Highly Distinguished Australian Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel, Riccardo Bosi, clues us into what we know, confirming that we are in a massive war with the Cavern Dwellers!

Another source of confirmation from Riccardo Bosi, Australian Special Forces commander, that we are fighting a terrible subterranean cavern world war currently:

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@deandddd , I think the Ukraine war and the whole effort to corner & finish off Russia is part of this same conspiracy - it failed in WW I and WW II , it seems they are even willing to risk a WW III nuclear conflict to achieve their nefarious aims !!


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Unfortunately true.

Tears ... no "Cheers!" this time.

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Definitely no cheers for the Babylonian war going on inside the crust and the devastation they've laid waste upon us out here on the dismal ass side of the planet.

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