India: The country is aiming to be first to land a rover on the Moon’s south pole


India wants to put a rover at the Moon's south pole. That is where one entrance is, an orifice.

What's up with India? They must know ...

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@deandddd , this attempt is actually the second one by ISRO , India's equivalent of NASA - the first one had failed 3 years ago - though I doubt this is really the first on the moon's South Pole...hmm !


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I do feel that earthmen have traveled to The Moon more times than we can imagine, even recently.

In Chapter 27 of Howard Menger's book From Outer Space to You, an excursion by a small group of contactees, of quite a few days to The Moon, is described. The trip is couched in a fictitious storyline, but the truth is presented. These people from the Earth had been contacted and cultivated by the lunar inhabitants, and their physical exposure to The Moon was the next step, I guess.

How ironic that the stay on The Moon took place on the far side. Enough construction and vehicle movement was described that we can surmise that The Moon has always had a significant amount of surface activity going on, on the far side.

Also, to me it seems that the "good guys" of the solar system also have a presence on the Earth, or had one until very recently. Perhaps the lunar inhabitants are taking enough of an issue such that they want to create contacts on Earth. And perhaps they are reaching down to us because they are in a position to help and want tp help.

I hope so.

But why is India trying to send a rocket and a rover vehicle near the entrance. Why?


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