Some New Info on the |Pied Piper


I have come across info on the Pied Piper which is new to me.

I already knew that the children were enchanted and led to a mountain or hill outside of town, and that the piper played a certain sequence on his flute and a sliding wall suddenly opened, whereupon the children entered and the door slid down and closed behind the group. The lame boy who was limpimg from behind, and saw from a distance, reported all this.

But the following narration tells, from documents, that they passed through the West Gate of town and came shortly to a "mountain" (hill?) which opened up, et cetera. Even today,the limits of the old part of town must be known, or even most likely preserved. This means that from the old town gate, a person would only have to look out towards the nearest big hill.

But the narration also tells that they went to a place called Calvary, which is where executions used to take place, at the base of a big hill.

So it shouldn'r be too hard to find out where the mountainside is (which has a huge sliding door), covered over with foilage. I'm sure that these traditional places must be known.

I'll try to find something out on Google maps. You all can look, too.



I'm thinking that the entrance is hidden, that it looks like the side of a hill/mountain with no visible entrance, but if someone goes to the west of town and sees a hill or mountain, it seems to be to be a good bet that that's where the kids went.


Yes, and that hill is probably right in the middle of modern Hamlin. It is the best place to hide something, right in front of our faces.


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Being in that town, and realizing that, I think I would feel really creeped out. I'm not a kid, so I'm probably safe, but still . . . .

New YOrkers have reported run-ins with undergrond creatures in the tunnel systems below. Some of them are in disuse.


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That's interesting.

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