Remember Mr. Cater's comments from Etidorhpa? Stick with it and read all the way down, the punchline comes at the end. And don’t be proud; you could learn a lot from a dummy (me), and from Cater, Dino Kraspedon and Daniel Ross.
"It is important at this stage to mention a book concerning the
hollow Earth, the finest that has yet been written. It not only
contains more important factual information than any other book, but
also goes far beyond them in other respects. This great book probably
contains more profound metaphysical and scientific truths than any
other book written up to the present. The book is entitled Etidorhpa
and was first published in 1895. Some books are written in the form
of a novel in order to present certain ideas or truths without
inviting undue -attack from various quarters. Etidorhpa is considered
by most to be a science fiction book. Any intelligent and discerning
reader realizes that it isn't."
I am posting this in relation, of course, to the recently posted
comments from Chapter 16 of Etidorhpa, where The Guide speaks about the nature of sunlight passing through the atmosphere.
"The child ignorant of letters wonders at the resources of those
who can spell and read, and, in like manner, many obscure natural
phenomena are marvelous to man only because of his ignorance. You do
not comprehend the fact that sunlight is simply a matter-bred
expression, an outburst of interrupted energy, and that the
modification this energy undergoes makes it visible or sensible to
man. What, think you, becomes of the flood of light energy that
unceasingly flows from the sun? For ages, for an eternity, it has
bathed this earth and seemingly streamed into space, and space it
would seem must have long since have been filled with it, if, as men
believe, space contains energy of any description. Man may say the
earth casts the amount intercepted by it back into space, and yet
does not your science teach that the great bulk of the earth is an
absorber, and a poor radiator of light and heat? What think you, I
repeat, becomes of the torrent of light and heat and other forces
that radiate from the sun, the flood that strikes the earth? It
disappears, and, in the economy of nature, is not replaced by any
known force or any known motion of matter. Think you that earth
substance really presents an obstacle to the passage of the sun's
energy? Is it not probable that most of this light producing essence,
as a subtle fluid, passes through the surface of the earth and into
its interior, as light does through space, and returns thence to the
sun again, in a condition not discernible by man?"
“He grasped my arm and squeezed it as though to emphasize the
words to follow. ´You have used the term sunshine freely; tell me what is sunshine? Ah! you
do not reply; well, what evidence have you to show that sunshine
(heat and light ) is not earth-bred, a condition that exists locally
only, the result of contact between matter and some unknown force
expression? What reason have you for accepting that, to other forms
unknown and yet transparent to this energy, your sunshine may not be as intangible as the ether of space is to man? What reason have you to believe that a force torrent is not circulating to and from the
sun and earth, inappreciable to man, excepting the mere trace of this force which, modified by contact action with matter appears as heat, light, and other force expressions? How can I, if this is true, in
consideration of your ignorance, enter into details explanatory of
the action that takes place between matter and a portion of this
force, whereby in the earth, first at the surface, darkness is
produced, and then deeper down an earth light that man can perceive by the sense of sight, as you now realize? I will only say that this luminous appearance about us is produced by a natural law, whereby the flood of energy, invisible to man, a something clothed now under the name of darkness, after streaming into the crust substance of the earth, is at this depth, revivified, and then is made apparent to mortal eye, to be modified again as it emerges from the opposite earth crust, but not annihilated. For my vision, however, this central light is not a necessity; my physical and mental development is such that the energy of darkness is communicable; I can respond to its touches on my nerves, and hence I can guide you in this dark cavern. I am all eye.´"
What the Guide is saying is that the Sun's rays go through some kind of transformation when they reach the atmosphere and pass on through the Earth's shell.
Mr. Cater describes the above process in a more technical way.
He explains that aggragates of photons, comparable to marbles, jumble and stick together to form what he calls soft particles, comparable to bowling balls. It is in this form that sunlight passes through the Earth’s shell, and for this reason indiscernible to our eyes. The photons now form part of a larger particle which we cannot see, whgich Cater calls soft particles. When these soft particles break up due to friction, they emit photons of light. The photons of light are only visible, though, when they are broken up and loose. Not when they are stuck together to form larger particles.
From Mr. Cater's book, first page of Chapter Four:
"The law of redistribution of energy, not stated in any textbooks,
plays a vital role in the benefits any planet receives from a sun.
Briefly, it states that when radiant electromagnetic energy interacts
with matter, the resulting radiation as a whole is of a lower
frequency than the original light. So the photons, when they break loose due to friction and manifest as light, have passed down from a higher frequency to the frequencies that we can see, between violet and red. In the case of The Green Children of Wolfpitte, the redistribution to the lower frequency in the visible range has ben lowered down to Green:
The redistribution law is still only a special case of a more general
law which states that energy, regardless of form, can only flow
downhill or from a higher potential to a lower one. The famous second law of thermodynamics is a special case of this law.
The law of redistribution of energy accounts for temperatures at
lower elevations being generally greater than at the higher
altitudes (It is hotter in Death Valley, which is below sea level). As the radiant energy from the Sun passes through the
atmosphere, increasing portions of the light are transformed into
lower frequencies such as red and even infrared, which activates the thermal motion of atoms and molecules, and produces heat. This process continues downward below the surface” [such as Hell is depicted as being hot – my comment, Dean].
Dino Kraspedon also mentions the process in a simpler way in his book My Contact with Flying Saucers, page 120:
"Q: Some people say that the heat observed on Earth comes to us from the Sun. Is there any truth in this?
A: Heat comes from the Sun, but in the form of high frequency waves, which are then transformed into heat waves. This transformation takes place in the atmosphere of the planets. They do not come from the Sun in the form of heat because heat will not travel through a vacuum. Even the heat on the Sun is bearable, it is merely a field in which electrical forces operate."
What to speak of Daniel Ross in UFOs and the Complete Evidence from Space, page 58:
"We know that the Sun's energy is not transmitted in the form of
heat and light, but as an invisible spectrum of electromagnetic
energy. The sun's electromagnetic energy does not manifest itself as heat and light until it penetrates a planetary atmosphere. And since this radiation from the Sun is not appreciably reduced in its travel through outer space, the four inner planets receive similar amounts of energy in their respective orbits. The surface conditions on each planet would be dependent on the atmospheric shell, and the gravitational and magnetic fields surrounding the planet, and not on its relative distance from the Sun."
Posted by Dean