I recently saw an interesting video interviewing author Len Kasten on Phenomona Magazine's channel (while looking into @Echo_on's report of the missing link from @deandddd's earlier share here) and it got me looking more into Robert Morning Sky and his claims/remarks/papers. I would like to get community members' thoughts and input on some things.
First, just for thoroughness, here's a link to the video that started me down this consideration of Robert Morning Sky in the first place (even though I'd heard of him previously and his works more cursorily):
(YouTube Video Link)
In some research I was led to this (which is quite possibly a load of malarky itself - or at least at some level). Note, I don't really have much confidence or trust in this site, but I thought it may be worth some level of consideration of one claim that I will note following the link:
In the article you will note that the author claims that Robert Morning Sky's paper(s) is/are a hoax:
The Terra Papers HOAX!
For anyone who believes this lie yes it was made up by Robert Morning Sky.
This is one of the men who started the new age bullshit. Robert Morning Sky along with David Icke, Zecharia Sitchin, Erich Von Daniken are the creators of the worlds biggest money grabbing fraud withing ufology. They are all really wealthy men, and they have made millions off lying to people, and brain washing them with lies. This is the sad reality of ufology.
No matter what these men say it's all lies sprinkled with some common knowledge that has a nugget of truth to it so that it helps cause confusion in us. Because if we know this small nugget of info he's telling us in this grand tale then the whole thing must be true right? Wrong that's how a magician does it.. Called misdirection.
The thing that really made me think more about this topic was the fact that I'm not entirely sure if any of these guys (Robert Morning Sky, David Icke, Zecharia Sitchin, Erich Von Daniken) really strongly connect the dots with cavern world and UFOs and this gives me pause in that it is possible they were attempting to create a market. Having said that, I am not convinced that any of these guys are "REALLY WEALTHY MEN" as the author of that article claims.
Also, the old Hopi webpage (archived now from and this is from 2004) does not identify Robert Morning Sky at all in their list and so I cannot really directly equate him being a fraud based on this kind of non-sequitur logic:
I'm not really locking in on any hard evidence that Robert Morning Sky is a fraud. There is nothing that definitively proves (that I'm seeing) that he has not perhaps pulled a "William Morgan stunt" (eg, published something he was privy to that he wasn't supposed to publish or reveal). I suppose it would be beneficial to contact a Hopi authority to see if they're aware of anything.
This appears to be a (an original) 3-hour version of Robert Morning Sky's Terra Papers lecture:
(YouTube Video Link)
A quick search reveals that there are some links to the PDF of "The Terra Papers" (which I am having a hard time finding for purchase now):
- https://rdgable.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/the_terra_papers_parts_1_and_2.pdf
- https://www.jordanmaxwell.com/images/documents/the-2520terra-2520papers-2520[irm08].pdf
And some link (Archive.org):
So what do you think?
He is clearly synthesizing info from various and probably many sources, but are those sources all legitimate and is he connecting the dots properly and making correct links?
Is he missing the cavern world connection or is this incorporated into his considerations?
Is there truth here and can we take from this truth and add it to our other truths?
... what do you think?