ancient gods in outdoor temples. Most importantly, they produced wine much like the Greeks of antiquity did. This in a Muslim country that forbade alcohol.

Tragically, in the 19th century the Kalash were brutally conquered by the Muslim Afghans. Their ancient temples and wooden idols were destroyed, their women were forced to burn their beautiful folk costumes and wear the burqa or veil, and the entire people were converted at swordpoint to Islam. Only a small pocket of this vanishing pagan race survived in three isolated valleys in the mountains of what would later become Pakistan.

After class the student came to me and asked me if I'd ever visited the Kalash tribe of the Hindu Kush. Wistfully I told her I had not, but that it was my dream to do so.

I remember her response vividly. "Dr. Williams," she said, "you're always telling us to get passports and get out see the world. Why don't you take your own advice and just do it?"

Lahore, Pakistan, June 2010

A student's challenge can be a powerful thing, and in June my colleague from the business school, Adam Sulkowski, and I set out to travel into the Hindu Kush on the Pakistani-Afghan border to see this ancient race for ourselves.

But when we arrived in Lahore after flying through Abu Dhabi, Rafay, our Pakistani host, reacted with caution toward our bold dream of visiting the lost descendents of Alexander the Great.

"It's a dangerous, two-day journey off-road into the mountains," he warned us. "But that's not the most important obstacle you'll have to overcome. To get to the remote homeland of the Kalash, you need to cut through the Swat Valley."

Rafay then pointed out our intended route on a map, and Adam and I groaned. Our dream was falling apart. We both knew that the Swat Valley was a stronghold of the Pakistani Taliban. In 2007 the Taliban brutally conquered this beautiful, alpine-like valley and forced a puritanical version of Islam on the local people. They also used the valley as a springboard for sending suicide bombers throughout Pakistan.

"But all hope is not lost," Rafay continued. "The Pakistani army just reconquered most of the valley this winter and have opened the main road through it. If you don't stray from the road and there is no fighting, you just might be able to pull it off."

Nervous about the prospect of adding a journey through a war zone to our trip to the Kalash, Adam and I then traveled to the capital, Islamabad. There, after much searching, we found an ethnic Pashtun driver who claimed to have once traveled to the remote homeland of the Kalash. He not only knew the route but had a tough SUV to get us there.

After haggling for the price of the trip, we set out driving across the burning plains of Pakistan, where the heat soared to 120 degrees. Finally, after traversing the country from the Indian border to the Afghan border, we arrived at the mountains.

And what mountains they were. The Hindu Kush are an extension of the Himalayas and soar to 25,000 feet. As we drove into the tree-covered mountains, the temperatures blissfully began to drop. While we found respite from the heat, everyone grew tense. Saki, our driver, warned us that we were now in Taliban territory. We had entered the Swat Valley.

We had not traveled far before we were stopped at the first of many Pakistani army checkpoints we would encounter. When the soldiers manning it discovered that there were two Americans in the truck, they strongly warned us to avoid leaving the road. One of them asked us to sign our names in a registration book and proclaimed that we were the first foreigners to enter the Swat Valley since the Taliban had taken it in 2007.

That night we stayed in Dir, a Swat Valley village that locals claimed had briefly served as a hiding place for Osama bin Laden when he fled Afghanistan in 2001's Operation Enduring Freedom.

Rumbur, Kalash Village, Pakistan

The next day we made it safely out of the Swat Valley after crossing a mountain pass at 10,000 feet, and a nearby glacier. We were now in the scenic Chitral Valley. We drove up this valley for several hours before our driver grew excited. Gesturing to the dark mountains on our left, he said one word with a grin: "Kalash."

With mounting excitement we left the main "road," crossed a large river and began to drive up a mountain trail straight into the mountains. This continued for a couple of hours before the narrow valley opened up and our exhausted driver announced that we had finally arrived in Rumbur, the most isolated of the Kalash valleys. Having made our way from Boston to Abu Dhabi to Lahore to Islamabad to Swat to Chitral, we had finally reached our destination in the high mountains on the Afghan border. It was now time to meet the Kalash.

It did not take us long to find them. Adam was the first one to spot a Kalash shepherdess in the trees, wearing a stunningly bright peasant costume. After seeing the faceless burqas of the women of the Swat, the contrast between Muslim women and this Kalash woman could not have been greater. As we drove along we saw several more brightly clad Kalash women. But when we tried to take their pictures, they shyly ran off and hid behind trees. Worried that we might break some local taboo regarding photography, we continued on our way.

Soon we entered the Kalash village of Rumbur. The wooden houses were built in steps above one another, going up the valley's walls, and the village square filled up with Kalash curious to see us. Among them was Kazi, the village holy man. Everyone stood back as he approached us and heard our request to stay with the Kalash for a few days and learn about their culture. Kazi, a wizened man with twinkling eyes, heard us out and thought about it for a while. After some thought he finally smiled and gave us his blessing. He proclaimed that as blue-eyed "pagans" (the Kalash believe that in worshiping the Trinity, Christians worship three gods), we were like the Kalash and therefore welcome to stay with them.

With that, everyone's shyness was forgotten, and the village men and women proudly posed for photographs and allowed us into their homes. Once again, the contrast to the Pashtun Muslims in Swat and greater Pakistan was tremendous. The conservative Muslims of Swat had women's quarters in their houses where no outsiders were allowed. Here the women were free and dressed in beautiful folk costumes that seemed to belong to a different era.

During our stay we hiked up into the mountains overlooking the Afghan border and were taken to the Kalash people's outdoor temples. There they made sacrifices of goats to their ancient mountain gods. Sadly, most of their ancient wooden idols had been stolen or defaced by neighboring Muslim iconoclasts who found them to be heathen abominations. We were also told that one of the local leaders who fought in the courts to protect the Kalash from such problems had recently been assassinated. On many levels we sympathized with the Kalash -- who were losing numbers to conversion to Islam -- as a dying race facing an existential threat. And I must say that after the heat, pollution and crowds of Pakistan proper, we found this pristine mountain enclave filled with incredibly hospitable farmers and shepherds to be a veritable Shangri La. Over and over again we were invited by smiling Kalash into their simple wooden houses for meals, where we talked about life beyond their remote valley. Most Kalash had only left their valley a few times in their life, usually to go to a neighboring Kalash valley for a marriage or to celebrate a great festival.

On our final evening in Rumbur, the villagers held a great feast for us. We celebrated with the famous Kalash red wine. My most endearing memory of the mystical night was of Adam doing a snake dance with a local elder, snapping his fingers in rhythm and dancing lower and lower to the ground in the center of the clapping audience.

The next morning we were woken to the sound of cows being led by children through the misty village. We said our goodbyes to everyone and drove out of Rumbur. As I looked back I saw several Kalash girls standing on a terraced hill above us and waving to us in their bright costumes. With our driver, a Pashtun Muslim who had never drunk before, recovering from the previous night's festivities, we took leave of our hosts and left this fragile mountain enclave to make our long journey out of the mountains. It was now time to reenter Pakistan proper, a land that seemed far removed in space and time from the ancient rhythms of the Kalash.


Folks , here is another such account of a mysterious community in present day India , which is related to Alexander & the ancient Greeks - that had been long forgotten :-

Malana, The Magic – Of ancient Sages, Myths, Alexander

Malana, The Magic – Of ancient Sages, Myths, Alexander

*Malana, The Magic – Of ancient Sages, Myths, Alexander

This is a strange story and a real place. It involves ancient sages, kings, mythology, legends, history and drugs. To understand this, you have to get to know the ancient sage, Jamadagni, and a bit of Hindu mythology. Let me start with ancient times and like all ancient stories, start with, ‘Once upon a time’…

Sage Jamadagni

Once upon a time, many centuries ago, there was a Sage called Jamadagni. He was one of the Saptarishis, the Seven Great Sages in the current Manvantara (the 7th) according to Hindu Mythology. His wife was Renuka, the famously virtuous one. Parashurama was his youngest son. Yes, the same mighty warrior, 6th avatar of Vishnu, Guru of Karna in the Mahabharata and the founder of my home state, Kerala in South India. He was the one who is reputed to have reclaimed land from the Sea thus creating Kerala. Sage Jamadagni was a warrior saint. Many legends have gathered around him…

The legends about Sage Jamadagni

He was so powerful that even the Gods were scared of him. A legend is that he once got upset with the heat and hence the Sun God, Surya. He shot arrows at him. A nervous Sun God tried to propitiate the Sage with 2 inventions to help mankind deal with the heat. No, they weren’t the fan and air-conditioner. They were the Sandal and Umbrella!

Now, Renuka was famous for her chastity and devotion to her husband. However, suspicion lurks even in the best of minds. Once, Sage Jamadagni suspected her and ordered his son, Parashurama, to behead her. He obliged. Of course, later she magically came back to life. But that’s another story.

Another legend is about a king who wished to possess the divine cow Kamadhenu (which was in Sage Jamadagni’s care). The sage refused. And the King, as Kings normally do, took the cow away by force.

An enraged Parashurama killed the King along with his entire army and brought the cow back. The King’s sons took revenge by stabbing the Sage 21 times and then beheading him. And thus started Parashurama’s legendary retribution. He killed the murderer Princes and conducted a genocide against the Kshatriya caste (the caste of the warriors and Kings) for the next 21 generations. Quite a revenge, what?

These are all legends, but the Buddha is said to have mentioned the Sage Jamadagni’s name as one of the original recipients of the sacred Vedic knowledge – this is written in the ancient Mahavagga.

Malana – The Abode of Sage Jamadagni

The place where the great Sage lived is believed to be in the small Himalayan village of present day Malana. It is near Kasol in Himachal Pradesh of North India. He is supposed to have prayed to the Gods for suggestions on a place to stay where there would be nature and isolation. Lord Shiva suggested Malana and the Sage arrived here. A Rakshasa called Banasura was in control of this territory. Obviously, a fight ensued. It ended with a compromise. A divorce between Administration and Judiciary. Banasura was to handle Administration. The Judiciary was under the Sage Jamadagni. The Judiciary was a tad more powerful than the Administration. Sounds familiar? Yes, this was the first democracy!

A language was created – the Kanashi language. Mandatory for those living in Malana. Not to be shared with others outside the place. This language still exists! As do the customs and rituals from that ancient age. Like the animal sacrifice to Banasura before any religious occasion.

There is an ancient temple here that is dedicated to the Sage Jamadagni. The villagers pray to him as Jamlu Rishi or Jamlu Devta. The priest of the temple is a hereditary post since many generations – as long as anyone can remember. He rules on behalf of Jamlu Rishi who is still considered the King. There are other elected courtiers who handle the regular administrative jobs like land revenue, policing, justice, etc.

This village follows no other rules and is a tiny democracy in itself (possibly the oldest in the world). They are actually governed from ancient times by 2 Houses of Parliament – the lower House of Kanishthang and the Upper house of Jayeshthang.


Malana has existed since the ancient times. It is currently in Himachal Pradesh in North India. It is close to 9000 feet above sea level on the banks of the Malana River in the Parvati Valley near Kullu. The location and the massive peaks of the Chanderkhani and Deo Tibba ensure its isolation from the world.

There are less than an estimated 2000 people (about 200 households) living here and a quarter of them speak Kanashi! They believe that they have the purest Aryan genes. The legend is that they are the descendants of a bunch of Alexander the Great’s soldiers. Those who deserted Alexander’s army and settled here. In fact, the residents do look distinctly non-Indian, from the hair color, eye color, skin, etc. Many generations of in-breeding have caused diseases and a deterioration of health, I guess.

They have existed as a democracy since long and have never been part of any kingdom. They never even paid taxes to the British who probably collected taxes from every other living being in India… The one Emperor who tried to collect taxes was the Mughal Emperor Akbar and he too quickly withdrew.

Malana and the Mughal Emperor Akbar

In the 16th century, the Mughal Emperor Akbar is said to have shown disrespect to the village and Jamlu Devta. Maybe he even tried to collect taxes. The Emperor was immediately struck with leprosy. He then propitiated the deity with gifts and atonement. The Emperor was cured and since then, the Mughals did not collect tax from the village. Every year this is commemorated in a procession during the village festival of Fagli. It is said that inside the Temple is a silver goat that the Emperor Akbar had presented to Jamlu Devta! Outsiders aren’t allowed inside the Temple, so one cannot be sure of this.

The Discovery of Malana in recent times

Colin Rosser, an anthropologist, had heard persistent stories and rumors about this secret village in the Himalayas. In 1952, he walked 45 kms from Nagar through an almost inaccessible path and discovered this hidden village. He wrote about it in a scientific paper and since then it has come up on the map.

Malana today

The recent Malana Hydro Power Station project has made this isolated village accessible to the world. Proper roads now exist till the Malana Village trekking gate. The closest bus stop is Jari. Development, healthcare and education are more accessible now. There is a primary and a middle school, though not too many students enroll in these.

However, the price of development is that the beauty is slowly being ruined and the traditions are slowly dying out. The over-tourism prompted the village administration to order all guest houses and restaurants in the village to close. They implemented it as orders from the King, Jamlu Rishi.

Kanashi, the sacred language of Malana

The language spoken here is one that was prescribed in the ancient ages, said to be that of the Rakshasas who lived here. It is called Kanashi or Raksh. This is different from any of the languages in the surroundings. Some say it is a mixture of Sanskrit and some Tibetan dialects. It is more a Tibetan-Burmese language than an Indo-European one. It’s a miracle that it has survived despite being surrounded by very different languages – possibly due to its isolation. It does seem similar to Greek, by the way.

The Economy of Malana

The traditional occupation of the village has been making items from hemp – baskets, slippers, etc. They also grew maize and potato. The Malanis traditionally, bartered ghee, wool, honey and birds with other villages in Kullu. In return, they got salt, food and other necessities. Nowadays, this has stopped. Another crop is sustaining the economy.

The big source of revenue in recent times is cultivation of Marijuana. Malana grows the finest strain of Marijuana and Cannabis Indica. It produces some of the best Hashish in the world – a strain of cannabis hashish called Malana Cream. The weather in Parvati valley is perfect for growing cannabis. The villagers always knew of it and they used it for medicine and to make hemp products.

After the swinging Sixties, Malana was discovered by the swingers. It is said that an Italian called Glenu stayed here in the late 60s. He taught them to make “charas” (the local name for Hashish) using the rubbing technique that they still use. This got a very high price because of the quality. And the place changed forever. It slowly became a magnet for drug tourism. They raise only one crop in a year in September-October. It is enough for the entire year. An estimate is a production of more than 10000 kg of cannabis from about 600 acres of cannabis cultivation!

Tourism is even now the biggest source of revenue – despite the curbs placed on drug tourism, tourists staying in the village and production of Marijuana.

The Origin and Legends of Malana

The villagers consider their village to be the oldest democracy in the world. They believe their village was the original abode of Sage Jamadagni or Jamlu Devta as they call him. All decisions are in fact taken by invoking Jamlu Devta. A villager serves as the oracle and the decision is given a God-ordained. Does it remind you of the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece? Hallucinogenic gases involved there too. Click here to read of my experience in ancient Delphi of Greece.

They also believe that they are the remnants of a forgotten band of Greek soldiers from Alexander’s Army. In 326 BC, the historic Battle of Hydaspes happened between Alexander the Great and King Porus. Some members of the Greek army settled down near the River Beas and then Malana. They didn’t go back… Their appearance seems to indicate some truth in this. That’s why the village of Malana is called the Athens of the Himalayas.

The Greek connection is questionable though, since recent gene typing of the Malanis indicates an Indo-Aryan rather than a Greek origin.

Worship and Temples

There are a few ancient temples here. One is the main Jamlu Temple and the other, the Renuka Devi Temple. The temples have intricate carvings and are full of symbolism. They even have sacrificed animal horns above the gates. The locals do not allow outsiders to enter the temples.

We, the Untouchables

The Malanis believe that they are superior to outsiders and can get contaminated by touch. Here, they treat all outsiders as untouchables. They are friendly, but will not tolerate the outsider touching anything – their temple, their houses, their goods… Even when you buy goods at the shops, they expect you to leave the money on the counter and then take the goods off the counter where they place it. If you purchase stuff on the street, you place the money on the ground, weigh it down with a stone, pick up the purchased stuff from the ground and leave!

In case of any inadvertent contact with you, the villagers rush off for a bath. And in case an outsider touches a house or the temple wall, he/she has to pay a fine. This is to pay for an animal sacrifice to purify the polluted object!

This could be a tradition to ensure avoidance of communicable diseases, given their prolonged isolation from the rest of the world. But it does give you the feeling of being an untouchable… :wink:

By the way, the local consider even their language, Kanashi, as sacred. They do not allow outsiders to use it.

Strange rules – some logical and some not very

There are rules that govern every facet of life here. Jamlu Devta makes these rules and communicates through the Village Council. Consider some of these. I am not fully sure of these, since they are a secretive society. This is hearsay, but I’m reasonably sure they exist:

Some General Rules:

  • No damaging trees by fixing of nails on them
  • They do not allow burning wood in the forests around
  • They allow only dry branches to be carried out of the forest
  • Only the Council can give permission to hunt in the forest
  • The Council sanctions hunting only for protection. The hunters have to deposit the fur of the animal in the temple
  • If a villager goes to the police, he/ she has to pay a fine to the Council
  • In case of a difficult decision in the court of the Council, each of the parties to the case brings a lamb. A cut is made on the front leg of each lamb, poison placed inside and the leg sewn up. The person whose lamb dies first loses the case!
  • You cannot have poultry in the village. No leather goods either
  • They levy a heavy penalty on outsiders trying to speak their language, Kanashi. Even imitating a local speaking the language invites the penalty!

Rules for Personal Conduct:

  • Every villager is equal, irrespective of his/her profession
  • You cannot take alcohol inside – the tipplers have to head to Jari for their fix
  • They sacrifice a lamb to purify an object if an outsider touches it
  • Malani people have to purify themselves before eating or entering their house in case they touch an outsider – reminds you of the Covid19-induced social isolation doesn’t it? :wink:
  • Malanis cannot eat food cooked by an outsider. However, they can eat outside the Valley, away from Jamlu Devta’s line of sight.
  • Parents arrange marriage of their kids before adolescence. The bride is traditionally runs behind her groom on the wedding night. The father/mother of the groom holds a torch.
  • The men are polygamous but in case of divorce the man has to provide for the ex-wife and kids.
  • Marrying an outsider entails banishment from the village. The only exception is for marriage with boys from the nearby Rashol village. The folks in Rashol also claim Greek descent.


The Malanis celebrate two interesting festivals – the Malana Shaun on the 15th of August and the Malana Fagli in mid-February. During the Fagli, locals dress up in cannabis leaves and demonic masks. They dance around and smear cow dung on the houses. They also have a procession for the 16th century Mughal Emperor Akbar commemorating the incident that I described earlier!

Getting there

As of now, outsiders cannot stay in Malana but can visit on day-trips. Kasol, near Manali, is the nearest town. It is a beautiful small town and a trekkers’ paradise. You can also get basic, tented accommodation nearby.

Bhuntar or Kullu is the nearest airport. Joginder nagar is the nearest railway station. Three mountain passes connect Malana to Kullu. The Rashol Pass route takes about 12 hours and the beautiful Chanderkhani Pass trek about a couple of days.

The best way to get to Malana is to take a bus to Jari. From there take a taxi to Malana (a distance of about 20 kms) and then a short 3-4 km trek. The trek requires a basic level of fitness with a descent to a bridge across the river and then a steep uphill climb. Takes the better part of 2 hours. And remember to avoid the monsoons and winter – the path can be quite treacherous. The best months to visit, in my view, are May-July or September-November.

What to do in Malana

Fabulous natural beauty, a lovely trek, a strange people, a village that seems set in a time warp. Myths, legends, mystery and history all coming to life through stories. What more do you need?

Resist the temptation to buy their most famous product – Malana Cream. There will be many who will try to sell it to you. My suggestion is, don’t buy. It is illegal and there are enough Police checks as soon as you exit the village gate and en route to Jari. Stay away from it, stay safe.

But that doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy this gem of a place… It’s a must-visit for its natural beauty and uniqueness.


Folks , as unlikely as it may seem - there is even a "green eyed" tribe in Ladakh , on India's Tibetan border , that might have descended from ancient Greek soldiers :-



A tradition that goes back thousands of years even before Alexander, probably even before the appearance of Aryans in the region. Four villages are all that's left, and the young are converting to Islam.

Gone with the Wind.


Well said @deandddd , these people are a bit like "The last of the Mohicans" :)) On a more serious note though , I am increasingly of the opinion that ethnicity is a LOT more fluid and ever changing over time than we can even imagine...

**Please mark my words , modern anthropologists will literally have to BURN their cherished text books , especially their theories about true ARYAN origins , if only they were to do an HONEST & IMPARTIAL genetic study of such isolated communities in the remote mountainous regions of South Asia , stretching across India , Pakistan , Afghanistan and Tibet .

Please bear in mind that the legendary ancient Silk Route passes right through this vast region , starting from the Tarim basin region of China (where mysterious ancient red haired Caucasian mummies were found) - via it's famous mountain passes like the LEGENDARY Khyber pass on the Af-Pak border (through which Alexander and other invaders had entered the Indian subcontinent) , the desolate Karakoram Pass , the famous Bolan Pass and Gomal Pass of Balochistan en route to Persia and West Asia etc. The Silk route is by far THE oldest migratory route known to mankind .

***In the Vedic texts , the ancient Silk Route had been called "Uttarpath" or the ancient Northern route . From prehistoric times , humans have been using this route to criss-cross this area - they used to follow migratory birds , such as the bar headed geese , on their annual winter flight Southwards from Siberia , to South Asia.

The Indus river (and it's tributaries like the Kabul river) cuts across this forbidding landscape , punctuated by several mountains over 8,000 meters in height and dotted with tens of thousands of CAVES . This was the "Northern Mountain wall" that has always shielded South Asia and prevented the bone chilling winds of Central Asia during winter , from entering the warmer Indian subcontinent.

Ancient history can be much stranger that fiction - a case in point being the FACT that the genetic traces of Alexander and his Greek army , ironically exist more in South Asia today (he is known as "Sikander" in this region) than in any other part of the world - from some of the Taliban groups of Afghanistan , to the Kalash people of Pakistan to the Malana and Brokpa communities in present day India . Alexander had left Greece at the age of 19 , never to return - so anthropologists need to look at South Asia , not present day Greece , for the authentic bloodline of Alexander & his troops .

It may seem surprising to many , but one of the reasons the Greeks succeeded in making some inroads into ancient India , was because they were not really seen as "foreigners" . As per the Vedas , there was a Yavana tribe of warriors (amongst some others) that had left India in the ancient era and travelled , when the Greeks came , many in the frontier regions of the Indian subcontinent merely saw them as the Yavanas who were trying to make a comeback into India .

Anybody who has gone deeper into ancient Greek history will find that the origin of Greek people is unknown prior to 2,000 B.C. , except that their ancestors migrated to Greece , from "somewhere in the East"...Something similar has been said about the origin of Etruscans too , who were the ancestors of Romans !

It is also true that when history becomes very ancient , it turns into mythology . Maybe , a few thousand years from now , Alexander's foray into India will become a mythological tale , the same way in which Ramayan and Mahabharat epics are seen today !



The problem is that the modern anthropoligists are not taught in a honest way, they are taught according to bias.

If it is ever determined that the Vedic culture of India is the direct descendant of the original Aryan culture, that the literature that preseves the culture of India is the well coserved literature of the original Aryan culture; then this undermines western culture and shines a new light on Christianity.

And no institution in the West wants to even hear any of that!


@deandddd , I tend to agree - if anthropologists seriously wish to CRACK open the mystery of Aryan origins , the ancient Silk Route is the Goldmine for them . The R1a1 Haplogroup from Siberia , is the genetic marker they need to go after and correlate with . Are they listening ?? :))


List members , this is an excellent article that explains the possible origin of the Ionian Greeks from the Vedic Yavana/Yona tribe (notice the phonetic similarity) that had migrated Westwards from the Indian Subcontinent in ancient times :-

“In the Table of Nations in Genesis 10.1-32, which lists the descendants of Noah and the nations they founded, the Greeks appear under the name “Yavan,” who is a son of Yaphet. Yavan is parallel with the Greek word, “Ionia,” the Greek region of Asia Minor; “Yaphet” is parallel with the Greek word, “Iapetus,” who is the mythological father of Prometheus in Greek legend."

Falsifying History – Fabricating a Fake Identity: Skopjan pseudo-Makedonism on YAUNA – YAVAN – IONIANS

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In the http://my. blog there is a section named “Macedonian Civilization/Македонска Цивилизација – Truth about Macedonians”. Within that section there is a chapter about the Ionian Greeks, called “Yavan-Ionians”, which was published on January 22nd, 2008 by a young Skopjan propagandist named Stojanche Chabir… /Стојанче Цавир…, who is writing under the pseudonym “Makedon”.

The internet page containing this entry is dripping with hideous ethnic hatred and venomous spite against the Greeks:


It is about, we are informed in advance, the:

“sub-Saharan-Turkish tribes which today call their self Greeks” [sic].

The misinformative article is starting with a piece of historical information copied wholesale from the following website:

“In ca.521, the Persian king Darius I the Great ordered that a new alphabet, the Aryan script, was to be developed. This was used for a small corpus of inscriptions, known as the Achaemenid Royal Inscriptions. An overview of all inscriptions can be found here.”

Further down:

“Darius was buried at Naqš-i Rustam. The inscriptions on the upper and central registers of his tomb (DNa and DNb) are well-known, but there are several smaller texts on the same monument: two trilingual honorific inscriptions for the courtiers Gobryas and Aspathines, and inscriptions on the figures supporting Darius’ throne. Because inscription DNe mentions Macedonians, it must have been made after 512.”

Here is the transliterated Persian inscription and next to it its English translation:

“DNe, indications of people

  1. iyam Pârsâ 1. This is the Persian.

  2. iyam Mâda 2. This is the Mede.

  3. iyam Uvja 3. This is the Elamite.

  4. iyam Parthava 4. This is the Parthian.

  5. iyam Haraiva 5. This is the Arian.

  6. iyam Baxtriya 6. This is the Bactrian.

  7. iyam Suguda 7. This is the Sogdian.

  8. iyam Uârazmiya 8. This is the Chorasmian.

  9. iyam Zrakâ 9. This is the Drangian.

  10. iyam Harauvatiya 10. This is the Arachosian.

  11. iyam Thataguiya 11. This is the Sattagydian.

  12. iyam Gadâraya 12. This is the Gandaran.

  13. iyam Hiduya 13. This is the man of Sind.

  14. iyam Sakâ haumavargâ 14. This is the haoma-drinking Saca.

  15. iyam Sakâ tigraxaudâ 15. This is the Saca with the pointed hat.

  16. iyam Bâbiruš 16. This is the Babylonian.

  17. iyam Athuriya 17. This is the Syrian.

  18. iyam Arabâya 18. This is the Arab.

  19. iyam Mudrâya 19. This is the Egyptian.

  20. iyam Arminiya 20. This is the Armenian.

  21. iyam Katpatuka 21. This is the Cappadocian.

  22. imay Spardiya 22. This is the Lydian.

  23. iyam Yaunâ 23. This is the Greek.

  24. iyam Sakâ paradraiya 24. This is the Scythian from across the sea.

  25. iyam Skudra 25. This is the Thracian.

  26. iyam Yauna takabarâ 26. This is the Macedonian.

  27. iyam Putâya 27. This is the Libyan.

  28. iyam Kušâya 28. This is the Kushite.

  29. iyam Maciya 29. This is the man of Maka.

  30. iyam Karka 30. This is the Carian.”

So far so good, as the expression goes.

Then, out of the blue, a photo of an archaic homoerotic art appears, setting the scene for a borboros of sewer which only the sick mind of a psychopath could come up with


Little wonder, then that the Irano-Semitic peoples considered the Greeks to be effeminate.[sic]

In fact, the terms for Greek in the Irano-Semitic world

Yauna (Old Iranian), Yona (Pali), Javan (Greek), Yavana (Prakrit), besides meaning barbarian or savage, [sic] are derived from the root-word yoni, meaning vagina.”[sic]

from PIE base (Sanscrit)[sic] yavan=a rider horseman , invader , aggressor

yavan=javan-c (mod. Mac)=a rider horseman

yavan=”javan”(mod.Mac)=fucked [sic]

finally, we found etymology for word Yavan (greeks)

The psychopath-turned-fake-linguist who threw up such a scatological creation of pseudo-linguistic dunk is obviously jubilant to have invented yet one more way to hurl abuse and insult on Greeks. Fake science has always been the fig leaf of political charlatanism. The bigger and more outrageous the lie, the more abysmal the insult, the more believable becomes the propaganda message, to small-brained receptors anyway. This is an old recipe. Nazi Party supporters reveled in finding “rat” qualities in the “eternal Jew”, their “enemy other”. Their VMRO-DPMNE knock-offs in Skopje are following in their Nazi political predecessor steps. German pseudo-scientists at the Nazi “Research Institute for Racial Hygiene” were using racial “metrics” to prove that Jews, Gypsies and Eastern Slavs were untermenschen / subhumans. In a great historical irony, normal and otherwise decent people who fell under the spell of these theories ended up becoming the subhuman abomination of the twentieth century, whose atrocities these theories helped perpetrate. Here, deranged psychopath is using lies and twisted semi-truths trying to prove that Greeks are somehow inferior species, who, the reasoning follows, are not worthy of historic Macedonia.

Propaganda is the art of making many people accept a BIG LIE. To even partially succeed in this, the propagandist must create what would pass as a “scientific”- sounding construction. The BIG LIE, as any modern student of Joseph Goebbels knows needs to sound credible. The BIG LIE, of course, needs many smaller lies to support it.

Yoni/योनि is a Sanskrit philosophical and religious concept that means origin or source of life. Its origin is unrelated to the female reproductive organ and it has obviously nothing to do with the Ionian Greeks.

Yauna, Yona, Javan, Yavana, are not original Sanskrit words and they do not mean barbarian or savage. They mean Greek and as in most eastern languages, the word is derived from the Greek ethnonym Ionian. As for the “barbarian” or “savage” that the Skopjan propagandist is trying to insert next to “Greek”, speaking of an imaginary “PIE base (Sanscrit) yavan=a rider horseman, invader, aggressor”, this “Indo-European base” and the so called “horseman-invader-aggressor” meaning are only in his delusional imagination: they does not exist – he is simply and shamelessly lying.

On the contrary, this is how Bṛhat Saṃhitā, the 6th century Sanskrit encyclopedia speaks of the Yavanah, the Greeks, the descendants of Alexander the Great Macedonians of Bactria (modern Afghanistan):

Mleccha hi yavanah tesu samyak shastram idam sthitam Rsivat te api pujyante kim punar daivavid dvijah (Brhatsamhita 2.15)

The Greeks, though impure, must be honored since they were trained in sciences and therein, excelled others (Brhatsamhita 2.15)

The Mahābhārata/महाभारत), one of the two major Sanskrit ancient Indian epics speaks of the “all-knowing Yavanas/sarvajnaa Yavanah”…hardly an epithet for savages or barbarians:



(Mahabharata VIII.31.80)

The Yavanas, oh king, are all-knowing; the Suras are particularly so. The mlecchas are wedded to the creations of their own fancy.

(Mahabharata VIII.31.80)

Continuing down the path of Skopjan hallucination and we read:


from PIE base (Sanscrit)

yavana=Ionian , Greek (or a king of the Greeks), in later times also a Muhammadan or European , any foreigner or barbarian.

yavana-deza=sometimes applied to Ionia , Greece , Bactria , and more recently to Arabia

yavana=f. the wife of a Yavana , a Greek or Muhammadan woman Ka1lid [sic]

javanI=n. salt from saline soil L

yavana=”javana”(mod.Mac)=f. fucked”

Whatever we saw above applies here too. Yavana is not derived from any Sanskrit root, it is simply an Indian adaptation of the Greek ethnonym Ionian, a man of Ionia.

What the Skopjan propagandist did was simply copy what he saw in a Sanskrit dictionary, which describes various words, not all of them connected linguistically, and all of which have different meanings:

“yavana* =1 mfn. (1. {yu}) keeping away, averting (see {dveSo-ya4vana}). //2 n. (2. {yu}) mixing, mingling (esp. with water) Nyâyam. \3 mfn. quick, swift; m. a swift horse L. (prob. w.r. for {javana}). \ = mfn. quick, swift L. (prob. w.r. for {javAna}). \4 w.r. for {paijavana} Mn. vii, 41. \ =5 m. an Ionian, Greek (or a king of the Greeks g. {kambojA7di}; in later times also a Muhammadan or European, any foreigner or barbarian) Mn. MBh. &c.; N. of a caste Gaut. (accord. to L. ” the legitimate son of a Kshatriya and a Vais’yâ or ” an Ugra who is an elephant catcher “‘) of a country (= {yavana-deza}, sometimes applied to Ionia, Greece, Bactria, and more recently to Arabia) W.; wheat L.; a carrot L.; olibanum L.; pl. the Ionians, Greeks (esp. the Greek astrologers) MBh. VarBriS. &c.; N. of a dynasty Pur.; ({I}) f. the wife of a Yavana, a Greek or Muhammadan woman Kâlid. Sis’. (Yavana girls were formerly employed as attendants on kings, esp. to take charge of their bows and quivers); = {javanI}, a curtain L.; n. salt from saline soil L.

It is easy for anyone who has no knowledge of Sanskrit to realize that salt and swift horse and keeping away have little or no relation to the ethnonym Yavana describing a Greek. The fact that they sound or are even spelled the same does not mean that they are also derived from the same root.

“Lot” is an English word that describes a piece of land. Lot is a biblical Hebrew name of Semitic linguistic origin. LOT is the name of the national Polish airlines and a “lot” is a synonym of the word “many” in English: a lot of things.

The Greeks were not always one nation. Several ethne under different names made up what later on, in the Hellenistic era, after Alexander the Great helped unified them as the nation of the Hellenes.

The earliest recorded Greeks were the Danaoi/Δαναοί and the Achaeans/Αχαιοί. Later on history encounters also the Dorians/Δωριείς, the Graikoi/Γραικοί, the Hellenes/΄Ελληνες, the Aeolians/Αιολείς and the Ionians/Ίωνες.

The name Greeks is not how Greeks call themselves now. For self identification Greeks now (as in classical antiquity) use the name Hellenes/ Έλληνες. In most Western European languages the Greeks are named by one of the multiple derivatives of the ancient Greek ethnonym Γραικοί/Graecoi:

Grecs, Greci, Greeks, Griegos, Grci, etc. In the languages of the near East, on the other hand, Greeks are named from words derived from the ethnonym Iones/Ίωνες: Yunan, Yavan, Yavana, Yunani, Yauna, etc.

Ionia/Ἰωνία or Ἰωνίη was the Greek western part of Asia Minor, which is now part of the Aegean coast of Turkey, around the city of Smyrna/Σμύρνη/Izmir.

The meaning of the name Ionia/Ἰωνία is vague and unknown and neither linguists (Pokorny, Georgiev) nor Historians or Classical philologists that have tackled it have been able to reach an acceptable etymology. Several Hellenic and other Indo-European etymologies have been suggested but hitherto Ionia defies easy decipherment. I might as well be an ancient, pre-Hellenic toponym.

Again, the propagandist continues, misquoting a Sanskrit dictionary, supposedly that Yavana (Ionia) is derived from a “PIE base” (whatever that means):


from PIE base (Sanscrit)” [sic], [clearly a false statement: M.E.B.]

and continues with the copied entry:

“yavanadeza=m. the country of the Yavanas (-ja),mfn. growing or produced in the country of the YñYavanas Bhpr,mfn. born in the cñcountry of the YñYavanas , Pra7yas3c.”

This is in fact correct, Yavanadeza means Greece in Sanskrit:

What is interesting though is the fact that the only Greeks that the Indians ever came in contact with were the Greek army of Alexander the Great, and then the Greek kingdoms that sprang after Alexander´s empire was split into its components parts. One of these component parts was the Macedonian kingdom of Bactria, one of the later known Indo-Greek kingdoms of what is now Afghanistan, Pakistan and Northwest India. After the Greek kingdoms were overtaken by the Skyths, around 30BC, the Indians lost contact with the Greeks but still remembered them as their conquerors from the West. Centuries later, they mis-identified the attacking Arabs as Greeks, hence:

“of a country (= {yavana-deza}, sometimes applied to Ionia, Greece, Bactria, and more recently to Arabia)”, Sanskrit-English Dictionary,

Having seen what the ancient Indians thought of the ethnicity of the Macedonians who conquered them, let us see what another ancient nation, the Hebrews thought of the Macedonians and their relation to the other Greeks:

“In the Table of Nations in Genesis 10.1-32, which lists the descendants of Noah and the nations they founded, the Greeks appear under the name “Yavan,” who is a son of Yaphet. Yavan is parallel with the Greek word, “Ionia,” the Greek region of Asia Minor; “Yaphet” is parallel with the Greek word, “Iapetus,” who is the mythological father of Prometheus in Greek legend. Two other Greek nations appear in the table: Rhodes (Rodanim) and Cyprus (Kittim and Elishah). The sons of Shem, brother to Yaphet, are the Semitic (named after Shem) nations, including the Hebrews. Imagine, if you will, the Hebrew vision of history. At some point, in the dim recesses of time, after the world had been destroyed by flood, the nations of the earth were all contained in the three sons of Noah. Their sons and grandsons all knew one another, spoke the same language, ate the same mails, worshipped the same god. How odd and unmeasurably strange it must have been, then, when after an infinite multitude of generations and millenia of separation, the descendants of Yavan moved among the descendants of Shem!

They came unexpectedly. After two centuries of serving as a vassal state to Persia, Judah suddenly found itself the vassal state of Macedonia, a Greek state. Alexander the Great had conquered Persia and had, in doing so, conquered most of the world. For most of the world belonged to Persia; in a blink of an eye, it now fell to the Greeks.

This great Greek empire would last no longer than Alexander’s brief life; after his death, altercations between his generals led to the division of his empire among three generals. One general, Antigonus and then later Ptolemy, inherited Egypt; another, Seleucus, inherited the Middle East and Mesopotamia. After two centuries of peace under the Persians, the Hebrew state found itself once more caught in the middle of power struggles between two great empires: the Seleucid state with its capital in Syria to the north and the Ptolemaic state, with its capital in Egypt to the south. Once more, Judah would be conquered first by one, and then by the other, as it shifted from being a Seleucid vassal state to a Ptolemaic vassal state. Between 319 and 302 BC, Jerusalem changed hands seven times.”

At some point, the partially educated propagandist is adding to the confusion by claiming that the word Ionian is related to horses:


Ionians=(Hi-yanians or yavanians = horse tribes)

(Hi-yanians = Ionian sea)

Hi = horse, singular.

Hiyan = pleural.

Pa = chief.

Ira = earth.

Yavan or hiyan = swift horse

I was wondering where on earth he came up with these unsubstantiated ramblings. It did not take much time for me to find out the source of these farcical claims. I found it:

THE ORIGIN OF GREECE (Family Letter from an Awakened Hindu)

Ionians. =(Hi-yanians or yavanians = horse tribes) (Hi-

yanians = Ionian sea) Hi = horse, singular. Hiyan

pleural. Pa = chief. Ira = earth. Yavan or hiyan = swift


The man who wrote these is a certain Dr. Sharad Wagle, a Medocal Doctor, (Psychiatrist, Psychosomaticist) from New Jersey, USA.

Even this good doctor though is accepting the fact that: “The identification of Yavana and Ionia is well known…”. His only problem is the fact that he raises a claim that Greeks came to Greece from India, and that Ionia got its name from Greek horse tribes originally from India. The fact that a Skopjan pseudo-Makedonist ultranationalist is adopting wholesale such an unsubstantiated theory furnished not by a historian but a psychiatrist is sheer lunacy. Here it is where Dr. Sharad Wagle´s real professional psychiatric services are urgently in need. A trip in Skopje would make Dr. Sharad Wagle a very busy man indeed. Starting from such pseudo-academic charlatans as Tendov and Boshevski who “translated” the Egyptian Demotic text of the Rosetta Stone using the Slavomakedonski dialect of FYROM, going to the pseudo-historian Aleksandar Donski who reads Slavomacedonian names in ancient Thrace, Illyria and Macedonia, then moving to the restauranteur Vasil Ilyov who claims to have translated Neolithic lithographs using the Cyrilic alphabet and the Bulgarian dialect spoken in FYROM, the list is endless. There are aspiring writers like the so-called Petrus Invictus, aka Pero Sardzoski, who has “proved” that Homer was simply a copycat of earlier Slavonic poems of Bronze age Macedonia.

Anyone with a lunatic theory pertaining to Greece or Macedonia that openly insults the Greeks or makes claims to the Slavic roots of ancient Macedonia is welcome to join the swelling ranks of club “Paranoia Skopjana – Pseudohistoria Absurda”. Martin Bernal, the Sinologist turned-“Classicist” (who speaks Chinese but neither Greek nor Latin), author of Black Athena (voted as the 8th “worse book of the 20th century”) saw the translation of his discredited book into Slavomacedonian (in the only one of the Slavic languages that found a willing editor to do so) and was awarded to become “Senator Makedonski” in Skopje, in the summer of 2009. Can you cook up some gene theory which “proves” that the Slovenomakedonci are autochthonous to the Balkans while the Greeks are invaders from sub-Saharan Africa, related to the Ethiopians the Faso tribesmen of West Africa and, of all people, the Japanese? (HLA genes in Macedonians and the sub-Saharan origin of the Greeks, by A. Arnaiz-Villena, K. Dimitroski, M. Blagoevska, V. Zdravkovska, etc). The parade of lunacy is enough to keep Dr. Sharad Wagle, the New Jersey Psychiatrist to contemplate opening a satellite office in Skopje and keep him for a while away from his Hindo-Hellenic theories.

It sounds funny, but it is not. The naked hypocrisy of the Skopje pseudo-Makedonists who shed crocodile tears about their imaginary “human right” to be called Macedonians is evident to anyone who sees their true ultranationalist face. The pseudo-Makedonist ideologues are not simply demanding a name-grab of the name Makedonia for their exclusive use. They also demand that the true cultural descendants of the ancient Macedonians, the Greeks of historic Macedonia (not FYROM) be stripped of their cultural and historic heritage.

They also go a step further, making a hideous assault on the Greek collective dignity too, identifying supposedly Ionia with some vulgar words in the locally spoken Bulgarian slang:


finally, we found etymology for word Yavan (greeks)

yavana=”javana”(mod.Mac)=f. fucked””

Having been dragged into this rat-filled gutter of ethnic intolerance and Nazi ideological thinking, the true nature of pseudo-Macedonism becomes apparent in all its fanatical bigotry and ugliness. They not only demand that the name Macedonia is usurped for their own exclusive use, despite and against history, geography and linguistics, but they also demand to be identified as the rightful descendants of the ancient Greek Macedonians and feverishly make irredentist claims on the Northern Greek province of Macedonia. In every breath they spit hatred, dripping fatal venom against anything Hellenic, anything of Greece or the Greeks. To anyone from outside, the repulsive and abysmal hatred of the Slavomacedonian nationalists against Greece and the Greeks, seems to be and truly is as culturally primitive as it is politically regressive, deleteriously racist and outright dangerous. In the same way that the Nazi adherents of the “sub-humanity” of the Jews the Gypsies and the Slavs ended up in their own trap becoming abhorrent sub-humans themselves, in the same way, the poison that officially and unofficially the Skopjan ethno-political nomenclatura is promoting and fermenting to be directed against Greeks and Greece is slowly eating into their own youth´s psyche, creating traumatic scars that will be with them for generations to come.

Let us now come back to where we started from, when the author informed us that we will learn about the:

“sub-Saharan-Turkish tribes which today call their self Greeks” [sic].

He idiotically led us to Naqš-i Rustam and the royal tomb of the Persian king Darius and inscription DNe which mentions the Macedonians.

On the transliterated Persian inscription DNe, “indications of people”, we read on the name of nationality #23

  1. iyam Yaunâ – 23. This is the Greek, and, more specifically the Ionian Greeks who were under the yoke of the Persian Empire.

Yaunâ is unquestionably Greek.

Further down we read in Geographic succession Going north from Ionia and crossing into Europe:

  1. iyam Sakâ paradraiya 24. This is the Scythian from across the sea.

  2. iyam Skudra 25. This is the Thracian.

Finally, on number 26 we read:

  1. iyam Yauna takabarâ 26. This is the Macedonian.

How is a Macedonian described by the Persians? Yauna takabarâ, meaning: Ionians/Greeks with Shield-shaped hats. Why did they call them Ionian/Greeks? Because the Persians were running an empire, they were not clowns, they wanted to describe everything and everyone properly, and they knew who is who and who speaks what. To the Persians, the Macedonians were not Thracians or anything else, they were speaking Greek and they were considered by their neighbors Greeks. There was one thing that they noticed different; superficial but enough to make a note of it: the wide-brimmed causia/kausia/καυσία hat of the Macedonians, protection against the heat of the sun (causis/καύσις is burning, the word “caustic´ in English is directly derived from causis: causticon). The photo of the causia- wearing Macedonian horseman in the beginning of this article is self explanatory.

Now, should anyone laugh or cry? The poor idiot tried to prove to us earlier that:

“the terms for Greek in the Irano-Semitic world Yauna (Old Iranian), Yona (Pali), Javan (Greek), Yavana (Prakrit), besides meaning barbarian or savage, [sic] are derived from the root-word yoni, meaning vagina.”[sic]”,

Supposedly it was derived from”

“PIE base (Sanscrit)[sic] yavan=a rider horseman, invader, aggressor”, etc.

He confidently assures us that in his Bulgarian idiom, the Slavomacedonian which he misnames as “Modern Macedonian” there is a word “javan” which means:

“yavan=javan-c (mod. Mac)=a rider horseman”

Now I wonder. If according to him “Yaunâ is unquestionably Greek” and “Yauna takabarâ” is “the Macedonian”, and as we know Macedonian meant the Causis-wearing Ionian, the Shield-shaped hat wearing Greek, then, having “finally, we found etymology for word Yavan (greeks)”, which means according to him:

yavan=”javan”(mod.Mac)=fucked [sic],

Naturally, someone would wonder: how would a Slavomacedonian propagandist translate literally from the Persian original the name “Yauna takabarâ” i.e. “the Macedonian” into his modern Slavo-“Makedonski” (mod.Mac) dialect? I also wonder now: what is the whole fuss, if the only difference from these despicable “barbarian” and “effeminate” “yavan=Javan” is just a (shield-shaped) hat?

It seems to me that the poisonous snake in its apparent eagerness to spread its deleterious venom ended up biting its own tail.

As the Greeks would say: Ανοιξε μόνος του τον τάφο του-He dug his own grave!…then jumped in it!

The example of the 1930´s German Nazis bend on dehumanizing their enemy other, the untermenschen / subhuman Jews, Gypsies and Eastern Slavs, ending up themselves dehumanized in the most grotesque way, should be a lesson for any and all extreme nationalist bigots polluting the Balkans with irrationality, ethnic hate and cultural intolerance.


By “Skopjan” we define not the inhabitants of the city of Skopje, nor the people of the former Yugoslav Republic of Makedonija, but the irredentist, ethnic-engineering and history-falsifying policies emanating from the ultra-nationalist regime of Skopje and the propagandists in their (usually paid) service.


The first thing that someone with even elementary knowledge of Greek would ask, after reading this article would be: “Why on earth did you spend so much time writing it? What is the point of answering every lunacy coming out of Skopje?”. This is a valid question, and many people asked me already the same question for similar articles. Truly, why should anyone spend ink and time defending the self-evident truth? Honestly, the more valid question, which they should be asking, should be not why I am writing these rebuttals, but WHY ARE THE SKOPJANS WRITING THEIR OUTLANDISH BOGUS THEORIES, to begin with! And why is Mr. George Soros spending his billions promoting the fake and fraudulent pseudo-makedonism:

There is a huge, well-oiled and paid organized propaganda industry supporting and bolstering pseudo-makedonism, the vast extent of which anyone can recognize in an quick instant by doing an internet search for anything “Macedonian”, anywhere in the internet, where someone would be looking up something or anything about Macedonia, Macedonian History, Macedonian Culture, Macedonian language, Alexander the Great, Philip II, etc, etc. Everywhere you look up the internet is polluted by a virtual tsunami of outrageously scatological in quality products of hideous, truth-twisting propaganda which passes itself as casually “impartial” information. The (admittedly idiotic) “teatar from tron” article at hand about the supposed “Macedonian Theater” is but a drop in the ocean, just one of thousands out there. I myself admit feeling like an idiot many times, trying to defend the self evident against vicious by the BIG LIE perpetrators, spending untold hours doing the research to answer what is clear and obvious, but still, I believe that truth needs to document itself against falsehood. I find the strength to continue exposing deception and fake arguments in the same way that a lawyer needs to expose defamation to defend someone whose name has been tarnished has been hideous slanders and libel. Greeks or Greek-speaking persons can smell such pseudo-linguistic and pseudo-historian rotten fish from a mile, because they know Greek, and most of them know Greek history too. For them it is easy to spot the eye-popping, gutter-quality fraudulent fallacies that are being mass-produced daily and in untold qualities in Skopje. The obvious reason, for me is that the pseudo-Makedonists are not here to convince the Greeks. They know better than that and anyway, very few people, comparatively, speak Greek in this world anyway. The BIG LIE propaganda from Skopje is directed towards the wide world audience, the unsuspecting millions who have little or no knowledge of the bloody details of the Macedonian Issue, and most have little or no knowledge of ancient, medieval or modern European history and Balkan history in particular. To them I ask that if they want to be on the side of history and impartiality, then they should at least look up and read the letter that the 200 Classical Scholars from around the world sent to the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama:


http://my. opera. com/ancientmacedonia/blog/sub-saharan-turkish-tribes-which-today-call-their-self-greeks-have-not-ethymolog

http://www.livius. org/aa-ac/achaemenians/DNc-e.html#DNe

http://www.srimadbhagavatam. org/downloads/SanskritDictionary.html

http://alt.nntp2http. com/history/2006/12/94299bd99900c41d0546772b0fa0d660.html


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