Evidence of some or many "mounds" being efforts to cover entry/exit points to cavern world...

Recently it came to my attention from a non-publicly posting list member that many so-called mounds around the world have subterranean components to them. This evidences that while many have thought mounds were simply "burial" locations, it is much more likely it was efforts from the previous surface dwellers to seal off cavern world entrance/exit points and may explain why there are so many fewer sightings of such things in regions where there are many mounds. LiDAR and GPR (ground penetrating radar) scans are showing more and more evidence of much more underground activity than one may have traditionally believed - and what the Smithsonian would have wanted you to believe.

Another interesting topic is that there is evidence from some cultures that the bodies of the dead have been used as efforts to stop "supernatural" events or entrances from occurring. One such instance that is perhaps very open and evident is the use of the graveyard in front of the gates where Christ is to return through in Jerusalem. Some believe that the dead or their bodies can seal up such passages and subsequently it may be also why some of these "mounds" may have dead bodies/graves in them as well.

Very interesting food for thought - and further research.

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It would be hard to investigate mounds because they are out in the open and someone wouold stop the effort.

The Serpent Mound would be a good place to start, though.



'twould indeed! So many have unknown mounds just on their farms in some region, but it's hard to get permission even there to poke about.

@Soretna , @deandddd , if you want to know where maximum no. of prehistoric mounds can be found in the world - it is without ANY doubt , Pakistan .

Yes, you may find it surprising , but the present day borders of India do not encompass a large number of such mounds , the reason being that Pakistan region was an integral part of Indian civilisation . Indeed , THE earliest civilisation (of the Indus Valley) of Indian subcontinent and the Hindu religion itself took shape in the North-Western part of the Indian subcontinent , which was lost by India , when the departing British colonialists carved out Pakistan in 1947 .

***There are literally hundreds of ancient mounds littered across the dusty landscape of Pakistan...because Muslims have this practice of building Sufi shrines on top of such ancient mounds , unfortunately most of such mounds have therefore become "off limits" for ANY archaeological excavation .

As a result , what is left is just local folklore about what lies beneath such mounds . In local language across the subcontinent , such prehistoric mounds are called "Teela" , or "Tell" features (in the English language) and called "Tepe" in Turkish .


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@sidharthabahadur you may be curious to know that there are hundreds - but likely thousands - of such mounds in Appalachia and the Midwest. I don't know if it's document anywhere thoroughly, but it is remarkable to see them just sitting around everywhere with no recognition or identification. Farmers have them just sitting around in their corn fields and so forth.

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Thanks for sharing this insight , @Soretna . That region of the US definitely holds a lot of archaeological potential .

The same is the case of the Indus Valley Civilisation...only the sites of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro are well known , but there are HUNDREDs of other mounds inside Pakistan , on which their government has never taken any interest for archaeological exploration - the PREHISTORIC Balochistan Sphinx and the ancient city surrounding it , is just one notable example . Then we also have the mysterious ancient Greek account from Aristobolus , Alexander the Great's most trusted scout , about the "more than THOUSAND abandoned towns and villages seen in the Indus region." Those sites probably lie buried under the desert sands now in that region , hence can no longer be seen by anybody .

***The Pakistanis simply don't want to acknowledge the hard truth - basically remind themselves and the whole world about Islamic Pakistan's Vedic Hindu past :))


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I would love to buy some land and discover a mound on it. I'd let you guys come and investigate it (I live in the U.S.).