Well, Jan Lamprect's data and information could strengthen anyone's arguments, that's for sure.
But his train of thought and info seems to be more from mainstream sources, which surprised me. It smacked of the comments that you read in Somebody Else Is on The Moon or the book Alien Bases on The Moon.
The video tells of activities on The Moon, constructions, bridges, roads, building complexes and vehicles.
And artificial phenomena; he mentions the Crater Linné shrinking over time from a 6 mile diameter to a 1 1/2 mile diameter. To fill in is one thing, but it is still a circular crater.
It's good to see a fresh, credible presentation of all these things. You know, lest we forget.
I don't know what the background of the maker of the video is, or how he became so convinced of the hollow nature of The Moon, but it sure is a relief to see somebody put together something cohesive and sensible like that. He seems like an ally that we didn't even know about.