Size of the Earth

I've been binge-watching this man's videos. Essentially, he debunks flat earth and those who believe we never went to the Moon, but he teaches so much more than that.

In this video I'm sharing, he talks about the size of the earth - and that we really don't realize how huge it really is. When he talked about the depth of the oceans (and even if you put the deepest part of the ocean next to Mt. Everest), and how tiny that would be next to a globe, I thought of this forum.

How can people think this globe is too small to have an inner sun and a whole "planet" full of people on the inside? The earth is so huge they wouldn't feel like they are in a concave place! It is so huge that it is probably big enough to be like nesting dolls! - though I don't think it is.

When I try to upload it, I keep getting a notification that this site will not upload videos over 100 mb, but it is only 32.7 mb!!

Anyway, here is the link to the video on YT.
The huge size of the earth link.

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@SilverMoon , the Earth is enormous in terms of it's 3 dimensional volume . The Hollow Earth occupies over 90% of Earth's volume , with the outer shell being less than 10% .

So far , it has been assumed that life on Earth exists only on it's 2-dimensional surface .

Imagine how much of life could exist inside the hollow interior ? We are just scratching the tip of the iceberg , when it comes to the whole Earth biosphere (inner Earth + outer Earth) ! Hmm :))



Sorry, I know the size limit is a little frustrating, but it's best to use or or some other similar service to share video backups at the moment.

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@Soretna , thanks for sharing .



I was uploading it from my computer, and the computer said it was a lot smaller than this site said was the limit, so that was frustrating.

I looked, and I have that first one bookmarked. :grin: But, like I said, I was uploading from my computer and hoped it would work.

Sadly there is a setting issue with the caching system that is incongruent with the forum settings themselves. I simply have not felt like resolving the other since we don't necessarily want to encourage large-ish uploads... :confounded: Storage on this platform is at somewhat of a premium at present and until we start doing fund raising and other activities, hosting this system is entirely a labor of love. Things might be able to be changed a little if we could get some donations going at some point - the donations are definitely needed either way you slice it to be frank.

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It's rough running a site, to be sure. I wish I had enough $ to help you.

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I thought this update from Ruud Loeffen was apropos on the size of Earth and his continuous creation perspective:

Subject: A Triptych on Continuous Creation: A New Perspective in Cosmology

Dear colleagues and friends.

I like to share with you a series of publications, collectively titled "A Triptych on Continuous Creation," which present a new perspective in cosmology. These works delve into the Cosmic Influx Theory (CIT), offering innovative insights that challenge traditional cosmological models. In this file Introducing the Cosmic Influx Theory (CIT) you find the presented triptych.

These 3 articles explore how the dynamics of energy influx and mass-energy increase integrate with traditional concepts of gravity and cosmic expansion. Notably, CIT has the potential to rehabilitate early researchers' theories on Earth expansion and expansion tectonics. It is a follow up theory of Le Sage's Push Gravity and many other theories that include an ether-like medium causing Gravity. CIT could rehabilitate the early researchers on Earth Expansion and Expansion Tectonics.

Quoted from ChatGPT, Loeffen R. (2024 ChatGPT

The Cosmic Influx Theory offers a transformative perspective on cosmology and fundamental physics. By introducing the concept of a continuous cosmic influx of energy and matter, it provides new explanations for longstanding anomalies and opens up new avenues for research. The collaboration with ChatGPT has been instrumental in developing a robust and coherent theoretical framework, demonstrating the potential for AI-assisted scientific discovery."

You may also be interested in the Continuous Creation Community on Zenodo: Search Continuous Creation Collective
In this community, we aim to collect insights about the continuous growth of the universe, an ether-like energy field, and the cause of gravity. Zenodo, developed by CERN, provides a platform for collecting and sharing insights, fostering the development and attribution of new ideas. We will utilize this platform (CCC) to strengthen the conviction that mass (matter) is continuously created and growing within an expanding universe. By doing so, we aim to honor and support the numerous early researchers who dedicated significant efforts to present their groundbreaking ideas to the scientific community. Our goal is to contribute to the rehabilitation of many previously dismissed theories, leveraging new equipment, experiments, and observations, such as those provided by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), Large Hadron Collider (LHC), and Euclid Space Telescope (upcoming) to provide robust support and validation.

Please read the attached file and visit Zenodo for additional information about the Cosmic Influx Theory (CIT) and the Continuous Creation Community (CCC). If you are interested in participating in CCC, please send me an email with information about your article. With your permission I will add your article to the CCC if it aligns with the presented goals.

Best regards
Ruud Loeffen

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