JWST detects possible Aurora on distant brown dwarf !

List members , here is another compelling example of a celestial body in isolation having it's own Aurora , powered by it's intrinsic processes and NOT due to any external source , like a parent star :-




A spinning solenoid generates a magnetic canopy. I think that we aren't the only ones that are catching on.



Yes @deandddd , just see how important it is for astronomers to study this kind of Aurora on completely isolated celestial bodies , where the root cause for Aurora cannot be attributed to ANY external cause or source .

We are going to win this debate - YES , for sure we are , it's only a matter of time :))

**Each such discovery is making the mainstream theory about Solar Wind from the host star as the root cause and ultimate source of planetary Aurorae , more and more untenable !


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I don't doubt that we could win the debate. However, I am beginning to think that the world as we know it is about to go up in nuclear cinders, if you know what I mean. I just hope that science will continue to exist within a framework of freedom and functional democracy.

Anyway, here is a nice page; Outer Planet

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You will find this maybe makes your mind reach with your hint of nuclear cinders @deandddd:

I am dumbstruck. So the USA and Russia are in cahoots?

But we've seen all kinds of nuclear explosions and mushroom clouds.


They also did nuclear testing in the Nevada desert. I know many were tested underground. I don't recall seeing a mushroom cloud when I was a little kid in St. George, Utah, but the gorge separated us. But in later years, there was a thing about "downwinders" (people who had lived "downwind" of the testing) and there were certain cancers the gov't would give people money for if they had been outside during a nuclear test. My mom died with colon cancer, which was one of the accepted cancers. After her death, one of my siblings applied to get the money, and we were approved (I'd rather have my mom than money from the gov't, though). I doubt the gov't would have been awarding money for testing that didn't happen.

Also, as an adult, I talked to a woman at church who had been good friends with my sister when we had lived in St. George when I was little. She said she would go outside and wipe the dust (fallout dust) off her mom's car with her hands so the windshields and windows would be clean for the mom to drive to work. Now, with underground testing, it's probable that the fallout was mixed with dirt; it obviously hadn't harmed her as a child. I've not kept up with her to see if she ever ended up with cancer from it (I hope not).


Yes, I tend to believe in nuclear bombs, all things said and done.


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