Incredible sounds created as an ice core chunk is dropped into a deep hole in Antarctica !

Folks , here is a very unusual video about an ice chunk falling down a deep hole in maybe expected , scientists tried to dismiss this giving some concocted explanation around the Doppler effect , which is unconvincing :)) What do you think it sounds like , from deep inside ?



That is freaky-weird. There could be a natural reason for it, but it sure reminds me of Star Wars weapons firing.

I mean, it could be natural sounds made as the ice hits ice (or whatever else may be there), but it certainly doesn't match the sound a regular rock would make being dropped into a hole in the earth (dirt) - nor does it sound like what I would expect a rock of ice hitting ice on the way down.

I agree @SilverMoon , any neutral observer would say - these sounds are unnatural and not what one would expect to hear...I think the matter can be settled by conducting a similar experiment on a glacier in say , Alaska or Greenland . If it sounds different , then we've got something really strange happening in Antarctica...!


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Has anyone else here been around a lot of ice? To me these do sound somewhat normal from my many years of exposure to ice and bodies of water - albeit these are greatly amplified and quite interestingly attenuated/stretched near the end... Hmm.

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I think it would be good to conduct such experiments, also.

If they sound rather normal, but amplified to you because of your experience with ice, perhaps it is totally natural. The amplification could be because of where they had the microphone or because of the width/depth of the hole itself

@Soretna , you maybe right...I found the sound really intriguing as the ice core chunk falls deeper and deeper , not initially . The last sound is like that of a machine gun , rather like an energy beam/laser weapon !


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There are some interesting videos that capture similar effects floating about when thrill seekers skate on literal thin ice:
(YouTube Link)

(YouTube Link)

The guy who uploaded the first video has made a series it seems up to "Sketchy Ice Skating 5" it seems wherein he explains that the freezing of the pond/lake this past fall was 2 weeks earlier than previous years, which is interesting since the "global warming" narrative has been now essentially given up since they've been disproven and all of their modeling failed ("we need a more powerful super computer since we couldn't model the clouds" and so forth... yeah, try you're not even close to being accurate since your geological model is completely wrong and all of your datapoints are just a bunch of detached sets instead of being correlated with reality!):
(YouTube Link)


Fascinating! Thanks for following up.

I agree about global warming. I think Florida was supposed to be under water by now. :ocean:

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Lol, indeed @SilverMoon. Global freezing, global warming, pandemics, wars and rumors of wars... the list goes on ad infinitum and it's all to control and eliminate agency. The ability to think, reason freely and come to one's own decisions is the key to that agency. That has always been the endgame.

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It sure has!