Fairies ...


Look up this book on Amazon:

Fairy Lore: A Handbook (Greenwood Folklore Handbooks)

Then read the caption.

Fairies live underground. For example, in Avalon.


This is very interesting @deandddd. Unfortunately I'm not finding the caption anywhere on Amazon or elsewhere so far.

Seeing this post reminds me of the idea that perhaps we should start a "book club" up for group members. Basically we could set up a donation pot / pool where we all pitch in to buy interesting books and then privately mail the book around to each of the members who donated for a book until we've all shared it and had a chance to read it. This would allow for us to buy books that usually would cost tens or hundreds of dollars rather easily and thus increase our collective knowledge.

Amazon book link:

I did some additional digging and found that the Goodreads.com entry links to the Australian Amazon store that does have additional higher quality photos (not perfect, but legible):



But unfortunately I still did not find any caption that says

Am I missing it? I think it might be worth buying this book nonetheless, but most copies are rather expensive for such a relatively recently published book.

That comment about fairies living underground, in Avalon, was my ad lib. I am sorry that I let it out without making the distinction clear.

I have been away from the lis for about a week, but I am getting back into it.

Life is getting wierd, to say the least, and Brazil is going topsy turvy.


I think that we have to go beyond a book club. Everyone needs a collection of hollow earth and underground worlds books.

People need hard copies. The NAZIs burned books, but the NWO can take away all of our information by just sending around a virus or two. If you have to, sell your wife's jewelry!

: ^ )

But buy some books on the hollow earth ...


The purpose of the "book club" is multi-pronged and perhaps more useful than one may initially realize. At the very least it makes information more accessible, especially for those who don't have any jewelry to sell... :smiley:


One thing is for sure. We do need to get more information out there on the matter of fairies. Of all the lemental, underground populations, their's is perhaps the best known, and the population that we have the most information about.

But not much is available.

I think I will pick up an Ashliman book.


Posted by Dean ...

An excerpt from Fairies at Work and Play, by Geoffrey Hodson of the
Theosophical Society.

Look at what lives directly below the surface.


A Rock Gnome

Lake District. June, 1922.

"Deep within the solid rock behind us there is an evolving
consciousness, which manifests chiefly as form-less blotches of
colour, a sort of embryo gnome. the beginnings of the head are
visible in shadowy outline, together with the eyes and mouth, but the
rest of the body is only faintly suggested, like the preliminary work
of an artist, who might put in his main patches of colour and leave
the clear outlines to a later stage. But for this vagueness the
creature would be excessively ugly, not to say monstrous in
appearance. To etheric sight the whole rock is transparent and the
creature appears as if within a huge glass receptacle, through which
it is only vaguely aware of its surroundings. The only power of
volition that it appears to possess is that of slowly changing the
focus and direction of its dim and limited conscious-ness; this it
does very vaguely and dreamily. The main colourings, which are of
considerable density, are red, green and brown, and these are stirred
by faint ripples only, in response to the slowly awakening

The presence of this creature gives a certain indivi-duality to the
rock, noticeable on the physical plane as a magnetic vibration. It is
difficult to judge its size, but it is probably ten to fifteen feet
high. The feet that are to be are deep below the surface of the earth
in which the rock is buried, and the head some three feet from the
top of the rock."

And another one ...


Dancing Gnomes, Pages 41 - 42

"There are some gnomes here which are at a lower stage of development
than the tree-gnomes. They are smaller in size, being about four to
six inches high. The gnome photographed a few years ago • probably
belongs to this type. They differ from the tree gnome in that they
are not solitary, but live and play in groups, their antics and games
being weird and grotesque in the extreme. They are gaily coloured
little fellows and use much stronger and brighter shades than do the
fairies. The group which I am observing is dancing in a half circle;
they are holding each other's hands and are swinging from side to
side; their legs are not straightened and the knees point outwards.
Their arms are too long and not perfectly straight at the elbow. They
grin in an odd childlike way, and their beady dark eyes are gleaming
with a queer expression as if they were experiencing inward ecstasy.
Their wings, shaped like those of the bat, are opened out laterally
behind them, and are of a darker colour than their bodies, smooth and
furry in substance and of extremely fine texture.

Apparently their contact with each other, their oscillat-ing
movement, though purposeless on the physical plane, produces a highly
pleasurable astral sensation. I see that it has the effect of
disturbing and exciting the astral body, which is just a cloud of
unorganised matter about twice the size of the physical. Undoubtedly
they are also imposing a special kind of vibratory force upon it.
In repose, or semi-repose, the astral body is an almost shapeless
cloud of matter; it is only slightly tinged with colour and has the
effect of moonlight. There are shades of red and pink, and of
gleaming yellow some-thing like that of an autumn leaf, and also
russet browns. When exalted by the dance, from the centre of the
astral body (approximately at the solar plexus) vibra-tions begin,
stirring the whole body into life as they sweep through it in waves
and ripples. The colours then become more intense, the aura
increases, and the gnome is enjoying, to the fulness of his capacity,
the effects thus produced.

Suddenly their movement changes, although the original semi-circular
formation is maintained. They now dance backwards and forwards,
raising and bending their legs and replacing their feet upon the
ground in comically fantastic attitudes. They appear only conscious
of the brilliant sunshine and the vital condition of the atmosphere.
They have nothing of the flashing rapidity of the fairies, or even of
the wood-elves. They are quaint, stiff and antique in their
movements. Nevertheless, they have, like all astral and etheric
creatures, the power of rapid motion through space."