Some Interesting Objects on The Moon


I have just spent the last three nights under a clear sky observing The Moon. When you observe The Moon, some things jump out at you that photos and drawings don't always show.

The whole Rukl Atlas of The Moon is on a wikipedia page. Click on Image 44, please.ükl_Index_Map

Look at where it says (Crater) Muller at the center-right. And look at that string of craters just off to the left. In that region, there are 2 or 3 strings of craters like that. It may not be obvious from the atlas drawing, but visually they seem to be of identical diameter, curvature, equidistant from each other, and aligned in a very, very straight row. There are five such craters that almost touch each other, then a space, then 3 more such craters following the same line, and then another but larger crater. Mother nature doesn't do linear things like that, and she doesn't do that repeating the same string of craters more than once in the same region.

You know, there are people that get degrees in astronomy and never question such things. And if you confront them, they will even give you ludicrous, fanatic answers.

All one has to do is look and a persone will think "A strong of identical craters like that isn't natural, it is an artificial artifact".

But some people study, and then fool themselves.

I'll have another one later on, or tomorrow.

The Rukl Atlas of The Moon can be downloaded from SCRIBD.
