Our Attacks against Cavern Worlds Below

List Members,

Do you think that we never bomb or carry out attacks against cavern worlds in the crust? We do!

Know that, although the force of the explosion may not collapse the cavern world, there will be a shower of nuclear radiation that passes through it and ... kills eveyone there, I suppose.

Perhaps they would do it to us if they could?


"It is not hard to conclude that a purpose of these military resevations is to prohibit entry to the general population. It is also not hard to conclude that the underground nuclear testing which took place in the 1970s had the purpose of imploding and destroying some of those worlds from above. These would be the underworlds of the Apache."

The page is a short read, and don't forget to clik on the Hindu Kush page.

Learn to interpret world events in the light of the fact that there are inner worlds below us. This adds a whole new facet.
