@soretna , I came across this lucid explanation for the Theory on "Continuous Creation of Matter" . You know what the best thing is about this theory - it entirely does away with the need for dark matter , dark energy and black holes , in explaining how the Universe works...it is also strangely in sync with ancient religious philosophies about the infinite age of our Cosmos :-
The Theory of Continuous Creation
We must move on to consider the explanations that have been offered for this expansion of the universe. Broadly speaking, the older ideas fall into two groups. One was that the universe started its life a finite time ago in a single huge explosion, and that the present expansion is a relic of the violence of this explosion. This big bang idea seemed to me to be unsatisfactory even before detailed examination showed that it leads to serious difficulties. For when we look at our own galaxy there is not the smallest sign that such an explosion ever occurred. But the really serious difficulty arises when we try to reconcile the idea of an explosion with the requirement that the galaxies have condensed out of diffuse background material. The two concepts of explosion and condensation are obviously contradictory, and it is easy to show, if you postulate an explosion of sufficient violence to explain the expansion of the universe, that condensations looking at all like the galaxies could never have been formed.
We come now to the second group of theories. The ordinary idea that two particles attract each other is only accepted if their distance apart is not too great. At really large distances, so the argument goes, the two particles repel each other instead. On this basis it can be shown that if the density of the background material is sufficiently small, expansion must occur. But once again there is a difficulty in reconciling this with the requirement that the background material must condense to form the galaxies.
I should like now to approach more recent ideas by describing what would be the fate of our observable universe if any of these older theories had turned out to be correct. Every receding galaxy will eventually increase its distance from us until it passes beyond the limit of the observable universe-that is to say, they will move to a distance beyond the critical limit of about two thousand million light years that I have already mentioned. When this happens, nothing that occurs within them can ever be observed from our galaxy. So if any of the older theories were right we should end in a seemingly empty universe, or at any rate in a universe that was empty apart perhaps from one or two very close galaxies that became attached to our galaxy as satellites.
Although I think there is no doubt that every galaxy we now observe to be receding from us will, in about ten thousand million years, have passed entirely beyond the limit of vision of an observer in our galaxy, yet I think that such an observer would still be able to see about the same number of galaxies as we do now. By this I mean that new galaxies will have condensed out of the background material at just about the rate necessary to compensate for those that are being lost as a consequence of their passing beyond our observable universe. At first sight it might be thought that this could not go on indefinitely because the material forming the background would ultimately become exhausted. But again, I do not believe that this is so, for it seems likely that new material is constantly being created so as to maintain a constant density in the background material. So we have a situation in which the loss of galaxies, through the expansion of the universe, is compensated by the condensation of new galaxies, and this can continue indefinitely.
The idea that matter is created continuously represents our ultimate goal in this series of lectures. The idea in itself is not new. I know of references to the continuous creation of matter that go back more than twenty years; and I have no doubt that a close inquiry would show that the idea, in its vaguest form, goes back very much further than that. What is new is that it has now been found possible to put a hitherto vague idea in a precise mathematical form. It is only when this has been done that the consequences of any physical idea can be worked out and its scientific value assessed.
Now what are the consequences of continuous creation? Perhaps the most surprising result of the mathematical theory is that the average density of the background material must stay constant. To achieve this only a very slow creation rate is necessary. The new material does not appear in a concentrated form in small localized regions but is spread throughout the whole of space. The average rate of appearance amounts to no more than the creation of one atom in the course of a year in a volume equal to St. Paul's Cathedral. As you will realize, it would be quite impossible to detect such a rate of creation by direct experiment.
But although this seems such a slow rate when judged by ordinary ideas, it is not small when you consider that it is happening everywhere in space. The total rate for the observable universe alone is about a hundred million, million, million, million, million tons per second. Do not let this surprise you because, as I have said, the volume of the observable universe is very large. It is this creation that drives the universe. The new material produces an outward pressure that leads to the steady expansion. But it does much more than that. With continuous creation the apparent contradiction between the expansion of the universe and the requirement that the background material shall be able to condense into galaxies is completely overcome. For it can be shown that once an irregularity occurs in the background material a galaxy must eventually be formed. Such irregularities are constantly being produced through the gravitational action of the galaxies themselves. So the background material must give a steady supply of new galaxies. Moreover, the created material also supplies unending quantities of atomic energy. For, by arranging that newly created material is composed of hydrogen, we explain why, in spite of the fact that hydrogen is being consumed in huge quantities in the stars, the universe is nevertheless observed to be overwhelmingly composed of it.
So we see that no large-scale changes in the universe can be expected to take place in the future. Without continuous creation the universe must evolve towards a dead state in which all the matter is condensed into a vast number of dead stars. With continuous creation, on the other hand, the universe has an infinite future in which all its present very large-scale features will be preserved.
(From The Nature of the Universe by Fred Hoyle.)