List members , you may recollect that Bowhead whales which inhabit the Arctic Ocean around Greenland are also supposed to have a lifespan stretching over hundreds of , in the case of the Greenland shark , yet again we see evidence of long life spans for creatures living in the Polar regions , especially the marine creatures .
I sometimes wonder if these species of long living whales and sharks living in the Polar Oceans actually swim into the Hollow Earth (and back) during their annual migrations ?!
Folks , sample this - even amongst land animals , Polar bears , Arctic foxes and Arctic wolves are each the largest and longest living variants of their respective species . Even the Moose of the Arctic is the largest and longest living of the antelope/deer species . The Siberian tiger is the biggest of the cat family and Arctic mosquitoes too are giants compared to their tropical counterparts :))
**Coming back to the marine environment , the largest variant of the Blue Whale lives in the Antarctic waters .
***There is a clear pattern emerging here...something in the Polar environment contributes to greater body size and longer lifespan - possibly the nutrients of inner Earth coming up through the Polar openings ? for thought !