compiled by B. Alan Walton
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#l --- The following account comes from pages 7-10 of the July, 1954 issue of FATE magazine:
"Nearly a year ago workers of the Lion Coal Corp's Wattis mine of Wattis, Utah, broke into a network of tunnels which appeared to be of great antiquity. According to A. B. Foulger, vice president and general manager of the company, the miners were advancing down the center of a 3,OOO-foot peninsula branching off from the mountain where the mine is located. They were working an eight-foot coal seam at 8,500 feet.
"As they moved down the peninsula, the miners ran into pockets of coal that had oxidized to the point that it could almost be scooped off the face with bare hands. They encountered larger and larger pockets of this lifeless coal until at last they hit two tunnels, about 200 feet apart.
"In May, 1953, both the tunnels appeared to be between five and six feet in height and width. Because of moisture, the coal between the two tunnels had deteriorated to the point where it was no longer merchantable.
"Several of the miners crawling down these old drifts a short distance found that the tunnels were about half full of slack coal. Rooms had been mined off from either side of the tunnels...
"By the testimony of the mining engineers, they were of such great antiquity that the coal had weathered to uselessness for any kind of burning or heat. By the testimony of the miners, there were not only tunnels but coal mining rooms.
Straight to Mount Scott the leader of the herd walked. Behind him came the cows and their calves, and a few young males who had survived. As the woman watched, the face of the mountain opened.
Inside Mount Scott the world was green and fresh, as it had been when she was a small girl. The rivers ran clear, not red. The wild plums were in blossom, chasing the red buds up the inside slopes. Into this world of beauty the buffalo walked, never to be seen again.
#19 --- In an article titled "The Shaver Mystery" by Vincent H. Gaddis, in the August, 1946 issue of AMAZING STORIES magazine, he quotes from some booklets written by Maurice Doreal., p.160:
"In a series of booklets written by Dr. M. Doreal, issued by the Brotherhood of the White Temple., 1600 Logan st., Denver 5, Colo., the following claims are made:
“Eight shafts are protected by a "blue" race of underworld beings. One of the entrances is given as not far from Sulpher Springs, Oklahoma, and within a mile of Bromide Springs. Another is in Kentucky."
#20 --- Fred W. Allsopp's book "FOLKLORE OF ROMANTIC ARKANSAS", contains the following interesting legend., on pp. 156-158:
"The famous Diamond cave, one of the wonders of Arkansas, is located in the Boston mountains, three miles southwest of Jasper, Newton County. Its interior has been explored and surveyed for only three miles, but it is supposed to extend into the mountain for more than 21 miles. A dazzling panorama of magnificent stalactites and stalagmites.
Mount Scott: