Reptilians depicted heavily in Indonesian temple and may indicate heavy influence in humanity

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This video reveals that these demoniac species were engaged in genetic manipulation on the face of the Earth. But both Hindu as well as Christian scriptures stipulate that the demons live below the surface of the Earth. He makes repeated comments about the perpetrators of these genetic manipulations being "aliens".

It is sad because his scriptures, the Hindu acriptures, emphasize so much the existence of demons below our feet.



@Soretna , Praveen Mohan is in his element in this video !

I paid closer attention to the later part of this video which describes the wild boar - cow hybrid and the wild boar - rhino hybrid...come to think of it , possibly these same "entities" had carried out similar experiments in Africa , where the wild boar - chimpanzee hybrid gave rise to the Gorilla , a well documented hybrid species .

***Which once again brings me to that most shocking and BIZARRE amongst all these hybrid creatures - the domesticated pig , which arose as a hybrid of wild boar - human , abruptly around 10,000 B.C. This did not happen in nature but as a "genetic engineering event" which happened somewhere in the Near East , which is probably why some religions from that region forbid the consumption of pork , considering it as a form of cannibalism...?!

If you still cannot believe this indigestible truth , then see some of the latest trends from the cutting edge of genetic science and the fact that Monsanto was trying to patent the genome of the domesticated pig (only) . They did not make so many efforts to patent the genome of any other creature . Fortunately , Monsanto's DIABOLICAL request for patenting the domesticated pig genome was turned down . If they had succeeded in their SINISTER project though , then they would be effectively patenting the human genome itself , through the back door via this hybrid creature - the humble domesticated pig !



A cannibalistic tribe in the South Pacific , used to call humans as "long pig" because human flesh tasted like pork to them - scary stuff :-


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That is a common reference and "joke" I have heard throughout my life when folks start to talk about starvation and such.......

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Reptiles are from down below. They might be from other places, too, but they are from down below.

And they didn't walk to the surface to carry out their deeds.

The underground origins of UFOs: