ODD: Mysterious 10-12 Feet High Metal Monolith Discovered In Remote Area Of Utah Desert

Sorry, but I don't see the similarities with the monolith in "2001 A Space Odyssey" that they're saying...


Very interesting @Soretna !


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Mysterious, where did it come from, who put it there and why?

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I find this particularly interesting with the rivets or whatever the markings are around the sides. This leads me to believe that this is NOT solid and has something inside of it. It's also substantial (a lot of mass) and buried so there's definitely something going on here...

I suspect , there is a DUMB (Deep Underground Military Base) hidden beneath this Metal Monolith - which itself is some kind of a marker , or perhaps even a high tech antenna of some sort , for communication with Satellites maybe...


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That has been my thought as well...

Folks , "SOMEONE" removed it yesterday - the plot thickens !!

**I believe there are extensive natural cave systems in the vicinity , which may have been utilised to build the DUMB over there...hmm !



The vast "Dugway Proving Ground" (underground) facility is close by to this site...frequent UFO sightings over this remote area , have also been reported .


Apparently a 3rd "monolith" was found in California today after a 2nd was found in Romania. I had the initial impression that these were square, but in reality I guess they are equilateral triangles?



I guess it bothers me that I feel as though there's some rotten mainstream media agenda here, especially with their incessantly absurd mentioning of "2001: A Space Odyssey" which has NO resemblance whatsoever.

You're probably right @Soretna , this could also be a prank (the one in Romania) - to make a parody of the first one that appeared in Utah (might have been a genuine one) !


Could be - copy cats. Or distractive psyops to shift attention away and diminish significance of the first one and perhaps a large installation or component under it in Utah. Hmm.