Is The Gorgon Underground World Under Peru?


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Huari-Viracocha, The Andean Version of Perseus

You'll find: " That identification is based on the description of the iconoclastic priest, Vega Bazan , who mentions a very large subterranean temple, constructed of large stone blocks, with extensive labyrinths, where the god "Huari" was worshipped."

It continues: "That identification is based on the description of the iconoclastic priest, Vega Bazan, who mentions a very large subterranean temple, constructed of large stone blocks, with extensive labyrinths, where the god "Huari" was worshipped.

According to Duviols, that description coincides perfectly with the temple of Chavín, because no other temple - or vestige of one - in ancient Conchuco Province fits Vega Bazan's description, except Chavín de Huantar.

Moreover, Duviols mentions the document by Vasques de Espinoza, who describes Conchuco Province without referring to any underground temple, except that of Chavín.

In that document, Vasques de Espinoza describes the temple of Chavín de Huantar: 20

"Near the village of Chavín there is a stone edifice, well constructed, of notable size, which was a Huaca. That edifice is one of the most famous shrines to the Indians, like Rome and Jerusalem is to the Christians.

There the devil declared the oracles to the Indians, and to hear them, they came from all over Peru."

After the archaeological works carried out at Chavín by J. C. Tello, in 1940, a series of monstrous heads was unearthed.

Considering the power attributed to the Gorgon Medusa in transforming anyone into stone, these heads with bulging eyes which formerly decorated the outer walls of the temple, like trophy heads (Illus. 9a and 9b), are petrified witnesses that allow one to identify Chavín with the abode of the Gorgons, cited in Hesiod's Theogony."

People, know that the Roman poet Virgil commented that the Gorgons lived at the entrance of the Underworld ...

Was the entrance to the underground world of the Gorgon's in Peru?

Cheers! (And look out for Medusa!!!)
