Nearly One Hundred 1,000-Year-Old Mysterious Manuscripts Discovered in Afghanistan cave - Lost tribes of Israel ??

Folks , I keep saying this - desolate places like jungles , deserts and mountain caves hide many secrets about humanity's past...we don't look there because we believe nothing can be found in such areas .

However , the climate of ancient times was quite different to the present age and the barren deserts of today may have had salubrious climate in bygone eras...

**The best example is Egypt and the entire Sahara desert . Not many know this but even the Thar & Cholistan desert spread across India & Pakistan has possibly a 1,000 cities of the Indus Valley Civilisation buried beneath the sands (remember the account of Alexander the Great's scout - Aristobolus , who had seen a 1,000 abandoned cities near the Indus river)...this also proves that present day border regions or "no man's lands" often turn out to be the archaeologist's gold mine , because nobody ever thinks of searching in those kinds of places !

***What makes this particular find all the more interesting is that it is from Bamiyan (where the Giant statues of ancient Buddha were destroyed by Taliban in 2001), beyond the Hindukush...located on the Silk Route.

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