Here you have it! The only testimony from somone who claimed to have spent some time there.
_The Smokey God.PDF (85.7 KB)
Here you have it! The only testimony from somone who claimed to have spent some time there.
_The Smokey God.PDF (85.7 KB)
Wouldn't it be nice to get past the ice barrier, the neck of the
opening, and wander one's way into the tropical, hollow cavity?
"Suddenly we were frightened almost out of our wits by hearing in the far distance the singing of people. Very soon thereafter we discovered a huge ship gliding down the river directly toward us. Those aboard were singing in one mighty chorus that, echoing from bank to bank, sounded like a thousand voices, filling the whole universe with quivering melody. The accompaniment was played on stringed instruments not unlike our harps. It was a larger ship than any we had ever seen, and was differently constructed. At this particular time our sloop was becalmed, and not far from the shore. The bank of the river, covered with mammoth trees, rose up several hundred feet in beautiful fashion. We seemed to be on the edge of some primeval forest that doubtless stretched far inland. The immence craft paused, and almost immediately a boat was lowered and six men of gigantic stature rowed to our little fishing-sloop. They spoke to us in a strange language. We knew from their manner, however, that they were not unfriendly. They talked a great deal among themselves, and one of them laughed immoderately, as though in finding us a queer discovery had been made."
_The Smokey God.PDF (85.7 KB)
At this particular time our sloop was becalmed, and not far from the shore. The bank of the river, covered with mammoth trees, rose up several hundred feet in beautiful fashion. We seemed to be on the edge of some primeval forest that doubtless stretched far inland.
The immense craft paused, and almost immediately a boat was lowered and six men of gigantic stature rowed to our little fishing-sloop. They spoke to us in a strange language. We knew from their manner, however, that they were not unfriendly. They talked a great deal among themselves, and one of them laughed immoderately, as though in finding us a queer discovery had been made. One of them spied our compass, and it seemed to interest them more than any other part of our sloop.
Finally, the leader motioned as if to ask whether we were willing to leave our craft to go on board their ship. "What say you, my son?" asked my father. "They cannot do any more than kill us."
"They seem to be kindly disposed," I replied, "although what terrible giants! They must be the select six of the kingdom's crack regiment. Just look at their great size."
"We may as well go willingly as be taken by force," said my father, smiling, "for they are certainly able to capture us." Thereupon he made known, by signs, that we were ready to accompany them.
Within a few minutes we were on board the ship, and half an hour later our little fishing-craft had been lifted bodily out of the water by a strange sort of hook and tackle, and set on board as a curiosity.
There were several hundred people on board this, to us, mammoth ship, which we discovered was called "The Naz," meaning, as we afterward learned, "Pleasure," or to give a more proper interpretation, "Pleasure Excursion" ship.
If my father and I were curiously observed by the ship's occupants, this strange race of giants offered us an equal amount of wonderment.
There was not a single man aboard who would not have measured fully twelve feet in height. They all wore full beards, not particularly long, but seemingly short-cropped. They had mild and beautiful faces, exceedingly fair, with ruddy complexions. The hair and beard of some were black, others sandy, and still others yellow. The captain, as we designated the dignitary in command of the great vessel, was fully a head taller than any of his companions. The women averaged from ten to eleven feet in height. Their features were especially regular and refined, while their complexion was of a most delicate tint heightened by a healthful glow.
List Members,
"The great luminous cloud or ball of dull-red fiery - fire-red in the mornings and evenings, and during the day giving off a beautiful white light, "The Smoky God," - is seemingly suspended in the center of the great vacuum "within" the earth, and held to its place by the immutable law of gravitation, or a repellant atmospheric force, as the case may be. I refer to the known power that draws or repels with equal force in all directions"
Olaf is noticing curvature anomalies due to being on the rim of the opening. The outflow of magnetic and electromagnetic energies from the spinning orifice confuse the compass as one approaches the orifice, And since there is a downward slope after the rim, the needle points downward and hits the base of the rim.
"We had scarcely appeased our hunger when a breeze began filling the idle
sails, and, glancing at the compass, we found the northern point pressing
hard against the glass. In response to my surprise, my father said: "I have
heard of this before; it is what they call the dipping of the needle." We
loosened the compass and turned it at right angles with the surface of the
sea before its point would free itself from the glass and point according to
unmolested attraction. It shifted uneasily, and seemed as unsteady as a
drunken man, but finally pointed a course. Before this we thought the wind
was carrying us north by northwest, but, with the needle free, we
discovered, if it could be relied upon, that we were sailing slightly north
by northeast. Our course, however, was ever tending northward"