Rock Art in Caves Along Tex - Mex Border

THE OLDEST "BOOKS" IN NORTH AMERICA are the Lower Pecos River rock art sites. Along the Texas-Mexico border, hundreds of caves and sheltered areas feature pictures of colorful animals, symbols, and human-like figures which date to 4000 years ago. The images, including the famous White Shaman Mural (pictured) have been called "second to none" by renowned rock art archaeologist Jean Clottes who has also studied the cave art of Europe. The images probably involve the ritual use of peyote since they are richly mystic, and similar-aged, ground and reformulated peyote buttons have been found in some of the caves. But they're not simply the aimless product of ancient drug parties. Dr. Carolyn Boyd, who has studied the images for decades, is convinced that many were made at the same time, and they represent a unified composition or a "book." The discovery of under-drawings that laid out images before paint was applied supports this contention. Boyd thinks the pictures are directions for peyote ceremonies as well as information about ecological relationships (such as the effect of rain on animals and plant behaviors), all the while weaving myth and spirits into the story.

May be art

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And, not too far way froom the Tex - Mex border: Death Valley