LOL: 48 million science papers were too difficult to parse and get consistent "truth" from for AI

I find this interesting with far reaching implications regarding the garbage "science" that has been done over the past century:

Of course the author of the article's bias shines through like a laser beam, but there is enough here to draw your own conclusions when you have a bit of knowledge and context.

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Very intriguing @Soretna , thanks for sharing ! This is THE ONLY peer review that counts :))


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48 million science papers - Science, not "woo woo" - but the AI "spewed misinformation".

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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You know @SilverMoon , the prime reason for the AI to "spew misinformation" , is due to the inherent contradictions & confusions ingrained within these 48 million science papers ! That is the biggest joke :))


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I found it interesting that is being attacked and likely to be shut down or have enormous amounts of information illegalized. This clearly indicates, in my mind, that they are concerned about controlling the corpora of knowledge that can be utilized to train AIs so that "they" can control the source of "truth"...

Also @SilverMoon your remark of "woo woo" reminds me of the vile attacks that Cliff High has done lately on the Elohim. He clearly is drinking the cavern-world aligned doctrine of the inverted truth found in the Enuma Elish and other such texts that are actually written from the "other side". The Elohim are actually our liberators and Family and have exactly the opposite goals Cliff has tried to attribute to them and thanks to cavern/satanic influence and data.

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I never thought of it that way. I am sure you are right!

I am not surprised. I have thought for years that this might happen (shut down). Sigh.

I don't recall Cliff High, but it sounds like he is definitely working for the dark forces.