Planetary Distances and International Coverup

LIst Members,

Well, I have recently been reading Mr. Cater's book The Ultimate Reality, specifically Chapter 15 on astronomy. He argues and justifies that therre is refraction of light in outer space and that the planetary distances are actually much closer to each other, and that the stars are not as far away as they seem.

This fact also bearly squarely on the calculations that have been presented to us in relation to planetary diameters and sizes.

Now, the astronauts have been to The Moon. Perhaps not in the way that they would have us believe but, to make a long story short, they went there. And all of the major powers-that-be on the face of the Earth - such as the USA, Russia, China, the European Space agency countries and India - know what the true distances and sizes are.

And they all keep each others secrets, so to speak, and this is so even though there are mutually inimical countries among them. So how can this be? The Russians have killed more than 1/2 million Ukrainians who are acting as proxies for the USA and western Europe, both sides are posturing for nuclear war. The Russians know enough about the true nature of the Apollo missions to embarass the USA so badly that the USA would end up seeming like untouchable outcastes, worse than dogs, lower than Mata Hari type street whores. But nobody comes out with the truth.

Are they all in cahoots? Is the war posturing fakery?
