Special Earth Core Theory (S.E.C.T.) - Part 2

Folks , this post was so long that it exceeded the size limit of MindReach :)) . So I just broke off the last few paragraphs and am posting it as Part 2 of this same topic !


Ice Ages and the Melting Ice Caps

According to S.E.C.T the polar ice caps are melting due to the observable secular variation and the westward drift in direct connection with the ecliptic angle. Due to the polarization of the Earth’s crust by the magnetic field it has been noticed that the poles have changed position, relative to the surface, at least 200 times since geological history began over 100,000 years ago. (The last magnetic pole was situated in the Hudson Bay latitude 60° north and 83 ° west longitude.) The pole seems to have moved to its present position in the middle of the Arctic Ocean gradually beginning around 25,000 years ago and finally settling into its present position around 13,000 years ago.

Since this time the Earth has been in a relatively calm interstadial period. On the other hand the later phases of the Paleolithic Age (15,000 B.C to 10,000 B.C) were characterized by erratic climate conditions as the ice caps over Europe retreated. This generated rainfall which allowed vegetation to revive in the more parched areas such as in Africa. In other areas ensuing droughts forced mass migrations of man and animals to more fertile areas. As of yet we have no accurate understanding of what the source of this great and sudden change in climate was. There have been various suggestions, among others, that the inclination of the Earth’s axis was greater, or that a submersion of the continents under water might have produced a marked decrease in temperature.

Interestingly the glacial age produced ice on a stupendous scale which could imply that it was preceded by heat on a stupendous scale. The sudden nature of some of these climate changes are further evidenced when we observe the extinction patterns in the last Ice Age. Here animals were frozen dead in their tracks, some in the very act of eating. Others were swept up by the hundreds of thousands (in herds) and frozen into the Upper Crust of sedimentary deposits of what was to become the frozen tundra. At the same time we discover in western North America no evidence of a natural drift deposit in the drift deposit region. This implies that some sort of sudden event occurred with no direct, or measurable, gradation period. Indeed, the drift itself has all the appearances of being the product of some sudden catastrophe.

Evidence is also suggestive of rapid geographic position changes of the oceans. On mountaintops all across the world fossilized remains of crustaceans and sea shells have been uncovered. This evidence presupposes that magnetic anomalies do have a direct effect on Climate Change. I have therefore concluded that the sudden onset of Ice Ages is a direct result of some sort of electromagnetic fluctuation. This electromagnetic instability is sufficient to account for many extinction level events and climatic catastrophes one observes in the geological records.


Current models based on the “General Circulation Model”, or GCM, generates scenarios of climate change rarely longer than a century. The reliance upon GCM generated scenarios may have constrained theories that exclude these longer-term issues of climate change. Thus ideas of ‘A brupt and Smooth’ climate change have been predominantly held within a centuries boundary.

Despite this narrow window of climatic observation, studies in ice cores have accumulated a significant amount of knowledge which show direct evidence of very large and quite sudden changes in climate . “For example, Ice core records have shown that the mean annual temperature in the North Atlantic region has changed by as much as 10° or 20° over periods as short as a few decades , that is, within one human lifetime (e.g, La Salle, 1993). In some periods, the climate undergoes such changes several times, as if oscillating between two different states before settling into one for a longer period.” (Steffen 2001, 4th Annual IPCC.)

Evidently this oscillation cycle has some measure of periodicity even if it is not well understood at the present. And although the current trend is to view these sudden changes in climate as anthropogenic , the majority of these historical climate records preclude any supposed direct human activity. In this setting it is difficult to imagine how any modern society could survive the kinds of changes recorded in say, the Greenland migrations and extinctions. These facts are conclusive and unquestionable.

However, what is not so conclusive are the direct driving mechanisms of so-called Climate Change. If, as estimates reveal, several watts of energy over every square meter were taken away in the Ice ages, what kind of mechanism could have caused this on a global scale? The typical Azazel is quite often remarked to be a change brought about in the Earth’s atmosphere due to exacerbated volcanic activity. Yet scientists have been unable to show how minimal amounts of potential cooling could have excited the actual onset of such a large-scale and protracted worldwide event. Most predictive models only show several tenths of a degree in temperature change sustained over only a few years of time.

Other explanations for Ice Ages deal with orbital eccentricity and variations of solar induction at the equator and the poles, however, these atmospheric gas concentrations that are used to substantiate this are effects –not causes. A causal basis for Ice Ages needs to be able to explain a marked decrease in these gas concentrations which would include an orbital eccentricity and variation of solar induction as it relates to a proper view of earth core dynamics. There have been many exceptional historical climate periods which also showed no significant increases in greenhouse gas concentrations, and this during a time of no apparent human activities. For an explanation about the sudden onset of Ice Ages to be viable it should be able to sufficiently account for both periods of oscillations traced out by the IPCC.

Ozone Holes

One of the more controversial studies of Climate Change concerns the development of so-called Ozone holes. The methodology ascribed to investigative techniques, similar to the other greenhouse gases, deals primarily with human activity. Here we will discuss an alternative approach to understanding why ozone depletion is so significant in the polar regions.

Atmospheric ozone plays an important role in limiting potentially life-threatening ultraviolet radiation by absorbing its harmful rays. In the lower stratosphere it also absorbs upwelling infrared radiation being emitted by the Earth’s surface. It is in fact partly due to this interaction that the temperature distribution is more smooth in the stable layers of the stratosphere. One finds then an intimate connection between Ozone and lower atmosphere temperatures. (Crutzen, 2004)

Now, while this temperature stability is significant for life to develop as it does it also plays a role in radicalizing chemical stability and other layers of the upper atmosphere. Currently it is understood that UV radiation with a wavelength of about 335 nanometers is capable of splitting an ozone molecule into an oxygen molecule and an excited oxygen atom. This oxygen has enough energy to react with the atmosphere water vapor to produce hydroxyl radicals, OH. (Levi, 1971).

This chemical reaction is written as;

R19 O3 + hv → O+ O2 (<335 nm)

R2 O† + H2O →ZOH

*(h is Planck’s Constant and v is a photon frequency)

Different gases in the atmosphere are then able to absorb other radiated wavelengths such as oxygen and nitrogen which can absorb up to 249 nm. Through the process of what is called, ‘ oxygen photolysis’ , solar ultraviolet radiation of wavelengths less than 240 nm generate stratospheric Ozone. (Photolysis of O2 produces 2 oxygen atoms which combine with an oxygen molecule to form Ozone, Chapman, 1930.) Originally such a process was believed to be uninfluenced by human activity. By the same token the reverse process of ozone deformation was also largely believed to be independent of human activity. That is until Crutzen in 1970 hypothesized the chemical destruction of Ozone through NO and NO2. The following year in 1971 Johnson and Crutzen independently proposed Nitric Oxide emissions could destroy Ozone. A few years later Molina and Rowland (1974) also hypothesized that Cl and ClO released into the atmosphere from the photochemical decay of chlorofluorocarbon gases (CFC13 and CF2) could possibly deplete Ozone by a similar chain of catalytic reactions.

Based upon these four lionized special interest studies the basic framework for further investigative techniques were layed down. Since the banning of CFCs the human consumption rate has dwindled to almost nothing, yet one still observes a dramatic increase in the deformation process of Ozone. Couple this together with the fact that the Ozone holes are prominently discovered in the least likely of places and we have all the makings of a scientific hoopla.

Up until 1985 it was believed that Ozone destruction would primarily occur over the equatorial latitude range of 30-45 kilometers, however, it was observed at the same time by researchers at the British Antarctic Survey, (Farman, et al., 1985) that the most dramatic ozone decreases were occurring during September to October, primarily in the lower layers of the stratosphere over Antarctica. This finding was, according to Crutzen, “totally unexpected”. (2004)

While most scientists who study atmospheric conditions utilize complicated chemical reactions to describe such deformations in polar areas, I believe they are overlooking one important aspect of such depletion (despite the banning of industrial Cl and Br containing gases), which is a combination feedback loop, not of extraneous gas forcing into the atmosphere, but of the waning magnetic field. Now according to the Encyclopedia Britannica, “The existence of the magnetosphere has in all likelihood played a fundamental role in determining the nature of the Earths atmosphere and therefore in the development of life”. (Encyclopedia Britannica, ‘The Earth’, 2007)

Such a waning magnetic field would have dramatic consequences and could be a causal basis for such a depletion of Ozone, “Exactly in the part of the stratosphere the furthest away from the industrial world, and exactly in that altitude region at which until about 1980 maximum concentrations of ozone had always been found, mainly during the month of September…” (Ibid)

13,000 years ago the Ice Age ended abruptly…with devastating and highly erratic climatic events. This may ultimately be a warning that such a transition is once again occurring. All the signs are here, and we may in fact be witnessing an electromagnetically defined cyclical transition between two overall cooling and heating scenarios. If so, as we approach the apogee, the balance of the earth that we so heavily rely upon may destabilize, initiating a series of climatic domino effects. The critical point appears to be the waning field and the eventual collapse of the magnetosphere .

Food for thought…

The burden of this paper thus far has been to convince my readers of the possibility that the earth core is not solid. At the same time I’ve asked you to consider that planets and stars are not gravitationally bound , hence ideas concerning density, mass, and planetary coupling need to be reexamined under consideration of the simple parameters setup in S.E.C.T, quantum core geometry and planetary distance parameters defined by harmonic frequencies. By considering the possibility that the earth core density is charge density, and that prophylactic electromagnetic torsional rotations are causations determining magnetospheric and ionosphere flux, we are able to provide sufficient evidence opening up discussions for further scientific inquiry, and at the same time provide answers to the perplexing anomalies created by adopting a presupposed gravitational constraint. At the same time we are able to allow scientific inquiry to take its natural course unfettered by lobbyists and special interest groups with deep rooted political ties and an elitist bent.