Here the Guide in Etidorhpa makes the point that if gravity were
related to
the density of mass and centered at the center of the Earth globe,
the air
would tend to disappear from the surface and gravitate towards the
portion. 45 miles of atmosphere, having only a few miles of dense atmosphere, wouldn't resist for long on a planet
with a
diameter of 5,000 miles; any increase in gravity and the gas will
denser at the center. Equilibrium would not likely last for
thousands, what
to speak of millions, of years.
According to the alternative thinking of Joseph H. Cater, since the
frequency of radiation that induces gravity effects is strongest at the surface, the
density of the atmosphere/air tends to be the greatest in relation to
the surface. Gravity effects induced by a certain frequency of radiation do not, of course, have anything to do with the density of mass. Newtonian gravity as a concept doesn't combine well with the idea that the planet is hollow. The electrical charge that a mass contains participates in the gravitational process, but the density of mass is not causative.
From Chapter 49 of Etidorhpa:
" The greater degree of attraction for gases belongs, therefore, to
earth's exterior surface."
" Exactly at the earth's exterior surface ?" I asked.
" Practically so. The greatest density of the air is found a few
miles below
the surface of the ocean; the air becomes more attenuated as we
proceed in
either direction from that point. Were this not the case, the
that surrounds the earth would be quickly absorbed into its
substance, or
expand into space and disappear."
" Scientific men claim that the atmosphere is forty-five geographical
in depth over the earth's surface," I said.
" If the earth is eight thousand miles in diameter, how long
would such an atmosphere, a skin only, over a great ball, resist
such attraction, and remain above the globe? Were it really
attracted towards its center- it would disappear as a film of water
into a sponge."
" Do you know," I interrupted, " that if these statements were made
to men
they would not be credited? Scientific men have calculated the
weights of
the planets, and have estimated therefrom the density of the earth,
it to be solid, and knowing its density, they would, on this
alone, discredit your story concerning the earth shell."
" You mistake, as you will presently see. It is true that man's
has enabled him to ascertain the weights and densities of the
planets, but
do you mean to say that these scientific results preclude the
possibility of
a hollow interior of the heavenly bodies?"
" I confess, I do."
" You should know then, that what men define as density of the earth,
is but
an average value, which is much higher than that exhibited by
materials in
the surface layers of the earth crust, such as come within the
scrutiny of
man. This fact allows mortals of upper earth but a vague conjecture
as to
the nature of the seemingly much heavier substances that exist in the
interior of the earth. Have men any data on hand to show exactly how
is distributed below the limited zone that is accessible to their
" I think not."
" You may safely accept, then, that the earth shell I have described
to you
embraces in a compact form the total weight of the earth. Even though
take for granted that mattes fills out the whole interior of our
such material would not, if distributed as on earth's surface, give
earth the density he has determined for it."
" I must acquiesce in your explanations."
" Let us now go a step further in this argument. What do you imagine
is the
nature of those heavier substances whose existence deep within the
earth is
suggested by the exceedingly high total density observed by man on
" I am unable to explain, especially as the materials surrounding us
seemingly, do not differ much from those with which my former life.
Experience has made me acquainted."
" Your observation is correct, there is no essential difference in
regard. But as we are descending into the interior of this globe, and
approaching the central seat of the shell of energy, the opposing
force into
which we plunge becomes correspondingly stronger, and as a
matter pressed within it becomes really lighter. Your own experience
your weight gradually disappearing during this journey should
convince you
of the correctness of this fact."
" Indeed, it does," I admitted.
" You will then readily understand, that the heavy material to which
surface-bred mortals allude as probably constituting the interior of
earth, is, in fact, nothing but the manifestation of a matter-
force, as exemplified in the sphere of attractive energy, the seat of
we are soon to encounter on our journey. Likewise the mutual
attraction of
the heavenly bodies is not a property solely of their material part,
but an
expression in which both the force-spheres and the matter collected
take part.
" Tell me more of the sphere in which gravitation is intensest."
" Of that you are yet to judge," he replied. "When we come to a state
rest in the stratum of greater gravity, we will then traverse this
in the sheet of energy until we reach the edge of the earth crust,
which we will ascend towards the interior of the earth, until we
reach the
inner crust, which is, as before explained, a surface of matter that
comformably with the external crust of the earth, and which is the
surface of the solid part of the earth. There is a concave world
beneath the
outer convex world."
Posted by Dean